Pain was all she could feel, darkness was all she could see, and dying was all she thought off, probably wanted. Unbearable pain crawled through her spine area, and blood streamed out of it. Her purple outfit was now torn and bloodied, her hair a mess, face beaten, nose, mouth, even ear, were all bleeding, and her left eye was darkened. After Zarya, Tracer, and Soldier: 76 had finally captured Sombra, not only did she receive heavy hits from her battle against the trio, but from the mother of Russia herself.

After her capture, Zarya herself brought the Mexican hacker over to Russia's leader, and left her there, limbs tied up, not even displaying a look of defeat against Katya. Sombra saw her "friend", but Katya displayed a side of her that the hacker didn't anticipate. Dragging her to the bottom of Volskaya Industry, the ruler proceeded to endlessly beat the hacker not only for the crimes she committed outside of Russia, but for her attempted blackmail, which was successfully avoided. Russia is a prideful country, and as soon as Sombra force Katya to become her "friend", it was the moment she lost all her pride. Oh how sweet it felt to get revenge.

Punch, kick, headbutt, probably broken limbs, Sombra was a physical mess that couldn't help but keep smiling through the beating. That filthy smile just didn't make the beating satisfying for Katya, but when she found out the enhanced cybernetics on the back of the Mexican, Katya gained a wicked smile on her face. With both her hands, she forcefully started ripping the hardware off Sombra's back. It was slow, it was painful, but Katya hearing screams of pain finally come out of the cheater's mouth, it made her pull even harder, until finally, it came off.

Even after having her hardware removed from her back, Sombra continued screaming from the powerful pain, tears coming out, and her piece of hardware laying next to her, bloodied. The last sight she saw of the Russian ruler was her exiting through the door. Hands full of blood, attire stained red, as if she got out of the slaughter house.

She turned around, saying her last words to the hacker, "I hoped you learned a valuable lesson... 'friend'. You don't toy with Mother Russia."

With that, she closes the metal steel door, locking Sombra in the darkness. Only for her to continue screaming and crying.

That was only 7 hours ago, and it only felt like a few minutes. Sombra was on the floor, defeated, feeling humiliated despite there being no one to be humiliated to. Tears were still fresh, and there was already a small puddle of them on the floor under her face. She was breathing heavily, death was all she thought off.

"Matenme... just kill me please... matenme por favor JUST KILL ME!"

The stronger she shouted, the more she cried. The ruthless removal of her enhancement fed the pain from the beating, and it was never-ending pain all over her body. All she wanted to do was die... or did she?

"I have to thank you both for capturing Sombra." Katya spoke.

Soldier: 76 and Tracer standing in front of them, and Zarya standing behind her ruler.

Katya continued, "That woman and Talon have been interfering with Volskaya businesses for sometime, so it's relieving to have at least one major threat neutralized."

Tracer put her hands on her hips, "Hmph, that's what she gets for all her meddling. She had it coming."

Soldier: 76 says, "She's been a threat to everyone, so it gets some weight off our shoulders as well."

Mother Russia continues, "You have my gratitude, despite the fact that Overwatch was disbanded."

The soldier politely corrected, "We didn't come here as Overwatch, we simply came here as aid. But your gratitude is still welcome."

Tracer points at Soldier with her thumb, "Yeah and it's not like this guy was ever a part of Overwatch, anyway."

The aged man kept shut. Not like she knew his real identity.

Ms. Volskaya asked, "Who are you both feeling? You must be feeling well if you're standing here despite such a battle."

Tracer answered, "We're alright. We've taken hits from much worse."

Zarya, who was still standing there, commented, "Be thankful I was there." With her thick Russian accent, "I took most of the hits for you."

The British girl responded, "We know, we know. And we gotta thank ya' for that, luv'."

76 asked, "What's going to happen with Sombra now?"

Katya responded, "Either execution, or just left to rot there."

The younger brunette said, "I don't care what happens to her as long as she's not giving us, or anyone else, any trouble."

Despite Sombra having a huge criminal record, Soldier: 76 couldn't help but think that it still sounded like a pretty dark conclusion for the hacker.

He said, "An unfortunate end."

Volskaya replied, "Like your partner said. It's what she deserves. If death must be her punishment, I will grant it to her."

Never had 76 thought mother Russia would have such a side to her. People are certainly full of surprises.

She looks at the soldier, "You seem thoughtful."

He stood silent for a few seconds, but spoke, "Could I have your permission to speak to her?"

Tracer looked at him dumbfoundedly, "What?"

But Katya said, "She's probably dead by now, but if you so desire."

"Thank you."

The British girl quickly asked, " Hold up hold up! Speak to her? For what? If anything, I should be the one talking to her! She stole from Winston!"

The masked man looked at her, "I thought you didn't care about her."

"I don't care what HAPPENS to her. And now that she's been neutralized, I can take the chance to get answers out of her!"

"You got your trans locator back, and we already have a trail on Talon. Isn't that enough?"

"... Well then-... what do you want from her?"

"... She's an old friend."

Tracer looked at him in shock, and Katya and Zarya with interest.

Katya asked, "You know her personally?"

He nodded, "Yeah... But that was a long time ago. She won't remember me, but I can have her remember."

Tracer was still looking at him in shock, but Katya spoke, "Very well, then. You can take the elevator behind you to reach the sub-basement. You have my permission." She looks at Tracer, "You do too, if you desire to speak with her as well."

They were on the top floor of Volskaya Industries, so it would be a long elevator ride down.

He replied, "Thank you, Mother Russia."

She slowly nodded, and the masked soldier turned around to the elevator, but not before looking at the blinker, "You can have your turn later if you still wanna talk to her. For now I wanna keep this between me and her."

"I don't care anymore."

He said nothing, and began walking to the elevator. Two Russian soldiers were standing on each side of the elevator entrance, and the old soldier enters, with the door shutting.

His last view being of the young blinker, who wondered, "An old friend, huh?"

Guided through the hallways and pathways of the sub basement by a Russian soldier, Soldier: 76 made it to the empty room Sombra was kept in. It wasn't being guarded, not like it was a prison cell, just a random empty room Katya threw her in. And not like she had the means to escape, either, as 76 discovered when the metal door is opened for him.

With that, 76 enters the room, the Russian soldier closed the door, and departed. On the floor lied Sombra. Beaten, bloodied, laying on a puddle of her own blood, barely clinging onto life. He could barely look at who he claimed was an old friend, but proceeds to walk up to her, and knelt down on one knee in front of her. She was laying on her side, so she got a good look of him.

He turned on the lights on his visor, nearly blinding Sombra after seeing darkness for hours, but grew used to it after a few seconds.

Sombra, still teared up, looked up to him, "You... I could had sworn I-" She inhales and exhales painfully, "killed you..."

"Well, you did knock me out a window when I let my guard down but, here I am. Alive and kicking."

She only stares at him "... What do you want...?"

Soldier: 76 took out a napkin, and wiped the blood off her lips, and even her teeth, then threw it to the side.

She was confused, "What are you-..."

Soldier continued as he took out a small lemonade juice box out of his jacket pocket. He took the bendy straw out if its bag, placed it in the drink, and moved it to Sombra's mouth. She looked at him with a dumbfounded but innocent face.

"Drink first, ask later."

She looked at the drink, which was sideways from her angle, and without questioning, she opened her mouth to drink. She drank slowly, but then began drinking faster until she started sucking out the air. She drank with a lot of joy.

Soldier: 76 moves the box away, "These were your favorites when you were younger. I grew to like them too, thanks to you." And places it to the side.

Who is this guy, Sombra wondered? All she really knew of him was that he was a vigilante, and a target of an international manhunt, but not much else. He was an enigma to her. Have they met before?

"... Who are you...?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"... Depends... Agghh..." She says in pain.

A cheater like her probably wouldn't keep any sort of secrets, but it was a risk 76 was willing to take. He moved his right hand upwards towards his mask, and removed it, revealing his aged and scarred face. For the first few seconds, he looked unfamiliar to her, but after focusing...

"... I've seen that-... that face before..."

"You saw it a long time ago... This face belongs to someone you called your... 'Soldado'."

And then everything hit her, all at once. The Omnic Crisis, her separation from her family, all the orphan children... and a soldier taking care of her after the disaster that struck. Sombra's beaten eyes widen at the realization.

"... You...? Is it really you...?" When she thought she ran out of tears, more began flowing out of her eyes. This time, out of joy.

Soldier smiles, "It's been a while... Tita."

Author's note:

Tita is Sombra's real name in this fanfiction. Since her real name hasn't been revealed yet, I decided to give her my own for this story.