As the cart stopped and he, Griphook and Hagrid got off at vault 687 – The Potter Vault – Harry began to wonder what was inside. How many of the little bronze Knuts would be in there – would there be enough to buy Harry's school things? Perhaps Harry could buy some things second-hand…

Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry gasped. All of this couldn't be his!

Inside there were mountains of gold coins as large as the wheels on a car, columns of glistening silver, and heaps of the little bronze Knuts.

'All yours.' Hagrid smiled

All his.

Dudley would go mad when he found out.

Harry grinned.

This was amazing.

Harry walked in and looked around. Gold and Silver sparkling as far as the eye could see – which was quite far in this seemingly endless vault.

Harry walked around his – His – vault, taking it all in.

Eventually Harry came across a piece of old-looking paper – parchment – lying on the ground. He picked it up.

James Potter's Will

I leave guardianship of my precious, adorable, talented son, Harry James Potter, to his godfather and my best friend, Sirius Orion Potter – Yes, I get it, it wasn't legal adoption - Okay fine, Black – AKA Padfoot. I trust Padfoot to spoil Harry rotten and make sure he's awesome at Quidditch – He's going to be on his house team one day, I'll bet you anything… Oh wait, that's right, if you're reading this, I'm dead… Well, that's a depressing thought.

Well, if old Padfoot isn't available, I want Moony – sorry, Remus John Lupin – can I go back to calling him Moony now? – to look after Harry. And if you're reading this, Moony, Merlin's striped pants you won't bite Prongslet - Harry!

I leave 10% of all the money in my vault and all money the Potter family ever makes to you.

To Padfoot – Sirius Orion Black – I leave the Potter Manor, in which you spent every holiday in and became an honorary member of the Potter family

To my amazing son, Prongslet - Harry James Potter, I leave everything else. And if Dumbledore still has my Invisibility Cloak, I find asking nicely usually works – just kidding! Pranking is obviously the way to go!

Love, Prongs AKA James Potter.

Harry hastily shoved the note into his pocket. He knew he shouldn't have read that. Harry went and tried to pick up a Galleon. Griphook looked at him as though he was an idiot – where did he come from!

'You need to shrink them.' He hissed

'What – How?' Harry asked in bewilderment

Griphook picked one up and waved his hand over it, it shrank to a quarter of its size. He done this for a whole pile of them. He did this quite a few times… several hundred times… it took forever.

He filled a sack up with them and handed it to Harry.

'Thanks..' Harry muttered, wondering if Hagrid would carry it for him, it was rather heavy.