AN: Hey everyone, got the first chapter to a new story I am writing. This one is a crossover with The Saga of Tanya the Evil and RWBY, (this is one of my new favorite anime/manga this year and I like using the RWBY's world and characters as conduits for my crossover stories). This story is not going to be as long as my other, ongoing stories, (predicting an estimated 12 chapters here). However, this is something I wanted to write to mix things up for a bit and try out some different tones, motifs, and themes. If you have any questions, they may be answered in the AN at the end of this chapter. If not, leave it in a review or PM me. Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you thought or if you have any suggestions, and have a nice day.

Chapter 1 – What a Ridiculous Question

The time was midday at the landing platform for Beacon Academy, many Atlas airships were in the sky. Some landing to pick up future hunters and huntresses. Others leaving the kingdom of Vale to tackle the enemies outside the boundaries of safety.

One particular team was waiting in anticipation to meet their supervisors for their mission. That group of young huntresses in training was Team RWBY. The four members all looked in anticipation as an airship began to descend near them. All members stood at attention, but the leader struggled to keep her balance as she carried a large backpack.

The heiress looked over to her leader with slight anger in her eyes, "Ruby, get a hold of yourself!" Weiss said as the airship landed, "Did you really have to bring him and all that food?"

"I'm sorry," Ruby replied as she readjusted her grip on the backpack, "But Zwei likes to eat and my dad sent us all those cans of food."

"So then why did you take a whole chicken from the cafeteria?" Weiss responded with more confusion than anger in her voice. Her leader only replied with a giggle. The hatch entrance to the airship began to open.

"I wonder who our supervisor is?" Blake said, "We really didn't get much information for this mission."

"Well, we technically are not supposed to be on this type of mission," Yang said as she turned to her cat Faunus friend with a grin on her face, "Maybe it will be Oobleck or Port." She said jokingly as Blake looked forward.

The team watched somebody they weren't expecting to walk out the airship. The person was a blond child, no more than an eleven years old girl. She wore an Atlas military uniform, but the color seems was off. The primary color was a light gray, but the usual white was replied with a dark red trim. Near her collar, she wore a red spherical medal. However, that was not the only medal she had on her person. On her chest was a small, silver medal with two feathered wings. Strapped to her back was a wood frame rifle, already loaded. She jumped out of the airship and walked over to Team RWBY, her light blue eyes focused on the group.

"Good Afternoon," The child said as she walked towards the team. As she stopped in front of Ruby, the silver eyed girl realized that even she was taller than this little girl, "You are Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY?"

"Uhhh….yes," Ruby said as she was longing back to the airship, wondering if somebody else was still coming, "Is their someone else in there?"

"Was it Take Your Daughter to Work Day?" Yang said as also looked to the airship. The little girl then turned the blond teenager with a look of disenchantment, "I guess not." Yang responded softly as she noticed the glaring blue eyes at her.

"My name is Tanya von Degurechaff," the small child responded as her answer, "The one assigned to your team as the mission supervisor."

"You're a Huntress," Ruby responded in shock, "At your age!?"

"No, I'm a Major," Tanya corrected as she glared up at the silver eyed girl, "From my understanding, you are two years younger than the average first-year students," As she was talking Ruby wanted to retract her own previous statement, "In fact, all of you are assigned to a mission you are not supposed to take in your first year." The whole team went quite as she looked at the four, "With that, I hardly think my age should be a topic of discussion now." A silence fell over the area as the major scanned the students with her blue eyes, "Moving on, the four of you are going on a search and destroy mission outside the kingdom. I, however, need to get the proper documentation on the specifics from my supervisor before we can leave." Tanya said as she noticed Ruby's large backpack, "While I am doing that, please put away that backpack. There are enough supplies at our destination."

"But, I-" Ruby said as the backpack began to shake, emanating a slight barking sound. Tanya reached for a gun as the others began to panic, "NO!" Ruby said as she put down the backpack and opened it, "It's not what you think, look." The silver eyed girl then took out her corgi she planned to sneak the mission, "See, just a little dog."

"Why were you planning to take a dog on our mission!?" Tanya said as she still had her hands on her rifle.

"Well, my dad sent him to me to look after for a while." The team leader replied, "I couldn't leave him alone in my room."

"You cannot have an animal like that no a mission like this. Unless it has had special training." Tanya said as she looked at Ruby, who was still uneasy as she saw the leader still holding the gun.

"Well, he can roll over, go fetch, and play-" Ruby said as she noticed Tanya moved the end of the barrel towards Zwei. She decided not to finish her sentence. Tanya looked at the fear in Ruby's eyes, she then glanced over to the other members of the team, all were in shock at what the major's body language was suggesting. Yang's eyes turned red in anger as Tanya's were unflinching.

The major let out a sigh as she lowered her weapon, "We will reconvene here in exactly one hour," She then looked back to Ruby, "Find someone to take that dog; a friend, a kennel, I don't care." Tanya holstered the weapon on her back, "If you try to sneak him on this mission, my first order will be for you to dig a hole. Understand?"

"Y…yes," Ruby said as she held Zwei close to her body. Tanya nodded as she walked by the team, heading towards the Beacon tower. Weiss knelt to pat the leader on her back. Yang's eyes were still red as she watched Tanya leave, seething with rage.

Blake looked over to Yang, "I think I would have preferred Oobleck."

At the Beacon Tower.

Tanya entered the large building, walking the front desk. She relinquished her to the service desk attendant and made her way to the elevator. It was empty as she walked in, the doors closing behind her. She looked at the numerous buttons for all the floors. The major looked up to the top floor button high up on the wall. She stood on her tiptoes to try and reach the button but was unable to. She gritted her teeth as she hopped to press the button, accidentally hitting the second floor from the top floor. Tanya sighed before jumping again, this time, hitting the top floor button. She waited for the elevator to go up. As it stopped on the floor she accidentally pressed, she noticed nobody near the door. She pressed the close door button three times before it worked. Some, the elevator ascended to her proper destination. The doors opened to reveal three adults waiting for her; Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood.

"Welcome to Vale, Miss Degurechaff," the headmaster said as Tanya exited the elevator, "How was your flight in?"

"The trip took longer due to an unkindness of Nevermore passing through." Tanya said as she walked over to the three, her hands behind her back, "I apologize for the delay."

"No worries," Ozpin said as Glynda walked over to the Major with a manila folder of documents, "What you have is the case report on what happened yesterday at the communications tower. A masked female infiltrated the facility, what she did is still unknown."

General Ironwood then continued as Tanya read the reports, "We are currently scanning the system for any viruses or unauthorized programs, but nothing found yet."

"However," Glynda now spoke up, "We were given a tip as to where the culprit may be operating from. Our hunter on the field has confirmed the area is occurring an alarming amount of Grimm this time of year. As well as finding evidence of White Fang activity."

"He is currently unable to continue his investigation, for personal reasons. So, this mission was reassigned to you on short notice." Ozpin concluded as Tanya closed the folder, "Sending a full investigation team could alert the enemy. We don't have any specialized huntsmen or huntresses currently available."

"So, you want me to head the operation" Tanya reasoned as she held the folder in her right hand, "And the first-year team is meant to not arouse supposition to the actives."

"They may be first-year students, but their current skill level and training could match up to that of a graduate." Ozpin said with a smile, "I trust you met them upon landing."

"Yes, and I have read their bios," Tanya said with a slight smile forming on her face, "That claim is not an exaggeration. You have taught them well, but need to be more firm on regulations." She then looked over to Ironwood, "General Ironwood, I am reasonable to assume my authoritative rights of conduct outside the borders of a kingdom during this mission?"

"Yes, as well as leadership over Team RWBY as you see fit." General Ironwood responded, "Please use everything at your disposal to find and eliminate those that threaten the safety of the kingdom." He said with fortitude as Tanya nodded, "Dismissed."

The major turned to head towards the elevator, "Miss Degurechaff." Ozpin said, causing Tanya to turn around, "Team RWBY, they are still kids. If possible, I would like them not to lose their innocents on this mission." He said with worry in his voice as Tanya looked at him with her cold blue eyes.

"Headmaster Ozpin, with all due respect, everyone needs to grow up some time," Tanya said as she pressed to the call button to the elevator, "In this world, I noticed that law of nature benefits you the sooner than later." The door to the elevator opened, "I will try to honor your request as best I can, but I can make no guarantees, based on the way I operate." She then entered the elevator looking back to the headmaster with slight anger in her eyes, "And for the record, I would like it if you addressed me as Major Degurechaff. Have a nice day" She said as she pressed her floor and the door close button.

After a few seconds, Ozpin signed before turning to General Ironwood, "James." He said with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Ozpin, you know she is not one of your students, she is my military officer." Ironwood defended his case, "I kept made no comments of you advancing the daughter of Summer Rose like you did. At her age, she was a prodigy worth taking the risks on. The same applies to Tanya."

"Tanya was eight when you made her a soldier," Glynda intervened with disgust, "Now she is eleven with a body count that astonishes me to think about."

"She is the one that chose this path, I never forced her to walk down it." The general stated as he looked out the window, "That girl, she has always been in a constant struggle with life since the day she was born." He looked down to see the major having already exited the building, having retrieved her rifle.

At the Beacon Library.

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake all sat a table with the heiress on a laptop. The fourth member of their team walked over to them, closing her scroll, and putting it in her pocket, "Okay, I got friends to watch after Zwei for us." The blond teenager said as she sat next to her sister.

"Who?" Ruby asked her head on the table in folds of her arms.

"A couple of twins I know. They said they weren't doing anything anyway," Yang replied as she patted her sister on the back, "Zwei will be fine, they will pick up your backpack of food for him right after we go."

"I know, but I could have taken him with us." Ruby said, "But that girl scares me."

"Yes, I do not like her either." Yang added on as she looked over to the heiress, "Weiss, what are doing?"

"I'm looking up our supervisor to get some information on her background," Weiss responded, "Don't you think it is odd that she is so young but in the military."

"You know, it did not cross my mind," Yang said sarcastically, "What did you find?"

"It does not say much. There is not much detail in this article. She enlisted at a young age, rose quickly due to her unspecified talents, that's about it." Weiss said as she closed the website and then logged off the laptop, "I could try to pull some strings with my sister to get some information on her."

"You can try," Blake responded as she looked up at the ceiling, "If there is one thing we gathered from meeting Tanya once." The cat Faunus said with everyone thinking the same thing, "It is that she has an evil pressure I normally only feel around Grimm."

AN: There you go, that is the set up for this story. I know this is kind of dark what was suggested here, but its Tanya we are talking about. Speaking of which, I am going to run down some clarifications and guidelines in this story and the way I am writing it. For Tanya, she is basically the same origin as her military rank/ award at this stage in her life, just reincarnated in Remnant's world instead. The time in Remnant is the last ark in volume two. However, the ark itself will play out differently and have noticeable changes. The purpose of this story is for Team RWBY to see the darker side of the world they live, something I wish the main show did a better job articulating. Also, while it will be addressed in this story as to why aura will now be a plot armor shield for the RWBY characters. The concept always irked me, so here it will be a bit less protective than other interpretation. That is all for now, thanks for reading, and hope to see you in the next chapter.