Chapter one:

Alexander was not happy.

Nothing about the day had gone as planned. He had been supposed to catch a train from the small village where his cousin lived to finally leave for college in New York. Not such a difficult task, right?

Well, it had proved harder than originally thought.

Firstly, Alexander had slept in. He'd woken up an hour before his train left. That should have been plenty of time though, had it not been for the fact that the station was 45 minutes away. He had thrown on a hoodie, showed his laptop into his, thankfully, already packed duffel bag and raced out the door.

When he'd arrived at the station, with ten minutes before his train left, he'd been hungry, sweaty and not in a good mood. Which was when he'd realised that his ticket was missing. After almost emptying his whole bag while looking for it he remembered that he had left it on the kitchen table. So that he would find it when he had breakfast, and not forget it.

Thankfully the lady in the reception had managed to get him a new one by checking the register for prebooked tickets. Which allowed Alexander to get on his train in time; if by "in time" you mean by sprinting down the tracks and slamming into the carriage approximately 0.2 seconds before the doors closed.

Alexander's day had been made slightly better once he got of the train at a small station about halfway to New York to switch trains. He'd had about an hour before his next train left so he'd figured that he might as well have a bite while he waited, as he still hadn't had breakfast. So Alexander had sat down next to a small window in the station's coffee shop with a sandwich and large coffee, plugged in his laptop and decided to check the letter the school had sent to him the night prior. The e-mail was filled with important dates, study hall information and directions to all of his classrooms, but what really caught Alexander's attention was the notice about dormitories:

You have been assigned to an apartment located on campus, building B room 6. The apartment will be shared with three other students from your year group. Any issue with the housing may be discussed once term has started. The code to the building is 1776 and room keys can be picked up at building F from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m.

Sweet– Alexander had thought. He would get his own room and judging by the map of the campus it didn't look like it was too far away from the main buildings either. He just hoped his roommates would be nice. He kind of hoped for a cute girl, but the e-mail had also informed him that the dorms were same-sex. Although a cute guy wouldn't be too bad either…

Sadly, Alexander's pleasant daydreaming about potential future roommates was cut short by a not-so-pleasant announcement:

We regret to inform anyone traveling with the train to Bronx, Brooklyn, New York City and Pennsylvania, departing from track C at 14.23 that the train is cancelled. Please contact Customer Information for compensation. I repeat, the train to Bronx, Brooklyn..

Alexander had cursed loudly at the announcement and had gone to find the Customer Information.

The good news: Alexander had managed to catch a train to New York and found his way to campus.
The bad news: It was now 2 a.m. and he had no key to his dorm.

Alexander stood at the campus grounds of his new college wondering what the hell he was supposed to do. It was the middle of the night, he knew absolutely no one and he had nowhere to sleep. On top of that it was freezing and his back was starting to ache from his duffle bag.

He really wasn't happy.

This is the first chapter for my fanfic so if you enjoyed it please let me know and I'll make more! All comments/criticism is highly appreciated and I'm very happy that you took time out of you day to read this. I would also like to apologise for anything that I might get wrong about college/ American geography/ America in general, since I'm not from America myself. Nevertheless, I shall carry with me the hope that the faults of incompetent abilities shall be consigned to oblivion.