It was early in the morning as Rin sat in front of her mirror, brushing her honey blond hair with a soft smile on her face. It had been a few weeks since she first met Len and lately, she had been smiling a bit more every time she go to visit him.

Perhaps it was because she could relate with Len, especially since the two of them were deprived from the things they love. As time passed, she began to learn a little bit about Len such as his love for bananas and so on.

But what she noticed the most was how passionate Len was when it comes to the piano. He would often talk about the music pieces he had listened to and would often –if not, always- play the piano, despite his disability.

Rin didn't mind him always talking about the piano, in fact she admired him for it. Even though he couldn't see the piano itself, he was still able to do what he loved. His playing wasn't perfect- in an outsider's opinion, it wasn't even good at all because of his lack of sight but even with the huge disadvantage, he was still able to do what he loved while she…

Rin paused and unconsciously reached up, lightly tracing the bandage around her neck. A melancholic feeling suddenly took over her as she thought about it but then she shook her head to get rid of her depression. She really shouldn't think too much about this, it wasn't good for her health and it wasn't something that could be helped but even so…

Her phone suddenly began to ring, breaking her train of thoughts. She glanced over to the side where her phone flashed and vibrated on the drawer and picked it up. She stared at the screen to see it was a message from Kaito.

From: Kaito Shion
To: Rin Kagami

Sorry but I can't go to Len's place today. I have a recital today so would you mind making breakfast for Len while I'm gone? Thanks

Rin tilted her head as she read the message. This was the first time Kaito wasn't going to Len's place. Usually Kaito would be the first one at his place and greet her whenever she arrives. Kaito had mentioned that there might be times he wouldn't be able to go to Len's place but this was actually the first.

Rin didn't really mind since she did promise him that she would help watch over Len. 'Wait.' She thought to herself. 'Wouldn't that mean I would be left alone with Kagamine-san?'

Rin's face colored slightly but immediately tried to get rid of it. Why the heck is she feeling embarrassed for? It's not like it was anything special and besides she was just going to visit Len as usual. There was nothing special about it…

Rin softly sighed before she grabbed her white ribbon and tied it into her hair. She took one last look at the mirror to be sure she looked okay before she stood up and walked out of her room. She grabbed her stuff from the counter as she made her way to the front door.

She opened the front door and visibly jumped with squeak when she nearly crashed into a certain teal haired female who stood there, staring down at her with a deep frown on her lips as her arms crossed against her chest. "Rin, we need to talk." Miku said.

Rin placed a hand on her chest as her heart raced from the shock. Damn, that scared the heck out of her. If she still had her voice, she would have scolded Miku for scaring her like that but instead she glared at the tealette halfheartedly.

Miku rolled her eyes in response as she took off her sunglasses. "Oh don't look at me like that, you deserve it anyways." She huffed. "Well anyways, I'm happy see that you've been going out more lately but still to not tell your best friend- me about where you've been going all this time is a bit cold, Rinny." Miku pouted, a small look of hurt could be seen in her eyes. "Honestly Rin…that hurts my feelings."

Rin blinked for a moment then looked at her with an apologetic expression as she realized that she was in the wrong. For these past weeks, she never once explained to Miku what she was doing or where she was going and Rin felt bad about it. After all…Miku took a lot of effort to come and visit her every chance she gets, despite her busy schedule and yet, Rin never even thought about tell her.

Although Miku couldn't visits every day, she still came by to see how Rin was doing. Rin didn't think of tell her about her visits to Len's since she thought that it wasn't really important. Looks like she was wrong…

Rin fished out her phone and began to tap onto the little buttons of it before turning it to Miku. It only said one word and it was: 'Sorry.'

"Well you should be." Miku huffed, the look of hurt softened just a bit from her eyes. "Geez, here I am always worrying about you and then you run off to who knows where. Please give me a break." She sighed heavily as she scratched the back of her head.

Rin just continued to look at her apologetically and began to type into her phone once more. 'I'm really sorry Miku.'

Miku just sighed once more. "Well…where are you going now?" She asked tiredly. "The least you could do if tell me where on earth you've been going this whole time."

Rin paused for moment as she considered this. Is it really okay to tell Miku? Well, it's not anything bad will happen and besides that, Miku is her best friend so it's alright to tell her right?

'I'm going to a friend's house.' Rin admitted. Miku tilted her head at this. "A friend? Who?" Miku had known Rin for a really long time and she knew Rin wasn't exactly the most social person. Since Rin focused most of energy and time in singing, she barely interacted with anyone, much less make friends which surprised Miku a bit.

Rin looked reluctant but slowly typed once more. "You don't know him.' Rin responded which shocked Miku even further. "Him? It's a guy?"

Rin hesitantly nodded as Miku stared at her in shock. "Wow, a guy huh?" Miku muttered. There was slight pause between them until Miku broke it. "Is he cute?"

Rin looked at Miku baffled before her face colored. Rin looked at her with puzzled embarrassment. "Well if you have been going to his place all this time, he must be really good looking." Miku said bluntly.

Rin's face turned into a darker shade of red as she began to let out squeaks like a small animal and she waved her arms around. Miku raised a brow at her actions. "Hmmm so I'm right?"

Rin couldn't respond of course and just glared at her with red cheeks. Miku couldn't help but let an amused smile stretch from her lips. "Ohhh~ I see." She chuckled. "Rinny has a crush~" Miku sang and Rin glared even harder at her.

She didn't have a crush on Len. She admired him- yes but crush? No way!

Miku just laughed at the harsh glare but then smiled ever so slightly. "Well even so, for you to exchange my wonder presence for a guy I don't know is a little worrying…" Miku began. "So I will need to see this mystery man of yours."

Rin gave a strange look to Miku who simply placed her hands on her hips. "What? You always leave for that guy so I wanna see what's so great about this person that you wouldn't even tell me."

Rin wanted to argue but Miku gave her look that made no room for any arguments. Rin sighed softly then nodded. Miku grinned widely and put on her sun glasses once more. "Good! Now lead the way, Riinny-chan." Miku moved behind Rin and began to lightly push her forward.

Rin protested for a bit before she softly sighed and began walking down the street with a cheery Miku following behind her.

"So this is your 'friend's' house, hm?" Miku remarked as she looked at the egg white house. "Not bad. I wonder who is mystery friend of yours is like."

Rin rolled her eyes at the tealette before she made her way to the front door with Miku right behind her. Rin stared at the door for a moment, wondering whether this was really a good idea while Miku stood behind her quietly.

Miku tilted her head at the blond, who remained unmoved and she raised a brow. "Aren't you going to ring the bell, Rin?" She questioned. Rin glanced over to her and halfheartedly glared at her before reluctantly looked back at the door.

She reached towards the doorbell and rang it. The chime echoed in the house and the two girls waited. There was a pause for a few minutes before they heard the door unlock and slowly opened, revealing Len, dressed in a plain white dress shirt and dark pants. The bandage around his eyes was a little loose

"Yes?" He said cautiously. Rin smiled slightly and slowly reached out, lightly brushing her hand on his. At the feel of her touch, Len relaxed and smiled in response. "Oh, Kagami-san you're back." He said pleasantly.

Rin's smile widened even more. The way he smiled was very calming and gentle to Rin which was why she liked seeing him smile a lot. It was infectious really…

Rin's thoughts were immediately broken when she heard Miku exclaimed.

"This is him?" Miku had a look of surprise on her face, obviously not expecting the guy Rin had been seeing all this time to be…well sightless. Len on the other hand, froze immediately when he heard the foreign voice. "You…brought a friend?" Len asked, there was a hint of discomfort in his tone.

A twinge of guilt twisted in Rin's heart at this. Perhaps it wasn't really a good idea to bring Miku along. In a way, she could understand his discomfort…after all, even she didn't want people to see the bandages around her neck. It just emphasizes what they weren't able to do.

There was an awkward silence which Miku noticed and immediately tried to change the atmosphere by cheerfully exclaiming. "Hi there! My name's Miku Hatsune. Rin's best friend." She stepped forward, taking Len's hand and shaking it.

Len was caught off guard with the sudden feel of Miku's hand shaking his but regardless, Len warily smiled. "Yes well…nice to meet you too. I'm Len. Len Kagamine."

Rin blinked as Miku energetically shook his hand with a bright smile. As expected from an idol…she works fast. Rin moved towards Miku and poked Miku on the shoulder. She turned to Rin who looked down at her hands then at Len then back to her.

Miku was confused at first until a look of understanding flashed on her face and she released Len's hand. "Oh right. Sorry I forgot you two are a thing, right?"

Rin immediately turned bright red and she waved her arms around. That wasn't what she meant!

Len's face turned red as well but not as deep as Rin before he cleared his throat. "N-No, me and Kagami-san aren't like that." He said and Miku tilted her head. "Really? I mean I just assumed you two were together because whenever I come to visit Rinny here, she would always disappear." Miku explained in a sugary tone. "But now that I know where she had been going, I thought she was going to introduce me to her boyfriend or something."

Rin and Len turned even redder at this. Miku glanced over to Rin with a mischievous look on her face. She was obviously teasing which made Rin glare at her.

Rin peeked over to Len and remembered the reason why she was here in the first place. She wiped out her phone and typed onto it before showing it to Miku.

'Tell him that we're here to make him breakfast.'

Miku raised a brow at this, wondering why but she shrugged and turned to Len. "Um Kagamine-kun…right?" She questioned. Len tilted his head slightly and slowly nodded. "Yes?"

"Rin here says we're here to get you some breakfast." Miku explained. Len hummed. "Really? What for?"

Miku looked back at Rin who held up her next message before she turned back to him. "She said that a friend of yours asked her a favor so she came by because she loves you~"

Rin immediately slapped her hand onto Miku's shoulder who laughed lightly as she smiled jokingly at her. Len smiled, though his cheeks were slightly pink even though he knew Miku was joking.

"That's really nice of you. Then shall we go in?" Len said as he stepped to the side and gestured them to come in. Miku grinned. "Sorry to intrude." She said and stepped inside. Rin followed after her but not before, she reached out and gently held Len's arm.

Len angled his head towards Rin. He couldn't see her expression but he knew she was concerned about him. He smiled calmly at her. "Don't worry. I'm fine." He reassured, placing a hand over Rin's. "Thanks for coming over again."

Rin felt her lips curl upwards at this. The two blonds smiled before they walked into the house in peace.

A/N: Hey guys! Its been awhile since I last updated in this story. Sorry the chapter is kinda short but I've been really busy. I kinda miss updating my stories.

Lately In have been even more busy than usual and every day is fully loaded with works and activities in school and gah! I can't take this (T_T)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope to read the next one. To be honest, I'm not sure when I will update and I can't really make any promises since I am literally just using up my luck to just update one of my stories. It's a pain (TT_TT)

Oh! Though I have plans to make a couple of new stories (I am just asking to be punch in the face right now since I have so many stories I haven't even updated for so long! Ugh!) but who knows when I will ever actually post them. Well stay tuned till then alright?

Well that's it for now. Please review and perhaps favorite this story when you have the time alright?

Well until next time! Bye!
