"She...said a word...What if...walking...a disorder..."

They didn't need to worry about her, but they didn't know what she knew. That Alexis Drakon has had a life before this one, before actually being their daughter. That she had had a family before them. Neither did they know that she was actually unwilling to speak her first words, or just one word. Why might someone wonder? Well, truthfully it was only because Yvonne's pigheadedness had been carried on into Alexis' life.

And the toddler-woman was adamant on understanding the language before saying her 'first words'.

She was even planning to say a whole sentence. But it required an understanding of the language they were speaking, which was actually Greek and not Spanish as she had theorized it to be. Galene, her mother, was concerned. The fresh mother was still inexperienced, even though Alexis' aunts and grandmother were helping her out in every way they could.

Her father in comparison, was much calmer and level-headed. He could be the picture of tranquility when it came down to calming Galene. His tall yet lean form was slightly comical next to his wife's.

Alton Drakon was an interesting person to watch. Alexis found his swiftly changing personality refreshing. He could be calm and collected while in Galene's company, calming her with sweet words and small smiles, yet really childish and playful with Alexis. It might have been from believing he'd coax out a word or two out of her, but his behavior didn't falter. However, even his own playful front merely tried to hide the fact that he was just as concerned as his wife. She could see it in his green eyes, an impressive pair pf expressive orbs. While her mother preferred to speak about her concerns and express them, he was there to deal with them even though he might have the same thoughts.

Their behavior and worry did spark guilt in her, but she was planning to surprise them. Although it might not be a great idea. They'd think of her as a genius and it'd affect her life. So a battle took place inside of her. The pros and cons of randomly starting to speak full sentences.

And guess which side won in the end?

Her stubbornness could only lose against her logic. Which might or might have not been absent the past few months.

"Ma!" she shouted, holding onto the crib's sides to stand on her wobbly legs. She definitely disliked her barely acceptable motor skills. Scratch that. Those motor skills weren't acceptable in her mind.

"Ma!" she repeated to catch their attention, and succeeded, going by their expressions. She was quickly swept into her father's arms, giggling while her mother laughed tearfully.

"I'm jealous...first." Alton said and Alexis met his gaze with her playful one. While she couldn't understand everything, she had enough of a grasp on the language to put two and two together to know what was the general idea of their conversations. Just as she was handed to her mother, she made another decision. "Pa! Papa!" and clapped her hands gleefully. The grin she received was priceless. She saw the pride on his face, how his chest puffed out as he nodded to himself, thinking about something. Galene's hair fell in her face and Alexis grimaced as she almost got a lock in her mouth. Her mother looked just as proud, but it couldn't triumph over Anton's. He looked like a particularly pleased fox.

Not too long after that, she started learning to read. Maybe not really learning, but it was the first step towards being able to read Greek.

But her mother should've known that trying to keep Alexis' focus on the picture book while at the beach would be next to impossible. The small beach was actually theirs, a small patch that was probably as big as their backyard and surrounded by cliffs on all sides except where the sea was, facing south.

The stairs leading down to it were luckily wide enough for three people to walk down while standing shoulder to shoulder, and carved into the cliffs.

"Alexis," her mother sung, her melodic voice appeasing to most ears. Including Alexis'. Which is the only reason how the woman caught her attention in one try. The sea looked just too beautiful to ignore. In her previous life as Yvonne, she hadn't been to the sea even once. To a lake yes, but not the ocean. Blinking up at her mother with feigned innocence, she watched her mother's face soften before Galene sighed. "Maybe we can build a castle if you'd like," the proposal was met with a grin and clapping.

The wind whipping her mother's hair around in the warm salty breeze made the moment so much more tranquil.

Alexis closed her eyes and took a breath when she knew her mother wasn't looking. Seeing an expression like that on a child's face would make anyone question what was going through said child's head.

She didn't need any unwanted or misplaced attention.

Because she was only enjoying a mother's presence. What was it like to have a mother had always been a question she didn't possess an answer to. The undivided attention she received, the feeling of belonging and security...Stability. It made her feel so wanted and loved. She had only known how it felt to have a father, even if it had been cut awfully short by destiny.

To now get what she always longed for, as well as a role where she didn't feel like some annoying fly or a shadow, completely overwhelmed her.

"Mama," she smiled at her mother and stood up, only needing to made a few steps to wrap her chubby arms around her mother's calves. Her head only reached Galene's knees, but that was merely a drawback of being a toddler. She'd grow up eventually and Alexis was determined to enjoy every second of her childhood, suspicious of destiny itself.

When someone got what they wanted, it usually got taken away just as swiftly as they got it. Her mother smiled down at her before they walked towards where the waves met the shore and started building a castle out of the damp sand.

Alexis particularly enjoyed seeing her mother's face flush as the adult realized Alexis' ability to create castles was drastically better than Galene's.

The book lied where her mother left it on a blanket, still open and on the page where they stopped at. It displayed a picture of a realistic hippogriff.

"Papa," she grabbed her father's hand to catch the man's attention. Green eyes met equally green ones.

"You diff'ren' than aun's," she spoke with a slight slur, common for children her age, yet it never ceased to displease her. It kind of sparked dissatisfaction. She always took her ability to speak for granted, even though she had usually never had anything nice to say, which made her keep her mouth shut most of the time.

But now that she could speak with people like she wanted to, since she had people that liked her, that knew her, her speech wasn't perfect. And her voice was still high-pitched and just generally wrong.

It grated on her nerves.

Her innocent expression masked the fact that she was digging for information. He didn't look like he was of Greek ancestry. And she didn't miss the fact that Galene's father was neither mentioned while in the vicinity of Anton. Her aunts were also pretty gossiping women, and never realized Alexis was eavesdropping while 'playing' with the toys she had been given. Her maternal grandfather very much disapproved of her father, that much was more than clear to the toddler-adult. He had wanted a Greek man to marry his youngest daughter, and yet her father had swooped in with his dashing smile.

He was a tall man with a lean built, but it wasn't just his height that made him different. His skin was a few shades lighter and burnt easier than it tanned from what she observed throughout the summer. His hair was just as dark as her mother's, with bushy eyebrows and dark stubbles over his chin and jaw. And his eyes were green.

So he had to be of different ancestry than the rest of her family. Different from her mother's side.

"I am," he grinned and pinched her cheek, which only caused her to scowl and try to bat his hand away. She knew he retracted it himself, but she still cheered and sent him a triumphant look that she knew would amuse him. It did. "I come from a place called Scotland. Your grandmother still lives there, méli. It's vastly different than this place. Imagine all the ocean turning into lush green fields. The weather's different too, but beautiful all the same."

She couldn't help but grin at his expression. It was clear her father yearned to return to Scotland. Just for some time.

"Why'd ya lea'e?"

His smile faltered at the edges, but it was forced back onto his lips. As if she couldn't see the difference between a genuine one or a forced one. Even if he smiled with his eyes, she had been an expert at it. Although smiles from Yvonne had been rather rare. The woman had never had a reason to twitch her lips in a sincere show of happiness or glee.

Not after losing the only person in her life.

She had so many people dotting on her now. Aunts, a grandmother even though she never forced her grandfather to accompany her, both of her parents...Even the people living nearest to them, at least a kilometer from their house, sometimes visited. The closest neighbors they had actually.

"Well, a very bad man had showed himself and did scary things. Bad things. Even to little ones like yourself. His name became so feared they started calling him He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and You-Know-Who." He brushed her hair out of her face, and saw her startled expression. "Oh, don't worry méli, he's gone. We could visit your other grandma if you'd like?" she simply nodded, ignoring his sudden change of topic.

It was starting to come crashing down upon her.

She hasn't simply been reincarnated in Greece before Yvonne's birth in 1997. The current date was the 9th November in the year of 1983 and she was a four year old kid. A year older than the currently only Potter alive.

She was in a world where magic existed. Her father knew about Voldemort. He was a wizard and she was his daughter.

Alexis Drakon realized she might be a witch. And she was dozens of kilometers away from the school she wanted to learn about magic. Hogwarts, a place she had thought was just a fragment of a genius' masterpiece.

"Little one, you in there?" a charming voice asked and she turned to smile at her mother, who was leaning onto the doorway, watching how Anton shuffled through drawers while their Alexis stared off into space. Her green eyes were deceptively happy as she stared into her mother's own brown orbs.

"Pres'nt!" she raised her hands childishly before dropping her goofy smile and thoughtfully staring at her parents, her gaze shifting between them. "I wanna go t' Sco'land!"

Silence for a whole minute before her mother sighed and raised her eyebrows in question. Anton shifted uncomfortably before scratching his stubble-covered shin, although it was beginning to turn into a beard.

It actually suited him.

"What would you tell her, huh?" her mother wasn't angry, more amused than anything. Before Galene received an answer, she shook her head, some of her glossy locks escaping the bun her hair had been put into. "No matter, she does need to see the world. Don't you think? I've been waiting."

Alexis carefully watched her father seem thoughtful before he grinned enthusiastically. "I'd say we could visit my parents, stay for a while, and then who knows? Your father's been mad you married an adventurer such as myself." She just kept staring while her father walked up to his wife and embraced her. They might have forgotten about her during their little moment. It didn't faze her.

"Well, he wanted me to marry a herbologist and not a Magizoologist with a particular interest in dragons."

Her heart might have stopped beating for a second.

"Think our little méli would like to see the world and what's out there?" cue, the two adults in the room turned to the child-adult. She grinned at them.

"They won't know what hit them."

All three of them grinned while Alexis was internally shrieking and dancing in victory. She must have hit the jackpot in the reincarnation department. Wizards as her parents, close to Harry's age, plus such an awesome father? He was a Magizoologist for God's, scratch that, Merlin's sake.

It was the greatest revelation that ever happened.

She just hoped she wasn't a Squib. And that she won't get involved into the shit ton of stuff that would befall Great Britain during Harry's school days.