Four-year-old Hadrian Potter stumbled as the portkey dumped him on the marble floor of Gringotts Bank. His mind was swirling, five hours earlier he had been cleaning the Dursleys attic when he had found his mothers school trunk, inside he had found a letter from his parents, informing him that he was a wizard and a Lord to boot, he had found a book which explained about the basics of the wizarding world, and about how they thought that he had defeated a wizard called Voldemort, in the letter his parents had explained that they were in the process of joining Voldemort when Albus Dumbledore found out and killed them framing Voldemort and enacting a curse which separated Volemorts body from his soul. At this point Harrison was furious and was wondering how to get in contact with the wizarding world when he found a portkey which his parents had told him would take him to Gringotts bank, apparently his mother had been a seer and had foreseen when Hadrian would find the trunk, Gringotts would help him prepare for his actual entrance to the wizarding world when he was eleven.

He looked around, knowing that he was in Ragnok's office but not knowing where the goblin was, he stood and waited, anyone looking at the boy would have thought that he was younger than four, he was malnourished and wore clothes that swamped him. Hadrian startled when Ragnok came into the office and sat behind his desk. Hadrian bowed like the letter had said before saying "Greetings Ragnok Nur, I am Hadrian James Potter."

Ragnok stared at the skinny boy in front of him, he had known the child would come today and had cleared his schedule, however he had hoped that James and Lily had exaggerated when they said the boy would have been abused, he could see that the child was in pain from how he held himself and pressed a button under his desk which would summon Goblin healers to his office. "Hello Lord Potter, before we begin the meeting I would like some Goblin Healers to heal your injuries and reverse the malnutrition, when your parents came to me before their deaths they informed me that you would be have been severely abused, I had hoped that would have been an exaggeration." Hadrian nodded and shuffled awkwardly.

"Yes Uncle Vernon has a bit of a temper." He said clearly.

Ragnok snorted at the understatement as three goblin healers came through the door, he introduced them to Hadrian and they started the diagnostic charm. When the head healer finished the charm a long piece of parchment appeared in front of him, listing Hadrian's current injuries.

Name – Hadrian James Potter

Age – 4 years 11 months

Weight – 32 pounds

Height – 38 inches

Injuries – Welts on back and buttocks

- 3 broken ribs

- Fractured Ankle

- Broken Wrist

- Skull Fracture

- Bruised liver

- Broken tibia

- Bruising to 90% of body

- Curse Scar on forehead … residual dark magic

The head healer gasped and led Harry to the sofa in the room, he guided Hadrian to lay down and began chanting, Hadrian fell into a deep sleep and the healer began to explain the results of the scan. Ragnok was furious, how could anyone do this to a child, he told the healer to fix the broken child and went back to sit behind his desk. He had to find a way to get Lord Potter away from that house without Dumbledore knowing, he couldn't think of anything, maybe Hadrian would have an idea, he turned to the healers who had healed everything except the malnutrition and the scar. He watched as one of the goblins tipped a potion down the boys throat, Ragnok winced and was immensely glad that they had put the child to sleep, this would undo any negative effects on Hadrian's height and weight, he watched as Hadrian grew taller and filled out a bit. By the time the potion had done its work Hadrian was just above average height wise and was lithe, built for speed. The healers than began to work on the residual dark magic in the scar, as the goblins chanted a black mist rose from the scar and dissipated without a force to support it. Once this was done the healers left and Ragnok woke Hadrian.

Hadrian ached as he woke up, he felt like he had been stretched in his sleep he had had the most wonderful dream he had been a wizard. He slowly opened his eyes but startled when he saw Ragnok staring at him, he quickly stood up, immediately realising that he was a lot taller than before. Ragnok explained what had happened while he was asleep and conjured a mirror for Harrison so he could see the changes, he now stood at 45 inches and his whole body had changed, his hair had grown to halfway down his neck and had become tamer and his scar had disappeared. He smiled at his reflection feeling healthier than he had in a while, Ragnok explained that they had been unable to get rid of the older scars on his back because they had been left too long.

Hadrian sat down opposite Ragnok and said "I thank the Goblin Nation for their help." Ragnok smiled which was kind of scary with those sharp teeth.

"You are most welcome Hadrian, however now it is time to talk of the future, I have been unable to think of a way to get you out of the Dursley's care without alerting Dumbledore." Hadrian hissed at the name before sitting back in his chair and contemplating the problem. Ragnok watched as Hadrian's mind worked around the problem and was surprised when the boy smiled and leant forward.

"I take it you have a solution Hadrian?" he questioned.

"I have, however it depends on a few factors, in my parents letter it said that we were very wealthy, that the Potter's were Lords in both the magical world and the muggle world, to what extent is this true?" Hadrian asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

"Your family are our richest clients, this is due to the fact that they work in both the muggle and wizarding worlds, you are the richest person in the wizarding world and hold a lot of political power, this doesn't even take into account the families that we don't know you are heir to."

Hadrian smiled "What you have to understand Ragnok is that the Dursleys abuse me for the sole reason that they don't want me there in their lives, so if I enrolled myself in a private boarding school which had a summer programme, they wouldn't have to see me again until I was eleven and it would only be a short amount of time then, by then I hope to have people to aid me against Albus Dumbledore." Ragnok almost choked, it was genius, there was no need for Albus to know the boy was enrolled in a private school and the man had no access to the Potter accounts.

"That is a very good idea … we will sort that out momentarily, there is also the matter of your parents wills, you cannot unseal them until you are seven."

"That is fine, the letter also said something about an inheritance test and an abilities test?" Hadrian questioned.

Ragnok nodded and pulled out two sheets of special parchment "We will complete the inheritance test first, just prick your finger and allow three drops of blood to fall onto the first parchment. Hadrian did so and gasped when writing appeared.

Hadrian James Potter

Parents – James Charlus Potter (Deceased)

- Lillian Rose Potter nee Evans (Deceased)

Godparents – Severus Tobias Snape-Prince (1st Godfather)

- Sirius Orion Black (2nd Godfather) Incarcerated

- Narcissa Elizabeth Malfoy nee Black (1st Godmother)

- Bellatrix Margaret Lestrange nee Black (2nd Godmother) Incarcerated

Lordships - Heir to the House of Potter

- Heir to the House of Black

- Heir to the House of Ravenclaw

- Heir to the House of Gryffindor

- Heir to the House of Peverell

- Heir to the House of Evans

Normally when Ragnok was handed the results of inheritance tests, he wasn't surprised, however when he saw Hadrian's his jaw dropped, these were six of the most powerful houses, "Very well Heir Potter, do you wish to claim your heir rings, when you turn thirteen you will become Lord to any of the houses which do not have a current Lord."

"Yes please Ragnok." Ragnok brought a box out of his draw and tapped it with his finger, inside was a plain platinum signet ring. Hadrian slid it on his finger and it resized to fit him, Ragnok explained that he only had to think of the House crest he wished to display and it would appear on the ring. Hadrian thought of the Potter crest and a stag appeared on the ring, he smiled absently and fingered it. "Is it the same for the abilities test?" he asked. Ragnok nodded and Hadrian picked up the knife and pierced his thumb letting the blood drip onto the parchment.

Hadrian James Potter Intellegence Quota - 200

Water Mage 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Air Mage 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Parseltongue 75% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Magical core 95% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Metamorphagus 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Mind Magics 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Animagus 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Wandless Magic 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Eidetic Memory

Increased Reading Speed (30,000 WPM)

Ragnoks jaw hit the floor when he saw the results, the boy was a genius obviously from Rowena he thought ruefully, when he reached the section about his magical core, he nearly fainted, he could feel the boys magic even now and that was with most of his magic blocked Dumbledore obviously saw the boy as a threat. He looked at Hadrian who was obviously deep in thought and cleared his throat. Hadrian started before smiling and Ragnok was suddenly seeing how young the boy was, he wasn't even five had only been attending school for a year and he came across as so intelligent he shook his head before saying "All you have to do to get rid of the blocks is to drink this potion, it will probably hurt a bit. " Hadrian didn't look phased and just drunk the potion offered to him without pre amble. Ragnok watched as Hadrians face screwed up in pain and the room became saturated with magic, he saw Hadrian battling to control the extra magic, which happened almost instantaneously.

Half an hour later after discussing his estates they came to another subject Hadrians Godparents "In my parents letter it explained that Severus, Narcissa and Bellatrix had been obliviated by Dumbledore as had anyone who had known they were my Godparents, now I think the best thing to do about that is to wait until I can unlock my parents will, which states my Godparents and that Severus should be given custody, I will not attend the will reading and you can break the obliviates and any compulsion spells, I will obviously pay you for your services. The harder part will be getting Sirius and Bellatrix out of prison, Narcissa should be able to order trials for both of them after she has been treated as she is their closest living relative. You said that there is a truth potion, my guess is that she will be able to order the use of it." Ragnok nodded and handed Hadrian some brochures for the top boarding schools in the UK. Hadrian sat for an hour looking through the brochures until he decided on Riddale Preparatory school, it was a school that didn't accept children until they were five which would mean that Hadrian would not be the 'new' kid, it specialised in preparing children for the political world which would aid Hadrian later in life and also was the top preparatory school in the UK. Hadrian whistled when he spotted the price fifty thousand ponds per year, it didn't matter though because it wouldn't even make a dent in his trust vault. One requirement for the school was that the child had their own horse but that didn't matter as apparently there was a choice of horses available at Potter Manor and Hadrian could just pick one of those, he informed Ragnok that he should enrol him in the school, and with the aid of magic Hadrians name was added to the newcomers within the hour, it would be fine as any school would love to have he future Lord Potter. "Ragnok I will need to go shopping for some supplies in the muggle world tomorrow, I can get supplies from the wizarding world on my own today, however the muggle world would think it weird if they saw a five year old on their own, I was wondering if I could pay the bank for a human escort." Ragnok was once again surprised by the boys forethought, because of all the wards children often went through diagon alley on their own as parents felt they were safe, this was not the case in the muggle world. If he chose the right person it could start the rumours of Lord Potters son before he reached the school. He could dress the person up a body guard for the boy, it would have to be someone trustworthy and who knew the Muggle world, then it clicked, Joseph Alzondo had just recently started working for them, before that he had been a security guard for a royal family, he would be the perfect candidate and he was good with children. When he stated all of this to Hadrian the boy agreed and even went as far to say that it might be good for it to become a permanent arrangement, according to the school brochure a lot of the students had bodyguards and they were given separate quarters, in the end though they decided that Joe would be called upon when needed, he would be permanently employed by Harrison but would only be called upon when necessary. They spoke more about the next day when Joe would pick Hadrian up, they agreed that Joe would first go to buy a car for the Potter Family, Hadrian looked through some models and stated that they should get the newest Range Rover Sport in black, he made sure to get all the extra's added including a privacy screen. Hadrian then collected all of his paperwork including his school list that had come while he was there and left the bank, heading into Diagon Alley.