Disclaimer – I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This was written for Wattpad's Fanfic Friday contest. This one required writers to write a bucket list of things a favorite character would do if they had a string of good luck. (That's not going to be posted due to site rules.) Then one was to write a story based on one of those ideas, and only one, incorporating other items on the list after the contest was gone. I'm posting all four chapters I wrote for the contest today as judging was delayed a week, and I've been waiting to update this fic.

Note – For the four chapters I wrote for the contest, I focused on number four finding Pidge's dad and brother in no particular order." And yes, Shiro is acting strange after they find him. The story is written in third person limited, the POV being Shiro's, and will switch in chapter five to Keith's.

Lucky Silver Sun
Luck of the Draw

Shiro felt lucky.

The young man lay in his comfortable bed in the dark, the silence washing over him. Absentmindedly he reached up to trace the scar which ran across the bridge of his nose with his left thumb, his lips opening up to let out a sigh as Shiro continued to let himself sleep in. His usually tense muscles relaxed as he sunk into the bed, enjoying the fact he was home, or at least his home away from home.

A warm blanket wrapped around his legs, having shuffled down during the night. The black paladin's eyes flickered open, looking up at the dark ceiling above, his lips pushing together as his mind contemplated the silence. The fingers of his mechanical right arm flexed, and nonsensical words came out of his mouth in response to waking up, his eyes blinking away the groggy feeling brought on by a good, solid night's sleep.

His mouth was dry, and yet Shiro had not felt that relaxed in a very long time.

Standing up from his bed, he moved to the door which swished open mechanically before falling into his normal routine of checking on the other paladins. Mentally his disappearance from the lion had yet to register, having no reference or memory of the time passing between the two events. The black paladin simply knew he felt good, being back with the other paladins in this home away from home.

Nothing, in truth, felt like it could go wrong.

In fact, if Slav showed up at that moment spouting off yet another one of his insane probability scenarios as well as the chances of dying, there was certain doubt in his mind that he would lose his cool like before. Shiro was simply in too good of a mood and feeling lucky. A thought flickered through his mind as he continued with his routine. "Why shouldn't I feel lucky? I'm alive, and the war with Zarkon is over. The whole Galra prisoner business is over, isn't it?"

The sound of voices drew him to the bridge, his eyes blinking as he looked at the other four Paladins, and Allura. His eyes blinked, their words not quite yet registering, though he did pick up on the fact Keith and Lance were glaring at each other. His presence by everyone but the red paladin, however, was in fact registered, and they stopped talking. Shiro's dark eyes blinked a couple of times, and his mouth opened hesitantly. "Um, good morning you guys?"

Keith's head darted away from Lance, his mind registering the fact the conversation had stopped, his eyes widening. The red paladin spoke in his own hesitant manner. "Oh. Good morning Shiro."

Lance's mouth twisted into a frown before his hands shot up in frustration. "Keith, it's not morning anymore. Seriously."

Keith's dark-blue eyes blinked a couple of times as his mind attempted to register what Lance said. Shiro held back a chuckle as the red paladin's eyes widened, the younger teen's mouth forming a circle for a few seconds before speaking. "Oh. That's right."

The black paladin let his lips push together, pleased with the fact thing still seemed unchanged. "I guess I slept in longer than I thought."

The smallest of the paladins spoke up, pushing up her glasses as she did so. "Keith thought you needed some time to rest because when we found you, you were really out of it."

"Then Keith's been a good leader?" A silence fell over the room as the other paladins and Allura simply stared. Shiro's mind remained in the haze, wondering why he received such a reaction from his words. "Keith did become leader, right? That's what I wanted to happen?"

"Yes." Pidge pushed up on her glasses. "Not that there was much of a choice, considering…"

The black paladin's mouth moved into a frown, trying to still comprehend the silence. "Considering?"

Hunk smiled, his chubby cheeks becoming even more prominent as he did so. The yellow paladin's hands rose up, held up to try and stay off Shiro jumping to conclusions. "Keith wasn't a bad leader."

"Then he was a good one." Relief almost washed over the black paladin, only for two voices to pierce through the serenity in a manner only they could.

"As if," both Keith and Lance said at the same time.

The feeling of relief was washed over instantly with unabandoned amusement, a much different demeanor than his normal dark mood that he'd been experiencing over the last year or so. Shiro felt he kept said the mood in check so nobody noticed, but also hoped that his amusement was also now in check. "Amazing. You two are actually agreeing on something."

"No!" Keith's arms crossed his chest, his mouth forming into a pout as he glared at Shiro. Said frown was likely escalated as the black paladin's mouth broke out into a grin, having always found the red paladin's sordid protests regarding anything outside his social comfort zone – which was indeed quite limited – amusing.

"Nuh, uh." Lance folded his own arms. "Well, I guess we agree on that one thing. He's making me go with Hunk to gather supplies."

"So?" This comment from Shiro resulted in Lance's voice cracking in a rather embarrassing manner for a male teen before the young man took off. The black paladin's eyes blinked, taking in a deep breath as he did so.

"Thanks a lot, Shiro." Keith's arms dropped to his side and he too headed off the bridge. Before he left, he piped up saying. "I'll be in the training room with Kolivan."

"Kolivan?" The black paladin noticed the looks of pity on the others faces.

"Not cool Shiro." Hunk piped up, before also heading off the bridge. "I'll go talk to Lance."

Shiro frowned, trying to take things in. "So, I honestly don't know what I did, but also don't know what's up with this training Keith is going through with Kolivan?"

"Something like Keith finding his inner Galra, or something like that." Pidge pushed up on her glasses, before returning to the computers.

Allura glared at him, her arms crossed. The stern look was one she normally reserved for the other paladins, making Shiro feel a little sheepish. "Lance was mad at Keith for sending him away before you woke up because they both seem to be of the opinion that you favor Keith."

"When did I ever favor Keith?" Shiro's hands flopped at his side, palms up in protest. "Have I actually treated Keith differently than any of you?"

The green paladin frowned, glaring at Shiro. "Me?"

"Yes, you Pidge."

"Kind of. But you're actually harder on Keith then you are anybody else."

"I don't know. Keith let you hug him, and you've never hugged anybody else." Allura continued to glare at him, as if something were bothering her, or that she'd caught onto something. Shiro felt creeped out this time instead of sheepish.

He could have said, "I practically raised the kid," but knew this delved into a private area Keith might not like him sharing. His familial relationship with Keith though led to the perfect topic to change the subject too. "So, Pidge, have you found anything regarding your dad or your brother."

"No." The green paladin seemed honestly bummed out as she moved the holographic image. "I've been looking for some time, but none of the distress signals have any indicator that Matt may be involved."

Shiro reached up to touch the hologram, randomly touching one of the non-distress signals received by the ship. "Have you thought to look at any of the other messages sent in, like this one?"

"They're just spam, Shiro, advertisements."

Without thinking, Shiro opened up the video message, a very familiar face appearing on screen. The black paladin's eyes blinked, feeling like his luck was for real, but also to good to be true, particularly when Pidge should have been able, in his opinion, to find this message.

Matt's familiar voice rang through the bridge. "I'm hoping the members of Voltron get this message. I heard your team is comprised of humans, but recently we heard that you guys defeated Zarkon. Is Shiro with you? I've been looking for you, and my dad. If not, maybe you guys could help me find them."

Pidge's glasses shifted down her jaw dropping, her small body unable to release the excitement just yet.