Heeeeeey what's going on Kato Squad! Kato here!

I just want to say sorry that I haven't been updating this story... but that doesn't mean this story dies here! I may have been a bad parent to this story but not anymore! I am doing the best this and putting this story for adoption!

Luffy: but!

Kato: no butts fictional son, you and your girlfriend and crew desever better

Nami: you still owe me money

Kato: you'll get it, I'll make sure that your next author lets you steal all the treasure of Buggy, Kudo of a thousands plans, Arlong, any marines you fight, and the One Piece by the end of the series!

Nami: I LOVE YOU KATO SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zoro: first she is fooled by Robin by that now by the writer Kato

Kato: well... for those who want to adopt this story message me and we'll talk business!

From the cast of The Rubberman who changed history!

Kato Squad and Straw hats OOOOUUUUUUT!!!!!!

And Cut!