Chapter 13: Angels Hope and Divine Light

As the attack rushed towards the bride and groom, TK and Kari held hands and they thought their final thoughts.

"I know I'm about to die here… But at least I know I'm going with the girl I love. If there is another world beyond, I'll make sure to be there for her there too."

"So this is how it all ends for me? Huh… I never thought it would be like this. But that aside, I have my dream man with me in my final moments. That alone is comfort to my grim fate.

The attack then made impact!

"NO!" Cried the Digidestined and their Digimon as it hit. Tai and Matt's eyes were now aflood with tears. They'd lost their younger siblings and they couldn't do anything to stop it. The Digimon were just as distraught. Patamon and Salamon held each other tightly.

"Why couldn't we keep on fighting?!" Sniffed Salamon. "I could have stopped him, but I wasn't strong enough!"

"It wouldn't have been possible! KingEtemon is a Mega! We can only go to Ultimate!" Patamon said, letting his tears all out.

"Everyone! Look!" Called Mimi in surprise as she looked up. As the smoke from the attack cleared, around TK and Kari was a shield of golden energy. It had protected them from the attack. KingEtemon just looked dumbfounded.

"That's… That's… That's impossible!" The monkey Digimon said, backing up slowly.

"The power of their wills must have made that shield somehow!" Agumon said, still in shock and surprise along with the other Digidestined and Digimon.

TK and Kari opened their eyes to see they were still here. Their hands were still joined.

"Woah… I feel so… so… strong all of a sudden." TK said to Kari. "Do you feel it too?"

"Yeah… I can. It's like nothing I've felt before in the Digital World."

They felt a buzz coming from their Digivices.

"Incredible!" Kari exclaimed. "I've never seen this energy in a Digivice since we saw first WarGreymon…"

"And MetalGarurumon…" TK finished.

Both had realized something major. Their Digimon came up to them. They could feel the energy surge too.

"It's time we get some payback on this monkey ruining your wedding." Salamon told her partner, a confident smirk on her face.

"And this time, we'll be playing on an equal field." Added Patamon, who was ready to give KingEtemon whatfor.

TK turned to his bride. "You ready?"

Kari give a brave smile. "With you? Always."

The two walk out from the shield, hand in hand and with their Digimon in front of them.

"So, you two lovebirds decided to finally face your fate like you should have in the first place?" KingEtemon asked them. But the two just stood there, not afraid of him anymore.

"You destroyed our big day and want to kill our loved ones!" TK shouted up to him.

"So now, it's payback time!" Kari added.

"We have a power boost which will make you wish you never came!" Salamon said, ready to go.

"And it will send you back to the Dark Ocean or wherever you came from!" Finished Patamon.

KingEtemon just cockily laughed at them. "Oh no! I'm terrified!" He sarcastically yelled to them.

TK and Kari held up their Digivices and unleashed the energy to their Digimon!

"Patamon warp digivolve to… Seraphimon!"

"Salamon warp digivolve to… Ophanimon!"

The Digidestined looked up at the two Mega level Digimon now up in the sky, ready to take on KingEtemon.

"Amazing!" Remarked Ken. "I've never seen those levels of their Digimon before!"

"Their power is off the charts!" Added Izzy, looking at his laptop.

"Go Kari! Go Ophanimon! Show that monkey what happens when he messes up a girl's wedding day!" Mimi shouted to Kari, clearly wanting to see KingEtemon get what's coming to him.

"Do you think they'll be able to beat him?" Sora asked Matt and Tai, worry still on her face. They gave her reassuring smiles.

"Don't worry." Matt started.

"We know they will." Tai finished.

Seraphimon and Ophanimon starred KingEtemon down.

"You will pay for your foul deeds on this day!" Seraphimon sternly told KingEtemon.

"Two against one? That seems mighty unfair little buddy. Time to even up the scores."

KingEtemon summoned up all his Etemon minions. They began phasing into his body and everyone watched in disbelief he grew to the size of a giant!

"There! Now we're even!" The giant monkey boomed as he stomped forward. Seraphimon and Ophanimon flew back to avoid getting hit as he swatted at them as if they were Flymons.

"This isn't going to be easy…" Seraphimon said to his ally. Ophanimon looked back with a worried expression.

"I know, but we must succeed for our partners sake." She said.

KingEtemon swung at them with murderous intent. The two angels just barely avoided being struck to the ground.

"Hey hey… Time to DIE!" He roared, swinging his arms to squash the two angelic Digimon. They began to strike back against this giant villain, firing off attacks to bring him down.

"Heaven's Kick!" Sephriamon shouted as he kicked his enemy in the chest.

"Haha! That tickles!"

"Eden's Javelin!" Ophanimon called as she hurled her mighty weapon, but it just bounced off the giant's hide.

"Hahaha! Keep trying! Your feeble attempts are actually quite enjoyable!" The giant KingEtemon said, feeling completely invincible. Down on the ground, TK and Kari looked up at the giant terror, undaunted by his size.

"Look at him." TK said. "I will admit this… Evil in the Digital World never ceases to amaze me In a bad way."

"I agree." Kari replied. "From the Dark Masters to MaloMyotismon… Evil here always has some nasty surprises for us."

She held TK's hand a bit tighter.

"But no matter how much evil tries to tear us apart, it will never come to pass."

TK blushed at that comment, but the two were snapped back into reality when they saw Sephriamon almost hit the ground.

"Try all you want you little Digidestined pests! I'm invincible baby!" KingEtemon boasted as both Mega level Digimon tried and failed to slow him down.

Tai and the rest of the Digidestined watched the events unfold.

"We can't just stand here and watch them be beaten to a pulp!" Tai yelled.

"I know Tai, but compared to the size of that monstrosity, we don't stand a chance!" Joe objected.

"Ever the optimist Joe." Matt retorted. "But Tai is right. We won't standby."

"Unless you have a flash of inspiration, I don't think we'll be able to do anything." Sora said.

"If only we could Digivolve at this moment…" Said Biyomon, upset she couldn't do anything due to her energy being completely drained after the battle with KingEtemon earlier. That's when Tai got an idea.

"You may not be able to digivolve, but the energy from our digivices could slow that big monkey down!"

Everyone just looked at each other, concerned it wouldn't work.

"If it doesn't work, we're all going to be crushed!" Mimi shouted as the giant villain got closer. Davis stood up, digivice in hand.

"If he wants to crush us, let him have a taste of courage first!" The second gogglehead yelled as he held up his digivice and summoning up all its power, an orange beam fired from it and struck KingEtemon.

"Ow! Hey! That ain't fair! No outside support!" The king yelled down at them.

Inspired by this, the rest of the Digidestined did the same and let off power from their digivices as well and began to slowly weaken the big monkey as well as tick him off.

"Stop that! Gah!" KingEtemon screamed as he felt the power from the digivices begin to slow him down.

"Come on everyone! Let's give him a bit more to chew on!" Agumon said to rally his fellow Digimon. They lined up, ready to attack.

"Pepper Breath!"

"Blue Blaster!"

"Spiral Twister!"

"Electro Shocker!"

"Poison Ivy!"

"Fish Power!"

"V Heabutt!"

"Feather Strike!"

"Diamond Shell!"

"Silk Thread!"

The attacks from both the Digidestined and the Digimon were taking their toll on KingEtemon.

TK and Kari watched on as their friends and family, both Digimon and human fought to protect them both from the latest evil that plagued the Digital World.

"The power of the Darkness will never take the Digital World as long as we, the Digidestined stand to fight it!" TK called.

"No matter how powerful, no matter how fierce! We will never give in to the darkness!" Kari continued.

"We are the Digidestined and we all have the power to send you back from once you came!" They said together, holding each others hands as their power only grew! Looking at each other with their digivices in hand, they smiled before pointing them into the air and unleashing energy from them to give their Digimon the power to finally take KingEtemon down! The giant menace was now starting to become frightened. He could feel the power surging from TK and Kari and now from their Digimon.

"You think I'm gonna fall that easily?! TAKE THIS!" He cried as he shot another blast of energy at the Digimon. But as the smoke cleared…

"That's… That's IMPOSSIBLE!"

His attack did nothing to them! He took a few giant steps back, seeing how the shoe was now on the other giant sized foot. Seraphimon and Ophanimon flew up high above him.

"It is time you face judgement for you coming in and destroying this joyous day!" Seraphimon called down as he charged up an orb of golden light.

"And never again will your terror scourge the Digital World!" Oohanimon called as she charged up a silver orb of light.

"You can't stop me! I'll come back! Just like I did all those times before!" KingEtemon replied, getting sick of these two angels. "I'm the King baby! There's no way you can stop me!"

The two angel Digimon fired off the orbs at the giant monkey and they merged into one big glowing white orb! And despite his best efforts to block it, KingEtemon was struck by its immense power!

"You can't stop me!" He cried as the orb began to break him down… "I… I… I AM THE KI-AAAAAHHH!" Came his scream of pain as his dark data was wiped from existence for good. The crown landed with a clank near the Digidestined group. Davis just gave it a strong kick into the undergrowth before stating…

"Looks like KingEtemon's been dethroned."

Both Seraphimon and Ophanimon devolved back into Patamon and Gatomon.

"Whew… What a battle. But that level of power was something I don't think I'll ever feel again!" Gatomon said, sitting down to rest.

"The Digital World has been saved again!" Tai said triumphantly. He turned to his sister and her fiance. "And it's all thanks to you two and the bond you share. A bond between hope and light."

TK and Kari smiled at him. They then turned to face each other.

"This has been one hell of an eventual day hasn't it?" TK said to her. "I mean… It's not every day you save the Digital World on your wedding day now is it?"

Kari giggled. "I don't think many brides can say that now, can they?" The two chuckled. TK came into kiss her but found Kari's fingers on his lips. "Let's save that kiss."