"Tired, Ria?"

I pushed a long strand of raven black hair behind my ears and carefully jostled the heavy bag I was carrying on my back before turning toward him. A wide and innocent smile framed my expression to conceal away the rising aggravation. "What makes you think that Conan?"

Conan just rolled his grey eyes, a glimpse of exasperation creeping up to mar his casually composed face. "Oh, I don't know," he responded sarcastically. "Maybe it's the fact that you have been sighing dramatically ever since we left the last camp?"

He snickered as I stumbled to the ground. Shooting him a dark glare, I gracefully leapt back to my feet and brushed off the loose soil particles which had accumulated on my jeans before continuing to trudge forwards.

"I just don't understand why we should be setting up camp in the Smoky Mountains," I complained. "Sure it's nice for scenery and all but we were told to stay where we were."

Conan sighed and put an arm around my shoulder. "It's not our decision, we are not in charge."

"No, Ray's in charge and he told us 'Not. To move. From camp.'" I mimicked our Alpha's uncompromising tone before shaking my head with a frown. "What the hell was Paige thinking when she chose this place? It's too steep to climb," I wondered but before Conan could reply, we were interrupted.

"Since you asked so nicely Ria, I was thinking that the Smoky Mountain forestry is high and dense which means sheltered and secluded. The perfect place for us to transform tonight and since you are so concerned, I gave Ray the heads up. He knows exactly where we are."

I raised my doubtful eyes to meet Paige's brown ones. Begrudgingly, I knew she was right but admitting it to her face was another thing entirely. The dark haired woman standing before me had been branded the Beta of the pack, so when our Alpha went away on business, all the decision making fell onto her.

Most times, the two of us never really saw eye to eye. The truth is, I didn't usually get along with her, scratch that, I didn't really get along with anybody in the pack but despite my outsider status, Paige and I still held this grudging respect towards one another. I did have some, acquaintances I guess you could call them; Conan was one, as was Derek, Paige's human boyfriend.

A rapid heartbeat abruptly sounded in my ears as I caught sight of the mortal in question jogging down the hill towards us. He paid no attention to Conan and me as he strode straight to Paige's side.

"We're here, babe," he whispered as he threaded a calloused hand through her short and wavy dark hair. "It's a perfect clearing for scout outs and when the full moon meets its apex tonight, you will all have enough space to roam the forest." He smiled softly. "We can stay here until it's time for us all to move again."

Paige grinned and pecked him on the lips. Conan and I quickly looked away, knowing better than to interrupt them. After a few seconds had ticked by, she reluctantly pulled away to send us an icy glare. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she demanded. "The grass to grow? Go, the tents won't set up themselves."

I inwardly scowled and whipped away from her without another word, quickening my pace until we finally reached our destination. The bag immediately slid off my shoulder and I let it fall to the ground as I leant back against the nearest tree with a serene smile.

Closing my eyes, I tilted up my head and listened peacefully to the gentle sound of the wind, the quiet chirpings of birds fluttering through the trees. In this state, I could almost feel the calmest workings of nature.

"Well look who finally decided to join us."

Or maybe not.

Without opening my eyes, I muttered in the general direction of the nasally voice. "Pleasure as always, Kara."

She didn't seem to get, by the obvious tone of my sarcasm that I was in no mood to talk and spitefully carried on. "You know, I really can't comprehend why Ray lets you stay in our pack. You don't belong here. You should have been kicked out ages ago. I mean like… you're not even that special."

Oh honey, you have no idea.

I opened my eyes to see her sneering face just inches from mine and moved away from the tree. Personal space much? Her posse of followers watched on avidly as I replied in a strained tone, "Well that really isn't your decision now, is it?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other pack members turn, not so subtly craning their heads to listen in on our conversation.

Kara seemed to enjoy the attention as she flicked her blonde ponytail over her shoulder and replied with a leer, "Well it should be. If I was Ray, I would abandon you. Kick you to the curb and all that… and like, you wouldn't even feel any hurt, since your mommy and daddy practically did the same thing."

Wrong thing to say.

I snarled and took a step towards her but Conan pulled me back. "It's not worth it Ria," he muttered.

I gritted my teeth and shoved him away from me hard before turning tail and sprinting towards the forest. Once I was out of sight, my body sagged and I pricked up my ears, focusing in on Kara's seductive whisper. "Why do you even stand up for her? You need to live up to your name Conan Faölan. You are a descendant of the seven clans. Only the strongest of our kind are allowed to carry a name meaning 'Wolf'."

I immediately stopped listening as I felt my face begin to change. My chest rumbled out a low growl, knowing all too well what I would look like and continued to make my way through the forest, taking in slow and deep breaths.

Once the calm exterior finally subdued my raging mind, I allowed myself time to truly think. Maybe Kara was right. Maybe it would be better for me to leave the pack. There wasn't really anything that was keeping me here. Ray was never around. And although Conan had been there for me at a time when I needed him the most, the sad truth was, even though I was part of the pack, I always felt alone… like something was missing.

"It has been weeks Derek and still I haven't heard from Ray since I told him we were heading to the mountains."

My head suddenly turned to the left when I heard it. Paige's tone was different. Never had I ever heard her sound so doubtful… so very afraid.

Confusion settled over me and I furrowed my brows, listening intently as Derek's soothing voice whispered through the trees. "I'm sure he'll be fine, Paige. Ray is a big boy. He can look out for himself."

With a stealth I did not know I was capable of, I made my way towards their voices, never once making a sound. Then placing my palms lightly against the bark of the tree which blocked my path, I peered around and watched.

Paige had turned away from Derek, shoving her hands through her hair in frustration. "All I know is that one moment he went to visit Keisha and Lauren and the next moment their rental house had completely burned down." She whipped back around to face him, her skin holding a white tinge. "It wasn't some silly gas explosion, Derek, I know it wasn't."

Derek gently reached out, taking her hands in his larger ones before squeezing them gently. "Paige, we don't know the full details yet but you know Ray more than anybody. He is your family and your Alpha, the pack's Alpha." He stared straight into her eyes, begging her to understand. "He would never leave any of you behind."

I couldn't watch any longer. I turned away from them, resting my back against the tree before sinking slowly to the ground. Paige's soft voice wafted over me. "I'm just worried, Derek."

There were a few moments of silence before Derek softly replied, "We all are."

I buried my head in my hands and curled up into a tight ball as I heard the two pairs of footsteps slowly wane away, heading back to camp.

I should have followed my instincts from the start. Paige's evasiveness in answering our questions, her unexpected decision to migrate us away from our last camp… and even though I still didn't know much, after what I had overheard, there was now only one certainty.

Ray Sutton was missing and not even Paige Sutton, his sister, knew where he was.

I was in a slight daze when I finally made it back to camp. At the sight which lay before me, I bit back my surprise, only just realising exactly how much time had passed while I had wallowed in my thoughts.

All the tents had been set up. People were hurrying around unpacking and grabbing different supplies. After a brief scan of my surroundings, I instantly caught sight of Conan and made a move to join him.

I had barely made it five steps when Kara accidentally barged past me, making sure to knock her shoulder against mine, hard. "Watch where you are going, freak," she muttered under her breath and I growled back a retort.


Seconds later, I swiped up some pegs from the ground and squatted down beside Conan, passing him some.

"Where have you been?" he quietly hissed. "You've been gone for a good two hours. You're lucky no one noticed."

Oh the perks of being an outsider. Keeping my eyes focused on my task, I shrugged and avoided his enquiring gaze. "I guess I lost track of time," I muttered.

Conan continued to concentrate on pegging the tent down; once he had finished, his grey eyes searching mine sceptically. "If you say so," he replied before getting to his feet and I smiled wryly, knowing he would be back on my case at a later date. "Look, tell Paige I'm going to find some more firewood before it starts getting dark."

I nodded, sending him an absent wave as he disappeared off through the trees. It didn't take long for the background apprehension to rise inside me once more and my stomach turned. Wanting something to do, needing a way to distract myself from my spiralling thoughts, I grabbed our rucksacks, unzipped the tent and began to unpack Ray's belongings.

I was just about to make a start on mine when I heard Paige's quiet call. Instantly dropping the bag to the ground, I heeded her summons and strode towards her.

She didn't say anything for a moment and I didn't encourage nor discourage her. She scanned the pack quickly before stating quietly, "I know you were listening."

It wasn't a question and I didn't reply but Paige took it as a confirmation. "Derek was right," she whispered. "Ray will be okay, I was just overreacting. I don't want you telling anyone in the pack."

I raised one eyebrow at her. "Even if I did, do you really think anyone would listen to me?"

Paige's mouth twisted into a grimace. "No, not really. Conan would though." She examined the camp with rising concern. "Where is he by the way?"

"Gone to grab firewood," I uttered back, knowing she was trying to change the subject as Derek caught sight of us standing side by side. Creases formed on his forehead before he rapidly began to make a beeline in our direction. Letting out a slow exhale, I reluctantly crossed my arms and muttered, "I won't tell."

Paige nodded, sagging slightly. "That is all I ask of you. All you need to know is that Ray will be back soon."

She started to say something else but the rest of her words were drowned out when quiet cracks of breaking foliage suddenly pierced the air.

I caught the scent first; the lightest aroma of cedar drifted through my nose and I shuddered. Goosebumps prickled my flesh. My head snapped to the left. That was when I saw them.

Two men were standing by the edge of the clearing. The bronze haired, vacant emerald eyed man was carrying a limp figure on his shoulders but it was his companion who caught my attention.

Who caused my wariness to rise.

His frame was well built, the faint outline of muscles rippled beneath a dark grey shirt. Strength. His features were delicately masculine; curly dirty-blonde hair with a hint of stubble littering a defined jaw. Allure. But it was the eyes which drew me in... dazzling pools of ocean-blue held a sharp and defining glint... Danger.

My heart unexpectedly started to hammer to an uncontrollable beat and face flushing hot, I quickly diverted my focus. Now scrutinising the first male with narrowed eyes, I caught sight of who he was carrying and my body froze in both horror and recognition.

"Sooner," I murmured.

By now everyone had sensed the newcomers and the chatter had died down to quiet whispers. They watched on with caution and fear as the bronze-haired man stared around with no emotion on his expressionless face. Paige tensed beside me when he dropped the body to the floor.

"RAY!" she screamed and before I could attempt to stop her, she lurched forwards with Derek following fast at her heels. I remained frozen in place; staring down uncomprehendingly at our Alpha's figure sprawled out on the grass. My stomach twisted into tight knots as I struggled to listen but it was no use.

I couldn't hear a heartbeat.

"Oh my God," Paige whispered as she knelt down, holding Ray's head with one hand, placing her other against his chest. Derek lowered into a crouch behind her, curving a palm over her shoulder as she started to hyperventilate. "What's going on?" Paige muttered fearfully to herself before she stiffened and jerked her head up to the two men watching the scene.

The bronze haired man had tilted his head to the side, his emerald eyes fixating on Derek in blatant hunger whilst the other was scanning our pack victoriously.

Paige blurted out the question currently on the surface of everybody's minds. "Who are you?"

"The more important question is who am I?" the blonde commented casually, his gaze now fixed on the ground.

My instincts flared up into preservation mode. Something was about to go down. I took a careful step forwards as Derek and Paige slowly straightened up.

"Please, forgive the intrusion." The man paused for a second before snapping his head up and continuing, "My name is Klaus."

My heart lurched, the name whirring around and around in my head.

Did he know? Did Ray tell?

Paige was thinking along the same lines as she backed away towards me, Derek bringing up the rear. Klaus watched her every move curiously and I rapidly averted my gaze, my hair standing on end as the burn of his eyes drifted directly onto me.

Still keeping me behind her, Paige stated in terror, "You're the hybrid."

Klaus smirked. "You've heard of me. Fantastic!"