Author's Note: Nothing much to add here. Enjoy the final chapter of The One Night Stand Bewilderment!


May 23rd, 2021

Amy ran her fingers up and down her tall glass, gathering the condensation as she listened to the conversation beside her. The area had changed very little since she last visited it. The bar, still sophisticated with white marble and bright lighting. The patrons, as cheerful as ever. She lifted her glass to her lips and sipped at her Grey Goose and Sprite. The same drink she had ordered over four years ago.

Four years. The same amount of time it took her to complete her Bachelor's degree. That was how fast her life had turned around. Last time she was in this bar, she was alone and embarrassed, stood up by a date and shamefully wiping away her tears. This time, there were no tears, no hiding. Her left hand, once bare and free of jewelry now adorned two stunning rose gold rings. Her engagement ring, embellished with diamonds and her wedding band, plain but still sparkling like new.

She smiled against her glass before lowering it and turning her head towards the booth behind her. Sheldon was there, smiling and chatting with the boys about the new— and final— Captain America movie. Even with the distance between them, she could see Sheldon's own wedding band— rose gold with an inlay of onyx— on his left hand as he fluttered it about as he spoke.

Her life was so different now. Not just because she had married a man who wore super hero t-shirts, but because she was happy, more confident. No man— or any person— made her feel so human, full of worth despite the imperfections she had until she met him and the others.

"Amy?" The snap of Penny's fingers disrupted her train of thought. She turned back to the two blondes that sat beside her and hummed in acknowledgment.

"You want another drink?"

Amy looked down at her empty glass and looked back up at the bar. Her alcohol tolerance had gotten better since meeting Penny (especially after the bachelorette party she and Bernadette had planned last year), but she already felt the lightheadedness associated with drinking.

"I think I'm good," Amy declined and grabbed her glass to get the last ice cube out of it.

"Are you sure?" Bernadette asked as she placed a hand on her growing stomach. She and Howard had been trying for a baby the past year and had finally been successful four months ago. She was only having water, but joked that she was living vicariously through Amy and Penny when they went to eat sushi or drank wine, "Sheldon can drive you home, he's not drinking."

"I don't want to be hungover tomorrow. It's my wedding anniversary." Amy answered with a sheepish smile.

"Already?" Penny grinned, "It seems like yesterday he was trying to find you on the internet."

"I know," Amy looked around the bar again, "Being here reminds me so much of that night. I never thought my life would change so much after one night; I'm glad it did."

"Oh no…" Bernadette groaned and Amy frowned. She followed the blonde's eyes to see Howard walking up to the karaoke machine at the other end of the bar. He wasn't as balanced as he was a couple hours ago and clearly drunk, "Howie found the karaoke machine… I better go interfere before we're forced to listen to him sing The Beastie Boys…"

Penny and Amy laughed as Bernadette slid off of the bar stool and walked towards her husband. She was still early in her pregnancy, but her petite stature made her seem farther along than she was. "Howard! Put the mic down!"

"I should go check on Leonard," Penny dismissed herself and got off her own bar chair. She leaned over to give Amy a tight hug, "He has terrible alcohol tolerance."

Alone at the bar now, Amy smiled to herself as she thought of the past year's events. It was amazing, how someone could change one's life around. Amy wasn't an unhappy person, by any means, before meeting Sheldon. She was lonely and friendless, yes, but she couldn't call herself unhappy. She was entirely devoted to her career, as was he. Perhaps that kept whatever demons and sadness she had at bay. When Sheldon waltzed into her life, however, she never felt happier. He added a whole new spectrum to her life, new possibilities.

She was still insecure at times, still her socially-inept self. But so was Sheldon. Together, they were an iron atom. Stable. Unchanging. Absentminded and in a state of bliss, Amy didn't notice Sheldon as he began moving towards her.

"Excuse me," a familiar voice whispered behind her. She looked to her left and saw a hand reach out to grasp the back of Penny's now empty seat, "is this seat taken?"

She turned her head towards the voice and smiled when her eyes met Sheldon's deep blue pools. Marriage looked good on him, even though the only thing that changed about his appearance was the ring on his left hand. She looked him up and down and her smile grew and transformed into a playful smirk, "I suppose it is, now."

He grinned and sat on the bar stool and Amy could feel his eyes penetrating her, as if reading her mind and soul, "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room," his voice was low and seductive, "may I buy you a beverage."

Amy giggled and lifted her left hand to flash her pair of rings as she declared, "Sorry handsome, I'm married."

He winced, "Oh rats…. he's a lucky man."

She reached out to grab his hand. Her fingers naturally went to play with his own ring, "I'm pretty lucky myself." His eyes lower to watch Amy's delicate, short fingers run over his wedding band, "One year already… can you believe it?" Amy whispered.

"I've heard that time flies when you're having fun."

"A few years ago, I was convinced that I'd never have a boyfriend in my life, let alone end up with a husband."

"I believed the same with myself. I never thought I'd have a wife." Sheldon sighed contently, "You've changed my life in several ways, Amy Farrah Fowler-Cooper."

"I love when you call me that."

"By your full name?"

She nodded and added, "Especially now with Cooper added to it."

"It does have a ring to it, doesn't it?"

"It does," Amy smiled and leaned in to kiss Sheldon's lip. Short but sweet; Sheldon was never one for prolonged displays of affection.

"I think," he began as he moved his hand to grasp hers, "we should start celebrating our anniversary tonight as soon as we get home."

"How soon can we leave?" Amy inquired with a teasing grin. In the distance, Howard began singing Fight For Your Right at the karaoke bar. Sheldon made an audible wince and Amy gave him a pained look.

"The sooner the better," Sheldon answered.

With that, Amy nodded and placed a ten dollar bill on the bar before sliding off the stool and retreating to her car with Sheldon right beside her.

Once they reached their apartment, Amy walked in ahead of Sheldon. She heard him close and locked the door (with the deadbolt!) and she turned to face him. Before she had time to think, his lips were on hers. His hands found her waist and pulled her flush against his body. His tongue poked out and glided against her lips, silently coaxing them to open and she did so without hesitation. Much like their first kiss. Heated, passionate, desperate. Unlike their first kiss, however, it lacked their original inexperience.

When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead to hers. His blue eyes, dark with lust bore into her, spoke to her. If looks could kill, she'd be on the floor taking her last breath. He whispered, his breath smelling faintly of the beer he had sipped, "You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Sheldon…" Amy felt herself swooning. He leaned down and kissed her again, groaning into it. His hands migrated to her posterior and kneaded the flesh there. Already, Amy could feel the hardness of his arousal and Amy pulled away from the kiss and smirked at him.

"You're eager tonight," Amy giggled.

"Because I can't wait to hear you moan my name."


Sheldon chuckled and grabbed her left hand. His lips tenderly kissed her two wedding rings and he said, "So, will you give me that pleasure?"

Amy nodded and slowly led him to the bedroom, she turned her head to look at him and answered, "Always, Doctor Cooper."

Once there, Amy sat on the bed and Sheldon climbed on top of her. Eager as they were, they made quick work of their clothing. Discarding it without a care and not intending to aim at the hamper. Beholding the sight of Amy, naked and blushing before him, he slowed. His kisses became languid as he took his time to kiss every inch of her neck, down to her chest. He captured a nipple into his mouth and smiled as she moaned and arched into his mouth.

"Sheldon," she hissed when his teeth bit down on her hardened nipple, causing the slightest bit of pain.

"That's my girl," he growled as he pulled away to worked on her other breast. Her skin, salty and sweet, made him more rigid as the minutes ticked by. God, he needed to be inside her as soon as possible. Once he finished his attention on her breast, he sat back on his heels and admired his naked wife.

His eyes traversed her body and came to stop at the apex of her thighs. Even in the light of their bedroom, he could see her glistening, ready. For him. Usually, he'd be a more courteous lover, taking the time to please her with her mouth or his hand, but he needed her too much. And judging by the look on her face, she needed him just as badly.

"Sheldon," Amy's voice came out as a whimper as if she would go insane, "please."

He smirked and wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked it, "Please, what?"

"Make love to me."

He groaned and he felt himself edge closer just by hearing those words. It made him shiver and growl like a wild animal. He hovered over her and captured her lips in a searing kiss as the hand around his cock guided him where he needed to go.

"Oh…" Amy gasped as he slid into her, it was a sight and sound he would never tire of.


"Yes, peach?" That was her pet name. Not baby, babe or honey. Peaches were Sheldon's favorite fruit. Sweet and bright. Peach was also the name of his favorite princess, Mario's Princess Peach. Strong and beautiful.

Her voice was soft, fearing his reaction, "That thing you said earlier… about me being the best thing to ever happen to you?"

"Mhmm." He hummed, already half asleep from their lovemaking that night.

"I want you to have more of those moments."

He opened his eyes at that and he sat up, "How do you mean?"

"I hope you get your Nobel, and that will be the greatest thing. Or when we have kids, I want them to be the greatest thing to happen to you. I don't want you to think of me as the only thing that'll be great in your life. I don't want you to stop striving for what makes you happy. You deserve every one of them."

"Amy," he cupped her face in his hands and smiled warmly at her. The same smile he gave her four years ago. It made her heart ache at how gentle his touch was, "as long as I can spend my life with you, I'll always be happy. You are everything I could ever want."

"I'm not a Nobel Prize, though," Amy countered with a soft smile.

"You're right," he kissed her nose and leaned to her ear and whispered, "You're better."


Thank you all so so much for your love and support this past couple of months! This story, as flawed as it most likely was, was my child, my first ever completed multi-chapter fan-fiction!

I am currently working on another fanfiction that will be posted later this summer, so stay tuned!