He returns to the village after ten months of traveling, but stays only for two days. Construction in Konoha is ongoing, however things have already begun to significantly change in this place that has started to feel like home.

His homecoming is mostly business — important updates to the Hokage on his findings and experiences during his time away — so it's unexpected. However, because he wasn't involved in the post-war celebrations, the Rookie 9 makes it a point to have dinner and drinks together on his second night there before he makes his departure once more. Sasuke, though reluctant and uncomfortable, politely decides to attend and appears to enjoy himself. For the Uchiha, this means participating in banter with Naruto and making small conversation with Sakura while mostly tuning out anything else directed at him. If he had to be out, he'd have preferred a more quiet evening with his teammates, but they insisted he begin to integrate himself back into their class and by extension, the village. So, he finds himself sitting in the middle of a loud restaurant, observing most of his class make their way towards drunkenness and carry on boisterous conversation amongst themselves.

At around 11:00pm, just a couple hours after the evening began, Sakura stands from her place at the table.

"Well, I should be off; I have a minor surgery scheduled at 7:30am tomorrow, but I'll need to get there by 6:00 for prep. It was so wonderful to get together with everyone again!"

Sakura begins to gather her things when Sasuke stands as well.

"I'll walk you home."

"Don't be silly Sasuke-kun, I'll be fine! Stay and enjoy yourself."

"I also have an early morning tomorrow."

Sakura begins to protest once more, but thinks better of it. She nods and gives him a small smile. He waits as she finishes gathering her purse and wallet and they exit the restaurant together. Once a measurable distance away from the others, Sakura speaks.

"You're welcome."


Sakura smiles to herself, knowing that Sasuke wouldn't miss the opportunity that had been presented before him. She had given him an escape route from an evening he hadn't wanted to attend in the first place. She was content with the fact that he had stayed as long as he did and a tiny bit proud that she was able to pick up on his eagerness to leave. Of course, this meant she would get less time with him, but she didn't want him to remember his short return to Konoha as a chore.

Nonetheless, old tendencies die hard and Sakura struggles with all of the things she wants to ask him. The smile on her face fades. In his ten months away, Sasuke hadn't sent her a single letter. Where has he been for this past almost year? Has he had any significant revelations? What was his favorite experience thus far? Does he ever miss Konoha? Does he ever miss her?

The amount of time Sakura spent debating that last question over the years that Sasuke had been gone was immeasurable, and it still plagued her. Undoubtedly, she'd changed and matured during that time, so none of these questions make their way past her lips. After his initial departure from Konoha ten months ago, Sakura was sure their relationship would be different. She recalled the sensation of his fingertips tapping her forehead as he promised he'd see her soon, and has to make a conscious effort not to bring her hand up to her forehead in remembrance of the moment that gave her so much hope. That small gesture was the only thing she had to hold onto when her doubts ate away at her.

Lost in these thoughts, Sakura doesn't realize that Sasuke has stopped walking until she's a few steps ahead of him. She turns around to find him standing in front of her apartment building and gives a small laugh.

"What's bothering you, Sakura?" He inquires.

She's surprised at this initially, but realizes that it's unlike her to remain completely silent around him. She smiles, "I was just mentally going over my notes for tomorrow's surgery, amongst other projects I'm working on at the hospital. Rebuilding the village is keeping us all so busy, Sasuke-kun, but in a good way."

Sasuke's eyes narrow slightly at her, but he says nothing. There is an awkward pause between them as they look at one another before Sakura breaks the silence,

"Well, I won't keep you, Sasuke-kun. Thank you for walking me home. Be safe in your travels, okay?"


Sakura pulls her keys out and gives him a small wave and warm smile before disappearing into her apartment. Sasuke remains standing still where he is, watching the door she just entered through. After a few moments, he turns towards the path to his own apartment. Once inside, Sakura presses her back against her closed door, sighing at the scene that just played out. She was always so unsure around him.

Sasuke makes his way through the village, unable to shake a certain sense of unease. Sakura hadn't said a single word to him on their 10 minute walk to her apartment. He was one to appreciate silence, seeing that he usually didn't have much to offer a conversation, but this was unusual for Sakura. The excuse she offered him was plausible, as Kakashi had given him an idea of his former teammate's endeavors over the past ten months. Sakura had taken a great interest in pediatric neuropsychology and she was diligently conducting research in order to develop Konoha's first mental health clinic for children. He couldn't pinpoint the emotion stirring within him during his conversation with his former sensei, though his expression had remained neutral.

"Sakura did a lot of internal reflection while you and Naruto were training outside of the village. This clinic appears to have been an aspiration of hers for a long time, judging by the amount of work she's been putting into it. She's passionate about helping people, Sasuke, but I believe that troubled children have a special place in her heart. After all, she grew up always watching the two of you." This piece of the conversation had especially stuck out to him. It was so like Sakura, always finding ways to give more and more of herself to others.

Sasuke continues on, a bit concerned now that he realizes Sakura didn't talk much about her research with him. He never understood a word she said when she spoke of her cases and research, but her passion for it was always evident in the animated way she'd use her hands to express herself and the light that reached her eyes as she gave him detailed explanations. This same light was missing when she'd answered his question about what'd been bothering her; her smile hadn't quite made it to her vibrant green eyes.

He's walking through his front door when he senses something. He turns, expecting to confront his pursuer quickly and quietly. Instead, he is faced with green eyes and pink hair, a sight that has never failed to intrigue him. It was so easy to pick her out of a crowd with features like this. At first, he thought they were disadvantageous for her as a ninja. How was she supposed to be stealthy when she stuck out like that? But in the end, her features worked in her favor. Being that she was a medic, the ability to locate her quickly meant the difference between life and death. It seemed that now, though, she was the one trying to locate him. She was slightly out of breath and her mouth was open as if she'd been ready to speak before he'd turned around. Sasuke raises his eyebrow questioningly.


Slowly, her mouth closes. She feels her resolve begin to crumble under his gaze and lowers her own. Sakura felt so sure of her decision all the way up until this moment. Why did he always have this effect on her? She never knew how to act around him. She always felt like she was standing behind a line he didn't want her cross — or was that a line she'd made up herself? Was she afraid of being hurt again?

She realizes Sasuke is watching her now, expecting her to say or do something, to explain why she'd showed up so suddenly. Sakura takes a deep breath and decides that she is tired of the uncertainty. She takes a step forward, crossing that imaginary line and then another to close the distance between them. Before she can change her mind, she closes her eyes and places a gentle kiss against his lips. For a few seconds, Sasuke is rigid in his shock. Why was she being so forward all of a sudden? She hadn't even wanted to talk to him just 10 minutes ago.

Sakura begins to pull away in disappointment when he places his hand on her back and leans into the kiss. It lasts for only a few more seconds, short and sweet and gentle. They pull away just enough to look one another in the eyes. Her face is flushed and she's out of breath, her eyes searching his for a sign of his reaction. Sasuke, though his expression remains neutral, holds a certain warmth in his mismatched eyes.

"Sasuke-kun…" she starts, before her voice trails off. Her eyes shift from his face to his shoulder. He waits patiently for her to continue. "I know this journey is what you need, and I don't want you to feel any obligation towards me while you're gone. I just…" she searches for the right words to convey how she feels towards their situation. "I'll wait for as long as you need me to." Sasuke's eyebrows raise slightly at this. Sakura continues shyly, "I just want to know how your travels are treating you from time to time. And I want to cherish the time that I do have with you." She lifts her eyes now to look at him, a blush spreading across her cheeks. Sasuke regards her warmly, a slight lift to his lips.

"Sakura…thank you."

He takes her hand and gives it a slight tug, a silent invitation into his apartment. Her mouth opens to form a small 'o', the blush still present on her face. She smiles and tightens her grip on his hand before following him into his apartment and shutting the door behind her.

The next morning, Sakura awakes to find Sasuke's bed empty beside her. With a small pang of disappointment in her stomach, she gets up. After dressing and making sure things were left the way she had found them the evening before, Sakura is sure to lock Sasuke's apartment up and then makes her way towards her own.

She sighs as she turns the key in her lock and runs a hand through her hair. She should be happy that she was able to spend a night with the man she's loved since adolescence, but why had he left before she woke? Everything else had gone so well, in her opinion. Unless he felt differently about her after last night? Sakura feels some slight panic at that, but pushes those thoughts aside for now. She has to get to the hospital soon or she'll be late and her entire schedule will be thrown off.

She walks into her room and begins rummaging through her things to get her medical bag together when she notices an envelope on her nightstand addressed to her. She tears it open to find a letter from Sasuke; the first of many.