The sun crested the horizon and a flood of mana surged through Xander, instantly waking him up. He was mildly surprised to find himself pinned in place by at least three bodies. It was hard to tell the exact number because the bed was a sea of naked flesh and the miasma of sex and alcohol in the suite was practically visible.

He carefully wriggled out from between everyone and stood up. Sorting through his memories he recalled drinking the tanuki's sake from the gourd shaped like two balls stacked on top of each other… Okay, it looked like his immunity to alcohol didn't extend to magical versions, good to know.

He glanced at the bed and saw that Anko and Tiamo were there along with… Shizune?

He wasn't quite sure how they'd found her, he recalled something about a drunken bet with his new kitsune friend before he'd created a sister for her?

Mentally rummaging through his 'deck' he found that he'd assigned away one of his swamps with a wild growth on it and one of his plains. A quick check showed they were connected to two new sages who he could see were curled up naked on one of the couches with a copy of Shizune.

"Jessie and James," he muttered, recalling naming the two new sages, before naming the Shizune copy Meowth.

"I need more black mana," Xander complained, though he could see why he'd used a swamp when making Jessie, the green would help balance out her black mana. "And probably make her an excellent dominatrix."

James was the 'brother' he'd created based on Tsunade, who he'd gotten a copy of as well and her necklace, which was in no way cursed but was very valuable.

He looked around but didn't see Tsunade or Jiraiya and Joan, then he recalled he'd given them a chest full of gold to get their own room and a copy of the tanuki's gourd of sake.

"Did I give her a regen seal?" he asked, recalling an argument about the subject. He was fairly sure he had and reaching out for it he accidentally triggered it. "Oops, oh well, no biggie."

Xander ducked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While this world had Japanese style communal bathing, they also had western style bathrooms. Since Xander was more comfortable with western style bathrooms he decided to ignore how out of place it was and just enjoy it.

After a nice long shower, he dried off and checked to see if he needed to shave. Looking into the bathroom mirror he saw someone in an orange mask standing behind him with a single spinning Sharingan eye.

"Kamui!" the figure called out as Xander spun around, throwing a fireball from his outstretched hand.

The bathroom exploded into flame as the world faded around him and Xander instinctively stepped outside the world once more before he could be sent wherever the one eyed nin had meant for him to go.

The entirety of creation pounded against him as everything and nothing swamped his senses once more and he was in a panic to escape. He could feel the connections to the lands he'd claimed but when he reached for one, somehow knowing it was a way out if he could just hold himself together long enough to figure it out, a crack opened up nearby.

Seeing an exit at hand Xander leapt through it, landing in a hole in the pavement of a truck stop next to a muscular naked man who was kneeling down almost in a fetal position as electricity danced between the two semi-trucks less than a foot behind them. In fact, a corner of one of the trailers was missing, leaving the glowing edge to drip molten metal, matching up with the hole they were in as if a sphere had been scooped out of reality.

He let out a sigh of relief as his sense recovered from his brief trip, his nose twitching from the smell of ozone. "This all looks very familiar," Xander said as the muscular naked man stood up and stared at him, letting him know exactly when and where he was.

"I was to be sent alone, explain," the T-800 demanded.

"Give me a second my memory is fuzzy," Xander said as he formed a plan of action. This wasn't his world, nor his responsibility, but when had that ever mattered to him? Besides being able to create Terminators would be extremely useful in tech savvy worlds and possibly more so in ones that weren't, they'd certainly help create a tech boom once he found his way back to Konoha. "My assignment is to protect Sara Conner," Xander decided.

"That does not conflict with mine," the cyborg said before turning to walk off.

"It would be easier to guard both targets if we joined forces and kept them in the same place," Xander said.

The terminator paused. "Affirmative. We must find clothes, transportation, and weapons."

Xander tapped one of his plains and a pallet full of nin gear appeared on the ground in front of them.

The terminator froze in place, blinked several times and then turned to Xander. "Explain."

"I'm able to create duplicates of matter I have previously scanned," Xander replied.

"I know of no unit with those capabilities," the T-800 said while bending down to find clothes that would fit him.

"I'm not a terminator, I'm… a human being with supernatural attributes," Xander offered, picking out clothes of his own.

"No evidence of the supernatural has been verified previously," the cyborg noted, finding split toed boots that could fit and securing them.

"Most were wiped out on Judgement Day and they were never very numerous to begin with," Xander said.

"We need transportation and weapons," the terminator said, waiting to see if the being could replicate those as well.

"There are some motorcycles at the bar over there," Xander said, "I'll scan one and create a copy so there are no police reports to be found in the future."

"Affirmative," the T-800 said, stepping into the shadow of the dumpster so that even if a car came by the headlights wouldn't reveal him.

Xander walked over to the bar and looked at the row of bikes, before settling on a Harley Fatboy. Moving between the bikes he casually brushed it with one hand making sure not to stop as he could see at least one biker keeping an eye on them. Once he was out of direct line of sight he vanished in a swirl of leaves, reappearing in the alley.

The T-800's head snapped to the side where Xander appeared and turned back to where he vanished, calculating the distance between the two spots.

"I hope you know how to hotwire a motorcycle, because it doesn't come with keys," Xander said, materializing a copy of the bike with a single white mana.

The T-800 stepped up to the bike and quickly pulled loose and twisted a couple of wires, before swinging a leg over and kick starting it.

Xander climbed on behind him, putting his hands on the cyborg's waist and taking a scan of him in his nin gear, so he wouldn't have to summon more gear when he summoned terminators in the future.

"We need weapons," the T-800 said.

"Not a problem," Xander said, "locate a pawn shop or gun store that is still open and we'll browse for what we need. I'll take a scan of it and we can leave without leaving any records behind. I'll create duplicates once we've left the area."

"A pawn shop is less likely to keep records of visitors, but is also unlikely to have the needed ammunition on hand," the T-800 said as they roared off, merging with traffic. "I require sunglasses."

"Why?" Xander asked, confused at the non-sequitur.

"Humans have been known to detect my model by means as of yet unknown, concealing our eyes has improved infiltration attempts by 12.568 percent," the T-800 replied.

"Understood," Xander said, "I'll be sure to include some."

The T-800 didn't reply simply scanning the area as he rode. It only took a few minutes for him to locate the appropriate shop and for Xander to vanish within.

Sitting outside the T-800 ran through all the data he'd collected on his companion. He had the ability to duplicate matter and teleport, seemingly without effort, at least over distances of one hundred and thirty-two feet. He appeared completely human and his strength and durability were unknown. If his stated goal was not a fabrication he would increase the chances of keeping John Conner safe by… not enough data to calculate, but well over the twenty percent that would make the risk of having an unknown close to his commander acceptable.

Further data was needed, the terminator decided.

Xander came out of the store eleven minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, looking pleased with himself. "Let's find an alley where we can load up. I have scans of a double barreled twelve gauge shotgun, a Glock nine millimeter pistol, and a .45 caliber Desert Eagle, with boxes of ammo for each one, also a pair of shooter's glasses that should obscure your eyes without making you appear douchey."

"Douchey?" the T-800 asked as Xander climbed onboard and he kicked the bike into life.

"Untrustworthy," Xander explained.

"Understood," the T-800 said, looking through the maps in his files to locate downtown where they could acquire more resources to track down his commander.

Xander smiled, enjoying the ride and deciding he had to learn how to ride a motorcycle himself when the future of Earth didn't hang in the balance.

"Our missions will be easier if we can gain local currency and a laptop computer," the T-800 said, once they'd pulled behind a grocery store.

"Which I can easily do without attracting attention," Xander said as he climbed off the bike. "You rescue John, since the T-1000 is probably already tracking him and I'll meet you back here when you return."

"Affirmative," the T-800 agreed.

"Okay, now let's see how best to do this," Xander said thoughtfully. "It's a number of small items and you're going to want multiples of some items… alright, I think I can manage to summon a single pallet of smaller items for one mana."

"Mana?" the T-800 inquired seeking more information on Xander's capabilities.

"The amount of energy I can draw from a single unit of land, land size varies for reasons I don't know," Xander said as he closed his eyes and mentally loaded up a pallet with a number of smaller items before tapping a forest and creating it.

The T-800 put down the kickstand and climbed off the bike, quickly claiming and loading two Glocks, a Desert Eagle, and a shotgun. If he was capable of satisfaction, the feeling of climbing probabilities that he would succeed in his mission as he armed himself would apply to his current state.

Xander grinned as he opened the small chest and took a handful of small gold bars. "Grab some gold just in case, it doesn't hurt to have additional resources."

"Affirmative," the T-800 said, putting some in his jacket as well as the saddlebags on his bike.

"I really should enhance your capabilities," Xander said thoughtfully, "the T-1000 is no joke."

"No joke?" the T-800 asked.

"It means he is a dangerous opponent that you shouldn't fight head on," Xander explained. "Best bet is to temporarily disable him and get out of range so he can't locate you."

"That is the tactic with the highest probability of success in the short term," the T-800 agreed.

"Long term he'll break down on his own as he's inherently unstable," Xander said, recalling seeing some cut scenes that hadn't made it into the movie that the director had explained. "Though that can be sped up by exposing him to extremes of temperature."

"Understood," the T-800 said. "How would you enhance my capabilities?"

"I can empower you with two units of mana, which should increase your strength and toughness by… about a hundred and fifty percent strength and seventy five percent toughness," Xander guessed.

"How long would enhancement take?" the T-800 said seeking both additional data and further enhancement of his capabilities.

Xander stepped up to the cyborg and wiped his thumb against his tongue before pressing it against the left side of the T-800's neck, tapping a plain for a Holy Strength.

The T-800 froze as his fusion cell's capacity expanded and he could not discern why. Available physical strength increased by half of what he had previously possessed and the mechanics behind it were similarly unknown.

Xander licked his other thumb and pressed it against the right side of the cyborg's neck and reluctantly used once of his few black mana to fuel an Unholy Strength.

The T-800 blinked and shifted his shoulders, clenching his hands for a moment as he recalibrated his system to take into account his increase in strength. "Can this be used to enhance humans?"

"Easily," Xander agreed as he examined the cyborg and mentally labeled him as having gone from a 2/4 to a 5/7 artifact creature.

"I will return with my commander as quickly as is feasible," the T-800 decided, the multiple ways in which the unknown being had assisted him lowering the probability of betrayal enough to start incorporating him into long term plans.

"Good, I'll go to the mall and a car dealership and get us some additional resources," Xander said.

The T-800 said nothing simply getting on the Harley and riding off.


Xander relaxed in the front seat of a brand-new Hummer and ate a Big Mac with gusto while listening to the latest Guns and Roses tape. He'd been to all but one of the stores in the mall, not wanting to look like a pervert by going into Victoria's Secret, and several vehicle dealerships.

As far as he was concerned it was quite a productive day, even if he'd only gained one land, The City of Angels, one colorless, sacrifice for three. He was pretty sure sacrificing it would just remove his tap on the land, but he doubted he'd ever take the risk and find out.

He liked Konoha, but he was a Cali boy at heart even if Cali didn't have Anko and Tiamo… though he could create similar girls.

"Maybe later," he decided. "A squad of loyal Terminators and ninja assassins would certainly help keep John safe and possibly even prevent Skynet… or do we need to make a Skynet to fight the one that shows up? They were going to make more movies which means stopping Cyberdyne may not matter."


Xander was pulled from his musing by a teen boy taping on his window urgently, the T-800 standing behind him.

Xander rolled down the window. "Ready to go rescue your mom?" he asked.

"My mom's in trouble?!" John exclaimed, his voice cracking.

"The T-1000 won't reach her until noon tomorrow, but we have been monkeying with the timeline," Xander said, "so to be safe we'll grab her tonight."

"Let's go!" John said anxiously, running over to hop in the passenger seat.

"John Conner needs enhancement," the T-800 said.

Xander nodded. "I can do that now. Hop in."

"I should drive," the cyborg said.

"You're more valuable playing gunner," Xander said. "We can switch if it becomes a race, but I need you on the lookout for the T-1000."

"No problemo," the terminator agreed, grabbing a shotgun and the saddlebags off his motorcycle before climbing in the back of the Hummer.

"Kid, I'm not a terminator," Xander said, "but I'm not quite human either. I can make you four times as strong and fast as you are right now in about three seconds. You in?"

"Hell yeah, hook me up, bro!" John said excitedly. "Wait! Does it hurt?"

"No, completely painless," Xander promised.

"Awesome," John said. "What do I gotta do?"

"Just sit there," Xander said. He made a show of biting his thumb and wiping the blood on the side of the teen's neck, first one side then the other, layering the enhancements on the boy, causing his shoulders to broaden and his muscles to swell.

"Holy shit!" John said as he yanked up his shirt. "I got abs!" he exclaimed in amazement.

Xander laughed. "Yep, you are stronger, faster, tougher and if it's a real emergency, I can turn you into a giant."

"Dude, seriously? How?!" John asked in shock.

"Magic," Xander replied. "Now, let's go get your intense, but in no way insane, mom." He shifted into drive. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Pescadero's maximum security wing," John said, "I'll give you directions. How are you going to get her out? Are you going to go in guns blazing?!"

"No, I'm going to summon a tanuki, maybe with a kitsune to assist," Xander said.

"I am unfamiliar with those terms," the terminator said while John told Xander to take a left.

"A kitsune is like a fox girl, right?" John asked. "Not sure what a tanuki is."

"Kitsune is a Japanese trickster spirit and a fox girl," Xander agreed. "They specialize in illusions and seduction. A tanuki is basically a racoon version of the same. Between the two of them they could get Charles Manson out within about an hour."

"I'm not going to argue about that being impossible, cause my skinny ass got abs now," John said with a grin, "but how is magic tied up in cyborgs from the future?"

"All out nuclear saturation is bad for everyone, kid," Xander said. "I help you guys out now and none of the magical beings get vaped in the future."

"That's so cool," John said. "So, like what all is real?"

"Everything," Xander said, "everything is real, it's just not all in one place."

"And what are you?" John asked.

"I'm a planeswalker," Xander replied, "though I'm sure you don't know what that is."

John scrambled through his backpack and dragged out a familiar looking set of cards. "You were saying?" he asked with a smirk. "I don't have any expansions, but I play a bruise deck, black and blue. What do you play?"

Xander grinned. "I have mainly green and white mana, kinda starved for black and blue actually, and I could use some more red."

"So… you hit me with Holy Strength?" John guessed.

"And Unholy Strength," Xander agreed.

"That is so cheesy," John said.

"Does that mean you want me to remove one?" Xander joked.

"Fuck no!" John exclaimed. "I'll be as cheesy as a three cheese pizza in real life. Fuck fair, I want to win!"

"That is a good attitude to have... dude," the T-800 said in his usual monotone.

John and Xander exchanged grins.

Typing by: fyrewolf5

TN: Goodbye for now Naruto, wonder if the girls will get to catch and maim Madara for getting rid of their boy toy, or if he'll escape before they wake up.

TN2: Yes, corrupt the T-800! Maybe if we're lucky the Predator movies are in this Terminator 'verse, and we'll get to see someone note that he looks a bit like the actor and try to get him to use some of the lines. "Get to the choppa!" in complete monotone would be amusing.