Welcome to my series of FierroChase oneshots! There aren't nearly enough fics for this AMAZING ship, so I want to help rectify that. I hope you enjoy, and as always please review!

I own only the plot. Rights go to Uncle Rick.


Let's Introduce Us To The World!... Of Dead Warriors Eating Dinner

Magnus gripped Alex's hand as they walked down Floor 19, smiling slightly at each other as they prepared to announce their- relationship?- to the world. Well, the Feast Hall of the Slain, anyway. They reached the doors, and Magnus took a deep breath. Alex (currently male) swallowed and squeezed his hand, before they walked in.

At first nobody noticed them; that was before TJ, Mallory and Halfborn all looked over at the same time and yelled, "Magnus! Alex!" with Mallory unable to keep in a screech of, "You two look so cute!"

At this, seemingly everyone in the hall turned to stare as Alex and Magnus walked to the table where their hall mates were sitting. "I knew it!" Grinned TJ.

"Uh... thanks?" Magnus frowned, not entirely sure how to reply. Alex laughed a little.

Everyone else, however, wasn't done. A teen male Einherji stood from the opposite side of the room and yelled, "You two are so weird! How can you date someone who doesn't have a gender?!"

Magnus flushed darkly, whilst Alex looked fit to burst. In an apparently simultaneous decision, they stood and marched over to the guy, who blanched. "Well?" He challenged.

Very unwisely.

Magnus whipped out Jack and Alex was holding a knife to his throat before anyone had blinked. "Do you want to repeat that?" Alex hissed dangerously. Magnus glared, and even Jack snapped, "Hey! That's none of your business, Meinfretr!"

The boy swallowed (probably not the smartest thing to do with a dagger at your throat) and shook his head slowly. (Again, pretty stupid). The two demigods stepped back, both still glaring vehemently. Alex grabbed Magnus' hand, pulling him back out of the hall. Once out of the doors, they both took off at a run until they reached Floor 19, where they almost fell through the door into Alex's room. "I'm so sorry," they both panted at the same time, standing in the centre of the atrium. Magnus smiled just as Alex leant forward and kissed him.

It was a deep and passionate kiss, each boy trying to convey their feelings into the gesture. Magnus' arms snaked around Alex's and they pulled each other closer until they were millimetres apart, still kissing, mouths sliding against each other and tongues battling. Finally, they pulled apart, breathing heavily. "I love you," panted Magnus. Alex smiled, "Me too. What an idiot that guy was, huh?"

"Definitely. But I think we dealt with him pretty well," Magnus agreed, grinning. They both laughed, sitting on the grass in the sunlight, before subconsciously leaning closer...