A Surprise Visitor II

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy 8 belongs to Squaresoft. BTVS & Angel belongs to Joss Whedon. I own nothing from them.

A/N: Right now I'm having a major writing block that mostly includes all of my fanfics I'm writing

~*~ The old factory (the one kinda burnt down)

Angelus places Dawn on a wooden chair, she is strapped and gag. "You look beautiful as my hostage" Angelus walks around in the room, "Do you know what I'm going to do with you?" Dawn tries to speak, but she couldn't cause her mouth is shut with duck tape. "Really? I was planning the same thing too"

Tears were coming out of Dawn's eyes. Dawn tries to get out of this chair, but Angelus tide the ropes too tight.

Angelus opens an old weapons chest and pulls out a small knife. He points it at Dawn. "Tell me when it's going to hurt" he smiles evilly.


Buffy's House:

Seifer walks away from Buffy and walks inside, Buffy follows him and Xander watches Buffy following Seifer. "Is it me or Buffy likes Seifer?" Xander shook his head. "Naw it can't be, can it?" Xander thinks for moment, then shook his head again and follows Buffy into the house.

"So Buffy do you got a plan?" said Willow

Buffy paces back and forth, she is thinking one up. "Think where Angelus might be" Buffy is really worried, cuz she cares for Dawn a lot.

Spike walks into the living room, with a cigarette in his mouth. "Buffy, think where Angelus would"

"Wait, the mansion"

"Let's go," said Seifer

Buffy nods and looks at Seifer, this time Seifer wasn't rude about it. Seifer holds tightly his gun blade and they walk around and begin to head to the mansion, where Angel use it live, till he left Sunnydale to go to LA about couple years ago. Seifer sees the door and kicks it open and Buffy and Xander looks at him. "Do you want us to get caught?" said Buffy

"Relax, it's only the front door" Seifer laughs at Buffy and enters the place, its quiet and dark. "Spooky, are you sure he is here?"

"I don't know, Angel will figure we will be here, he might be somewhere else"

"You need to make up your mind, if you don't Dawn will be dead"

"Ooooooo, strong leadership" said Xander talking to Seifer

"Oh shut up" Seifer punched him in the face. "I'm always a leader and I'm in control"

Buffy grabs Seifer by the neck and pinned him to the wall, "Hey! I'm in control, I'm the slayer! Not you! You're just a potential slayer!" Buffy releases him and Seifer smiles at Buffy, she rolls her eyes and she goes up to Xander, "Xander, Angel not here.where can he be?"

"Hmmmm, I wish I knew"

Seifer fixed his gray trench-coat and goes up to Willow, "Hey, wiccan lady, can you cast a spell to find Angelus or Angel or whoever he might be at"

"Uh, sure" said Willow, then she pauses, "I don't think it would be a good idea, last year I turned evil, I so don't want that to happen again"

"Relax, its just one spell, it's not going to hurt you"

"No, one spell can make me all evil Willow, and I do not want to happen again, after I skinned Warren alive, I don't want that to happened again, I still have nightmares when I did that"

"Ok, whatever floats your boat"


"Dawnie, how are you holding up?" said Angelus, "Hmmmm..I wonder where your friends are...hahahahahahahahahahaha..in the next 2 hours if they don't come..you don't survive!!!"

(Part 2 coming up but I don't know when, I'm having a massive writing blocks)