"She's never around anymore. Even at lunch, she's spending all her time with Princess. She rarely says anything to me anymore and we live together." Blossom crossed her arms with a frown, her eyes concealed behind her thick glasses. Her hair was in a loose ponytail behind her.

"Yeah, Bunny hasn't come to visit us in a week, she used to show up everyday." Buttercup sighed, running a hand through her damp black hair.

"I just don't understand what happened. One minute we're all together and the next thing I know, it's just us three." Blossom groaned, leaning her back against the wall. Buttercup nodded along with her, her head propped up on her knee. Bubbles' phone went off beside her and Buttercup looked at the device.

"Soon to be two. Another message from Boomer. How long do you think it'll be before he steals Bubbles away from us?" Buttercup put the phone back down on the table. Blossom just shook her head lazily.

"Who's taking me?" Bubbles peered around the corner, a fluffy white towel twisted up around her blond hair. Buttercup and Blossom exchanged looks before looking straight at their short friend.

"Boomer." Buttercup answered, a deep frown overtaking her features.

"What are you talking about?" Bubbles giggled, "Boomer isn't going to steal me away, why would he even do that?" She continued to giggle, but the other two didn't laugh along with her.

"You two are going to start dating and then he'll take up all your free time, just like Bunny. You'll just kick us to the curb too."

They were being serious?

Bubbles stopped laughing and took note of the tense situation she was in. Were they crazy?

"No, you're wrong," Bunny sat down on the bed with them, "Maybe I like Boomer, and yes, I would love to date him, but that doesn't mean that I won't be here for you. You guys are my best friends, and I would do anything for you. I'll make time for you, and I'd make time for him. I would never neglect you, you should know that." Bubbles looked at the two of them seriously.

"Promise?" Blossom asked.

"Promise!" Bubbles giggled.

"Whoa, you look so good in this one!" Princess said, pointing at one of her photos in the magazine. Bell laughed.

"Thanks girl."

"Do you get to keep the stuff you model?" A cheerleader asked

"Some of it, it's no big deal." Bell shrugged.

"Cool!" Bell giggled. Her entire lunch was spent answering questions and signing autographs. She loved the attention. The fame. It just felt right. Like this was the way that things should always be.

Down at the end of the table sat Bunny and Blitz, an official couple. Blitz told her a joke and she giggled. Bunny wanted nothing more than to spend every second with him, which was hard to have, but she planned to try her best. They were still a new couple, but that didn't change the fact that Bunny was totally in love with Blitz.

"Hey Bunny." Bunny turned her head a bit and looked up at a standing Bubbles.

"Bubs." Bunny answered simply, a tone of recognition, not one of someone who wanted to have a conversation. Bubbles bit her lip, it was true. Bubbles looked over at Bell. But she didn't see the girl she had met on her first day of school. The quiet, kind girl who helped her in her time of need. The girl who took the bullying and didn't let it bother her. The girl who always had her head in the clouds. The girl who cared little about popularity.

This wasn't Bell. That was a stranger.

Bubbles turned away from them and made her way over to the table in the corner. She thought that their friendship was stronger than that. Bubbles slumped down between Buttercup and Blossom.

"And then there were three." Buttercup sighed, bouncing her stale muffin on the table. Bubbles quietly took small bites of her salad and Blossom was slowly rereading the same page of her book over and over again, trying hard to concentrate. Buttercup turned her head the other way and looked at the popular table. Those two girls that she used to know. She missed them. It was dull without the five of them together. How stupid she was to think that nothing would tear the five of them apart.

Buttercup's eyes slowly looked at the popular table until her lime eyes connected with a forest green pair. Butch. Her eyes went wide and she felt her heart start beating. She flipped around, but she knew she'd already stared for far too long. She nearly choked on her own spit.

"Are you okay?" Bubbles asked, rubbing her back.

"Fine." Buttercup bit out.

"Today we're bringing in a new model for me to work with." Bell smiled as she talked to Blaine.

"Yeah." He said, getting into the car the agency sent for them. School was over. Now they went straight to modelling and came home late at night.

"I forgot her name, but she's really pretty." Bell continued to go on and on about the photos she'd seen of her new co-model. Blaine watched her. She was so happy she was practically glowing. That lit up his heart, it really did. He loved how happy this made her, but something was off.

They arrived at the photo studio and got out of the car. As they strolled in Bell was greeted by the entire team. They had Blaine take a seat like he always did, and she was guided to the back room for makeup and clothes. When Bell entered, she saw the new model.

"Ah! You're Bell!" She grinned. Her hair was long and orange and silky, it was pushed away from her face and feathered. From the back she had looked just a little bit like Blossom. Bell's voice had gotten caught in her throat. The girl's face was completely different compared to Blossom. She had deep brown almond shaped eyes, thick lips, an upturned nose, and freckles covered her cheeks. "My name is Blithe." She reached her hand out to her, but Bell forgot to move. "Are you okay?" Bell snapped out of it.

"Oh yeah! Sorry! You reminded me of a friend of mine. Blithe? Nice to meet you." Bell shook her hand, smiling.

Bunny and Blitz were cuddling on his bed.

"Okay! Help! How do I do it." Butch burst into the dorm room, startling the two lovers. "Oh. Okay. Uh, sorry. Blitz. Buttercup. Help." Butch held out his palms.

"Help with Buttercup how?" Bunny asked.

"Butch screwed up and now he can't figure out how to tell her what's going on."

"Yeah, has she said anything about me maybe? Like if she hates me?" Butch sat down on the end of the bed.

"I don't know, we haven't talked in a while." Bunny shrugged and cuddled closer to Blitz.

"She's your cousin."

"Yep. That doesn't mean we have to be together all the time." Bunny crossed her arms.

Bubbles giggled as Boomer told her some puns. She was leaning over the counter at the coffee shop. Buttercup watched them from the back, a from deepening on her lips. Blossom was standing at the cash register, tapping on the box with her fingers. Normally there would be a few stragglers inside the shop now, but a "fight" had started outside the door and everyone had run outside to cheer.

Buttercup just wanted to go to sleep.

"Can I call it a night." She asked, taking off her apron.

"Yeah, why don't we just close up early?" Blossom asked.

"Good idea, I'm pretty sure everybody's too hyped up from that fight to need some caffeine." Boomer smiled and Buttercup took off her apron. She truly didn't dislike Boomer. Heck, he was her second favorite, her first was Blaine. Last was Butch, then Blitz, then Brick.

"Let's go." Buttercup hip bumped Blossom at the door.

"You coming Bubs?" Blossom turned to look at Bubbles.

"Yeah!" She smiled, taking off her apron, "See you tomorrow Boomer." She smiled to the blond boy before running over to the other two girls and exiting the coffee shop.

"Why do I have to do this again?" Blossom groaned as Bubbles fitted the top around her friend.

"Well, Bunny and Bell are too busy." Bubbles nodded, looking over at a very pissed off Buttercup.

"This is gonna suck." Buttercup grumbled from her seat. They were in the design studio. Buttercup found herself dragged into another fashion show. As-per-usual, it was just them 3. Bell rarely spoke to them. She just, she just didn't exist, not anymore. And Bunny? Well, she didn't speak to them at all. Blitz was her life now. Buttercup had rather bitter feelings about the whole thing.

"I need more pins, Buttercup, come help me." Bubbles stepped away from Blossom. Buttercup got up with a groan and followed Bubbles out of the design room.

"Woah, you're doing it again?" Blossom looked over at Brick.

"Guess so," She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. "Hey, how are Bell and Bunny doing? Are they alright?" She heard him push off the doorway and walk over to her.

"Why don't you ask them?" He put his hands in his back pockets.

"I don't think they like us anymore..." Blossom's eyes narrowed in sadness as she kept her gaze on herself in the mirror.

"Bullshit, who wouldn't like you?" Blossom felt her eyes widen just a bit and she looked at Brick in the mirror. He was staring right at her. Blossom felt a blush creep onto her face as the memory of their kiss came to mind. He rose an eyebrow at her and Blossom turned her head so she wouldn't have to look at him. Her heart was beating like crazy. It had been bothering her for a while. That kiss.

Something about that had just changed her. Her reactions to Brick were amplified. Her face reddening. Her heart pounding. Her hands would even shake a little bit. He made her incredibly nervous. At first, it hadn't been such a big deal, but as time progressed it changed. She couldn't possibly be more overwhelmed by her childhood friend.

"Bloss." He took hold of her hand and Blossom's body began to overheat. Especially around the hand that he was holding.

"Brick, you really shouldn-" She turned around finally, after a few minutes of mental preparation. But no amount of prep could've prepared her for what came next. He had pulled her down by her hand and connected their lips. He took her by surprise once more. This kiss was different. It was sweet. Once they pulled away Blossom swore she had achieved a new level of blush never before seen. Their eyes were connected. Brick opened his mouth to say something when they heard Bubbles and Buttercup talking on their way back.

Just like that they snapped out of it and Brick made a speedy exit out the back door. Bubbles and Buttercup walked into the design room.

"What happened Blossom?"