WARNING: This story contains detailed description of torture, gore, domination/possesiveness make out scene and other slightly uncomfortable things. If you can't handle this kind of stuff, the exit is that way, I don't want to pay any hospital bills of traumatized patients.

For those who like these kind of stuff, Kudos to you friend!


"Son of a-" The blue haired young teen never got the chance to finish his sentence when a foot suddenly kicked his already battered and bloody face.

"I told you to stay away..."

Another swift kick to the stomach caused him to cough out blood, serving to add more to the increasing red pool around him.

"I gave you two warnings: A letter and a call..."

He tried to rise up but a heavy metal pipe was slammed on his chest. He swore he heard his bones crack despite the ringing in his ears from when he was forced to listen to a disturbing song.

"But you didn't listen..."

He was then kneeled in the face, permanently breaking his nose as he felt the bones dug to his face.

"Tsk, of all the women you could have flirted with, you just have to choose the young rose..."

He expected to be hit again as he braced himself despite the increasing numbness in his body, instead he heard his assailant kneel in front of him.

"How unfortunate of you..."

'Oh unfortunate is an understatement' he thought to himself.

"W-why?" He croaked, voice rough as he tried to look at his captor through his swimming vision.

"Why? Why am I doing this to you? You ask? It's simply because I love her." He heard his assailant say, and he can't help but chuckle as a response.

"What is it that you find funny?"

"Because what you said is bullshit. Killing me won't earn her love in return, she can never love someone so fucked up like you... never" He said as he spat blood into the general direction of where the voice came from.

"Ah but that's where you are wrong... she already does love me." Through his haze he saw the person pull out a hankerchief and wipe the blood off.


"Yes, we are indeed together..."

"That's bullshit!"

"Believe in what you believe then, but all I say is the truth..."

"Then why are you killing me then!?" He tried to glare at her but he can't find the strength to do so.

"Call this more of an... insurance." He then hear his assailant stand up and dust away their clothes.

"As much as I would like to chat, I'm afraid I'm on a tight schedule. I still have two more 'meetings' to go to."

This person is inhumane, he realized that now as he heard a pipe being picked up. His body tensed up as adrenaline now filled his body, a reaction when he knows he's about to die.

He tried to squirm away, to escape from this person's grasp, but it proved to be futile when his head was bashed in by a heavy metal pipe and his world finally turned dark, but not without one last thought...

She will never truly love you Schnee...


"Who is it that you really love my Rose?"

The white-haired woman asked for the hundreth time now yet she always recieved the same answer: Silence. She gritted her teeth as her hands instinctively clenched that her knuckles turned white. Why? Why can't her Rose just say that it is her that she loves?

"Why can't you answer me everytime I ask?"

Again, silence. Not a single word muttered from the redhead sitting on the bed across her; wearing nothing but her underwear while Weiss was still in her clothes when she disposed him, but that did nothing to change how tempted she was to take it off right there and then. How she longed to caress that flawless skin without her flinching away from her touch. How she wanted to graze that beauty with her lips without her tensing up or crying. She didn't understand why, can't understand why her rose is so... afraid of her.

What is it?

Ruby finally looked at her but only when she finally made a move to approach her and as expected, tried to edge away from her. It stings. Like someone stabbed her heart the same way she does to her competitors.

And she hates every second of it...

Slamming her hands against the headboard, she effectively trapped the Rose's head as her silver eyes looked up at her in fear and surprise as her own blue eyes stare at her in a haze. She didn't realize how she was able to pin Ruby in a matter of seconds on the bed like a predator. She then noticed that the redhead's hands were gripping her shoulders and it was electricfying.

"Tell me, my Rose, what is the reason?" her voice low and breathless as she felt herself getting lost in those pools of silver.

She felt Ruby squeeze her shoulder harder as she averted her gaze, her breath getting rougher and heavier by the minute. Weiss merely narrowed her eyes in annoyance and used one of her hands to cup Ruby's chin and turn her head to hers, but she made no move to take it away.

"Ruby... it's me you love right? Please tell me..." She whispered as she drew her face closer to the slightly shaking brunette. Her eyes unconsciously traveling to those inviting lips of the young rose.

"Weiss... I-I... Y-you"

"I what?" Keeping her voice soft as Ruby closed her eyes.

"Y-you... took me a-away f-from my family, f-friends and I-I miss them..."

"But I thought you wanted to be with me? You wanted to be loved right? And you know you'll be happy as long as you're loved by me right?" Weiss' voice was laced with confusion as Ruby squeezed harder, letting a few tears fall, which broke her heart to see.

"Weiss... I'm scared.." The young rose muttered as her lover merely grew even confused


But what could she be scared of? She gave her everything she could: Love, money etc! So what could it be?

What is it-


A voice in her mind spoke, and the realization smacked her hard in the face. But still, she refused to believe that. She ignored the goodness that remained in her tainted heart. She sold her soul to the devil just so that she could be with her Rose and she's not about to back down now.

But nevertheless does it hurt...

"My Rose... are you... are you unhappy with me?" With clear hesitation, the slightly trembling redhead spoke.

"I want to be happy but... Weiss... you scare me too much. I want to, but I can't... I can't be..."

Don't say it...

"I just can't be...With a person..."

Please don't...

"... Like you..."

"..she can never love someone so fucked up like you... never.."

In one swift movement, the lovesick woman smashed her lips against her rose, savoring the taste and the feel of the lips that belongs to the woman who stole her heart. She was never one to force herself on Ruby, but she can't resist it anymore. She can't resist that slowly growing need inside of her. She needs that flawless skin against her. She needs to be near that rosy scent only her love can provide. She needs to taste her, smell her, feel her...

And she wants it to be hers and hers alone...

Ruby squeaked, completely off-guard as she tried to push the white-haired woman away, but years of fencing insured that Weiss was a lot stronger as she completely dominated her. Slipping her arms around her waist, Weiss flipped them so that Ruby's back was on the bed and she was on top and all the redhead could do is whimper as the silver haired woman have her way with her body however she pleased.

"W-Weiss..." Ruby muttered in between kisses as she meekly tried to pry her away, only to have her hands pinned above her.

"Shut up... you're mine wether you like it or not..." Weiss growled as she forced her hot, needy tongue inside Ruby's mouth. Exploring, touching, dominating every single inch that she could reach as she used her advantage of being on top to get closer to her love. The bed creaking and groaning with her needy and frantic movements.

She finally broke the kiss when her lungs burned for air but she didn't stop there. Burying her face near the redhead's neck, she took a deep breath of that rosy scent she is desiring for. How intoxicating.

"You're mine and mine alone, that's how it should be my Rose..." She whispered which only drew a whimper in between the rough intake of air from the woman below her.

"W-Weiss... p-please..."

"Ssshhh... You belong to me..."

"P-please... l-let go-"

"Shut up."

She then went back to kissing her, but this time she targeted her neck. Sucking, licking, marking all over that impossibly soft, flawless skin. Letting go one of her hands, she used it to fiddle with the zipper of her jacket and then shrugged it off, which only left her in her pants and a stark white dress shirt.

She used her free hand to caress Ruby's leg, dragging her nails as she resisted the urge to just pinch it til' it bleeds, making sure to savor every minute as she had her way with her.

She was about to move on to her inviting breasts when she tasted something wet and salty, only noticing how those whimpers and muffled moans turned into silent sobs as it rocked her whole body lightly.

Is she... crying?

Weiss pulled away to see for herself and sure enough Ruby was crying and biting her hand that was freed in the process to stop herself from crying out. So hard that a bit of blood was coming out and concerned washed over her lust and desire.

"Ruby? Ruby stop!" She pulled the redhead's hand away, only to notice just how much she was trembling, in fear most likely.

That irritated her.

Why is it that her rose would always tremble in fear whenever she makes a move to touch her, kiss her, or any way just to show her undying love? She was never like this before...

"Dammit, you're bleeding you dunce!" She stopped pinning the redhead and sat up properly, pulling the crying brunnette with her.

Bite marks that were still slightly bleeding were marked on Ruby's hand as Weiss frantically looked for something to cover it up. She doesn't have a problem with blood, no definitely not. She's not even one bit troubled when she gets rid of possible competitors, as long as it's not Ruby's then she'll be fine. Knowing that Ruby's hurt shakes the very core of her being.

Resorting to just tearing up a piece of her dress shirt, she gingerly wrapped it tightly around the hand, making sure to kiss it once she was done, Ruby flinching as she does.

"Ruby?..." She looked over to said girl who was still crying and it tore her apart.

"Ruby please... talk to me..."




"I'm sorry..."


"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done tha-"

"Sorry!? Is that all you have to say!?" Weiss flinched as Ruby raised her voice, but the crying didn't cease.

Weiss knows the redhead wants nothing that has to do with her right now, but she couldn't help it. Instead she pulled the crying brunnette into a hug, despite her trashing and squirming away she did nothing but only to hold her tighter.

"Please, I'm sorry..."

"Weiss you violated me!! Sorry isn't gonna change that!!"

"I know, I know... Just please..."

"Weiss please..."

"Don't leave me..."

"Let me go..."

A moment of silence passed between them as Weiss continued to tightly cling to her love one as if she loosened up even just a bit, her Rose will be gone, though she supposed that was truly the case and Ruby still crying as she weakly tried to pry her off. The atmosphere between them was so heavy and thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Weiss was the one who broke the stiffling silence...



"I'm not letting you go..."

"But Weiss please..."

"You're mine and no one else's... I love you too much to let you go Ruby Rose..."

Ruby looked up helplessly only to meet cold, unyielding blue eyes and she knew that Weiss has made up her mind and there was no way in hell she could change that now. So instead she resorted to asking the question she has been dying to answer to...

"What happened to the Weiss Schnee I fell in love with 2 years ago?..."

"I still am her..."

Ruby meekly shook her head, her tears has stopped by now. "The Weiss I knew would never, ever do the things you do... Those men... they had nothing to do with whatever you are afraid of..."

"I'm afraid of losing you..."

"Weiss what happened? How did you stray so far?"

"Because of you Ruby Rose... I don't want anyone taking you away..."

"No one is!!"

"Yes there will be!! They want you!! And I'm not going to let them have you..." Weiss then pulled away to stand up from the bed, Ruby staring down at the bed and clutching the bed sheets tightly.

"And you're mine my Rose... we were meant to be... soon you'll see what I mean, you'll see that all I'm doing is to make sure our love will stay strong..." She picked up her discarded jacket and put it on.

"Where are you going?"

"I've noticed you've been taking quite the liking of the color blue..."

Weiss pulled a picture she personally took and tossed it over to Ruby who slowly looked at it, only to feel the color drain away from her face.

She's sick...

"Weiss I don't even know this person!!" Ruby turned around to reason with her only to meet a cold, blank stare.

She's so, so sick...

"It doesn't make him any less of a threat" Zipping up her jacket, Weiss made her way towards the door of the room, grasping the knob but not turning it yet.

"Soon you'll see Ruby... you'll see that this is how things should be" Opening it she walked outside and gently closed it behind here, ignoring the dull feeling of the redhead staring at her back.

Just the way it should be...


"I told you I don't know what you're talking abo-" He was cut off short when a knife was brought again to his thighs causing him to scream out loud.

"Wrong answer, try again"

"I swear I'm telling-" He screamed louder as Weiss twisted the knife causing more blood to pour out.

"Don't tempt me young man, I don't have time for your games..." She said coldly.

Another blue-haired teen was tied to a pole blindfolded (So that his other senses will be sharpened) in a way where he was sitting and his legs spread out while Weiss knelt down in front of him, next to her was a variety of tools spreaded on a sheet that she can use. They were in an abandoned warehouse so it doesn't matter how much he screams, no one can hear them.

"For fuck's sake I don't-" Weiss patience has dwindled as she slammed a hammer on the impaled knife, bringing it so deep that it stabbed the dirt below.

"That's it, I'm not wasting any more time with an insolent fool who was foolish enough to be in my way..." Weiss turned to look at the tools and decided to use the sledgehammer. A grating noise was produced as she picked it up with her dainty hands, the sound causing the young man to tense up.

"Look I swear to god I don't know this girl!! Just please, have mercy and let me go!!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that... you'll just be in the way..." Standing over him, she readied the hammer above her head.

"No wait wait wait wait-" Weiss brought the hammer down on his leg, right on the knee and an audible sound of cracking bones was heard and a bloodcurling scream soon, but these all went through deaf ears.

"SON OF A BITCH!!" The man yelled as he felt his left leg went numb and soon he tensed up again when he heard her pick up the hammer.

"No wait please no more!!"

"This must be done..."

Weiss raised the hammer once more, ignoring the incoherent pleadings of the boy, and with all her might, slammed the heavy hammer on his right leg. Another crack and another bloodchilling scream, but Weiss took it all in stride with an expresionless face, throwing away the blood covered hammer.

She then went to the tools and picked up giant wrench and walked over to him. She felt herself at the verge of snapping as the increasing need of bloodlust was bubbling inside of her.

"Still gonna lie?" She asked, her voice rising in a pitch as her eyes started to glaze over, excitement cursing through her body.

"You bitch!"

"I'm taking that as a yes..."

And soon the empty warehouse was filled with endless screaming that echoed throughout the entire building as Weiss slammed the giant wrench on his arms over and over again, a grin etched into her face.

She then picked up a machete and without another second to waste, drove it home to his chest. His screams were now muffled as he gurgled on the blood filling his mouth and dripping down his chin.

Leaving the machete there, Weiss raised her leg and as hard as she can, stomped on the handle and due to the blade being very sharp, it easily cut through the muscles and organ as it split his torso into two. Laughing like a maniac, Weiss grabbed the impaled Knife and with quick movements, slit his throat cleanly, causing even more blood to spill on the gruesome body of her victim.

The screaming stopped as well as the squirming, the man was clearly dead by now, but that didn't stop Weiss from picking up a normal hammer and smashing it against his skull repeatedly, laughing all the time, until his face isn't recognizable, his blue hair now soaked in red.

Breathing heavily, Weiss let the hammer drop down with dull 'thud' as she watched the scene with crazed eyes and a smile. Wiping her hands on her blood soaked shirt, Weiss then flopped down to the floor and stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

"I'll get rid of them all for you... for us..." Closing her eyes she imagined what it would be like to finally have her rose for herself. It was a pleasant feeling, one she would do anything to have.

She sat up and looked at the man she just killed in one of the worst ways possible and smiled.

"Thank you for your service, Henry Marigold."


And that is the end of the story!! I might make another part but I'm not too sure...

I know there's probably a lot of grammatical errors but I was rush typing and I tend to not notice that. As you can tell with those last moments with that torture scene. Just tell me on what you think about this story so far and if you guys want a continuation! And if I have any errors then please point them out so I can fix them and also take note of said errors!

Oh and if ya'll noticed, the title and some lines were inspired/based on the vocaloid song "True Love Restraint" By Kagamine Len, check it out it's awesome!

I also dedicate this little story of mine to my awesome online friends, "The Amigos" especially to Ehrin for being my fellow whiterose fan and just being awesome!

That's all for now folks!

Snowy the Tiger out!