Summary: Life brings challenges. We can either rise to the occasion, or let fear threaten to take us over. Let's see how Eve respond to what life throws at her.

Chapter 1

"Jessica is such a hater! She thinks she can compete with my fashion line. My clothes wouldn't even share the same closet with those tacky threads she calls an ensemble." Mandy laid across the sofa, chatting on the phone. She had skipped class, well technically, it didn't count as skipping class since Kyle was sitting in for her and taking notes. She had more important things she needed to do, and going to History class wasn't one of them.

Mandy sat up as she heard keys jingling at the front door. She thought about hiding so she could avoid a lecture from her mom about skipping class, and a lecture from her dad about the price of college tuition and how she's wasting time and his money.

Eve walked through the door, her head hung low, and a pale expression on her face.

"Oh, that's just my sister. False alarm." Mandy told her friend on the phone. "Hey Eve, why are you home so early? Did you leave a loaded gun or a jock strap laying around somewhere?" She joked.

Eve rolled her eyes and headed for the stairs.

She didn't have a comeback for her and Mandy thought that was weird. Eve always had a witty insult or retort to throw back at her, but she didn't have it today.

"I'm gonna call you back." Mandy told her friend and then she followed Eve upstairs.

"Are you okay?" She asked her little sister as Eve went into her room.

Eve didn't answer.

"What is wrong with you?" Mandy demanded.

Eve still didn't answer. She took her shoes off and got into the bed, burying her head under the covers.

Mandy snatched the covers away, looking at Eve. "Well, you don't look drunk...this time." She said, remembering the time that Eve got drunk and she covered for her and still got in trouble.

"Can you just leave me alone." Eve asked and pulled the covers back onto the bed.

"Your team must've lost in the sports thingy. It's the only time I ever see you so depressed. Buck up Eve, life is not that hard." Mandy walked out of the room.

Eve pulled the covers over her head again and scoffed at her sister. She had no idea how hard her life was about to become.

She put her head under the pillow when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw that it was Justin calling her. She ignored it. He called again, she ignored. And again, and again, and again. Eve finally answered, "Why do you keep calling me?! I don't want to talk to you!"

"I'm sorry Eve. I'm sorry about earlier, I freaked out." Justin sounded nervous.

"How do you think I feel? This is not happening. This can't be happening!"

"Calm down okay. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about what our options are." He reasoned with her.

"Our options?!" She laughed indignantly. "No! This is my option, my choice!"

"Eve, please..."

"I can't...I just can't talk to you right now." She ended the call, and buried her head under the pillow. If she buried her head deep enough, she just might be able to hide from the rest of the world.

Mandy stood outside the door, listening to everything that had just transpired. She listened a little more and it sounded like Eve was...crying? Eve never cried! Okay, what the hell is going on???!!!