Space Invaders (Part 3)

By: AndiKaneUnderwood

From the second the Triceritons shoved the helmet-like object on his head, to the moment he shorted it out, all Donatello could feel was the pain.

Mostly the pain of invisible needles, jabbing through the skin of his head and invisible hands pulsing through his brain, flicking through closely guarded memories and ripping them apart to find the smallest details of his life.

He tried to resist the powerful and beautiful technology he was up against, but it was to no avail. After painstaking moments of trying he got no results, but he continued to try.

Finally, in an act of pure desperation, he tore down any walls that hadn't been destroyed, did his absolute best to open his mind past the pain, and called out. "Master... Splinter!"


Miles away, in a small room under the streets of New York City, an old, graying man gasped as he snapped awake from his meditation upon hearing the distressed cry. His son needed his help. Splinter closed his dark green eyes. "My son," he said, "I am with you."


Don heard his father's words. He groaned from the pain, then pressed his hands together, and concentrated hard.

It took every single ounce of his willpower, but with Splinter's guidance, he managed to short out the machine. The pain stopped and Don sighed in relief.

Days later, as Don was telling his brothers about his capture and hospitality by the Triceritons, Raph interrupted him. "Wait, a second, Donny, Yer sayin' they put some kinda memory machine on yer head that d'splayed yer memories on a screen for the Horn-Heads to watch like some kinda movie and ya shorted it out with just yer mind?" His accent became stronger the more upset he got.

Don nodded "Mmhm."

"Dang Donny, I wish I could've seen the look on that Prime Minister's face! That would've been priceless!" he grinned giving his younger twin brother a noogie, much to Don's protest.

"I believe that Donatello has also reached a mental level above anyone else's in this family's." Splinter added in.

"What?" Mikey asked after a few moments of silence.

"It means that Don's mind is stronger than ours." Leo translated.

"How?" Raph asked.

"While I was meditating earlier, I heard your brother call out for me. If he was in space as you say, and I was here in the Lair, then Donatello reached out hundreds of thousands of miles with only his mind to ask for help. Well, let us think of it like this. Whether from sheer desperation or a strength that he did not know he possessed, Donatello has reached this new level and it is a very big accomplishment."

When Leo, Mikey, and Raph looked over at their brother, there was a light blush dusting his cheeks. Embarrassment, pride, and modesty tended to tongue-tie the brainy brother and all three of the Hamato kids knew it, so they'd congratulate him, leave it alone, and maybe tease him about it once in a while.

Leo patted Don's back, then moved to the dojo for meditation. Raph smirked. "Nice job, genius." then left for his punching bad "de-tox" session. Mikey flipped over the couch to face the TVs, turning on his gaming console. "Good job, Donny. Now I have an alien invasion to beat."

Don sighed, then turned for the lab. "Thank God." He whispered.