Rape (1) The crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will.

Pregnant (1) (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus.

Two words which Yagami Light never associated with himself but after that dreaded day, Shinigami are forbidden from having any sexual contact which would end in the release of serum with a human. The lack of Shinigami was the result of two things 1) only a few humans were becoming Shinigami because they were not dropping their death notes into the human world and 2) because of the lack of death notes falling into the human world the Shinigami could not go behind the Shinigami kings back to reproduce on earth.

Rem's appearance is quite skeletal, with long, spinal cord-like arms and bone-like skin. Her features, such as her hair and the markings on her face, are detailed with a light purple. Rem was the first to notice something happening to Yagami Light, she was the first to notice what Ryuk had done and she was the first to plan to protect Light.

Light is a young man, standing at above average height with light brown hair and brown eyes and according to many females and some males that he is every attractive which would not be a surprise to why Ryuk chose him of all people to take his sexual desires out on whilst not being completely aware of his actions.

"Light Yagami wake up" Rem whispered whilst trying not to cause any noise which might alert the other Shinigami in the house who was at that moment in time scoffing apples. Light let a noise out but showed no sign of waking up.

"Light" Rem whispered a little louder this time tried to shake the teenage boy awake but the result was the same. Rem turned around the teens' bedroom to find anything which would help wake the boy, the only weapon which was work considering was the number of books which the teen had scattered around his room without waiting any precious time Rem grabbed the closest book to her and slapped the Yagami boy awake with it. Light shot up looking around his room for the offending weapon before his eyes landed on Rem which had the same offending weapon in her claws.

"Rem what are you doing here has something happened to Misa" Light questioned.

"I need you to give up Ryuk's notebook and leave after that I will explain everything," Rem said.

"What, why would I do that" Light shouted.

"I will drop this notebook and you need to pick it up after that give up ownership of his death note, the first priory is to get you as far as I can away from here," Rem said before dropping Misa's old notebook onto Lights bed. Light did what he was told by picking the notebook up giving him the authority of it.

"I will now make you lose the authority of Ryuk's notebook" Rem muttered before placing a claw on Light's forehead, a small glow lit up the room before disappearing.

"Rem what the hell is going on?" Light questioned as the female Shinigami pulled the human from his bed.

"I will explain later but now you need to get a bag with some clothes, leave your phone behind so they will not be able to track you" Rem ordered before moving toward the door to prevent any human or Shinigami from entering the room, Light grabbed some clothes from his wardrobe.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on Rem?" Light asked once he was done.

"Light Yagami, you might not know but when a Shinigami has sexual intercourse with a human no matter what gender they are they will become pregnant, Ryuk took his boredom out on you which means…" Rem said but could finish before she heard Ryuk make his way back upstairs.

"We must go" Rem stated before grabbing Light and flew out the window towards and abandoned building which they would be able to hide and formulate a plan.