AN:- Hello! A new writer to this site, but definitely not new to writing! As I've mentioned before, on my short chapter in "The Never Ending Tale", I accept prompts! This is based off a prompt I'd gotten from my other half "Critic". A really, really long time ago. So, before moving on to any other prompts, I'll be writing this one first!

Do read and review!


Note: No pairings here. All friendship based. Romance is not a genre.

Chapter 1: Fireworks! (KID and Conan)

Kaitou Kid carried out his heists by night-time, with the light of the moon at his back and the anticipatory audience in front of him. And no matter how much cheer and joy KID tried to project, there was always the undercurrent of worry – the crows were lurking just out of sight, after all. One misstep from the white dove, and it would be game over.

Kaito's heists took place in darkened rooms and shadowed hallways, with no light shining through. Of course, he was a thief. Darkened rooms were a must. He wore enough white to be contradictory, but even then this was not a magic show to be done by day. Only in the night. There was no honesty here, only lies. Only danger. In the dark, mysterious night, where shadows lurked…

Until one day, there were lit up in a burst of light: Fireworks!

Kaito had planned out everything meticulously. The note had been sent. The escape route had been thought out. The competition was reflected upon. It had all been calculated and double-checked numerous times. Yup, everything was perfect.

"Bocchama, do be careful…"

'Ah, there goes Jii-chan again,' Kaito sighed, pulling away the binoculars from his eyes, "Worry not, Jii-chan, everything has been accounted for. And, I'm not your Kaito-bocchama now. I'm the ever elusive, ever mysterious, uncatchable, Kaitou Kid!"

"Wind speed, check," Kaito murmured, "Wind direction, check. Nakamori-keibu, check – huh, the old man figured out the note, eh? Seems like that new tantei, Mouri, couldn't convince him of his Okino Yoko theory," Kaito cackled a bit, "But, Mouri-tantei! You've certainly made my work easier!"

Snapping open his glider, Kaito carefully leaped off the roof he was perched upon.

It's show time!

Upon landing on the roof of the hotel, Kaito was met with the strangest sight ever.

Was that a kid? Why was a kid here? It was past midnight! Geez, that was going to put a wrench through his plans – wait, what was the kid doing?

The kid had turned around now; sporting an odd expression Kaito had slight trouble deciphering. Then, the child turned back, bending down to do something. Curious, Kaito called out.

"What are you doing, kid?"

The child turned, light glinting off his glasses ominously – seriously, Kaito! Get a grip, this is only a brat! – as he smiled widely and positively chirped.


As soon as he said it, the lit rocket burst upwards, whizzing noisily before exploding in a shower of light and sparkles.

'Wha –?' Kaito turned his head in surprise, 'Did he do that because of what – why – I think he did…?'

The child only looked delighted and Kaito almost thought it was genuine childish pleasure, until –

"Oh, look! A helicopter! Looks like it's seen us!"

And Kaito's suspicion's came back immediately, 'Yeah, he did it exactly because of that…who is he?'

The kid beamed at Kaito, and the magician couldn't resist any longer, "You're no ordinary brat, are you?"

A smirk curled up the child's lips, "Edogawa Conan, tantei sa."

"This is Nakamori, KID's on the roof! Apprehend him!"

Ignoring the young detective – detective? That kid? Kaito always attracted the weirdoes, didn't he? – he then cleared his throat and imitated Inspector Chaki's voice. Edogawa watched on with an expression of pure disbelief on his face. Kaito couldn't help the smug grin that graced his lips.

'Yes, I'm afraid you underestimated me, boy. Taking me out of this game won't be so easy. I realise now what that expression was…when you first saw me. It was the issue of a challenge. Very well, now I shall provide you with one!'

"This is what you wanted, right?" Kaito asked the kid, completely ignoring the Task Force's detectives pooling onto the roof. The kid couldn't take his eyes off him either. Good.

"KID! You're under arrest!" One random officer shouted.

Kaito resisted the urge to scoff, readying a flash-bomb to put his plan into motion. And then, Kaito's eyes widened – what? Disregarding the momentary lapse, Kaito dropped a smoke bomb too, quickly disguising as a police officer, leaving a few parting words for the Edogawa brat.

"Did you know, a thief is an artist who creatively steals his target…but detectives never amount to anything more than critics who look at the remains and try to find faults…"

There had been many who'd faced off with KID. Many detectives, policemen, crazy witches…but KID had always managed to surprise them. Yet, for the first time, KID would have to admit, he was surprised.

'Really!' Kaito shivered, 'Forcing me to swim back to the shore! Ruining my perfect escape plan – that's twice now!'

The first, of course, had been on that roof top where Conan had shielded his eyes, anticipating the flash bomb, leading Kaito to drop the smoke bomb too. And okay, so that wasn't a major glitch, but this time?

"I really wonder now," Kaito sneezed suddenly, "if Tantei-kun's original plan wasn't to capture me, only stall for time in that engine room… Someone ought to confiscate that soccer ball of his, though! Or his shoes," Kaito grumbled slightly as he waited for Jii-chan to pick him up, "I could have sworn they were sparkling…what are they even giving to kids these days?"

'But,' Kaito smiled, looking down at his wet hands, 'no matter how challenging a rival, no matter how dangerous his presence, no matter how carefully I'll have to tread around him…he's something different. To be able to see through all my deceptions, figure out the trick and then unveil it in an equally mysterious manner – now, you're certainly a blast, Tantei-kun!'

Kaito chuckled at the inadvertent pun, "Yeah, a big blast. An explosion of light in the dark skies…like those fireworks."

AN:- So, yeah, probably not very original. But, I'll be covering other unexplored 'first meetings' soon enough. Just starting off with something familiar :)

Also, somethings may seem off, considering I've not re-read the manga or seen the anime lately. Just to let you know.


PS - Hey there! This is Mystic, the better half of the duo "MysticCritic". I'm the one writing the story. Critic, on the other hand, is the one who usually reviews and shall be the one who replies to reviews too! So, yeah, this is a shared account where 'Mystic' (that's me! ^-^) writes fiction and 'Critic', yeah, so that's it :P

Hope you all enjoyed chapter one! Leave a review, yes? :)


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