Thank you for all of the love everybody! I figured I needed to tell you that I am leaving to go and visit my family for a whole week with my dad. I will be gone for a week. My dad is going to be hunting for some bucks while I hang out with all of my family. Figured I would give you something in advance! I will probably make this chapter short.

I sat in bed, watching Sam pour over research while Dean watched him just like me. I tried to catch glimpses of what god forsaken monster they were tracking down, but Sam would turn the screen away always telling me that 'This stuff is disturbing, and not appropriate for you to look at.' I sighed as I leaned back on the bed.

They were shielding me from the truth, and I knew it. I know it was in my best interest, and I was grateful that they wanted to shield me the best they could from the living nightmares that walked the streets without anybody knowing.

Even though I didn't want to really see, my brain was just way too curious to see what they were 'hunting' down this time. They killed the thing that had killed my mother, and I was quite scared that the thing they were hunting would come after me like those vampires did.

I heard Dean saying one night to Sam that every monster on the face of the earth probably knew I was his daughter by now, which put me on the list of people that they wanted to use for leverage against the Winchesters that killed their family.

I sighed as I finally sat on the edge of the bed. "How long does it take you to research?" I complained as I dramatically looked at Sam and Dean (who had now joined the research party.). I winced at the bratty teenage tone that was in my voice.

Sam raised an eyebrow at me. "Why don't you watch TV while we work?" He asked as he quickly started typing away again.

I sighed as I grabbed the remotes and threw myself onto the bed again. There wasn't even any good snacking foods in the motel room at the moment. We had ate them all.

I flipped through the channels. 'No. No. No. No. No. No. Boring. Useless. Stupid.' I finally gave up after about 10 more channels. I shut off the TV and grabbed my book off of the nightstand, knocking over the picture of my mother and me at the museum. I gasped as I grabbed it off of the floor.

I quickly set it back up on the nightstand. My eyes scanning it for cracks in the glass, when I deemed it crack free, I turned to my book. I had a whole collection of them. They needed their own bag.

I hated having them cooped up in that bag. I wish I had the nice bookshelf that I had back at my old house. My eyes started trying to tear up so I ducked my head so they couldn't see me.

It was definitely hard to adjust to this lifestyle that's for sure. I started reading so hopefully my tears would dry. I finally closed the book when I felt like my eyes were going to fall out of my skull. I put the book carefully on my nightstand.

I then closed my eyes, and went to sleep to the sound of Dean flipping pages of what he said was his father's journal, and Sam typing away on his laptop.

"Hey, get this!" Was the last thing I heard before I fell into darkness.

When the darkness cleared away, I was in a broken down warehouse. It seemed familiar as I looked around. I realized I was tied to a chair.

Suddenly, a vampire popped out of the shadows. He had a malicious grin on his face.

"Welcome, Daughter of Dean." He chuckled darkly, making my skin crawl. I had to keep on reminding myself that this was just a dream.

"Well, why don't we have some fun?" he laughed as he picked up his knife, slowly cutting into my skin. I screamed out in agony.

I jolted awake to see the boys asleep. I touched my leg instinctively. They couldn't know…

I hope that was enough of a cliffhanger to leave you on. Hopefully, it will hold you until I get back from my 'vacation.' Was it just a dream? Or did something more happen to poor Amelia? Tell me your thoughts on the subject!

~Until next time,
