I know that it's been some time since my last update and I have no excuse. But now the chapter is here and the reaction I got from the last chapter has been phenomenal. Also I want to apologize in advance for any typos because I do not have anyone to beta for this fanfic. You have all been so supportive and positive in your reviews. So, let us make a smooth segway into the review responses.

sassykitten1701: Here is that update you wanted, however I don't know about multiple chapters. Mostly because I want to give people some time to give me their thoughts and opinions.

sofsof2015: I'm glad you think so

weirdpotato: Thank you for saying so. It is no problem and I'm happy that doing this makes you happy. If you're happy, then why would I want to kill it by making wait any more than you already have

Learod (Guest): Holy shit, you had an extreme reaction. But with your reasoning I don't think I blame you. I did intentionally try to make that last line of Lucy's sound badass. If you want to know the answer to your questions you'll just have to read this chapter to find out. I'm delighted to see that that was your favorite part of the previous chapter, even though I had a bit of difficulty with it. I didn't think I was very good at suspenseful writing, but your review is making me think I might have been wrong about that. I definitely took your suggestion for the fight into consideration when writing this chapter. It was a very good idea. Lucy's memories are most likely going to be revealed in these next few chapters.

Tiernank: I'm happy to know that you think that and I won't keep you waiting for that brawl. It was no problem, I figured that you were probably waiting for that chapter. If you want me to PM you when I update I would be more than happy to do so.

Yed01: Well, here is that update you asked for.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of the characters in this story. I only own the plot of said story. Also, some characters might be OOC. Just know, that this was probably on purpose. Last thing, I promise, if you post a review on a previous chapter, I will put my response at the bottom along with what chapter it was from. Alright, now story time!

Chapter 7: Emotional Rollercoaster

Lucy P.O.V.

Laxus and I had our date a few days ago, and the entire guild seemed to have accepted it... With an occasional death threat or two from my old team. However, that had nothing to do with my current predicament. You see, I am about to enter an one-on-one fight against Lisanna. Normally, I would have no problem beating her, but I spoke to the master and he said I had to do it without using my Dragon Slayer magic. He also said that he would understand if I accidentally used it, and that if things got bad, he would give me a sign that it was ok to use it. I thought about what Master said one more time before my thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

"Listen up, Brats! As you all probably know, we have a special fight happening today! Lucy is going to fight Lisanna one-on-one! So, if wish to watch the fight, then join us on the training grounds!" he finished and everyone roared/cheered in response. Soon enough everybody was outside. Most of the guild was sitting in the bleachers. The only Exceptions were Lisanna, Gildarts, and myself. Gildarts, being the most powerful one in the guild, had been assigned as the ref.

Lisanna and I took our battle stances and then Gildarts spoke "The first fighter to pass out, loses! Three...Two...One...BEGIN!" Lisanna was the first to strike. She quickly transformed into her tigress soul. However, she wasn't fast enough because I was able to activate my Taurus Star Dress.

My opponent then made a very unintelligent mistake. She decided to strike first. Lisanna, or Lizzy, as I now liked to call her, came at me with a flying kick. However, it was easy to counter. I mean, seriously, if your going to kick someone, don't leave yourself wide open. I grabbed her ankle with my whip and used the added strength from the Taurus Star Dress to throw her at the nearest tree. The next thing she did was swing her claws around without any tactic whatsoever. After dodging most of the swipes, she finally managed to scratch me. That threw me off for a second or two, and gave her enough time to start a string of attacks.

About a 30 seconds of her beating me up went by and we came to a standstill. I was facing the bleachers, so I took the opportunity to see if Master would give me the go-ahead. Sure enough, I looked at him and saw the slight nod in my direction. Time to tip the scales! (You're welcome to any Fire Emblem players/Robin fans) I started by exiting Star Dress to conserve magic. "Water Dragon: Slice!" was the first move I used because it was quite similar to Natsu's Iron Fist or Gajeel's Club. Some people in the stands heard the name of my spell, and proceeded to freak out. By "some people" I mean the Dragon Slayers and Warren. I got distracted again, and that allowed Lisanna to punch me in the face. Sure, it hurt, but not as much as other things. Her punch caused me to turn around. That's when I heard it. A voice that was so familiar, and yet, so filled with concern. I almost didn't recognize it.

The voice belonged to none other than my very own mate, Laxus. "Come on, Bunny. Get your head in the game. I know you won't go down with a whimper. Now, get up and fight." That was all I needed. I got up and started to attack Lisanna with a fury like no other. First a punch, then a kick, Water Dragon: Slice, and if she didn't look beat up then I don't know what did. But, then, for whatever reason, she kept getting up. So, I decided to end this fight her and now. I gathered my energy for the final blow. "Water Dragon: ROAR!" That spell was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Yu could say that they looked a bit shocked. After my roar hit Lisanna, she fell over. Gildarts then declared me the winner of the fight. Of course, with Fairy Tail being Fairy Tail, they all started to cheer, chat, and yell questions in my general direction. Naturally, the noise woke up a particular Strauss sibling.

It was obvious that Lisanna wasn't happy about losing, or the fact that I had become a Dragon Slayer during my 10 months away from the guild. She shot up from the ground, scratched me across the back to the point where my shirt might as well have been non-existent. Naturally, the only one complaining about it was Laxus. I held up a hand that told him to shut up and let me handle before he said something stupid.

"What the hell was that for!? You got some kind of problem with me beating you in a fair fight?" A dark aura started to surround me as I looked at her unapologetic face. To everyone's surprise, Freed was the next one to speak. "Lucy-sama, do not concern yourself with reprimanding this sore loser. Laxus-sama would you mind covering up your girlfriend? She shouldn't be so indecent while in public" he reasoned. Oh gods, he started calling me Lucy-sama. That means he holds me in as high regards as Laxus. Hold on, indecent? What's he mean by- I looked down to see that the only clothing that covered my torso was a sports bra.

"FUCK!" was the only thing that I could say at this realization. The realization that I was not only half-naked, but also that there were about half-a-dozen scars. These scars were both noticeable and noticed. Eventually, five more would be added because Lisanna scratched me. I was sure that my fellow guild members had noticed said scars, but nobody said anything. Even Natsu, Happy, and Lisanna had shut up. It was uncomfortable to have an entire guild staring at you.

Of course, Erza and Mira flipped their shit. Mira went into Satan Soul: Sitri and Erza reequipped into her Purgatory armor. The magic energy building around Gildarts, the master, and Laxus were all indicators that I should explain before someone gets dead. "It's ok guys I took care of them. After the whole Dragon Slayer thing happened, I tracked down the people who did this to me and gave them a piece of my mind" that was he simplest explanation I could come up with.

"Luce, you're a Dragon Slayer? I thought you were raised by your parents" those were Natsu's words. He almost sounded scared. "Yes, Natsu, I was raised by my parents. You see, I'm not a first gen. Dragon Slayer. I'm actually like Laxus, a second gen. I had a Water Dragon Slayer lacrima implanted behind my left eye" I finished my confirmation and explanation and looked to the ground, remembering the pain, and waiting for what was to come next.

What happened took me by surprise, to say the least. I felt four bodies-nope make that five-surround me in a hug. Laxus, Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, Master. These were the first people to join what eventually became a guild-wide group hug, and for the first time in months, I started to cry. It wasn't as dramatic as Phantom or when I lost Aquarius because this time, they were tears of joy. "LUUUUSSHHYYY!" I knew that voice anywhere, and sure enough a rocket of blue fur came barreling into my chest. "I'll never call you fat ever again! Just, please don't cry anymore!" Happy was bawling at this point. His comment about calling me fat earned him several murderous glares from Mira, Erza, and Laxus. I put Happy down, and left him at their mercy.

"Hey, Master," I called, "doesn't my being a Dragon Slayer mean we have five now?" I asked, hoping to change the subject. "As a matter of fact, you are correct my child. We have Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy, and now, you" he responded. I needed to move this to the result I was looking for. "You know, the Grand Magic Games are coming up, and participating guilds need a team of five" I knew that I was done egging him on when the look of realization hit everyone. Then next sound was more than painful because it was the entire guild shouting in unison "WE CAN HAVE A TEAM OF DRAGON SLAYERS!" After the cheers died down the master spoke. "Lucy, my child, you've made an old guild master proud. With such a strong team there is no way that we can lose" The games are in two months, and my birthday is five days before they start.