AN: As it's pretty much customary for anyone to do this when writing any undertale stories I've decided to take a shot at it, and maybe someone could draw fanart of it because I can't draw.

They entered the hall slowly, they'd already killed Him so it was going to be a difference of who judged them… "Do you think that…? Ah screw it. You killed both of them." A skeleton stood in front of them wearing a dusty, tattered, red scarf and a dusty blue sweater, as well as a simple emerald shirt and shorts. "So I've got one question for ya… Why? Why would you do it?! Pappy cared about you and trusted you! Sans wanted to help you get free but you slaughtered Pappy then pretended it was an accident and that you couldn't control yourself! Then Sans tried to help and you ripped him apart!" The Skeleton asked crying. The one eye that wasn't hiding behind the scarf glowed an emerald glow with a small portion of Blue. "I'll give you one chance… Let me kill you and change your path… It's what Sans would do, even if you won't at least I gave you a chance…" The brother killer froze in thought before tossing the dust covered knife towards the surprised Skeleton. "Y-Your letting me kill you?!" They nodded in acceptance allowing the SOUL to be destroyed… RESET

Sans got up in surprise. It was a reset! Not just from finishing a run but from giving up on one... But they had killed him early so how did they reset? They were at maximum level so how could they lose? "Hey Ton… Did you…" He asked while focusing on what he could remember.

"Yeah… They gave up, threw me the knife so I could end it" Ton, or Harrington as his full name was, explained heading to help Papyrus cook Spaghetti.

"HELLO TON! HAVE A GOOD SLEEP?" Papyrus asked him curiously.

"Not really Pappy… I didn't get much sleep last night" He said yawning.

"WELL… I HAVE AN IDEA! WE COULD WORK ON YOUR PUZZLE!" Papyrus decided dragging him off while Sans headed to his post.

Ton smiled as Papyrus helped him set up the trap, it was fairly easy but also quite tricky. To solve it you had to answer what the names of five different Monsters were, but two of them lived in New Home and Hotland. "I MUST SAY THIS IS QUITE CLEVER BROTHER." Papyrus mentioned closing the wiring off from the world. "NOW WE SHOULD GO SEE IF SANS HAS DONE ANYTHING AT ALL" He decided pulling him along.

"Quick. Hide behind that Lamp, or… Hey you ok kid?" Sans asked worried as he realised that the human wasn't listening or even moving much, they were just staring ahead waiting for something. "You… Kid please talk to me… I know that you're doing a neutral or pacifists run but… I'm not gonna hurt you… Please just respond…" He begged as the human just stood there.

"Sans! You ok?" Ton ran over and asked him before noticing the human. "Um… Are… Are you alright?" He asked confused.

"SANS! TON WHY DID YOU RUSH AHEAD WHEN YOU HEARD SANS? WAIT… IS… IS THAT A HUMAN?!" Papyrus ran towards the group before stopping when he noticed.

A single tear appeared on the humans face before something changed… An echoing voice around the Skelebros… "You try to move… To do anything… But nothing happens. You try to tell Sans, Papyrus, even the new skeleton but nothing works… You can only cry." The voice faded as Ton walked around the Human.

"Wait… Why is there…" He muttered pulling a Golden Flowey out of the human's spine. They fell to the ground coughing and gasping.

"Thanks to the skeleton pulling out Flowey you can move! You are filled with… Hope?"

"Kid… Why was that there?" Sans asked as the flower struggled and choked. Ton quickly put the flower in a pot so it could survive. The human looked at them all before looking Sans in the eyes and speaking for the first time without that strange echo or the text box.

"No more… I can't take it much longer. The resets, saves… It's killing… me." They gasped out before collapsing.

The three skeletons looked at each other before running through Snowdin and reaching the Riverperson. "We NEED to get TO Hotland now!" They all said, Font's layering in parts as they spoke over each other. The Riverperson nodded, taking them all to Hotland.

"Tra la la… Since this is the last time… Your father is still here… With you always…" They said letting them get off and enter the lab.

"Alphys! We need your help!" Ton shouted.

"H-Huh?!" Alphys stuttered seeing the human in Papyrus' arms. "I-I have to tell undyne!" She exclaimed.

"No! The kids dying! Remember the resets we told you? It's killing them." Sans said stopping her.

"K-killing them?! Oh! I-I have an idea! T-T-The last royal s-scientist, h-he left notes on something that m-might help!" She told them grabbing a notebook.

Ton read it out loud quickly. "Entry Nine… I have discovered that the Human body, when full of DETERMINATION, will over time be poisoned by its power. SAVES or RESETS won't help either. They in fact speed up the process. But I believe that another Power of the SOUL could counteract it. The power of HOPE, just as powerful as DETERMINATION… It allows me to continue my work, even though I am fractured among reality. WD Gaster… Experiment 10 shall be too finally see my sons again…" He stopped at that and frowned. "HOPE? Where are we going to find that?"

"I HAVE AN IDEA! WHAT IF WE ALL PUT OUR HOPES AND DREAMS INTO THE DT EXTRACTOR?" Papyrus shouted. The two brothers blinked. Sure they had told Papyrus but he never mentioned it… "THEN WE COULD REVERSE THE EXTRACTOR AND PUT THE HOPE INTO THE HUMAN SOUL!"

"Hm… HOPE is equally strong for humans and monsters… Not to mention it's a bit stronger then DETERMINATION… It might just work." Sans muttered.

"No… Don't… Use… To escape…" The human moaned.

"No kid. We aren't letting you die." Sans stated taking them downstairs to the Extractor. Ton started to push all of his hopes and dreams into it with everyone else… Slowly… The red glow of DETERMINATION was replaced with the blue glow of HOPE… But the red was slowly forming into a shattered SOUL… The human gasped before the soul re-entered them and turned the Blue light of HOPE into something else… It was still HOPE and still DETERMINATION but at the same time it was different…