White... That is all I can see as we emerge from the pitch black of the hospital basement. Still temporarily blinded by the harsh sun I squint trying to get my eyes to adjust. Slowly things begin to come into focus as we continue toward the gate. I see walkers behind the gate blocking our only exit. I nod to Noah and we continue on. He opens the gate and I start shooting. Noah has no weapon so it is up to me to get us safely out of here. My bullets successfully connect to each walkers skull. I pull the trigger again... click. I am out of ammo. There are at least a half dozen walkers left all coming towards me. I am halfway to the exit where Noah is waiting looking hopelessly back at me. I am so close.

I throw the revolver up in the air causing it to flip and I grab the barrel of the handgun so the butt is exposed. A walker approaches me on my left and I sling the butt of the gun against its head knocking it backwards. I dodge two that are grabbing at me. A few more yards and I am free.


My heart drops when I hear the shots coming from behind me. They are yelling at me. I can't make out what they are saying. I look back to the exit where Noah is now behind the fence... free. He is yelling at me too. The shots have confused the few remaining walkers in my way. It is now or never. I make a break for it. I hit one walker with the butt of my gun. A small skinny woman walker approaches me and I shove her hard out of my way. The last walker is coming towards me but gets shot down by the officers behind me. I reach the fence and Noah grabs my hand pulling me through the gate.

I feel a pinch and my right shoulder is now bleeding, but I ignore it and continue running away from the prison that is Grady Memorial.

We ran a few blocks away from the hospital. Doing our best to stay off the main roads in the protection of alleyways. Noah still holding my hand darts into one of the buildings which turns out to be an office building. We make our way inside. We head up the the stairs and settle in one of the offices. Closing the door, we lean against one of the walls and take a moment to catch our breath.

My shirt is now soaked with blood and I begin to feel the pain in my shoulder as the adrenaline wears off. I grab my shoulder and try to stop the bleeding. The sudden movement catches Noah's attention.

"Oh my god, Beth. You're hurt." Noah says concerned.

"I must have been shot. Don't worry I am fine. The bullet went clean through." I say. "We do need to stop the bleeding though."

Noah nods and looks around the the room for anything we can use to put pressure on my wound. I finally surrender to the pain and sit down with my back against the wall. I shut my eyes to keep from crying. The sound of a door shutting snaps me back to attention. I look up and Noah approaches with a shirt in his hands. He rips the fabric and ties it around my shoulder tightly.

"Thanks that should help. We need to keep moving." I say slowly trying to stand up. The blood loss has made me dizzy and my legs buckle. Noah steadies me and has me sit back down.

"Just stay here. Take a minute to recover. I will look around and see if I can't find us some weapons." He says. I just nod knowing he is right.

He makes his way towards the door and calls over his shoulder, "Be back soon." With that, I am all alone.