`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

October 31st, 1971
7:00 PM

Fleamont was working, and could not attend, but Euphemia decided to join her son. She looks beautiful, with her soft gray dress, that hugged her waist, and the shawl she had enchanted to shimmer softly. She had dressed Harry up in his best dress robes, and brushed his unruly hair that refused to sit flat.

They were escorted into the home by a house elf, and found the music. Euphemia greeted people she knew, and instantly looked at ease. Harry wandered away, and found Regulus talking with a group of people around their age.

"Harry Potter." Regulus said, his voice as soft and commanding as it always was. "I'm so happy you could make it." He gestured with his hand towards the group for Harry to join them. When Harry was sitting by Regulus, the boy began to point people out. "This is Alexander Avery, Cain Baddock, Justin Higgly, Rabstan and Rodolphus Lestrange." Harry shook hands with everyone he was introduced to with a smile and a nodd. "They'll be two years above you in Hogwarts, like myself." Regulus spotted another person and grinned. "And there is the last person I wanted you to meet. Lucius, please, come join us." Regulus beconked.

The thirteen year old held himself with an important air that intimidated Harry. He had long, blond hair, that was kept neat and tidy, expensive shimmering robes, sharp silver gray eyes that shined with intelligence. He walked to them and greeted everyone, before his eyes landed on Harry, who tensed up, his eyes going wide. A smirk found its way onto Lucius Malfoy's face.

"Lucius, this is the friend that I have been telling you about." He gestured for Harry to come forward. "This is Harry Potter."

"A pleasure." He said, shaking Harry's hand.

"The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure." Harry stammered out, trying to will his muscles to unclench. To relax.

"How old are you?" Lucius asked, the smirk still in place. "Not Hogwarts age, I assume."

"No...I'm almost 8." Harry looked down.

"Oh, so you're that Potter's brother then." Lucius said, as it dawned on him. "Yes, yes, James Potter is your brother, correct?"

"Y-Yes sir."

Lucius chuckled. "No need to call me sir." He pushed a lock of his hair out of his face as it fell. "You're brother has made a few friends, they seem to be causing a Slytherin 1st year boy a lot of trouble."

Harry felt extremely embarrassed. "My deepest sympathy if he's caused anyone any trouble at all. I can't say I'm surprised though. He's just as bad at home." He sighed, and massaged the bridge of his nose. "If you would like, or you think it would help that boy, I could have my mother speak to James when he returns for Christmas."

Lucius nodded his head. "Yes. That would be wonderful, I'm sure Severus would appreciate it. However...it would be wise to make sure that your mother would not simply cause James to retaliate against him."

Regulus slung his arm around Harry shoulder, and pulled him over. "Come on! Let's talk about something better than this! It's a party."

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

December 15th, 1971
12:00 PM

Harry was finished buying all his Christmas gifts. A snitch necklace charm for James, an enchanted tie for his father, a pair pearl earrings for his mother. His aunt and uncle got a shared gift of cookies the Potter family house else had taught Harry to make. He'd gotten Levi a large bag of chocolate frogs. That was it for his family.

For Regulus he had made the cookies as well as gave him a book on Vampire Origins with the hopes he could 'pick apart the false facts, and tell Harry the truth at a later point in time.'

He had struggled for awhile, before he decided to buy a gift for this 'Severus' that his brother was bullying. He had gotten him a book of joke hexes and Transfiguration Theory, and made him a few cookies as well. Then he had to think hard on what to write.

Dear Severus,

You'll have to forgive the use of your first name, no one told me your last name.

You don't know me, and I assume that we we won't have the chance to meet for a few years still. It was brought to my attention that my brother has been causing you problems at school. I hope this book helps. If you can't bring yourself to do something so childish as pull pranks, maybe the other book can help you turn him into a donkey, so his outside can reflect is insides.

I'm very sorry for the trouble he's caused you. If you'd like, I can speak to my mother about this, but I'd like to have your permission first.

Harry Potter

Ps: James didn't stop wetting the bed until he was 9.

He sent everything off, and hoped for the best. That Christmas was a nice one. He'd gotten mostly treats and snacks from his family. He'd gotten a book set from Regulus, they were all fiction with a note that told him his friend hoped Harry enjoyed them as much as he did. Levi had gotten him a glass dragon figurine. Surprisingly enough, he received a gift from Lucius as well. Just a journal and a few pieces of candy. But most surprising was the gift from Severus Snape

A short letter.


Noted. Appreciated. Would rather you didn't. Thank you. The cookies were good.

-Severus Snape

The gift was a potions book. It was for kids who were too young to do potions that was for sure. But he appreciated it anyways.

June 17th, 1972
4:00 PM

Harry was hiding in his room. He could hear his brother and his awful new friends prowling around the house for the new game they all loved. 'Harry Hunting.' But it was never much of a hunt. Harry knew they would find him, and do something to him, but he wasn't sure what. Even since James had found out at the beginning of summer that Harry had given Severus Snape a Christmas gift, he'd been really nasty towards his younger brother. Shoving him, pinching him, pulling mean pranks of him that really outdid all pranks before them, a few times even punching Harry in the arm or stomach. It went on with Euphemia scolding James while their father just chalked it up to sibling rivalry.

Then, three days ago, James's friends had come along, and joined in the fun. There was James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Sirius was the worst out of all the newcomers, it was shocking that he was related to Regulus, and so closely. He and James would be the ring leaders. But that didn't mean that the other two wouldn't jump in to beat, berate, and harass Harry though.

This time, they wanted Harry to test out a joke potion they had bought in Diagon the day before. They wouldn't say what it did, but Harry guessed it wouldn't be pleasant. But they found him, and he was correct, it wasn't.

Remus and Peter held down his arms and legs while he screamed for help, but his mother and father were out for date night. James uncapped the potion and poured it into Harry's mouth. Sirius put his hands on Harry's mouth to keep him from spitting it out. With no other choice, Harry had to swallow.

The effects were instant. He started to vomit up slugs, of all different shapes and sizes. Bright blue feathers sprouted out around his neck, chest, and arms, and his hair turned pink.

"Oh gross!" Peter said laughing, letting go of Harry while the four surrounded the poor boy.

James kicked Harry's side a bit, making him fall over. "Eugh. Slug." He smirked. "Yeah, I'm going to call you Slug now, because only little slugs betray their brothers. As they surrounded Harry a chant of 'Slug, Slug, Slug' filled the air. They all left Harry there, miserable.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

July 31st, 1972

It was Harry's birthday. He was finally 8 years old. His brother had exploded a cake in his face. Harry begged to spend the rest of the week with Regulus, and he was allowed.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

August 17th. 1972

Harry, Regulus, and one of the Lestrange brothers went together while their siblings shopped for school supplies, and they went back to the Potter's house for the rest of the day. They had a great time, until Sirius and James trapped the three of them outside, soaking wet.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

September 1st, 1972

Harry was glad to see his brother leave. He didn't hug him, he didn't look at him, he didn't say anything to him. He did hug Levi though, and made sure James could see him say hello to Lucius. His parents scolded him, telling him that he shouldn't part on bad terms.

It was Regulus's first year, and his letters told Harry that he was sorted into Slytherin.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

October 31st, 1972

Harry and his mother once again attended the Black family Halloween party, meeting a few new people.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

December 25th, 1972

His gift from James was 8 dung bombs that went off in his face. Harry threw his gift at James and ran away crying, ignoring the yelling of his parents at both him and James. He'd really worked hard on that gift, wanting to patch up the void that had settled between them. Harry took the blanket he'd stolen from James the year before and threw it out the window. He spent the rest of Winter Holiday with Regulus at Levi's house, to get away.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

June 30th, 1973

So it continued, on and on, pranks and pranks. Abuse and beatings, and hating his older brother, Harry hardly ever spoke anymore, keeping his head down, and trying to keep his nose out of trouble. But it hardly ever worked.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

June 2nd, 1974

Harry received his Hogwarts letter, and had written to Regulus in excitement. They went shopping, and Regulus helped him find everything, just as excited as Harry was for him to be going to Hogwarts.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

July 31st, 1974
10:30 AM

Harry was running from his brother again, as fast as his legs would carry him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLUG!" A voice screamed at him from somewhere one the other side of the house. Harry let out a sigh of relief. They wouldn't find him if he got away in time. He could escape into the small muggle village just a few miles away from his home. He could hide out in a bookshop somewhere.

He opened a window, and frowned when he looked down from the third floor. He hesitantly stuck his foot out the window, and pressed his body flat against the wall, trying to move carefully, but quickly.

It wasn't really surprising that Panicked Harry Potter lost his footing. He had enough time to scream as he fell. He landed on his right leg, and screamed again, but this time it came out longer, and filled with pain. He fell backwards, and felt like he was going to pass out. "James…" He called out weakly. He gathered all the strength he could. "JAMES!" He screamed as loudly as he could, but no one came to get him. He laid there for a few seconds, when he thought he heard voices. "JAMES HELP ME!" He screamed, and this time there was a response. Feet came closer, and he heard a gasp.

James ran closer to him, and dropped down to his knees, grabbing Harry in his arms. "What happened?" He asked in alarm.

Harry pointed towards the window. "I fell." He said through sobs. James nodded, and picked Harry up, carrying him quickly, gently as he could. He gently laid Harry down on the couch in their front room.

"Watch him." James said to his friends who nodded, with grim expressions on their faces, as they watched their friends younger brother yowl in pain. James rushed through the floo, and came back a few minutes later with a mediwitch, from St. Mungo's.

The woman was very kind, as she patched Harry up, and spoke to him in a calm tone of voice. "Is he going to be okay?" James asked when she had given Harry dreamless sleep and had one of the boys carry him upstairs to his room. There was an uncharacteristic tremble in his voice.

"Oh yes, he'll be fine." She assured him. "Just needs a few days of rest. A few pain potions. The Skelegrow should fix him right up." She assured James, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll inform your parents to bring him in for a checkup. Don't worry."

James looked uncomfortable. "You're...you're going to tell my parents?" He shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

"Yes, they'll need to know. It was just an accident, correct? Then there's no reason to worry. He'll be fine."

James nodded, and accepted his fate. When their parents returned home, James nor Harry had ever heard their mother scream so loudly.

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

September 1st, 1974
11:45 AM

Harry had held onto hope that the accident had somehow changed Harry and James's strained relationship. 11 years should have taught Harry better. He was running, or running as quickly as one could, when blocked by people who were taller than you, and while carrying a trunk. He could hear James and his friends looking for him. "Come out wherever you are Slug!" He heard his brother's voice call to him from close by. Harry opened the first compartment door he could, fell inside, shut the door behind him, and laid flat on his stomach. He heard Black yelling angrily as he passed by the door, shouting for him, and let out a sigh of relief as they moved on.

"Ahem." A voice said. Harry turned around and saw that he had wandered into a compartments full of Slytherins. They were all unfamiliar except for one, with long blond hair, who Harry knew to have been the one who made the sound.

"Malfoy." Harry said with some surprise in his voice. He turned back towards the glass of the compartment door, and looked around. "Funny seeing you here."

The Malfoy chuckled softly. "Are you hiding from your brother, Potter?" He asked, and Harry nodded, ducking back down when he caught sight of Pettegrew, looking around, just managing to miss Harry. "I assume that you haven't found Regulus yet?" He asked.

"No, I looked, but I just couldn't find him." Harry sighed in exasperation. He peeked up again, and let out a relieved gasp when he saw his brother and friends make their way into a compartment a few away from him, and sat down. Harry sat down and looked at Malfoy with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry for bothering you." He stood up, and opened the compartment.

"There's no need to leave, Potter, if you're worried about your brother. I'm sure Regulus will be here to collect you shortly." There seemed to be some kind of joke that passed between the older Slytherins.

"Can't." Harry said simply. "If I stay in one place too long, he'll find me if he gets bored enough. I've got to stay on the move."

"Oh, you know that most of us are 17, right?" One of the boys asked, with a raised eyebrow. "If he tries anything we can hex him."

Harry hesitated for a second, but the thought of extra protection really was appealing when one thought of the fact that Sirius and James would be after him soon. Who knew what they'd do when they'd been left of their own for hours without anything to distract them. He let the door slide closed and sat on one of the seats that wasn't occupied. "I um...thank you."

Malfoy acknowledged him with a nodd of his head. He returned to the conversation they were having, something about their potions class. Harry laid his head against the window and closed his eyes, he was really exhausted.

He woke, who knew how much longer, when the compartment door opened. He blinked open his green eyes, and saw Regulus. He perked up, and rubbed his eye. "I was looking for you."

"I figured." Regulus said. He squeezed in next to Harry. He took in Harry's frazzled appearance and frowned. "What happened?"

"They did." Harry grumbled, looking down.

Regulus pulled out a handkerchief. "Does anyone have water?" He asked, and someone handed him a canister. Regulus wet the rag, and started to dab at the scratches on his face, frowning when he wiped away some dry blood from Harry's nose. "What happened?"

"That one was my fault." Harry admitted. "I hit my face against the door when I was trying to run away."

Regulus looked angry. "This needs to stop." He said, when he saw another scratch on Harry's chin. "Why don't your parents ever say anything?" His frown deepened when he touched one of the small cuts on Harry's cheek, and the younger boy winced.

"They do." Harry said, trying to wave off Regulus. "James just doesn't care." He gave his friend a small shrug when he looked aggravated at Harry's seemingly uncaring attitude towards his brother's abuse.

"If you ever need help…" He didn't want to say it outloud, and Harry understood that, really he did. But he appreciated the gesture anyways. Harry knew what he meant, and gave him a nodd. Regulus continued to dab at his face with the wet wash cloth, until all the scratches were cleaned, but he still didn't seem satisfied.

"Your own brother did that?" One of the older boys in the compartment asked Harry, causing the 11 year old to look at him in surprise at being addressed. The older boy looked at him, prodding for an answer.

"O-oh, yeah." Harry confirmed with a small blush on his cheeks. "My brother is kind of a jerk." He shrugged. "Can't be helped."

"Why don't you hit him back?" Another boy asked, a bored drawl to his voice.

"Because he's bigger than I am. If I tried to fight back, he'd squash me like a bug." He told them.

"Didn't he push you out of a window this summer?" Regulus asked.

"No, he was chasing after me and I fell out of a window."

Lucius seemed to find that amusing. He rested a hand on Harry's shoulder, and smiled down at him. "Well, should your brother cause you any trouble this year, just let me know. I'll make sure the teachers handle it properly."

"It's fine." Harry sighed. "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Humph." A surly boy grumbled, who Harry hadn't noticed before. "Potter is nothing but trouble. If he hits you enough, maybe they'll finally expel him."

"Doubtful." Said the boerd boy. "Potter is Dumbledore's favorite, or did you forget that?"

"How could I? After Potter and his little friends almost killed me last year." The boy snarled.

Harry's eyes widened slightly, as he realized who this person was. "O-oh, you must be Severus Snape, right?" Harry asked him hesitantly.

"Yes." He said shortly.

"That's strange, my mother and father never heard about that incident. I'd think that'd be something a school would have to tell the parents." Harry's brows creased together.

"But Dumbledore sent out owls to our parents, to tell them about the incident." Snape told him.

"Then James hid it somehow." Harry's nose scrunched up, and he smiled a bit. "Just let me handle it. I've got an idea."

"Oh no." Regulus said, rubbing his temples.

"Oh yes."

`~`~`~`~`Chapter 2~`~`~`~`

September 1st, 1974
7:00 PM

Harry must have fallen asleep at some point, because Regulus shook him awake. He pointed to a large man holding a lantern. "Go follow him, he's taking the first years." He pushed Harry in that direction, and Harry followed along after a few other students. There looked to be about 90 of them, all tiny, crowded in together, in their black robes.

They boarded onto boats, and soon set off upon the famed lake. As they caught sight of Hogwarts, Harry felt the air leave his lungs. It was, in a simple word, beautiful. The high towers were illuminated by the lights of thousands of candles inside, and Harry couldn't help but think of how warm it looked.

Soon they were off the boats, and Harry discovered he was correct. The entrance hall filled his bones with a kind of protective feeling that made him shiver in delight. An older woman stepped into the room, and demanded their attention.

"Soon…" She began in a stern, but kind voice. "You will be sorted into your houses. While you are there, you will sleep, eat, and work with them. They will become your new family." She gave them a small nodd. "Give me a moment, and I will return, and the sorting can begin." There were people around them, muttering, looking nervous, and Harry couldn't help but feel the same way. James had told him that they'd have to fight a troll. But anything James said, as Harry knew, should be taken with a grain of salt.

"You nervous?" A voice asked. Harry turned around and came face to face with a boy with sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes. He grinned when he saw he caught Harry's attention. "I'm Batty." He stuck his hand out. "Barty Crouch Jr."

Harry took his hand. "I'm Harry Potter, nice to meet you."

"Same, I'm sure." He still had that infectious grin on his face, that Harry couldn't help but copy. "So, what house do you think you'll be in?" Barty asked, putting his hands on his hips. "I think I'm going to be a Ravenclaw."

"Oh...I don't know, honestly." Harry said with a shrug. "Not Gryffindor. Hopefully."

"I thought all Potters were in Gryffindor."

"Well... not this one."

He shrugged, and didn't pry any further into Harry's private life. The two engaged in lighthearted banter, getting to know one another a little better as the minutes continued on. Harry ignored the chatter from around the room, trying to block out all the other people.

The woman returned, and sighed, getting ready for the event that would decide his entire school career. Students were called, one after the other, taking their seats with their new housemates. Barty had gotten Ravenclaw, just like he thought.

Then finally, towards the end, Harry's name was called. He approached the hat and sat down, with his hands in his lap. He jumped a bit when he heard the hats voice in his head. 'Hmmm, curious, very curious. A thirst to prove yourself, not a bad head on your shoulder, a willingness to work hard for what you want...where to put you?" It wondered, and Harry stayed silent. "Ah yes I know just what to do with you, young man, better be HUFFLEPUFF!"

The hat came off, and the loud laughter of James and his friends drowned out the clapping in his own head as he sat himself down. He didn't want to look up, didn't want to see what faces James or his friends were making at him. One of the Hufflepuff prefects put a hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly at him, giving his a brief welcome.

Harry knew what James thought of Hufflepuff, what he thought of all other houses besides Gryffindor. To James Hufflepuff was the 'throw away' house where all the leftovers who didn't belong anywhere. In some ways, he was grateful that he hadn't been put in Slytherin, then his brother's cruel amusement would be burning anger that Harry would never be able to live down. He knew that being in Hufflepuff was going to open him up to a few harsh pranks for being in James's idea of 'the wrong house' but at least he knew he would survive the night.

Harry had known for a long time, that the brother he knew and loved was gone. Dead, even since James met his band of marauders, so Harry knew he'd have to stay out of their way. Harry looked across the hall, to find someone he knew he could count on, and sure enough it seemed as if Regulus was trying to catch his attention as well. The older Slytherin boy gave him a small smile, and a hidden thumbs up, and Harry felt the tension in his shoulders melt away as he returned the smile.