Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.


PLEASEEE READ AND REVIEW. So many people read not all of them review. I just want to know what you are thinking I want to be able to interact with the readers I want to talk with you guys! Please just tell me what you think! Right now I have 4 chapters of this new story done and I will be posting them on a biweekly basis. Please. let me know what you think. The story will be concentrated around Haruka and Michiru but it will have a lot of interaction with the other senshis. Please keep an open mind about this story. It is my new baby which I have been scared to post.


The Change


Her legs were trembling.

Her arms could barely hold on to the staff that kept her up. She searched, looked, wondered but nothing seemed to tell her where her daughter was. It was rather odd, actually how everything turned out. She never thought she would be fighting. No, not like this. She looked up to the dark Saturn sky. She saw the smoke that camouflaged the moons around the planet. One by one they seemed to crash into themselves. There was no longer balance. The air was thick with death and destruction making it difficult for the rather young woman to breathe in a mouth full of clean oxygen.

The sound of falling rubble made her turn to the side and watched how little by little a once glorious castle crumbled to the ground as if it never existed, leaving behind a trail of cancerous debris.

She covered her mouth and nose with her forearm and closed her eyes as the wind hit her with sand and dust. She took another step and this time, the air cleared up, and she was able to look up see one tiny spot in the vast dark universe.

'Are they safe?' She asked herself, gripped her staff and concentrated. In a matter of seconds she was surrounded by some type of purple light. It embraced her, and it transported her somewhere else.

Her black boots came in contact with the ground. This place was in the same state as her home planet…

Her eyes, now wide open, roamed the devastated place. 'Saturn…' She barely whispered as she walked to where she thought was the moon castle.

It was there, just not how she expected to find it. As she raised her eyes to take in the condition of the castle, she heard a soft moan coming from behind her.


Her heart stopped. Someone was alive? It couldn't be. No one was alive… Right?

With terrible difficulty and using her long staff she turned around to look at the person that has pronounced her name.

By the edge of a crumbled stone bank lay the Moon Queen. Patches of blood covered her once white dress. Her hair, once perfectly combed into two flawless buns, covered her face and white ivory skin.

Adrenaline rushed into her veins. She couldn't hear her surroundings. All she heard were the muffled screams her own body produced a she called her Queen forth. She slipped and fell on her knees, she ignored the pain of the scraped skin as she rushed to her Queen's side, tossing the Death staff aside.

"No. no no no no no no." She muttered as she gathered the frail hands and placed them on her Queen's stomach. "Where is everyone? Are they alive? Where are they?"

The Queen smiled, placed her bloody hand on the ivory skin and tried to speak. "I am sorry. Persephone."

Her red eyes went down to look at the Moon Queen's wound. She was broken. There was no doubt about it. How could she repair her? She had no healing powers…

"Where is my daughter?" Persephone asked. "Please, do – Don't tell me that…"

"I haven't been able to look for anyone for obvious reasons." The Queen smiled wider, ignoring the sting inside her stomach. "Can you do me that favor, Persephone? Can you search for them?"

She nodded. How could she say no? "Yes." She gathered her staff. Stood up and took in the devastation and solitude in her surroundings…

They were here?

She swallowed her pain and moved forward. Calling for the senshis…




She stumbled with a broken column. She cursed under her breath. She has become weak. "Should've trained in peaceful times…." She pushed herself up. "Should've trained with Saturn…" She stood up straight and continued her search…




She swallowed again.




These three names, she said loud. Loud enough to get a response; a subtle moan in the distance of the destroyed moon.


Persephone closed her eyes as a single tear escaped her red eyes. She had heard that word. Mom

And in that moment, she feared the worst.



Her heart told her to keep going; to ignore the pain in her beaten body. She ran. She ran as fast as she could. She saw a beaten body, red skirt, black hair, white skin. She jumped over it and ignored the corpse not because she didn't care but because if she found the right senshi alive she will be able to bring the fire senshi back.

She saw blue skirt, blue hair; short. She sobbed loudly. The smart one….

She fell in front of a beautiful blonde. Dead, blue eyes, a heart shaped chain lay on her exposed chest. "Venus…"

She pushed herself up and ran again…

Brunette, green, rose earrings…. She ignored it. She needed to get to the source of the broken dying voice.

Short, sandy hair, strength. A sword…

"Uranus..." She had to stop. "Not you…" She whispered. Next to her, another senshi lay. Hands interlocked with her lovers. A mirror lay on her other hand. "Neptune." The scene broke her heart. Neptune appeared to have tried to save her lover from impact.

Did they die together?

She covered her mouth in despair.

And as soon as she was going to leave she saw another Senshi. Her body was in an awkward position as if protecting something or someone.

Persephone threw her staff away and made her way to the side of the body.

Emerald hair… She grew desperate as she turned the body over.


No response….

Persephone looked down at the Time Senshi. "Pluto… no…" She shook her but her body did not move at all.


Her heart broke in tiny little pieces. She looked down at the person that Pluto had been protecting.

The broken body of her daughter lay before her. Whatever that was fired at her was strong enough to kill Pluto and leaver her in the state that she was in. "Saturn…" She swallowed hard as she assessed the wounds on the young broken body. "Saturn…" She pulled her close and slowly sat down on the razed ground.


"Shh…" she shuddered and pulled her in closer. "Be quiet, don't talk." Persephone shook her head in denial of what she was seeing. Her only daughter was completely abused. Her body showed so many injuries that it made it hard for her to even look at the young girl.

With the little strength she had left in her, she pushed herself up, her eyes darting as she searched for a way out… or maybe for a sign that this was just another terrible nightmare. If Persephone could just find the Queen then she could heal Saturn before the worse could happen. She could then help everyone.

She laughed hoping that her brain was giving her the right vision of the future before twisting her ankle and plummeting hard to the ground with her daughter in her arms. She cursed loudly and pulled herself up with her daughter in her arms. Her weakening state made her slowdown…

She wasn't fast like the wind… Like Uranus

She wasn't strong like Jupiter…

She wasn't smart like Mercury or graceful like Neptune, or cheerful…

Like the princess.

"Fuck! Fuck!" She hated herself right in that moment. If she could've just paid more attention. IF she could've told the princess to stop that travesty of being with an Earthling…

She could feel her daughter's body slipping from her grasp. She stopped for a second to gather her one last time. Long forgotten was her staff, long forgotten was everything she ever worried or knew about. All she wanted was to save her baby girl, her Saturn…

Saturn's breath was becoming labored, she was no longer asking for her mother and Persephone was anticipating the worst thing that could happen but right at that moment, when all her hopes were slipping away with every exhale of her wounded child, she saw it.

She saw the destroyed castle and the broken rock columns that once held the Moon Castle. Her legs gave out on her and soon she found herself kneeling in front of the injured queen.

Persephone bowed her head, beseeching her and presenting her daughter, begging.

"Please," she screamed, head bowed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please, heal her!"

Silence was her answer.

Persephone opened her eyes, waiting for an answer. "My- My Queen?" She looked up and saw her shaking her head 'no'.

"I-I can't…" she said swallowing a large mouthful of her own blood.

"Why!?" She was yelling, anger flaring up inside of her like a raging fire. Her heart tearing itself in two and breaking up into tiny little pieces.

"She is gone."

Persephone quickly darted her eyes down to look at her daughter. There in her arms lay Saturn with her eyes semi open, staring into nothingness and her lips parted, as if she had just released her last breath.


"I am sorry, Persephone but all that is left is rebirth."

Persephone quivered as she placed Saturn's corpse on the ground, not before closing her eyes and petting the still warm cheeks. She sobbed and hiccupped as she tried to control her emotions while freshly new tears ran down her dirty cheeks.

"We, we can't be reborn. I can't. IF you do it. You will die I will be left here to rot."

"Your daughter needs it. SO does mine, the senshis…" she coughed and groaned when the tremors shook her very core. "I must do this, for them."

"But, my Queen. I-"

"I am sorry, Persephone, but you must remain here-"

"Wait!" She started to hysterically shake her head. "Don't leave me here! Please!"

"Protect what is left."

"What's left?!" Persephone scoff as hatred was buried deep down into the pit of her stomach, and bloomed out of her very tongue as she spoke. "There is nothing left!"

"Good bye," the queen said, raising her broken and battered hand up to the sky, before giving out her final exhale…

Read and Review please!