Hey Everyone!

If you are reading this, welcome! I am mainly writing this so that I can read it but if you like that's awesome!

There are a couple of things I would like to point out before I start the story.

Number 1: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters unfortunately

Number 2: I do respect the casting choices for the films, however, I have a different perspective of things. For Bella, in this story I would say my Bella is closest to the actress Marie Avgeropoulos. I do like Taylor Lautner as Jacob, just imagine that he has the muscles of Jason Momoa.

Number 3: I absolutely hate the fact that Bella was wallowing in self-pity. In this story, she will be stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically. She will also be more edgy than the cookie cutter Bella in the book, although I love her just as much.

Number 4: I have a cussing problem and I like to read lemons so be prepared!

Number 5: I also have little patience. We all know Bella has always been in love with Jacob. There's no point in dragging it out.

Number 6: Drama kind of stressing me out. Of course, there has to be a little bit of drama but I don't want to sweat while I am reading a story

Number 7: Jacob will be the same age as Bella. They will both be 18.

Number 8: I don't know anything about Quileute culture and I truly don't want to offend anyone so for the sake of that, I will not be going into detail about legends or anything like that. All we need to know is that Bella is a boss ass bitch.

Well that's all! I hope you enjoy!

Omega Chapter 1:


I could not contain my excitement! Spending the whole summer away from Charlie, and my friends, and a certain sexy werewolf, was bittersweet. I enjoyed spending some extra time with Renee but it was so hard to leave. But leaving was the best thing that could have happened to me. It made me realize that Edward Cullen does not control me and he never will. It made me release how strong I am. I remember the very day that I finally came to my senses.


As a laid down on my hardwood floor in my dim lit bedroom, I began to let my mind wander. He left me, he didn't want me, I wasn't good enough. All I could think about was how weak I was and how helpless I was. That last thought seemed to strike a nerve. NO, I refuse to be helpless anymore! Renee did not raise me to be that way. She did not raise me to wallow over some BOY, that does not want me. And what I put Charlie through…and Jake….I should be ashamed of myself. You know what? Fuck him! Edward Cullen can suck my ass!

At this point I was laughing hysterically at how pathetic I had been acting. Over a cold, controlling, prudish, ASSHOLE! Suddenly I heard Charlie rip the door open, alarmed by what sounded like a psychotic break.

"Bella! What's wrong? Is everything alright? Are you…laughing?"

As he looked at me perplexed, I couldn't help but to jump up and give him a crushing hug.

"Oh Dad! I am better than ever. I am so sorry for everything I put you through. Listen, I think it would be best to spend the summer with Renee in Florida. Just so I can clear my head and get my life together."

His face suddenly dropped.

"But Bel…"

"Please Dad? I really need this. I promise that I will call you every day. Please!?"

His eyes searched mine for a minute. And then with a sigh he said,

"Ok Bells, I will call your mom and let her know. But you have to promise to call me!"

"I will Dad! Thank you so much! I love you!"

I immediately turned to start packing

"Oh Bells, you might want to let Jake know before you leave. He's probably going to have a hard time with it."

I froze. Oh no, Jake.

End Flashback

A sudden jolt of the plane brought me back to the present.

Sorry everybody we are just experiencing a little bit of turbulence. The captain has it under control.

I let out the breath that I had been holding in. I couldn't risk not ever seeing my Jacob again. The day I had said goodbye, I wanted to kiss him so bad my mouth watered. I was too much of a wuss to do it. I couldn't allow myself to have a taste of his plump lips and then have to leave for 3 months.

The day that we parted, it felt as if my soul was ripping in two. I didn't understand what was happening? Why, suddenly, I felt like I couldn't live without him. How was I supposed to know that we were imprints and mates?!

That is actually a pretty large reason why I was excited to come back to Forks. Right when I got off the plane to Florida, I was sweltering hot. I thought it was just because my body wasn't used to the scorching temperatures. That was until the shivering and growth spurts began to happen. Within the first week I had grown 3 inches and my…womanly assets…. had grown tremendously. I could feel that Renee knew something about this change but she refused to say anything. That was until one day I woke up to find that my eyes had turned an icy blue.

Renee finally broke down and let me know that Grandma Swan was an Omega. They are the protectors and guardians of all shapeshifters. They are extremely powerful and should never be reckoned with. It just so happened that it skipped a generation.

Over the summer, I have found that I hold countless powers and abilities that can sometimes be uncontrollable. But with a lot of help from my mom, I now have a good handle on my gifts. Just don't piss me off unless you want to be incinerated.

Of course, I had to tell Jake and that's when he let me know about imprinting. He made a joke about how we would be the ultimate "goals" as the kids say it. An alpha and an omega. I had to pretty much threaten him to keep him from coming up to Jacksonville. Even though it killed me to be away from him, he had a duty to his pack that he had to fulfill. We still talked every day and let's just say it was getting harder and harder to stay away from him.

Of course, word got out to all of La Push, resulting in about 20 calls a day from different pack and council members. I guess they were happy knowing that they would be kept safe. The pack members were just happy to have a new sister, even Leah. I talked to them every single day. They are now my family.

I had thought that it would be difficult to tell Charlie but he took it very well. It turns out that he knew all along, he just could not say anything!

By the time my full transformation was complete, I didn't look like the scared little girl I once was. I looked like a woman. My once boyish shape had been transformed in to a curvy hourglass. My A cups had turned into a D cup. That was a lot to get used to. My skin now held a deep tan that I would have only dreamed of having. My eyes were an icy blue, my eyelashes were longer and my lips were plumper.

Around July, I had taken a glance in the mirror and realized that although my appearance had changed drastically, there was still some things missing. So, I decided to give myself a badass makeover for lack of a better word. About a month and a half later I walked onto the plane home with dark burgundy hair, a large tattoo on my thigh and a floral sleeve on my right arm.

As I looked down at my outfit, I realized that you can clearing see the two bars running through my nipples in my thin black halter crop top. I also threw on some high top white converse and high waist denim shorts because although I changed I am still Bella and I refuse to wear anything but flats on a fucking plane.

I felt kind of bad for not telling Jake about any of these physical changes being that he had told me about his 30-pound muscle gain and tribal tattoo that wrapped around his left peck and went down to his wrist. However, I wanted to surprise him!

If all passengers could please put on their seatbelts, we are landing!

I took a deep breath and buckled myself in. Here we go…


As I walked through the terminal, I looked around for Jake. While scanning around, my eyes landed on a russet skinned man who was as tall but not quite as muscular as the man I wished to see. I immediately knew who it was.


He immediately looked around to see where the voice was coming from. I saw his eyes move right past me and do a double take


I ran and gave him a huge hug as he lifted me off the ground.

As he set me back down, he held me at arm's length and looked at me. He shook his head and said,

"Bells, please don't kill my brother with this new look of yours. I don't know if his heart can take it! We already see more than we need to on patrol."

I chuckled and asked

"Where is Jake by the way. Not that I'm not happy to see you but I thought he was picking me up"

"Don't worry, he just got held up fixing up the rabbit. It broke down right before he was supposed to come but I'll take you there right now so you can molest your man."

I smacked him in the chest as he grabbed my bag, trying to hide the smile on my face. That's exactly what I was going to do.


"Alright Bells I have to go back on patrol. Try not to give Jake a heart attack. I do like him around."

I rolled my eyes and swatted him before getting out of his truck. I took a deep breath as a heard Sam drive away. I slowly started walking to Jake's garage where he was blasting music from his radio. As I turned the corner to the garage entrance, I instantly froze in place. Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I know that Jake was good looking before, but this man bent of the hood of the rabbit, with be the death of me. Watching his muscles ripple as he worked on the engine, was making my feminine parts tingle. I watched a bead of sweat trail down his furrowed brow to his plump lips, down to his strong jaw stopping at his tattoo covered broad chest.

I tried to swallow but my mouth was so dry. How am I this turned on and I haven't even touched him yet? He is so sexy I just want to lick him and bite him and…


I looked up startled by the deep husky voice only to be met with the darkened eyes of my mate.