Red Robin got up stumbling, he clutched his bo staff, using it to help him walk. He had a pounding headache he looked around the alley he was in. Definitely Gotham slight differences, but Gotham is always Gotham. He saw two familiar masks coming to him, Nightwing and Red hood. At least it wasn't Robin, demon brat would make some comment.

The two vigilantes came closer the outfits were the same, how they fit? Last time Tim checked his brothers didn't have such womanly figures. They dropped and came closer.

"What did you do to Red Robin? Creeper." Girl Red Hood asked menacingly.

"I'm Red Robin, of course. Who put you up to dressing up like this? Was it my brothers? I am going to kill Nightwing." Tim said aggravated at Nightwing's sorry attempt at a joke.

"Watch him Hood I think he's Arkham material." Girl Nightwing told Girl Red Hood as they circled him.

They fought exactly like Dick and Jason. Red Robins headache didn't help, he fought in spite of it. It went on for several minutes.

"How do you fight like our sister, even the bo staff?" Girl Nightwing asked.

"I always have, I was trained to it." Red Robin replied.

"Time out. I want to talk to you boy Red Robin. " The woman dressed in Nightwing's getup said she put her hands up in peaceful motion.

They stopped fighting all still ready to go back at it in an instant.

"So, anyway where are you from, you are trained by a bat." Girl Nightwing said.

"I was patrolling my usual route, all of a sudden I woke up in an alley, with you two instead of my brothers." Red Robin explained.

"Wait, brothers so your bats are men?" girl Hood asked.

"Well, yes." Red Robin answered. Both Hood and Nightwing started cackling. They were clutching their sides.

"It's too funny. How do you get anything done? Men are so broody." Nightwing said still laughing.

"Who's Batman then?" Red Robin asked.

"We'll show you, but you have to be blindfolded. B would flip if we brought a new dimensional friend to the batcave." Nightwing said, even in another universe Nightwing was a leader.

The batmobile was called and Tim blindfolded. He knew the course the batmobile was taking, Wayne Manor. As they pulled in Nightwing and Hood leaped out of the batmobile.

"Agent A, B, we have a surprise." Hood giggled as she took the blindfold off of Tim's eyes. He saw the exact same batcave, but much different people. A maid was in a black dress and apron, and a black haired woman was in a woman's version of the batsuit.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. Are all heroes women? Even Wonder Woman and Supergirl?" Tim asked.

The black haired woman looked at Hood and Nightwing, "Did Taylor get turned into a boy and somehow forget everything?" she looked at both girls for an explanation.

"Funny thing, we were waiting to meet with Red Robin all of a sudden a surge of energy hits a few blocks away we find him. At first I thought he was a creep, we fought and he fights like us. Like our Red Robin I think he's from another universe. Where we are all boys." Nightwing explained, "We never found our Red Robin, her tracker went off line after he showed up. What if she got sucked to his universe?'

"Who are you?" Batwoman asked.

"Well, my name is Timothy Drake-Wayne. You can't tell anyone. B is so going to kill me for that." All of the women perked up.

"You kill?" They all looked at him.

"Oh, no. It's just I told you my real ID." He assured them.

"Well, our Red Robin's name is Taylor Drake. Only fair since we know your real name. This is Agnes," She pointed to the maid. "Rachel, but we call her Dahlia," pointing to Nightwing. "Jasmine" pointed to Hood. "I am Brea."

"Let me guess you last names, Grayson, Todd, and Wayne. Is there a Robin in this universe?" Red Robin asked. Agnes left up the stairs and in a few minutes she returned with cookies and hot chocolate. Some things are a universal constant.

"Not since Taylor. We have to get her back." Hood said emphatically.

"It would be nice to for me to go home too." Tim said.

"I never asked, any injuries to report?" Agnes asked.

Hood and Nightwing shook their heads no.

"I may have gotten stabbed stopped a bank heist." Tim said quietly.

Agnes shook her head muttering, "Man stubborn, reason I never got married." Out loud she said, "Take off you uniform." Tim obeyed and all the woman were disturbed at how many scars he had. Especially, the one where his spleen should have been.

"What have you been doing? Taylor doesn't have half these scars." Brea asked her mother mode activated.

"It's a long story." Tim said simply. Agnes applied antiseptic and put a bandage on the knife wound. The multitude of scars were older when he was more clumsy as Robin.

"We should get some sleep, we have to figure out how to get Tim back to his home and Taylor back to us." Brea said.

Tim laid down in the guest bedroom, left alone all he could do was think. He wanted to go home. No Damian was nice, but it had nobody else. He was glad that they knew his name, but they compared him to Taylor. They acted like his scars were strange; these vigilantes must have different rogues. He wished he would wake up and everything go back to the way it was, but he lived his life long enough to know he wouldn't wake up in *his* Gotham.


Taylor stared up at Batman and Robin they were intimidating.

"Why are you dressed like Red Robin?" Robin made a weird "tt" sound. They got closer and approached her with caution.

"I am Red Robin I have been for years. I was patrolling when some witch came by and tried to fight me all of a sudden I showed up here with a headache. Who are you?" The female dressed like Red Robin said indignantly.

"Batman and Robin, you and our Red Robin must be related." Robin spoke haughtily.

Nightwing and Hood came into view Taylor sighed in relief, until she saw they weren't her sisters.

"I'm not in Kansas anymore." Taylor said.

Nightwing and Hood started laughing at her.

"Oh, Red Robin what did you do?" Hood asked laughing in his raspy smoker's voice.