Chapter 5 - Impulsive Protector

A/N: I do not own any of the fandoms and characters within this story.

The Creepypasta all belong to their respected owners, like Nathan belonging to IvyDarkRose.

Zovera belongs to my friend Zovera Rocktronica. (Not her real name.)

And Arcadia belongs to me.

WARNING: Contains imprisonment, insanity, death, murder, scenes of a sexual nature, torture and foul language. Please read with caution.

do NOT read if you are under the age of 18.

And finaly, here's the edited version of chapter 5! All of them should be acting more in character now!


It had been several hours at least since the spat outside in the Training Fields. Zovera was stood in a room filled to the brim with crystals, each one a different size, shape, and colour to the others. They all glowed, filled with magical potential along with an ability to calm those around them with their shine.

The Queen herself was holding one of those precious crystals in her hand, fusing it to the silver she held in the other, she liked to create her own jewelry when she was stressed. Unknown to her, Arcadia stepped into the room, searching through the crystals with her own intentions in mind. However, when she spotted Zovera, she let out an awkward hiss and turned to leave, wanting to avoid more conflict.

"What you looking for?" The Demonic Goddess spoke up just as her purple Mage opened the door to her escape. When she heard the strong voice of her ruler, she actually flinched, which would have amused Zovera if she wasn't deep in her thoughts.

"U-uhm..." Arcadia stammered, turning round, looking at anything but her queen. "I-I need more Mana Crystals, I emptied the last of mine chaining Nathan up earlier...Wait." She looked off to the side as her words repeated in her head. "That came out wrong."

The queen tossed some crystals behind her without really turning and the High-Elf scrambled to catch them. "Here have these ones, I was going to use them on this necklace, but you can have them...They're the last ones."

Arcadia was surprised as she stared at the small green crystals packed with mana. "Are you sure? I know they're your favorite..."

"I prefer the red ones, but yeah, it's fine...Just take them."

Silence passed for a moment as the Mage processed this and bowed her torso. "Thank you, My Queen..." She then went to leave, however, was halted when Zovera spoke again, actually looking at her subordinate now.

"Why did you save him?"

This prompted her to pause, before letting out a sigh and walking over to her ruler, sitting down on a large crystal beside the taller woman. "Because I brought him here...It's only fair I repent for my mistakes..."

"What you did wasn't a mistake..." Zovera told her simply, confusing the younger Mage. "Back on their world, they were feared, hunted, suffering because of their sins...I brought them here, to release them of that burden, so they could start anew."

"But here they're feared too, barely anyone in the castle will approach them." Arcadia pointed out, and her queen chuckled at her rather simple-minded words.

"Yes, but outside the castle, no one knows they exist...If the training goes well, people will accept them beyond our walls."

"...So you saved them?" The young Elf asked, the guilt in her heart lifting at the realization.

"That was the main purpose, but there's more to it than that..."

"What do you mean?"

Zovera was silent for a moment. "That's my business."

"Right, sorry." Arcadia stood. "I must return to the library, I have unfinished work to complete."

The strong ruler just waved off her subordinate, who left without another word, stopping outside when she'd closed the door to look down at the crystals in her hand. Zovera wasn't as bad as she'd originally thought.

With a smile on her lips, she returned to her room to practice her weaker spells.


Another few days passed in the castle and the training was still a hit and miss regimen for most of the Creepypasta, however, due to the heat of the summer sun, not many wanted to argue for very long. Arcadia was now working on teaching Liu magic, while Nathan was still coming to terms with his social skills, refusing to partake most of the time, usually, he leaned against the wall and watched, sometimes talking to himself, as he usually did.

"If you politely request lessons, Nathan, you can move onto magic training." The purple High-Elf called back as Liu failed once again to cast a single spell.

"Do I look like Harry Potter to you?" Nathan snapped back, but the look of confusion on Arcadia's face made him want to smack his forehead off the wall.

"What's 'Harry Potter?'"

Suddenly out of nowhere, Candypop's voice echoed throughout the training field. "YOU'RE A WIZARD HARRY!"

Nathan dropped his head with a slight growl as the rest of the Creepypasta, apart from the more miserable ones, burst into fits of laughter, while Jason merely smirked, and was instantly told to shut the fuck up by Doom. Zovera's laugh broke through the ruckus and most of the prisoners slowly quieted down and glared at her. "Awh, you started the party without me~" She drawled with a smirk.

"Do you require something, sister?" Doom asked.

"I wish to make an announcement." She said, straightening up. "I've prepared accommodations for all of you, once you've finished today's training, I'll hand out the keys. Good luck finding your room~"

Arcadia stared at her queen in shock before she huffed with a smile and looked to each of them. 'I guess speaking with her had more of an effect than I thought...Maybe now they'll start to enjoy their time here.'

Once the training was over, each of the Creepypasta was given a key and dispersed to find their rooms. Arcadia took this opportunity to head back to the library, she had a book to rewrite for its vast collection, she would likely pull an all-nighter once again if she didn't start now.

As she made her way back to the room, she planned the times she would work and how many breaks she would take until she was finished. When she got to the library and went to open its large doors, she was surprised when the door to the usually vacant room on the right creaked open.

Her jaw almost hit the floor when a familiar face stepped out, wearing a shirt and pants, but not his usual vest or accessories. He had a towel on his head, ruffling his newly cleaned hair. Why the hell was Nathan in the next room?!


The man in question turned his head slightly when he sensed the presence of another. At the sight of Arcadia, he hissed with irritation and rolled his eyes, averting his gaze elsewhere with a frown. Great, his room was right next to her's, could it get any worse?!

Mumbling to his sister about having to stay in a room by the cowardly mage didn't go unheard by the said mage, and she felt a serious sense of discomfort and curiosity come over her. 'Who is he talking to?' She thought to herself as she looked around for another person. 'Himself?'

Nathan noticed her staring and snapped angrily. "What?! If you're just going to stare, you might as well fuck off and leave me alone." He hated being watched.

Flinching with surprise, the High-Elf quickly went into the library and closed the door tightly behind her. She sighed with relief and leaned against the heavy wooden barrier with a solemn frown. Nothing she did would quell his anger towards her, and honestly, she was starting to think she could never fully repent for bringing them here.

Maybe she should let it go and get on with her duties...


The next morning Arcadia was roused to consciousness by an announcement echoing through the castle, which forced her to sit upright at her desk with a stray sheet of paper clinging to her cheek as her eyes blinked back sleep. "All Creepypasta, plus the Royal Mage are to make their way to the training field for a special mission...I repeat, all Creepypasta, plus the Royal Mage are to make their way to the training field for a special mission."

The poor Royal Mage wished for just one day where she could relax and sleep as much as she wanted, however, she knew with Zovera as her queen, and Nathan as her 'student' she wouldn't find normalcy for a while. Standing, the woman pulled the page off her cheek and changed for the mission, wearing a more appropriate outfit for any possible confrontations outside the city.

This outfit consisted of a glossy deep purple battlesuit with a gold-armored corset and cut off gold plated skirt which shows the shape of her more intimate lower areas. Her boots were heavy and rose gold in colour as they went up to her knees and she wore equally long gauntlets which stopped at her elbows. Her hair was tied, but in more of a plait to stop it getting tangled and she had a pentagram symbol between her breasts, along with her spellbook strapped to her waist.

When the strong, albeit cowardly, fighter finished changing, she hooked on her mana earrings and stepped out of the room just as the two doors on either side opened. Puppeteer walked out and down the hall without so much as a glance in her direction, while Nathan stepped out and immediately froze in shock.

Arcadia hummed and looked over, blushing slightly at being caught in her more revealing outfit. She meekly greeted him with a small wave and turned, all but running down the corridor and out of sight. The masked man could not believe his eyes, for a single moment, the timid elf had seemed more like a woman than ever before.

Until she ran off, of course.

In less than ten minutes, due to her newfound knowledge of the path leading from her room to the training fields, Arcadia stepped out to see most, if not all, of the Creepypasta, either grumbling over the time they woke up at or wishing they were anywhere but here. It still amazed her at how Zovera made them all do as she said with the metallic collars.

Well if she was in danger of being shocked/poisoned/burned, or worse, all the time, she'd do as she was told too.

Speaking of the rather arrogant, queen, she stood before the Creepypasta with her usual smirk and a more modest outfit than she usually wore. Her usual clothing choice was a skimpy armored bikini which was red in colour and sported a jaguar-like pattern on it, held to her body by strong silver chains.

Now, however, she wore a full-body red and black, jaguar patterned, battlesuit which lacked sleeves and had a gap in the middle covered in silver mesh to protect her chest, while the strips going up each side of her breasts kept her decent for others to view. Her boots were attached to the outfit and went to the bottom of her thighs, adorned with spikes from the ankle to the knee, where on her left leg, straps of leather took over until her mid-thigh. She also had a mace-like tail going down from her mid-spine to the floor, where it waited to be used in combat.

This was by far, the most discreet thing Arcadia had ever seen Zovera wear.

Doom peeked out from around Zovera and gestured for Arcadia to take her place on the left of the queen's dominating presence. As she did as she was told, Nathan finally appeared and reluctantly, stepped into the crowd of Creepypasta he'd been brought here with.

Once Zovera was certain all those she'd summoned had finally arrived, she spoke up, her voice strong and demanding, as a queen should be. "My brother and I have thought of a way to test your fighting skills, through a special mission." She smirked as their voices arose with questions and refusals from some of the more defiant psychopaths in their care. "We are going to walk through Gold Team's territory, they're a proud bunch of bastards and they're strong, so be ready for a frontal attack, and don't hesitate, just destroy them."

"There's more to it than that!" Nathan's equally strong voice echoed from the crowd. All those in attendance faced him as he stood there, arms crossed and a suspicious gleam in his narrowed, mismatched eyes. "I doubt your 'special mission' is just a stroll through the woods."

The Necronic queen remained silent for a moment before she chuckled and crossed her arms, waving a hand in acceptance. "You're right, there is more...Gold Team have been sending rather strong threats to our castle for the past month, and I intend to show them that they have no power against us, by depleting their ranks a little."

Finally, some of the more violent maniacs let out sounds of approval and glee, they would get to kill people, for many of them, that was enough for them to accept their mission, whereas some, like Nathan, Liu, and Puppeteer, were still not keen. "Right, let's get moving, shall we?" Her arrogant demeanor bothered Arcadia a little bit, considering she knew the threat the Golds presented. They had been warning Zovera for a month that they had developed a weapon able to defeat her, should she really step into a frey with that kind of danger? However she knew the confident demon wouldn't listen, so she sighed, remained quiet, and followed along.

But she soon stopped when she saw that Doom wasn't moving. "You're not coming?" She asked, a little more nervous now that she knew the only person who'd stop her from being killed was staying behind.

"My sister wishes to test their skills in battle, if I came along, it'd be all too easy." He said his helmet hiding concern for the timid Mage. "Just don't get yourself killed."

"Ha, ha..." She laughed nervously, placing her hand on her spell book out of fear. "Y-yeah, I'll do my best." Then she turned and jogged on, hoping to catch up with the group she was assigned to follow. Doom's words had made her heart work in overdrive, she was a powerful Mage, which Gold Team lacked, due to their inability to use magic, but they won out in strength, being the most technologically advanced of the many teams that filled Trysisrium's lands.

Soon, they exited the walls of Red Team's major city and eventually passed the border and crossed into Gold territory. The moment they left, she felt an overwhelming sense of dread and had to take deeper breaths to calm herself so the enemies didn't sense her terror. She hissed out in shock when she looked around in a paranoid panic and spotted several sentries looking at the lot of them. With a whip of her head, she went to tell Zovera, but the queen was already aware.

The dominating woman stopped and glanced back at the others, who also became aware of the enemies watching their every move. "Jason, Candypop and Jack, I want you to take them out, don't leave a single person alive."

Candypop and Jack were quick to take on the challenge, happy to cause a little bloodshed, while Jason remained behind for a moment, his arms crossed as he glared at Zovera. He then decided it would be safer to his own sanity if he just did as she asked, and he too took off to take care of their little 'audience.'

All they heard were gargled cries and pained wails for about a minute before Candypop and Jason returned, the jester dragging Jack back with brute strength. The unsettlingly gleeful grin on the clown's face made Arcadia shudder in fear, He was not her favourite, not even remotely.

That raised a curious question in her head, she had a favourite?

A shrill alarm wailing in the centre of the forest took her attention and she immediately let out a noise of panic, looking around at the others, who took on frantic battle stances when they realized they'd been caught. "Took them long enough!" Zovera said casually, despite the situation. "I thought they'd react immediately with their sentries being dead!"

"Wait, what?!" Jason snapped, glaring at their captor with a vicious snarl curling his usually composed lips. "I thought this was a test, why did you jeopardize it by making us attack the sentries?"

"I already knew there were others watching us from further away, not sentries, more like...Spies! So I purposely allowed them to see their own killed so they'd bring more soldiers for you to fight~"

"Are you trying to get us killed?!" Nathan snapped, wishing he had his pipe now more than ever.

Arcadia spoke up, a tremor in her voice from the shocking news she'd just received. "I have to agree with Nathan here, this plan is flawed! Can't we run? With their advances in technology, we have no way of winning against them! They may even bring the weapon!"

"What weapon?!" The three jester brothers asked, all in different tones; one mocking, one angry, and one serious, as they all turned to face the sound of hurried footsteps, at least fifty sets, rushing towards them from the centre of the wooded area.

"Oh I'm sure it was just a bluff." Zovera crossed her arms with a smile as the Gold Team soldiers became visible from the thicket before them. "I'd worry more about them~"

Unwilling to die, the Creepypasta decided they'd fight, rushing into the frey against the enemies, some were killed with ease and Nathan took that opportunity to snatch up a battle axe from one of the corpses. Arcadia, who was terrified, accidentally walked into Nathan, while avoiding the battle. The man, who didn't want her to get hurt, or get distracted, shoved her carefully into the middle of the clearing, not sparing her a glance as she stumbled into Zovera. As they fought, that timid Mage chose to provide support, despite her fears, blocking the attacks for some of them while forcing some of the soldiers into submission with a low-level electricity spell that rendered them unable to move, since their metal armor took the brunt of the power.

Nathan struck down a fairly large soldier, fighting a blackout as his axe made contact with the neck, spilling blood everywhere as he tried to yank it back out. He didn't see another one step up behind him. "NATHAN, LOOK OUT!" He spun at the shout and raised his arm to block an attack from a sword when a forcefield appeared between him and the weapon, which swung down, bounced off the translucent, purple spell and flew from the enemy's grip.

The masked man smirked beneath the fabric and tore the axe out of his former victim, cutting through the armor of this one and causing his abdominal organs to rupture as the battle-ready weapon tore through them with ease. Nathan relaxed as the man fell to the ground dead, and both he and the High-Elf shared a look, before nodding at one another and continuing the fight.

Arcadia, however, stopped when she noticed that the woman who got them into this mess hadn't moved an inch. "Aren't you going to help us, Your Majesty?!"

"Hm?" Zovera looked down at the elf with raised brows, having been distracted by how handsome Jason had looked while tearing the head off one of the Gold soldiers. "Oh no. If I helped, it'd be too easy~"

She couldn't stop her jaw from dropping, even if it was rude in front of the queen. She glanced up at the sky as shadows shrouded the area, made by Griffins circling overhead. "B-but-"

It was then that a man with little hair, wearing a massive, clunky set of red armor which had large gold shoulder shields and black, thin metal around his joints to enable movement; dropped from the largest of the birds, landing before Nathan. The masked man had blacked out moments ago and was currently bashing in an enemy's skull with the hammer they'd once been using, his axe forgotten in the last corpse.

"Nathan!" Arcadia screamed as the giant, behemoth of a commander grabbed his jacket from the front, and despite his struggles, and very heavy hits, was tossed into Laughing Jack from behind. This knocked them both into Jeff and Puppeteer, who fell with them, injuring the human among the four as they hit the ground hard.

Her shout roused the large man's attention and she panicked, staggering back until she was really close to Zovera, who still wouldn't help. At this point, Arcadia needed to do something on her own, or she'd be too weak to serve her. He stomped his way over with strong steps caused by heavy metal boots, and out of instinct, she raised a shield to protect herself, her mana nearing empty, it flickered and failed on odd intervals, it wouldn't last long.

Just as the commander got close enough to raise his mighty hammer, a smaller, human form tackled him with enough force to send the heavy soldier stumbling away from her. At the brief second, he made contact, the timid elf knew it was Nathan by his flowing black hair, angered mismatched gaze and the curl of his lips beneath a torn black mask.

His opponent, however, did not fall to his knees or hit the ground as Nathan did, losing his footing with the intense force of his shove. The commander, irritated by his interruption, raised the hammer and slammed it down onto her savior's back, who cried out as he felt his spine shatter with the impact.

Unable to watch this, she snapped and ground her teeth, yanking her book from the holder, she allowed the pages to turn on their own to the spell she desired and with a mumbled enchantment, sent a swirling torrent of black flames around her enemy, who panicked and was engulfed in the hottest blaze she could muster with her lack of mana. The commander let out a noise of fear and staggered back, flapping his arms in a way that seemed comical, but was actually an attempt to create enough wind to put the embers out.

Once there was a safe distance between Nathan and his attacker, Arcadia rushed over and dropped to her knees, touching his back, which made him practically scream. "Your spine's been shattered!" She looked back at Zovera. "Your Majesty, please! He needs healing and I'm out of mana! If left untreated, he could die!"

The Queen, though arrogant and quite cruel sometimes, knew what the Healer/Mage said was true, and smiled at her resourcefulness, tossing a crystal at her, which she caught with ease. It glowed in her palm and she closed her eyes, pressing her hand against his injured spine. For a minute, the cries of agony filled the opening of the forest, before dying down, along with the glow of her healing magic.

Carefully Arcadia removed her hand and looked down at Nathan with concern, only to sigh with relief as he opened his eyes, breathing heavily as he raised his head and looked around. He had no recollection of what happened and sat up, confused and cautious. "Why're you here?" He asked.

The relieved elf sat back on her legs and smiled at the confused man with black hair, she didn't expect to worry so much, guess that's what happens when someone tries to save your life. On that note, she wasn't aware that the commander had managed to douse the flames, and was storming up behind her, holding his hammer with gold fused to his flesh and burns adorning any bare skin.

"Arcadia, look out!" Nathan snapped as his senses returned, he grasped a nearby pike and shoved the healer away, using the pole of it to stop the hammer's decent, and then he snarled, using all the force he could to push the commander back until his hammer slipped from his grip and hit the floor.

The assassin-like murderer used the moment of shock caused by the deflection to stab the commander through the thinner metal covering his stomach. He watched without mercy as his victim dropped to his knees, vomited blood, and fell on his side, eyes wide open, dead as dust.

Letting out a noise of disgust, Nathan turned away from the corpse as the rest of the Creepypasta finished off the forces, and saw Arcadia standing there, shocked at the scene that just played out. Embarrassed to have saved her, he closed his eyes and walked past her, tearing off the fragments of his mask as he did so.

"Thank you."

He stopped, glancing back at her smiling face for a second before he huffed and kept walking. "Don't mention it."

And with that, the Creepyasta and the Mage completed the test mission set out for them with the highest marks, and they set off back towards Red territory in hopes of getting more crystals to heal the wounded.