
OK just so people know this is my first fanfic but I have always been a harry Potter nut and yes there is a story like this but I can't remember who wrote I just know its called the underground or something like that but he/she only did like 4 chapter before saying he/she didn't like it and rewrote a chapter and for future reads and possible writers if you start something please pleas finish it!

I don't own harry potter as I doubt such creativity could come from me but here it is and I hope people like it please review and all that.

personally I never read ANs so I won't take it personally if u didn't read all that.

Hannah potter watched from the stairs, it was her brother the brat who lived birthday.

well that's how her 'parents' saw it.

to them she didn't exist, only her god father Sirius black saw her and he hated the way her parents fawned and spoiled jack. it had been this way since peter petigrew the rat sold her parents out to MOLDEMORT. oh sorry voldemort. why people are afraid of a name that's made up I don't know. well everyone knows what happened so I won't repeat it but since fumbledork, oh again sorry dumbledore declared jack Nathanial potter the saviour Hannah had faded into the background until she didn't exist.

her bedroom was in the attic and the house elves where the ones that raised her. no matter as after her and jack turned 5 dumbledore had said Jack should start training and so he did. Hannah trained by herself but was, much to the adults confusion ,more successful not they would know it but Hannah could do wandless magic as easily as breathing whilst her (urgh she hated called them family) brother had trouble even with a wand. according to Mad-eye he was borderline squib bunt no one would accept that.

jack himself was kept away from her and that was fine as he was such a spoiled brat.

so Hannah sat alone on the stairs waiting for her godfather, the only one to notice her since moony had been banned as he was a 'danger' to their precesious baby boy yes the only reason padfoot came round anymore was to check on Hannah. At last he came through the door and (much to James disgust)/walked right up to her and gave the best hug and pulled out a present from his pocket and subtle gave it to he, he smiled and whispered "hope you like it birthday girl and I love you" it always gave her hope when siri did things like this; she huged him tighter. knowing he had made his views on who he liked best Sirius turned round and gave a bright forced smile that clearly stated 'let's get this over with'

"'where's the birthday boy then"he said with faked enthusiasm which made Hannah hide a smirk as she once again crept out of view.

later that evening after the party down stairs had ended Hannah crept back down with Sirius's present and ran out the back door. the broom siri had given her was the second best in the world siri had stated that he couldn't give her the best as that was what the brat had and it would be taken from her.

she had just got in the air when she heard a shout from bellow. she looked down and saw James standing there motioning her to come down so she did with a feeling of dread settling in her stomach.

" where did you get that" he ordered snatching it off her

"give it it back it was a gift!"

"you stole it from jack you mean"

"no!!! siri gave it to me"


Hannah fell back to the ground as James towered over her. he was furious

"Sirius doesn't care about YOU he PITIES you. you lier"

Hannah had enough and her magic reacted to her fury as he eyes narrowed and she hissed "how dare you! at least he noticed me and you call yourself parents! your not fit to look after a stick!" she was dangerous and it started to rain and lightening struck the roof.

Hanna turned towards the house and ran to her room, pulled up the floor boards and grabbed the prepacked bag. you see Hannah had made this decision ages ago and had even got a job. she had over 600 thousand saved up and lily and James never noticed.

That night Hannah Marie potter died.

though just as she was about to leave she heard talking in the dinning room. so she listened.

" don't understand how can he be so magically weak! he's the saviour!" James said in out rage

"I don't know James , what about the girl"

"she's never done abit of magic"

inwardly Hannah scoffed like you would know asshat!!

never the less any magic she does possess should be given to Jack if only to make him stronger and it may well save his life, I'm sure she would understand"

Hannah wanted to scream dumbledore and his greater good did her head in. before any more could be said she left.


please review.