Yugi went to meet with his grandfathered after he manage to get the kits to sleep. Meeting the others had tired the frightened kits out. Hopefuly the palance would get used to there begin three werecats kits around soon. Ryou, Mailk, and Jou all especially love Yugi kits and begin to act like overprotective fun uncles to them to which he was grateful for. Yugi notice that the kits was started to act instinctively around both Atem and Yami trying to get there approval. Yugi himself was very curious about how they would react tomorrow. Yugi quickly trotted to the guarded to get this hatred conversation done with. Arriving in the center of the garden Yugi found his grandfather relax near a small pond.

Yugi sit beside him both just enjoy the peace and quiet. It has been a long time since they had a moment like this. Back Yugi was barly out of his cub stage.

"Yugi the werecats are in disarray. You must take your place as king." Solomon said after a moment both knowing where this convestion was going.

"I don`t want the thron I never did. Yes, I agree the werecats needs to be unties again especially now more ever. But I am not the one to do so. I would help you bring the clans together again but I won`t be the leader." Yugi deny his birthright for what felt like the million time lately he was getting better at accepting his blood right. It easy was to boast his heritage to those who didn`t know what it means.

"Yugi it your bloodright. Many would follow you and all would love you as king. All of the clan would support your claim and follow you in a heartbeat, and not it not just for your bloodline. Out of all your siblings, you along earn the clans respect. They would follow you beacause they choose to not beause of me or your father, but because you are wrothy to be king." Solomon said truthfully

Yugi made not have being the oldest or strongest growing up but he was smart and compassionate. He made sure the clans didn`t fight almost themselves, and that they were safe and hidden. His siblings were always so eager to fight. While he stay behind by both farther and grandfarter side learning to how to lead and keeping the clans safe at a young age. Yugi was more then ready to be a leader he just chose not to step up and take the lead.

"Grandpa. I want to make thing right with the clans that are cloes by first. Then I would unite them back together when I am ready but only then. Until then I want you to be the king."

"Yugi. Do you know what you are saying?"

"I do. In this time and age, we need to force on peace, not a war to solve our problems. My siblings would go to war the first chance they get. If they were to bring the clans together first they would have more sway then we would." Yugi said seriously he knew that his siblings starting a war that undo all the good that their ancestor did. A war would only make the werecats the target since out of all the enemies vampires, werewolves, and hunters know each other but not the werecates. As the old saying go ' an enemies you know is better then the enemies you don`t know'.

"True. Are you you going to tell them? From what I can tell either your mates or apprentices knows. Did anyone in that clan knew about your bloodline?"

"No. They only know I am apart of a strong bloodline. Most of the clans this far south don`t know who has royalblood. I`m still teaching my kits our codes, and as for Yami and Atem I don`t know how to feel." He try to open himself up to his former mate even try to keep a good relationship with the kolters mother look what that got him.

"Yugi. A true mate bond is something powerfully and won't let you go. That is your bond to those vampires. If you choise to acctep the bond it could lead to a great future for us all. I won`t push you to acctept but I will tell you to follow your heart it will never fail you." Solomon said noticing the subtlte anger and resentment in his grandson.

"Time heal all wounds my boy. Consider yourself lucky that it wasn`t a full mate bond."

"Maybe so. But one was force on me."

"Don`t see this as what you lost but, rather what you could gain. You have a home, loyal friends, and two loving mates. Who would love your kits and want to raise them as if they were their own. They could have sent us always, but they let us stay the vampires in the city would have trap you here. Not many new mates with weak bonds would such a thing let along let out of their sight."

Yugi through about it sure he try to form a bond only once, but he couldn`t bring himself too form something more permanent. He suppose he could give them a chance beside this bond won`t go away. He need to form some sort of bond with them he just need time.