Have you ever heard that Dr. Phil sound clip where he just blurts out, "That's a load of crap!" Well, that's exactly what my inner Dr. Phil said when this idea popped into my head. But did I listen to him? Hell no! Enjoy this fic. I sure did.

Having just caught another nasty criminal, KITT and Michael were rocketing down a desolate desert highway on their way to the FLAG mobile unit.

All of KITT's windows were rolled down and wind bellowed in, making Michael's devilishly curly hair dance around his head. KITT allowed himself to relax as he exited surveillance mode, shut down his scanners, and focused all attention on the road ahead of him.

Both guys were surveilling the scene's flora and fauna (or, rather, lack thereof), when the car suddenly lurched forward. Michael's hands tightened their grip around the steering wheel as he looked for past potholes or roadkill, but saw nothing. He shrugged it off and decided not to draw any attention to it.

Until it happened again. This time, the car lurched so violently that the front end scooped down into the sand and two tires momentarily swerved off the road and onto the rumble strips.

"Woah!" Michael shouted, once again gripping the steering wheel like a vice. "KITT, give me a status report! Someone shooting at us?!" He began to rapidly push a barrage of buttons all over KITT's dash and interior. The car responded.

"No, Michael," he said with hesitation. "The problem seems to be coming from withi- *HIC*" The AI abruptly paused, then added in sheepish embarrassment, "Excuse me."

Michael's brows furrowed. "KITT, what was that?" he bored. The voice transponder remained silent. "KITT, talk to me, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, -HIC-, Michael," he snapped back. "There's something wrong with –HIC- me! H-HIC-elp!"

Then realization dawned over Michael like the sun over the Sahara. "KITT," he said through a broad grin. "You got the hiccups!"

KITT remained silent for a few seconds to ponder this theory. "Michael, that's redHICulous. I do not have a diaphragm. Therefore, I am unable of HIC-cupping, as you humans deem it."

"Really? Because it sure sounds to me like you got 'em." KITT's virtual eyes narrowed into two angry slits as he stared down his driver. All of his intimidation was voided as he hiccupped, and then a second time. Michael snorted with laughter. "Oh man, that's just-" The laughs consumed him.

"It's not –HIC- funny, Michael! It's downright embarr-HIC-assing! And it hurts!"

Wiping a tear from his eye with an exaggerated flourish, Michael patched Bonnie through the ComLink. The poor AI let out a few hiccups in spite of himself.

"What's up, Michael?" came the brunette's honeyed voice.

"Bonnie, you are not gonna believe this," Michael said through a giggle. "KITT here has the hiccups."

Everyone was silent, until one of KITT's annoying noises punctuated the air. "I'm sorry, what?" Bonnie questioned. She sounded completely disbelieving. "Did you say KITT has the hiccups?"

Michael did not answer: only held the ComLink up to KITT's dash. The pair waited with baited breath until KITT added his two cents. When he does, it was a veritable explosion that rocked the entire cabin. KITT followed it up with a hushed apology.

"I hope you boys aren't messing with me," Bonnie said in her textbook "stern mom" demeanor.

KITT responded this time. "No, -HIC-, Bonnie, I'm afraid this is no joke." He stopped just in time to hiccup again. Both guys heard the mechanic sigh exasperatedly.

"I trust you two are already on the way back to the mobile unit?" A hiccup (and giggle) of affirmation. "Alright, bring KITT back. I'll take a look at him and see what I can do. If there is anything that I can do." With that ominous remark, she hung up on the pair.

"M-HIC-hael, what did Bonnie mean when she said, 'If there is anyt-HIC-ng I can do'?" Michael was suddenly awash in sympathy for the poor car. The way his voice module wavered, he could sense the terror in his partner's voice. Despite being mostly steel and carbon fiber, a real silicon heart beat under the car's hood. He didn't like surprises, and this certainly counted.

"Don't worry, buddy," Michael reassured, patting the car's dash, eliciting a hiccup. "It happens to everybody. They'll go away. In the meantime, they'll just be annoying."

The car continued to hitch and swerve as the Big Rig rolled into sight.