Business first (read this, it's important!): Though I never explicitly state when this story takes place, let's put it somewhere between six months to a year after the Battle. (Long enough for Severus to have recovered from Nagini's attack.) And speaking of that, I don't explain how he survived. Sorry, lazy writer that I am, I just wanted to get to the plot and 'good stuff' (which happens very early on). This is very much an AU in some respects, although everyone that died is dead (except Severus) and the final battle happened just as it did in DH. There two big differences, Kingsley is not the acting Minister for Magic and a huge number of Death Eaters escaped. Keep that in mind going forward. I put Hermione's age at 19, that's just simple math (and I can only do simple math, don't ask me to do anything more complicated!). If the age difference or anything else about the paring bothers you, don't read this story. There is quite a bit of sex. You may find Hermione a bit OOC, that's deliberate and will be addressed. One last thing, there are a LOT of flashbacks (they're in italics). Okay, finally done. Hopefully that will be the longest A/N I ever have to write, sorry. Onto my normal Lilisms...

The story is finished except for polishing and an epilogue that I plan on writing.

Huge thanks to darnedchild for betaing this for me. She's wonderful. Also, thanks to MrsMCrieff for giving it a Brit once over. Love these women. But all the mistakes you find belong to me and me alone!

Warnings: Canon typical violence and explicit sexual content, including rimming. (You've been warned!)

I own nothing. Please enjoy. ~Lil~

"Severus!" Hermione screamed as she ran down the hall. The entire Order of the Phoenix was gathered in the sitting room of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, they all turned their attention to the young witch as she threw herself into the Dark wizard's arms.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed.

Most everyone else just gasped in surprise. But Hermione ignored them all.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Severus whispered angrily into her hair.

"I- I couldn't let you leave…" she started, then sagged against his traveling cloak.

"We've been through this…"

"I couldn't let you leave without letting you know…" She pulled back, stroking his face with trembling hands.

"Miss Granger…" Severus was glancing nervously around the room.

"Stop it! Just stop it! I don't care! I never cared! And if this is to be the last time I ever see you…" Resting her forehead on his chest, she gasped for breath.

"'Mione, what's going on?" Ron asked from behind her.

She looked back up at her wizard, not taking her eyes off of Severus though she addressed her friend. "Bugger off, Ronald."

"Hermione Granger, I cannot believe what I'm seeing..." Minerva McGonagall started, and though she continued, both Severus and Hermione tuned her out.

"You condemn yourself, Miss Granger," Severus said, as he tightened his hold around her waist.

"I don't give two shits," she replied with a devious smile, then she sobered. "If you choose not to come back to me you must understand how I feel. And if you can't return…" Biting her lip as tears streamed down her face, she continued, "...then you need to know how much you are loved."

"I knew," he said as he lowered his head. "You would make a horrible spy, my dear, you conceal nothing."

Hermione pulled him down the rest of the way, pressing her lips to his. Once again, the room reacted; gasps, 'oh my gods' and 'bloody hells' could be heard from each of the members as the lovers continued to enjoy their goodbye. Neither seemed to care, at least for the moment.

As Severus released her and pulled back, he cupped her face in her hands. "You, Hermione Granger, are the very best of our world, don't let them tell you otherwise." He stepped back farther, took her hand in his then brought it to his lips, kissing her palm. "Live well, my love," he said just before turning and sweeping down the entry hall and out of the house.

The remaining members of the Order stared as the young witch grabbed onto a wing-back chair, steadying herself. She clutched the hand that Severus had just kissed to her chest as tears poured from her eyes.

Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke up, breaking the oppressive silence. "Let's go. We have a timetable," he said, addressing the room then, turning to Hermione he added, "I will do my best to keep him safe, Miss Granger."

She grabbed the Head Auror by the arm and said, "No matter how badly he's injured, bring him back. Even if you think he's dead, Kings, bring him home to me."

As everyone started filing out of the house, Molly took Hermione by the hand. "I know you're hurting right now, but I've been left with very specific instructions by a very exacting wizard and I shudder to think what he would do to me if I failed."

The Weasley matriarch started pulling Hermione toward the kitchen, but was stopped by Minerva. "I'd like a word with Miss Granger, Molly," she said, standing in their way.

"I'm sure you would, Minerva, but I'm on a bit of a mission, so if you'll excuse me…" Molly, a formidable woman in her own right, gently pushed the older witch out of the way.

"Molly!" the Transfiguration Professor huffed. "I'm just thinking about a young witches reputation!"

Turning on her heel, Molly stopped only a couple of inches from the older witch. "And I'm only thinking about her heart. You will stay out of this for the time being, Minnie. Things will be clear in due time. In the meantime please check with Poppy and make sure that everyone is in place and ready for casualties."

Hermione was moving as though she was in shock, perhaps she was. Molly sat her down at the kitchen table, pulled out two scrolls and a phial then placed them in front of the younger witch and sat down next to her.

"First things first," Molly said, handing Hermione the phial.

"What is it?"

"Just drink it." Molly knew that her surrogate daughter would have recognised it in a second had she not been grief stricken. "It's a Calming Draught. Severus prepared it."

That did it. Hermione immediately turned it up and drank.

"Good." She untied the larger of the two scrolls. I've been asked to deliver these to you." She handed over the larger scroll.

"I don't feel like reading right now, Molly."

And that told her everything she needed to know about Hermione's state of mind. The young witch had an unending curiosity. "I know, love. But it's important. He wanted you to see this as soon as he left."

Hermione wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and unrolled the parchment. After reading for a few seconds she looked up with horror written on her face and threw it across the table. "What the hell?" she yelled. "That's fucking sick!"

"You must calm down," Molly said as she reached for the witch.

"Why would he ask you to give me this seconds after he left me?" she asked, then realisation dawned on her face. "He told you."

"Yes. Myself, Arthur and Kingsley."

"Why?" she whispered.

"Kingsley had to help prepare the documents and get them notarized. Obviously he needed me to deliver them and I think he asked Arthur for some... advice," she answered somberly.

Hermione shook out of Molly's hand and stood up. "Well, I don't want it! Does he think I'm some kind of whore?" She walked to the kitchen sink.

Molly followed. "Of course he doesn't. He wanted you taken care of, in case…"

"I just want him to come back to me!" she exploded as she turned.

"I know, I know. I want Arthur back too. And Bill and Charlie and George and Ronald." She heaved a great sigh. "And Harry. But Severus asked this of me, and I'll be damned if I will let him down. So you're going to have to get ahold of yourself, Hermione, and listen to what I have to say!"

The look of shock on the young witch's face told Molly that she'd finally gotten through to her. Hermione sat back down at the table in front of the unrolled parchment.

Molly opened the third cabinet to her right and pulled out a bottle of Firewhisky and two glasses. Clearly Severus' Draught hadn't been effective. She sat down next to Hermione and poured about one shot in each of them. "Drink," she said.

"Is that a good idea? I mean with Draught?"

"One drink won't hurt."

They each drank and Molly certainly felt better, she hope that Hermione did as well.

"Three days ago, Severus asked to speak with me. I met him in the library to find Arthur and Kingsley waiting. He informed me of your… relationship." She paused. "I admit, Hermione, I was shocked. Though it does make sense, I suppose."

"...understand if you don't approve, Molly. I don't expect you to. But I do not believe that I will survive this mission," Severus explained after handing Molly his will.

"You survived the Dark Lord, but a few Death Eaters…" she started, but her husband interrupted.

"Molly, we estimate more than fifty have banded together to form The Brotherhood. They all want Severus dead. Once he is seen…" Arthur didn't finish his sentence, he just hung his head.

"Is this what our Ministry has become? This isn't justice!" she exclaimed. "He shouldn't be involved if that's the case!"

"You know none of us agree with this, Molly," Kingsley interjected. "But you know as well as I that they will not be moved. Snape must carry out this last mission to prove his innocence or face a lifetime in Azkaban. We've all been through this."

And they had, at more than one meeting since Severus had returned from the Ministry with the news that he had no choice but to join the fight.

Severus moved to stand in front of her. "I have done many things of which I am not proud, Molly. I'm asking for one chance to do the right thing before I leave this world."

"Do you love her?" she asked, deep down knowing she would not get an answer.

He cleared his throat and took a step back. "She is to get everything. My vault, my patents, my books. Spinner's End, for what it's worth. My books, which I do believe will bring her endless hours of entertainment. There are instructions for a small trunk that is located in the attic of my house. Hermi… Miss Granger will know what to do. It is for Mr. Potter."

"Oh… Severus," Molly reached for his hand, unable to resist comforting him.

"I assure you, Molly, this is not a decision I come to lightly. What I have is of little value, but perhaps she can find some use for it." He reached into his coat and retrieved another rolled piece of parchment. "Please give her this as well," he said, looking at the floor. After walking to the door he turned and addressed the three people in the room, though did not make eye contact with any of them. "I know I have disappointed you all. And I know that my death will hurt her for at least a moment. But I find it hard to regret my actions of the last few months for at least I can die knowing the sweet taste of happiness once in my life." Then he hurried out of the room.

"Even if he never said it, Hermione, I do believe that he loves you," Molly said as she finished. She dried her own tears and poured herself another drink. "I won't ask how it started, it's not my business and no one else's, I might add. But if you want my advice, take his letter, go to your room and read it before we're hit with injured witches and wizards. We need you at your best this night and right now you are still in quite a state." She stood and threw back the drink.

Hermione looked up and managed a very weak smile. "I've never seen you drink before, Molly."

"It's been a hell of a week."

The younger witch picked up both parchments and walked out of the kitchen, looking much more like herself than she had since her wizard had left for the fight and his probable death.

Two minutes after Hermione left the room, Minerva walked in.

"Where is she?" the professor asked.

Molly didn't look up, she stared into her empty glass. "She's gone to her room, Minerva. She needs some time to digest the information I just gave her."

"And what would that be?"

Looking up, Molly managed a sneer that would have made Severus proud. "Since you weren't invited to the meeting, I'd imagine that it is private."

"We may not agree, Molly, but I do have Miss Granger's best interest at heart."

"Well then, I'd advise you to mind your own business and you might want to stop calling her Miss Granger as if she were some firstie you just met. That woman has seen her fair share of misery and death. She deserves some respect."

"She's still a child."

"That's where you're wrong, Minerva. Until you realize that asking what we have of those young people has certainly earned them the right to be called adults, if nothing else, you'll never understand them. Not for a minute." She stood, picking up the bottle of whisky and walked to the cabinets. "Hermione is like a daughter to me and I'm not in the least bit worried about what may or may not have transpired between her and Severus."

"Perhaps you've had too much to drink, Molly."

"Perhaps you've held this grudge against Severus for too long, Minerva." She turned to face the older witch fully. "He didn't kill Albus out of spite or revenge or the joy of killing. He did what was asked of him, just as he always has."

"I never said…"

"No, but you treat him like he's one of them. And he is not." She walked past Minerva, when she was almost to the door she said, "Leave Hermione to her thoughts."

Molly walked into the dining room and tried to focus her mind on preparing for the injured. She didn't like arguing with Minerva, she had the utmost respect for the woman, but was tired of the way the older witch treated Severus.

Harry had explained everything whilst Snape was still recovering in St Mungo's. That was enough for Molly and most of the Order, for that matter. Minerva, however, was still harbouring a great deal of resentment over Albus' death. And, in Molly's opinion, a bit of guilt for not realising what Severus had gone through. Molly understood, to a point. She had also anticipated that Minerva would react badly if she ever found out about Severus and Hermione, but Molly had vowed to herself that she would shield the young witch as much as possible while she could.

Sitting in the middle of her bed, Hermione unrolled the parchment and looked at Severus' elegant handwriting. He'd addressed the letter 'My Little Witch'. One of his many nicknames for her. Tears instantly pricked her eyes once again. Before she could read another word the memory of the night before flooded her mind.

Usually Severus came into her room when he deemed it safe. But on this night, Hermione didn't care one bit if they got caught. It could, after all, be their last night together.

He answered immediately when she knocked, pulling her in and looking down the hall. Shutting, locking and warding the door, he turned to her and said, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Coming to see you, obviously. I do hope your wits are quicker than this tomorrow."

"This is an incredibly bad idea, Miss Granger…"

"Oh shove it, Severus. I don't care, nor should you. I'm spending the night here whether you like it or not." She folded her arms across her chest in defiance.

"You are the single most bull headed woman I've ever known in my entire life."

"I am, lucky for you." She moved closer as she pulled her tee shirt off over her head revealing nothing underneath.

Severus grabbed her by the hips, pulling her to him. "I should send you away."

"I'd like to see you try," she said with a smirk.

His hands traveled from her hips to her back, so large that they nearly spanned her from neck to tailbone. "Will there ever come a day that I don't want you, little witch?" he said before bending down and nipping softly at her neck.

Hermione clung to his shoulders. "By the gods I hope not."

He hummed in approval as he continued to bite and suck at her skin. One hand found her breast, he pinched and pulled at the nipple.

She leant back, capturing his lips with hers. When she kissed him he turned them both, pinning her between himself and the door. The impact nearly knocked the breath out of her, or maybe Severus was stealing it from her, at that moment she couldn't tell, and really didn't care.

He broke the kiss as he trailed his hand down her stomach to her denim clad centre, pressing hard, causing Hermione to moan. "Always so eager. It's only been two days, Hermione."

"Fuck! I need you!"

He chuckled, a sound that both infuriated and excited her. "And you shall have me. But seeing as this is our last night together, I will be dictating things."

"How is that different than every other night?" she asked, though it wasn't really true. Their first time together he had given her complete control… for a while, at least. "And, please Severus, don't say things like that."

With a gentle kiss to her forehead he said, "Okay, dear one. I will try to refrain. But I'm in charge this evening." The look in his eyes told her she was in for an eventful night.

"Have I ever denied you anything, Severus?"

"No. And you have no idea the restraint it has required from me not to take full advantage of that gift." He continued to press against her quim through her jeans, driving her closer towards oblivion.

"Who says I don't want to be taken advantage of?"

His dirty laugh nearly caused her to come right then and there. "Be careful with your words."

"I was being careful."

He stopped rubbing her and quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, then he flipped her around so that she was facing the door, her breasts roughly pressed against the cool wood. "Stay there unless I tell you otherwise." As he pulled away, she felt his hands on her hips, tugging her jeans down until she could step out of them, then she felt his mouth pressed against the crack of her arse and she knew he was kneeling behind her. "No knickers this evening, Miss Granger?"

"You know me, sir, I do like to be prepared," she said, well, grunted as she felt herself being spread open and the tip of his wand lightly touch her arsehole. The cleansing spell did its job as it tingled against her tender flesh. She knew what was coming next and she couldn't wait.

She heard his wand drop to the floor then felt his hand smoothing up her thighs. Severus pulled her toward him and spread her cheeks once again. The first touch of his tongue to her tight hole caused her skin to break out in goosebumps as she dug her nails into the wood. He traced her smallest opening several times before moving to her dripping cunt and driving his tongue into her with more force than should have been possible.

"Gods!" she yelled as she banged her head against the door.

His mouth found her arsehole once again, this time snaking inside with explosive results. Hermione pushed against Severus' face as he fucked her tight opening with his tongue. His hands kneaded her buttocks almost painfully as he ate her arse.

"Fucking hell!"

Moving back to her pussy, Severus sucked her clit into his mouth. She was on the brink of orgasm when he pulled away once again, working his way through her folds with that talented tongue. He didn't let up, arse, clit, entrance, he alternated driving the witch wild. Hermione didn't know men fancied going down on woman so much until the first time Severus had done it. There were nights that he spent so much time with his face buried between her thighs, she was sure his nose would be pruned. Just as she heard herself begging him to let her come, pleading for release, his thumb found her clit as his tongue lapped at her opening.

"Soak my face, Hermione!" he whispered against her pussy causing her to let go completely.

She came screaming, panting against the wood, her body shaking almost violently.

Then he was gone and Hermione nearly lost her balance, but he was back in an instant to steady her, holding her upright against the door. He turned her back around and pinned her hands above her head.

"Ready for more, little witch?"

"Always," she panted.

The smile he gave her would have scared the shit out of her a few years before, but she'd grown to love it as much as she had the man himself. He lowered his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, keeping his eyes trained on her face the entire time.

Hermione buried her hands into his lank hair as he switched sides. Once her mind started to clear, her instincts told her to beg him to fuck her, but she also knew it would fall on deaf ears. The man had a plan and he would not deviate from it. He was still fully dressed for Merlin's sake!

Releasing her nipple, he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. He laid her down then untucked his shirt, pulling it over his head rather than unbuttoning it, leaving him in nothing but his black trousers. Sitting down next to her, he trailed a finger down her sternum as he studied her body. He seemed to be committing it to memory. Perhaps he was.

"You body is a wonder, Hermione," he said almost absently. "It's perfect."

She knew that was a lie, or at least an exaggeration. She was scarred and too thin. Her breasts were a bit too small, her arse a bit too big. But Severus, since the beginning of their tryst, had insisted that she was utter perfection.

His hand rested on her belly just above her pubis. "You've brought me so much joy," he said, though there was no happiness in his eyes.

She couldn't speak. He was sad and so was she, but she wanted this one last night of passion and unspoken love to hold onto, just in case.

"I'm a letch. A depraved bastard. I should have never touched you." His hand parted her wet folds causing her to buck. As sensitive as she was from the orgasm she had just had, she still wanted more. "But since I have accepted my depravity..." He slipped two fingers easily into her passage, instantly finding her g-spot, a thing she had been certain was the stuff of legend before her first night with Severus. No one else had been able to make her come undone with a single questing digit.

He leant forward until his lips touched her ear. "I want watch you, Hermione. I want the image of you coming to be seared into my mind so that when I take my last breath I can call up this memory and be with you one last time. I can watch the ecstasy on your face and hear you calling out my name as I cross over."

As he pressed against her walls in the most perfect way, Hermione felt herself start to tighten. Then his fingers twisted and turned. He circled her clit with his thumb and she fell once again. His words, an odd mixture of somber and erotic, just added to her desire. It hadn't taken long for her to realise that his voice was just another tool he used to play her like a finely tuned instrument. In just a few short months he'd learned every inch of her body better than any of her previous lovers.

She called out his name, gripping the duvet as she ground her cunt against his hand. Distantly she was aware of him whispering his encouragement. "Perfect. That's it, little witch. Give me more. Magnificent."

When she opened her eyes, she found Severus cleaning his fingers in his mouth, a sight that would have once embarrassed the hell out of her but now drove her mad with want.

"Thank you, my beauty. That was exactly what I needed," he said as he lay down next to her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her sweetly just before she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

Hours later she woke to find Severus staring at her. "What time is it?" she asked.

"A little after one."

Stretching, she wrapped her arms around his back. As she skimmed her hands down his hips she found him naked. "You've lost your trousers, Professor."

"They aren't comfortable to sleep in."

"You weren't sleeping."

"I found I didn't want to waste my time." He ghosted his knuckles across her cheek. "Don't marry Weasley."

"Severus…" Not this again!

"No, listen, I have my reasons."

"I'm not marrying anyone!" She sat up, pulling her knees to her chest.

Severus sat up behind her, sweeping her hair off of her back he whispered, "He's beneath you, Hermione."

She shrugged him off. "I don't want to marry him, you idiot. It'd be like marrying my brother." Somehow she managed to suppress the involuntary shiver that the thought of marrying Ronald Weasley caused. Gross.

His fingers danced down her spine, reigniting her recently sated lust. But she wanted to speak, if only for a moment, before they made love.


"Yes…" he answered before placing butterfly kisses on her back.

"If this wasn't happening, if you were free and no one was forcing you to participate in tomorrow's mission, what would become of us?" She'd never asked the question before. They had never really discussed their relationship, or the lack thereof. A single fight, once, and he had assured her that she was important. That was as much as she had gotten. There was really no point. In the beginning it was all passion and pent up aggression and boredom. It was release and relief. Then, when the mission began to take shape, it was soon realised that Severus' life was all but forfeit. He had never made promises he couldn't keep, and Hermione appreciated that. But she wanted - needed - for this one night, to live the fantasy that they could have some kind of future- the possibility of a life together.

After what seemed like forever he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest, his legs bracketing her body as he spoke. "In another life, Hermione, I would have you. If my past could be forgotten, my sins forgiven, I would make you mine. I would put you in the prettiest cottage, buy you the finest things, provide you with the best education possible and nurture your magnificent mind. If I were a clean man, a man without the stain of Darkness, I would marry you and put my child in your belly." He lovingly stroked her stomach. "But I am none of these things. My past is beyond forgiveness and my name would bring you shame and dishonour." With a kiss to her bare shoulder, he added, "I can give you nothing, Hermione, but this…" He trailed his hand to her mound. "And only that for a few more hours."

Hermione turned in his arms and saw the sadness in his eyes. Straddling his hips she pushed him down onto the mattress as her tears dripped on his chest. "Can we pretend that it doesn't have to end?"

He smiled, a genuine smile, and nodded. "Anything you want, little witch."

"If that's the case, then I want all those things."

"Then they are yours. As am I."

"Why is life so cruel?" she whispered as she laid her head on his chest.

"I thought we were pretending," he said as he smoothed down her hair.

She didn't reply, just kissed his pectoral muscle as she stroked his side.

"I don't have an answer, Hermione. For me, I know I deserve it. But you, dear one, do not." His hands slid up and down her back, over her arse and back again. "You are the least deserving of cruelty of any person I've ever met. This is my doing. If I'd just been stronger..."

She sat up. "Then I'd never have known. And neither would you."

"The question is which is worse: not knowing or knowing and losing?"

"I don't have an answer, Severus." She was done talking.

Scooting back, she placed herself between his legs and took his semi-hard cock in hand. With a kiss to the tip, she looked up his long, pale body and caught his eyes. They were still a bit sad, but now the fire that she'd grown used to seeing just as their evenings would start had settled in. She lowered her mouth, taking as much of him as she could, which in his current state was a good deal (it was her only real chance to do so). Once he was fully hard she'd never be able to get him completely into her mouth. She heard him moan in appreciation. There was something about directly causing his cock to harden that aroused Hermione beyond measure.

She couldn't imagine finding another wizard that would have this effect on her body or her soul, for that matter. The very idea made her stomach turn.

After a few more passes, Severus was grunting and thrusting into her mouth and she knew it was time. Letting go she kissed the tip one more time, then moved to straddle him once again.

"Are you going to ride me, little one?"

"Until you can't remember your name," she said as she coated the head of his cock in her juices. They moaned in unison as she lowered herself and he filled her completely. Bracing herself on his thighs, Hermione started slow, just how he liked it, knowing she had to make this last. "Severus…" she whispered as his hands traveled up her legs to her hips. He gripped her tight enough to bruise and she hoped that he did- hoped that he left some evidence of himself on her.

"Fuck me, witch!" he grunted. It was out of character for him. During sex he would whisper filthy suggestions in her ear to make her come. He'd compliment her and her body and sometimes tell her to wait for him- not to come until he said. Often he'd moan and almost always, at least after their first week together, he'd say her name in a breathy chant as he emptied himself inside her, but he was rarely so vocal during the act. "Harder, Hermione! Gods woman, don't stop!"

She complied, leaning forward planting her hands on his chest and driving her hips into his. The change in angle caused her sore clit to rub against his pelvic bone, electrifying her entire body. Suddenly, Severus sat up, gripping her by the back of the head with one hand and kissing her breathless. He used his other hand as leverage to drive up into her, lifting them both off the bed.

"Come for me! When you shatter around me it's the sweetest feeling in the world. I need to feel it one more time," he spoke in her ear seconds before she let go and wave after wave of white hot ecstasy took over.

"Oh gods! Sever-us!"

She was aware of him flipping her onto her back and heard his whispered praise for her tightness, her heat. Then he was inside her again, thrusting brutally, chasing his end. She wrapped her arms around his back and held on tightly as tears poured from her eyes. He wasn't hurting her, much. It was the pain of knowing these were their last moments together that was breaking her in half. Biting her lip to keep from openly sobbing, Hermione tasted copper as she felt his thrusts lose all finesse. There was no whispering chant this time. He shouted her name when he came deep inside her.

Collapsing next to her in a heap, Severus pulled her into his arms. "Sleep, little witch. I'll wake you in time to get to your room."

And he did. He woke her just before dawn, kissed her and said goodbye before walking out of the room and not looking back.

A knock at the door and the voice of Ginny Weasley saying her name pulled Hermione from the bittersweet memory.

"What is it, Gin?" she answered as she shoved Severus' unread letter and will under her pillow.

"Mum sent me to get you. We need your help downstairs."

It had already started…

So, that's chapter one. Lots more to come, including how these two came to be and what's going on with the Brotherhood. Hermione has a 'special talent' in this story (other than seducing Potion's Masters). We'll find out about that in chapter two. Please let me know what you think. Thanks so much for reading. ~Lil~