

Nick lived a normal life up until that year when his whole world was stuck and became knowing to wesen and changed the lives of his friend and made new ones

The day started being weird from the get-go, seeing people turn into a monster (wesen) he thought he was going crazy in till became back saw his girlfriend Juliet talking to his aunt, Marie. Three days later he found out he was a Grimm, he had a family history, killed two people and is friend with a blutbad.

Between 2023 – 2027

In the first two months, he dumped Juliet though remained friends. She found out two years later about wesen and thanked him for dumping him as she didn't think she could cope being with him.

Hank found out a year later after his aunt death and then understood the break-up and found out why the case was weird and liked knowing he wasn't losing his mind.

Wu found out three years later he had been committed to a mental asylum before due to the events but understood why they couldn't tell them.

Monroe and Nick become close through the year working together during medical, fighting and saving wesen. Monroe is blutbad and meets his true love during a case, Rosslea.

Rosslea came to town after her brother was murdered in 2024 and decided to keep the spice shop open, medical treatment to wesen, She a fuchsbau.

Bud an ice Bieber that helps out the team and got the wesen on Grimm side as they came to respect him as he not as the usual Grimm.

Trouble met Nick in June 2027 lived with Nick to find out about Grimm's as she one but didn't know, she 23 years old. Came to respect Nick and his friend and helps them out.

Renard is the Royal in Portland part Zauberbiest. Killed Nick's aunt, Nick found out about a year after resulted in tension for about half a year. Though came to realise they work well together, during the years it quickly built to sexual tension as both had felt this before it all happened. Had one night stand though Renard said it was too dangerous and Nick didn't want to be with someone so emotionless in 2027 in November. His zauberbiest has strong desire to protect Nick. If someone just could push them as the others are clueless.

Nick has the able to absorb a power after being hurt terribly if they manage to found a way to save him and has resulted in magnificent hearing and can stop his heart.

Prologue 2

Elsewhere lives this girl and her appearance is going to cause trouble and going to affect their lives and hers.

2017 -January – I'm pregnant

Nine months later

October 25th – Dawn was born. Though I was beaten by them and abandoned as I was not normal I was born with fur and looked three-year-olds. I managed to get away in April; I could talk and walk though I was shaky and my head was pounding I was absorbing information. Managed to find shelter and water and food.


March while my head gathers information like no one else a learnt lot about the world and wesen. I learnt there was a clinic I could go to see what wesen I was. When I arrived my mind just went into the system, I thought 'what the big deal might as well look to get an idea'.

Though alarm bell went, when it reached Engel Teufel saying they were extinct to possibly none left in the world all adult and didn't show in till adult unless had angel/zauberbiest blood. Report any of them and detained them for execution as they are incredibly powerful. I started to panic then the window shattered and glasses, I got out then went to sit in the park. I began to go over the information if stressed then make a sound that can shatter glass. Well, this is sounding like me. As only one being born by a devil, they are born with fur after two day goes away part 1 of woge they have four woge.

At that moment I decided to look into my parents.

By the end of the year learnt my real dad was dead apparently by my stepfather it was his job. Mum was an angel changed into a devil. The beatings were by choice then went to kill me as she found out what I was, I was a one-night stand with a Zauberbiest which she didn't know, as she was helping get close to her husband, victim.


I started to develop a bit and look like I was then, I was three tough spoke like I was 18 years old. This year was the first encounter of wesen said I was Grimm as my eyes darken due to my devil blood. My first kills happened though I tried not to think about it. For three year I lived in Portland though Verret and Reaper started getting interested, so I decide needed a change of scenery.


This was a good year just went around the country. Learnt to control my Woge


Travelled in till my 4th birthday. I started to feel ill since my birthday, couldn't go to clinic or hospital so settled on top of the roof on New Year's Eve in New York. Then all under sudden I pinned down face first and my pain were insufferable then wings flapped against the ground wailing. Then fireworks went off.


I learnt I wasn't similar to most of the Engel Teufel, I met someone they said had lot more power as my shock wave passed through that why he came. Next minute reaper where there he was dead I manage to get away with hurt wing what was bad. My knowledge was vast learnt about putty to heal so went to a spice shop I got the ingredients. Stayed in New York.

2023- 2025

No one knew what I was which was great though they wanted to so I just moved from New York in 2024. I was 7, and I looked it, so I went to school to try to get social skills, I had a friend relationship with my mind what was rare. I met a zauberbiest how said that it was wrong, but I enjoyed it. We were the best of friends, Javas.


I got caught thought I was a Grimm it was good in till I got hurt and had to go into my wing cocoon to heal then they were trying to hand me to these people for some nice dosh for my wings though my sound killed them, their heads exploded. That incident resulted in happing to improve my resistance. My flying was come on, so was my claws that appeared out of my hand, wing control mostly everything was good to expect to get along with people didn't trust anyone.


Moved to Miami as had enemies in San Frisco and just wanted to relax. So just went to school like a normal kid and had fun with my wings and what I was, I like who I was. I was an extinct species that had different blood that created something different instead of using my power to do bad things. I stayed in the dark before I could do some good. November I came across about a Grimm and his team and the royal and apparently Wesen in Portland I wanted to learn and evolve. So I decided to go home.

I made my way to Portland and arrived on Christmas. I set up camp in a warehouse on the roof as I loved firework. While Sean, Nick and his team were at Rosslea/ Monroe house for New Year's Eve.

Both Dawn, Sean, Nick and his team didn't realise their lives would change after these bang and lights in the skies seize.