AN: *appears from behind a tree waving a white flag* I honestly don't know what to say to all of you apart from apologise. Since I last updated in May 2017, my life has been quite literally a rollercoaster. I had some family problems, moved and started my teacher training year! It has quite honestly been the most intense year of my life!

I wanted to thank everyone who has reviewed, especially those who have reviewed in the last few months. It means so much to me that people are still reading this, and enjoying it. Your reviews helped me kick start myself into writing the rest of this chapter, as well as the 4 snow days that we have had in the UK thanks to the #beastfromtheeast (seriously check the hashtag on twitter, its hilarious) and Storm Emma.

I can't promise when I will update again, hopefully you won't have to wait another 10 months. I think about this story every day, and what is going to happen to all the characters. We haven't even got to the good stuff yet! I fully intend to continue with it, even if I have shorter chapters rather than the 7,000 word ones I have been churning out!

Please let me know what you think of the chapter, I am not 100% happy with how it turned out, but I couldn't let you all down by not posting it.





'What do you mean there is a problem with my dress?' Caroline asked Ms. Richardson. It was the day of the raffle and the shop was significantly busier than it had been when Caroline had come for her first fitting. There were teenagers looking for Prom dresses, as well as older women looking for a dress for the evening.

'I'm so sorry dear. One of my new assistants made a drastic mistake with the alterations. It will take time to repair, but it will be ready for Miss Mystic Falls next month.' Ms. Richardson pleaded. This was odd, she had never had done this to Caroline before, and Ms. Richardson was notorious for her time keeping skills.

'Well what the hell am I supposed to wear tonight then?' Caroline's voice grew low, nearly reaching growl like levels.

'The dress that you had ordered for Miss Mystic Falls is ready. How about that?' Ms. Richardson tried to reason.

'The pale blue one?' Caroline paused for a moment, it could work. It wasn't her original vision, but it definitely had possibilities. It was a lot more formal, but the Policeman's raffle was black tie. And she could dance in it. 'I am not happy. But fine. I need to try it on to make sure it's ready.'

Ms Richardson sighed with relief. ' I'm ever so sorry my dear. I don't know what came over her. Came in all groggy she did, and ripped a large chunk out of your dress for tonight. Rest assured your dress will be ready for Miss Mystic. And I will give you a sizeable discount.' She winked, as she walked out to the back of the shop. Caroline smiled weakly.

The day of an event was always stressful for Caroline. She had left the school in the capable hands of Alaric, whilst she had last minute preparations for the evening. Today that included picking up her dress, going over to the Policeman's Hall and making sure everything was set up correctly, getting her hair and make up done, briefing the security and making sure all the prizes were accounted for. Having stumbled over the first task, now having to have a last minute fitting, it set Caroline back further than she would have liked.

The dress store had a large purple curtain that pulled across the width of the store. Behind it were 6 dressing rooms, each surrounding a large pedestal that women could stand on to look at their dresses from multiple angles. Caroline summarised that the reason for the curtain was to keep the gowns private, and not have the unwanted attention of other shoppers. After the debacle that Caroline had experienced with her Prom dress and emotionless Elena, she couldn't help but agree that the curtain was a necessity. It was busy today, with women flittering in and out of dressing rooms. Caroline plastered on her best smile and charmed her way into a dressing room.

The minutes ticked by, but eventually Caroline stood on the raised platform and looked at her reflection. The dress was beautiful. The dress was sleeveless and knee length, with slight ruffles from the waist. She smoothed down the dress and turned to look at it from different angles. It would have to do. Resolutely, Caroline stepped down off the pedestal and moved into the dressing room to change back into her jeans.

'Ms. Richardson!' She called.

'Yes dear? Is everything alright?' She was hemming the skirt of another woman's dress. It was gold, and tacky.

'The blue dress will have to do. But I want complimentary shoes and Jewellery from your private collection, for the stress that you have put under at such short notice to find a dress,' Caroline smiled, as she pulled on her top.

'Caroline! I'm not running a charity here!' Caroline heard Ms. Richardson gasp. Caroline laughed lightly to herself.

'I know. But I am going to be one of the hosts at the Raffle tonight. It would be good for the store if I told them how great you were and willing to rectify your mistake.' There was a pause. 'Or I could go in a different dress, and tell everyone there how unfortunate it was to not have my dress on time,' Caroline opened the dressing room door, leaning on the frame. Ms Richardson was busy, but looking in her direction. 'The choice is yours,' Caroline beamed. Ms Richardson's eyes narrowed.

'Very well, you can have the shoes, but you have to bring back the jewellery. I haven't the time to argue with you!' Caroline pressed her hands together and smiled.

'Great. I will pay at the register. Good luck today!' Caroline waved as she went back into the main store.

After she had paid, and gotten her shoes and Jewellery, put her dress in the car and went next door to Maxi's bakery. The line was mercifully short, and Caroline had her coffee was in her hands within minutes. The young man who had been behind the counter when Caroline had first bought the dresses, had been replaced with an older gentleman, about 60 years old. It was a small miracle that he had lived that long in Mystic Falls. He had a grumpy face, marred with wrinkles and he looked at Caroline suspiciously.

'Good Morning Mr. Delassio. Have you had a good morning?' She asked cheerfully. He would have been the same age as her mother. He said nothing in response and turned to serve the next customer. 'ok then' she muttered to herself. His gaze followed her as she left the shop. The cold air hit her squarely in the face. It was quiet for a Tuesday morning. Caroline saw only a few people, making the quick brunch run, coffee and pastries stuffed in paper bags.

As Caroline began walking to her car, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She was being watched. She slowed her pace slightly and began covertly scanning the area around her. There was nothing out of the ordinary. She couldn't see anybody unfamiliar. Though there was a possibility that there was someone hiding in the trees that were opposite the square. It was a heavily covered area, which led to a large expanse of forest. Caroline had seen way too many horror movies to consider going into a forest on her own when there may be a stalker waiting. Vampire or not.

As she got to her car, she took a sip of her coffee, and clambered into the drivers seat. Locking the doors behind her, she paused. Putting the coffee in the cup holder, she drew out her phone. Maybe she was over reacting. She scrolled down her contacts and hovered over the letter K. Kol would be at the school, so he wouldn't be able to talk. She didn't even know where Klaus was, but he had gotten angry before, when she thought that she was in danger and she hadn't called him. It would save her a lot of ear ache in the long run if she called him, wouldn't it? She tapped her fingers on the edge of the phone absentmindedly, before resolutely pressing Klaus' contact.

It rang, but went through to his voicemail.

Caroline frowned. Was she being silly? Maybe this was just Klaus' minions not being subtle enough. It had taken a lot of convincing, but Caroline had finally relented on Klaus' demands, and said that they could monitor her, as long as she didn't know that they were there. Or maybe it was Klaus himself, being extra creepy…but that wasn't his style, he would just appear out of nowhere. Caroline still felt on edge. She called Kol, but his too straight to voicemail. That wasn't unusual for Kol, he tended to avoid her on days she was organising events, so that she could not ask him to help the process. Thinking of a long shot, she scrolled up her contacts to the letter 'E'. Hesitantly she pressed the contact. After a few moments, there was a reply.

'Ms. Forbes?' Elijah sounded confused. Caroline could not blame him, she rarely called him. And if she did, It was usually something to do with Hope. 'I trust everything is well?'

'Hi. Elijah.' She took a breath. 'Um. This is going to sound really weird, and I know it's a total long shot, but I tried to call him and he didn't answer and then I tried Kol and he didn't answer. So I thought that, you probably should have been my first call, cause: hey, you live with him-'

'Caroline, you are rambling.' Elijah interrupted. Caroline took a deep breath.

'Right. I'm sorry. Um, is Klaus with you by any chance? Do you know where he is?'

'He arrived back in Mystic falls this morning,'

'So he's with you?'

'Yes' He paused. Caroline frowned. So this wasn't Klaus. She laughed nervously.

'Ok, thanks Elijah. I'm sorry, I think I was just over reacting.'

'It's quite alright. Is everything well with you Ms. Forbes?'

'Yeah, I'm fine. I guess the pressure of this event just gets to me. Anyway thanks, and could you do me a favour and not tell Klaus I called you? You know how he gets.' Caroline looked out of the car windows, the sudden fear of being watched had dissipated, the hairs on the back of Caroline's neck had gone down, and she no longer felt like she was being watched.

'I shall see you later. Good day Ms. Forbes,' Elijah hung up the phone. Caroline turned on the car and pulled out of the parking space. Maybe she was just being paranoid.


'Care, people are starting to arrive. You need to come down here' Matt swung his head round Caroline's dressing room. 'Damon's already bee lined for the bar'.

'I'll be right there,' Caroline stood up and smoothed down her dress. Putting a wrap around her arms, she went downstairs.

The Policeman's hall was elaborately decorated, even by Mystic Falls standards. The large hall had twinkling silver lights, cascading down from the ceiling, with blue and silver coloured silk hangings, draped intermittently between the windows around the hall. A small stage had been set up, where Matt would later speak, and where Cougar-Claire would host the auction. There were circular tables set up around the hall, where already some people had started to take their seats. A large proportion of the guests had headed straight for the bar. Many came out of a sense of duty, and the opportunity to network rather than actually caring about the cause, but hey at least some money was raised.

As Caroline walked into the hall, some people turned and smiled. Others looked at her with guarded expressions, their smiles not quite reaching their eyes. These uncertain faces increased with every passing year, as people started to become more suspicious of Caroline's age, or classmates of hers that had grown old around her and did double takes when they saw her again. From a distance, she could see Damon trying to sweet talk the bar man into giving him the whole bottle of bourbon, as Elena tried to persuade him to leave the bar. Caroline smirked.

'Listen buddy, just give me the bourbon and we can just move on,' Damon leaned on the bar, Elena sipped her champagne.

'Sir, I can't give you the whole bottle,' The bar man looked no older than 25, and looked like an ex footballer. He had broad shoulders with red hair. Caroline couldn't help but notice he was attractive.

'I think you can,' Damon insisted. Caroline sighed as she reached him.

'It's an open bar Damon, just take a glass.'

'I am having a pretty bad day here Caroline and I want the bottle,'

'And you are being a major pain in my ass by making a scene. I would like to get through this evening without having to hurt you,' She said through a smile. Damon turned to face her with rage in his eyes.


'Damon, give it a rest,' She turned to Elena, 'What is his problem?'

'He's over reacting. He found a grey hair this morning,' Elena said trying to stifle a laugh.

'Shhh Elena, that doesn't need to be public knowledge.'

'Dude,' The barman piped up, 'I'm sorry man, that's rough,'.

'See,' Damon looked at the barman's name tag, 'Reilly here gets it,' Reilly handed over the bottle to Damon, who shot him a look. 'Thank you. C'mon Elena, Donovan is shooting me death glares,' Damon linked Elena's free arm and walked to their table. Jeremy was already sat there with Dorian. She turned to Reilly.

'I'm sorry about him. He is a mopey man child,' he laughed.

'Hey I get it, the town drunk always is,' she smiled, 'Do you know him?'

'uh… yeah. He's basically family,'

'Oh like your cousin?'

'No, we're really good friends' Reilly looked confused. 'What?'

'Nothing, I just don't understand how he could be friends with someone like you and not try and be with you,' Reilly smiled, as he poured Caroline a drink. Caroline couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. 'I mean I guess he is a bit older than you,'

'How old do you think I am?' Caroline laughed.

'19? Maybe 20.' He slid her a glass of champagne across the bar

'And you are still giving me a drink?' He just smiled.

'I think you can handle it,' Caroline smiled, was she enjoying this? 'What's your name?' Caroline was about to answer when she felt a strong arm encircle her shoulders.

'It's Kol. Thanks for asking. I'll take a scotch. Neat.' Kol exuded his usual arrogance, as he stared Reilly down.

'Kol,' Caroline started, 'This is-'

'I don't care who he is. I only care that he gets my drink.' Caroline felt his arms get tighter around her. Reilly shot him a dirty look, as he started pouring out some scotch.

'Stop being an ass Kol,' Caroline hissed.

'Here's your drink, sir,' Reilly handed him the glass.

'Thank you, now we have somewhere to be,' Kol pulled Caroline away from the bar, and before she could stop herself she found herself turning back to Reilly, whose face had darkened significantly as he sipped Caroline's champagne.

'What the hell are you doing?' She growled at him, as he pulled her to the other side of the hall. He was standing near his table, Caroline could see Elijah and Hayley sitting down , Elijah looked handsome as ever in his suit, but Hayley's orange dress did not make her look as classy as she thought it did. There was no sign of a certain hybrid. Typical.

'I don't like the way he was looking at you.' Caroline stared at him. Why did de care?

'Seriously? If I needed a bodyguard for the policeman's raffle, I would ask one of Klaus' minions who are always stationed everywhere I go.' Caroline pointed to a man in a suit who stood on the other side of the room, he averted his gaze. 'I'm not happy about it, but I have come to terms with it.'

'Caroline, I'm your friend, and trust me no guy who looks at you the way Mr. Barman just did, will end well for you,' he sipped on his scotch. Caroline scoffed.

'Are you serious? I'm a vampire Kol, he's just a guy. What is with you? You have been acting weird for days!' Thinking back on the incident this morning, she paused and bit her lip, 'Should…is there something I need to know Kol? Is something happening?' Kol looked at her for a moment. Before he broke out into full toothed grin

'I'm sorry darling. Everything is fine. But watch him, I don't trust him.' She narrowed her eyes. 'Don't frown, you will get wrinkles. Anyway, Donovan looks like he is ready to start. But hey, drink this stuff, its so much better than the drivel that you have McDreamy serving over there' Kol threw her a hip flask as he started to move away from her, towards his family's table. Caroline eyed it with suspicion, before sniffing it and drinking it as she walked towards Damon and Elena.


The raffle portion of the evening had gone off without a hitch, even though Cougar-Claire had rushed through about 6 of the auctions, before Matt had given her a gentle glare to remind her to slow down. Damon had bid on a trip around a vineyard in California, much to Elena's delight. Matt had got involved in a very intense bidding war with Jeremy over a race car experience, which Jeremy ultimately won. Caroline hadn't bid on anything for herself, but had won a princess experience for the girls, which they would love.

The evening had started to wind down, music was playing and some couples were dancing on the dance floor that had emerged. Damon and Elena, Elijah and Hayley (which Caroline rolled her eyes at. It wasn't enough that she had slept with Klaus and had his child, but she was now sleeping with his brother), and much to her disgust, Cougar-Claire had asked Matt to dance. Caroline sighed with content. All of her friends were happy and safe…for the most part. Except Bonnie, but Caroline had to assume no news was good news. She was sat at her table, alone until Kol sat down beside her.

'Why so glum chum?' He smiled, as he drank straight from the bottle of scotch that Damon had been nursing all night. Caroline smiled.

'I'm not sad Kol. I'm…I don't know what I am actually,' she took another sip out of her hipflask, that never seemed to run out.

'An indifferent Caroline Forbes? Well we can't have that!' Kol jumped up, and held his hand out. 'Come on love, we're dancing.' Caroline raised her eyebrows.

'Are you serious?'

'As the plague,' He smiled, 'Or I will start singing my favourite Karaoke song to the masses'

'Ok fine. God. If only to save everyone else here from you singing 'My heart will go on'.' Caroline stood up and took his hand. He led her to the dance floor and slowly spun her, before she settled in his arms. They swayed in an easy silence.

'I'm sorry' He said. Caroline looked at him, 'about the bartender. I overreacted.'

'Good, you should be. It was harmless anyway. It's not like I would ever see him again,'

'And why not?' Caroline scoffed.

'It's too soon. It's only been 3 years since Stefan…' Caroline trailed off.

'Four years Caroline. It will be four years in a couple of months.' Kol interrupted. 'If you ask me, it's time for you to get back on the horse. You don't have to marry the guy or anything. But from one beautiful person to another, it would be a crime for you to stay single for the rest of your immortal life.' Caroline scoffed. The guilt she had had all evening, Kol had hit the nail right on the head. She had flirted with Reilly, and she had enjoyed it.

'I don't know… I'll think about it'. Kol looked at her for a moment.

'You are really weird you know that?'

'Coming from you, that doesn't mean much,' Caroline laughed. Kol looked at her, then he caught sight of something over her shoulder and he visibly slumped. 'What?' She asked.

'Oh nothing, but I think my fun here is over,' he grumbled, still not looking at her. 'But I think that yours is just about to begin, speaking of getting back on the horse…' Before Caroline could ask what he meant, he had twirled her and someone had grabbed hold of her waist and free hand. 'Hello love. You look ravishing as always,' Caroline was face to face with Klaus Mikaelson. But why was she even surprised, he always knew how to make an entrance.


April 2021

Hope Mikaelson had been living with Caroline Forbes and her daughters for 2 weeks now. Caroline had spent many hours preparing for her arrival, it wasn't every day that the Original Hybrid's daughter came to stay, and though Caroline knew that Hope was happy to come, she wanted Hope to feel at home. She knew Klaus trusted her implicitly with the care of his only child, but she didn't want to give any other members of his family – Rebekah or Hayley- an excuse to criticise her. However, she had nothing to worry about. Hope settled in quicker and smoother than she could have ever imagined. She got on well with Lizzie and Josie, despite the age gap, and was one of the most respectful children she had ever met.

However the day in which Klaus was coming to get his daughter was creeping ever closer, and Caroline found herself becoming ever so slightly nervous with each increasing day. She tried to push it from her mind, but every time she looked at Hope, or she saw a certain twinkle in her eye that looked a little too similar to her father's, Caroline found a small lump forming in the back of her throat.

It was a normal day, like any other at the school. Alaric was teaching self defence to some of the older pupils, Kol was teaching a class to some of the younger witches and Dorian was doing some research in the library. Hope was still getting used to the school, and Caroline was currently trying to organise her schedule. All new applicants had a period of adjustment, as Caroline and the other teachers attempted to find the best classes for Hope to attend.

Caroline had been giving a tour to some potential pupils and their families. It had been a rather disengaged group, who had not asked a lot of questions. She did not think that any of those pupils would come to attend the school. She smiled as she saw her secretary, one of Alaric's former pupils, round the corner.

'Hey Susie, have I got any messages?'

'Nothing urgent, just Elena Gilbert confirming that you two were meeting up with Matt Donovan tonight for dinner to discuss his campaign' Susie smiled, handing her a small note. 'Any new recruits in that group?' Caroline sighed and gave Susie a look. 'Enough said'

'If anyone needs me I will be in my office,' Caroline smiled, running her fingers through her hair. Susie laughed and went to join Dorian in one of his classes. Caroline had a sneaking suspicion that the two of them were getting it on, but she had no proof…yet.

Caroline walked into her office, and was stopped in her tracks, her hand still gripping the door knob. He stood there, leaning on her desk with that infuriating grin that she hadn't realised that she had already memorised from when she had been a teenager.

'Hello Caroline,' He put down a book that had been lying on her desk, and stood to his full height, clasping his hands behind his back.

'Klaus,' She breathed. Asshole was the first thought to come into her mind . How dare he just appear without any warning. She closed the door, and took a moment to gather her thoughts.

'You look lovely as ever.' Caroline noticed him looking her up and down, and it was at this moment that Caroline remembered the last time she had seen him, was that day in the woods. Caroline scoffed.

'What the hell Klaus? You could have told me you were coming! Instead of acting like a creepy stalker and appearing at my place of work,' She glared at him. He only laughed.

'And where would the fun in that be?' Caroline rose her eyebrow, and Klaus raised his hands in defence, 'I'm sorry love. I should have called'

'None of Hope's things are ready, she doesn't know that you are even coming. That isn't fair on her Klaus,' Caroline folded her arms.

'I told her two days ago.' He replied smugly.


'Hope knew I was coming.'

'And you told her not to tell me?'


'Well that is some A+ parenting Klaus. Teaching your 9 year old to lie.'

'We prefer to think of it as a surprise.' Klaus smirked, clearly unfazed by Caroline's increasing annoyance. Caroline took a deep breath. He was getting far too much enjoyment out of this. 'You haven't changed at all sweetheart'.

'And you are still the same annoying ,smart ass that you always were,' They looked at each other for a moment, before Klaus broke out into a smile. 'Sit down, before you put a dent in my hardwood floor with your ego'.

Caroline gestured to the seat behind her desk, as she sat on her own. Klaus smiled, and looked at Caroline as he sat down. 'How is Hope progressing?'

'She's doing really well, and is far more normal than any other members of your family that I have ever met,' Caroline said, as she brought up Hope's file on the computer. 'This is her proposed schedule. Obviously we will be looking at her controlling her magic, so she will be working with some of the witches on staff.'

'And they are?'

'Really good at their jobs Klaus, stop micro managing,'

'She's my daughter Caroline. I only want what's best for her,' He looked Hope's schedule on the screen and pointed to one class 'Who is this KM who is taking Hope for 9 hours of private tutoring a week?' Caroline froze, remembering that Kol hadn't wanted Klaus to know he was here. She sighed.

'Do you trust me Klaus? Because if you don't then this isn't going to work. You wanted Hope here to give her the best shot that she has. And she won't, if you keep questioning me.' She said softly. Klaus stared at her and sat back in his chair. 'Or are you going to become the PTA parent from hell?' Klaus was quiet for a long time, and raised his hands to his lips.

'Ok. Ok Caroline, we will do things your way.' Caroline smiled 'But if things become worse, I will not shy away from making you aware of it,'

'Oh please,'

'Good, I am glad we got that settled'. He started tapping his fingers, as Caroline finished up on the computer. 'Onto more civilised subjects then, how have you been keeping?' Caroline smirked.

'Things are good. There haven't been any villains for a few years, so that's been nice. We are trying to keep it that way, so don't get any ideas.' Klaus chuckled.

'You know that's not why I am here Caroline.'

'I know. I just have to warn you. Damon's not happy.'

'Ahh yes the human faction has gotten bigger since I was last here, don't worry I'm not here for them.'


'I'm here for Hope,' he put his head to the side and smiled 'However long it takes. ' She blinked a few times, thinking of the letter that he had written her years before, that sat in her top right hand desk drawer.

For the first time since he had entered her office she looked at Klaus. Though it was impossible for him to have aged since their last meeting, there was something different about him. His hair was a little longer, with longer curls than she had ever seen Klaus with, but short enough that it wasn't noticeably different. His eyes were the same, but Caroline could see a sadness in them that she had never noticed before. He dressed in the same way, though he was not wearing any beads around his neck, his Henley jumpers had remained a constant in the intervening years. Caroline suddenly realised she had been quiet for too long, and wondered if Klaus was sitting there making the same observations about her, that she had just done of him. She cleared her throat.

'Well as long as your family doesn't cause any trouble, I don't think we should have a problem,' Caroline stood up, moving to the other side of the desk. Klaus smiled, and stood a few feet away from her.

'They are aware that they to be on their best behaviour. And they are not to cause any harm to your school or to you. They know we are old friends.' He smirked.

'And they believed you' Caroline said with a hint of disbelief, Klaus laughed.

'Well we are friends are we not?' Klaus slowly took a step towards her, 'unless you would care to enlighten me of a change in that status that I was unaware of?' The air in the room had shifted, Klaus had stepped into Caroline's personal space, and Caroline hated to admit it, but she could feel the electricity between them like no time had passed.

Before she could reply, there was a rather urgent knock at the door. Caroline stepped away from Klaus as Susie came in looking sheepish.

'I'm so sorry to interrupt Caroline, but Kol Mikaelson has taken 4 pupils off campus for a field trip to the grill for ice cream. I tried to stop him but he claimed he wanted to teach the kids how to 'prioritise life'. I don't know, he just kind of took off.'


'Ok, thanks Susie. You can go.' She smiled as she shut the door. Caroline slowly turned to Klaus, the earlier suggestive tones of Klaus' face forgotten, had changed to one of rage. 'So before you freak out, there is something I may have forgotten to tell you.'

'What the bloody hell is going on?' he growled.


'And what time do you call this?' Caroline snorted.

'My sincere apologies love. Hope and I were spending some time together, and I wanted to put my daughter to sleep' Klaus whispered in her ear. They were dancing a lot closer than she had been doing with Kol, and Klaus was holding her very close to him, she could feel his heartbeat under his shirt.

'Oh…'Caroline muttered. She couldn't argue with that! 'Ok.' Klaus smiled triumphantly. 'Marcel allowed you to leave New Orleans then?'

'So it would seem. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere for a while now.'

'I'm sure Hope is very happy,' Caroline laughed. 'When did you get back?'

'This morning, we spent the day together,'

'She was meant to be at school Klaus. You can't just take her out whenever you want,'

'I wouldn't worry, I'm pretty close to the headmistress. I don't think she will mind,'

'Really? Because I think she may kick your ass if you keep taking her out of school,' Klaus audibly laughed, and spun Caroline once, before taking her back into his arms once again.

'I think that I would like seeing her try,' Klaus sniggered. 'If you ever need a sparring partner Caroline, please let me know,' Caroline laughed. The two continued to dance for a while longer, as light music filled the air.


The final stragglers of the raffle were beginning to disappear, as the event began to close. The Originals left a while after Klaus and Caroline had stopped dancing and Kol had given her a dark look as Klaus had dragged him out of the hall. Caroline had danced with Matt for a while, but she had eventually found herself sitting at her table, watching people leave. She would be back tomorrow to organise the clean up, but for now it was nice to just sit down and drink Kol's hipflask that he had forgotten she had.

'Hey Caroline, I think it's time for us to go. You would have thought Damon would have worked out his human alcohol limit by now.' Elena grumbled. Caroline smiled.

'I was about to go as well. I think it is seriously time for me to go home and sleep.'

'We can give you a ride if you wait like 5 minutes. I just need the bathroom.'

'Ok, I'll babysit boozy here,' she gestured to Damon, and Elena disappeared. Damon was still practically unconscious on the table.

'So you're Caroline Forbes?' She turned around, it was Reilly. She smiled.

'How did you?-'

'The Mayor. He thanked you in his speech.' He grinned, 'maybe I shouldn't have given him the whole bottle,' he sat down on an empty chair and pointed at Damon.

'Maybe you shouldn't have.' She laughed.

'Listen, I'm about to get off but I have to get back to Whitmore straight away.' He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, 'If you ever want to have a killer margarita, you call me.' He handed her the card, and Caroline couldn't help but smile. This was weird, maybe Kol was right about getting back on the horse. He stood up and started to walk away, 'You take care of yourself Caroline Forbes,'

'And you, Reilly,' she looked down at his card, 'Matthews. Maybe I will call you soon.' He grinned, and headed towards the exit. Caroline looked down at the business card, was she really doing this? Before she had time to question it, Elena had reappeared and they both clambered Damon into the back of Elena's SUV. Caroline had sat in the passenger side as Elena pulled out onto the road.

'Are you Ok Caroline? You seem really quiet tonight,'

'I- I don't really know. Kol said something and I was just thinking about whether he was right or not,'

'Well what did he say?' Elena asked.

'You're going to think it's stupid…' Elena remained silent, 'he thinks that I need to start dating again.' Elena's face remained neutral.

'I don't think its stupid Care.'


'I saw you tonight, you liked the bartender,' Elena glanced at Caroline to gage her reaction.

'What? Was it that obvious?'

'Yes!' Damon yelled from the back, 'you totally dug him Barbie.'

'Shut up Damon!' Caroline hissed

'Caroline, you do realise that it's ok to like someone. To find them attractive,' Elena whispered.

'Of course I do. It's just I don't think that…' Caroline trailed off.

'Stefan has been gone for nearly 4 years. He wouldn't want you to be unhappy. You can't use him as an excuse forever,' Elena sighed.

'That's rich coming from the girl who said I was moving on from him with Klaus when you found out he was coming to town a year ago.' Caroline snapped, looking out the window.

'I know. But I have seen you recently, you spend all your time at work. If by some miracle you aren't at work you are organising a town event, or researching something for Ric…or getting drunk with Kol Mikaelson. I am saying this because I love you Care… you're lonely.' Elena had pulled up onto Caroline's drive, and had turned to face her. 'When that barman hit on you tonight, I saw something in you I hadn't seen in years. You liked it. Much as it pains me to agree with Kol… I think he's right,'

'I don't need a man to make me happy Elena,'

'I never said you did.' Elena held up her hands defensively, 'but you shouldn't be unhappy just because you think that you should be. Stefan wouldn't want that.'

'No he wouldn't' Damon piped up again, though he still hadn't opened his eyes. Caroline rolled her eyes.

'I know.' She whispered. She knew deep down that they were right. She had liked being flirted with. She had enjoyed it, but there was a small part of her that felt like she shouldn't have been.

'Just think about it, nobody is going to judge you for wanting to move on. Especially not me.' Elena smiled.

'Or me,' Damon chimed in from the back. Caroline looked at them both for a moment.

'Thank you. I think I needed to hear that,' She looked at her hands, before looking up at Elena.

'You're welcome. Now get out, I'm tired,' Elena laughed. Caroline thanked her for the ride and opened her door. Ric had the girls for the night, so she had the whole house to herself. She kicked off her heels, and checked her phone. There was a text from Klaus.

From: Klaus Mikaelson
To: Caroline Forbes

The event was lovely, you did a marvellous job as always.



Caroline smiled. She walked into her room, and sat on her bed.

From: Caroline Forbes
To: Klaus Mikaelson

This wasn't my first Mystic Falls event Klaus, I'm disappointed you even thought that it would be anything short of awesome.

From: Klaus Mikaelon
To: Caroline Forbes

Do not mistake my compliment for scepticism. But credit where it is due. You deserved to hear it. Well done Caroline. I'm sure your mother would have been very proud of you tonight.



Caroline paused for a moment. It was times like this that she really missed her mother, she couldn't believe that it had been so long since she had seen her.

From: Caroline Forbes
To: Klaus Mikaelson

Thank you.

Caroline smiled as she put her phone on her bedside table. She was so exhausted and ready to collapse on her bed, but she could not justify falling straight into it. As per her nightly routine, she took off her blue dress and hung it up in her garment bag. She took off her make up and jewellery except her daylight ring, and headed straight into the shower. She found herself smiling as she washed her hair, and the hot water massaged the knots in her back that she had been carrying around all day. After an unusually long shower, Caroline walked down to her bedroom. Her hair up in a towel, Caroline looked down at the jewellery she had just taken off. Her wedding and engagement rings glinting.

There was a knock at the door.

Caroline frowned. She wasn't expecting any visitors, let alone at this time of night. She was still wrapped in a towel, she wasn't in the right state to see anyone. She stood for a minute and waited. There was a second, more urgent knock at the door. Caroline narrowed her eyes. Warily she moved towards her bedroom door, and peeked around the corner. Her fear, turned to annoyance in the blink of an eye as she walked towards the door.

'Seriously? What the hell are you doing here Klaus?' He had a dark expression on his face, he had not changed out of his suit from the ball, but his tie was no longer around his neck. 'Its after midnight!'

'It is customary to invite someone in to one's house when there are visitors,' Klaus' tone was on edge. Caroline walked closer to the door, holding onto her towel, and glaring at Klaus.

'I'm not inviting you in Klaus. You could have just text me like you did half an hour ago,'

'I need to talk to you. In person. It couldn't wait,' He looked at her, but Caroline could not read his expression.

'Go home Klaus. We can talk in the morning.' She smiled faintly at Klaus through the glass, she had not made it two steps towards her bedroom, before he replied.

'Why didn't you tell me what had happened this morning?' Caroline stopped. Elijah. He must have told him about her phone call. She sighed. Without turning around she whispered.

'The door is open, give me 5 minutes,' She headed towards her bedroom, hearing the front door open and close. She quickly dried herself off and put some pyjamas and her silk dressing gown on. Her hair was still wet, but she wanted to get this conversation over and done with. When she was ready, she heard Klaus breathing from her living room. He was sat on her armchair, having helped himself to some of her bourbon.

'Elijah said you called this morning, he said you had seemed quite distressed. Naturally I was curious,' Caroline sighed.

'It was nothing. I was being paranoid.' Klaus looked at her, eyes narrowed, 'I told him not to say anything, he is such a traitor,'

'Caroline,' Klaus warned. 'Before I moved back to this godforsaken town of yours, one of your conditions was that I would not harm you or your family. I also offered my services of protection to you and your school. How can I protect you if you don't tell me these things.'

'I never asked you to protect me Klaus,' she whispered. 'I appreciate it, I honestly do. But when you disappear to New Orleans for weeks at a time, you can't expect me to tell you everything. I didn't even know you were back in town.' Caroline looked at his face, it was hard like stone. This was so different to the person she had spent time with only a few hours ago.

'I will make sure your guards are extra vigilant from now on. They can keep me informed.' Klaus downed the rest of his drink, 'Hope has become rather fond of you, I wouldn't like her to lose someone she trusts,' He stood up, placing the empty glass on the coffee table.

'Look it was nothing. Let it go.' He turned to face her.

'You have my protection Caroline. You always have,' he paused, ' And you know why,' a tense silence filled the room. ' Good night love. Sleep well.' With that Klaus left, Caroline heard the front door close, and she could no longer sense Klaus' presence in her house. She took a deep breath before slouching back into the sofa, a million thoughts occupying her mind.

Things were always so complicated with Klaus. Ever since he had moved back there was a simmering tension whenever they were alone. Bubbling away under the surface. Every now and then Klaus would say something, and it would remind Caroline of the promises that he had made to her when she was only a teenager. Recommend a city she should visit or even the way that he looked at her sometimes, reminded Caroline of the promises that she knew that he fully intended to keep.

How would Klaus react if she took Elena and Kol's advice and started to date again? He had hated Tyler. He had nearly killed Stefan, but he still helped him when he heard that she had asked. He had been a friend to her. Would he still be a friend to her if she snubbed him again? Caroline tried not to think of the question that she knew she would have to answer at some point…

Did she even want to snub Klaus again?