The rewrite of my previous fanfic. Please give any constructive criticism you'd like in the reviews! Suggestions are welcome!

"There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them."



Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo stood in the cockpit of the Analyst, his personal Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle. The blue streaks of hyperspace were fading, signaling the shuttle's exit from hyperspace. Imperial Grand Admirals were always given the privilege of bypassing the intense traffic of the Coruscant skylines. All he had to do was wait for his shuttle command staff to submit their clearance codes.

A voice buzzed at the comms. Most likely the voice of a Sector Command staff member. "Shuttle Analyst, please submit your clearance codes and state the reason for your visit..."

This was a common procedure the Coruscant Sector staff followed when concerning high-ranking individuals in the Imperial Military. Senators, Governors, and Moffs bypassed the security completely.

Thrawn's red eyes briefly turned to the two pilots transmitting the codes, before he said his response...

"The Emperor has demanded a report in person... I will be meeting him in the Imperial Palace."

There was a long pause as the codes were transmitted to the Praetor Mark II-class Battlecruiser serving as the flagship of the Coruscant Defense Fleet. Thrawn had studied Praetors and other Kuat designs extensively. He quickly recalled all that he'd learned about this rare class of warship.

The Praetor Mark II is a battlecruiser designed primarily for the defense of important Imperial worlds, such as Coruscant and Kuat. It was an incredibly rare sight on the battlefield, as its slow speed did not fit with Imperial fleet tactics. The Chiss had disagreed many times with the Imperial Navy doctrines, mostly on their view of starfighters as cannon fodder. The Praetor's lack of use was understandable. It was a very old design... dating back to the Clone Wars. A Praetor was directly involved in the Devastation of Pammant.

"You are clear to proceed, Grand Admiral..." The voice of the Admiral on the comms said, cutting off Thrawn's thoughts.

"Thank, you Admiral..." Thrawn replied. He stood calmly as the Lambda shuttle's engines boosted to atmospheric speed.

The first thing you always noticed about Coruscant was the sheer amount of people. The skylines are constantly dotted with lines of starships and airspeeders. The other thing you notice is the extremely tight security on Coruscant, but it lessened the farther down you go.

The surface's airspace was dotted with security checkpoints, each of them consisting of either an EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate or an Arquitens-class Light Cruiser. Passing through all layers of security would normally take hours, but Thrawn is able to bypass all of it.

The Lambda shuttle kept its steady pace, as it met with an escort of two red TIE/IN Interceptors. These interceptors, piloted by Royal Guardsmen, would patrol the airspace surrounding the Imperial Palace.

To the Chiss Grand Admiral, it was very interesting how Coruscant had such tight security—yet the Outer Rim city planets had little to no security. Eli had always talked about the Empire's types of prejudices. The more prominent being distance from the Core Worlds, which provided an explanation for that tactical anomaly. Thrawn personally hated it, mostly based on his own experiences in the Empire. Now, however, he didn't care much about it.

The Lambda shuttle finally reached its destination, landing in the Palace hangars as the Interceptors returned to patrol duty.

Thrawn watched the Royal Guards approach, as he walked down the ramp of the Analyst.

The Royal Guards escorted him through the gigantic former Jedi Temple, giving him a very long opportunity to admire the architecture. It was not extremely ornate, giving a clue to the previous owners. Jedi were not too keen on building very ostensibly, but somehow managed to preserve the beauty of the structure. It was fascinating... But the sheer emptiness, caused by Palpatine's removal of the Jedi artifacts, was very unsettling to many of the visitors.

But this is not why Thrawn is here. He is here to directly report to the Emperor on his campaign against the Rebellion. He remained calm throughout the hour of walking through a maze of halls, until they reached the center courtyard. The guards remained at the entrance as Thrawn continued on.

Emperor Sheev Palpatine walked through the garden, taking in the scenery... Before he turned to face the Chiss.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn, what is your opinion on my newest addition to the garden?"

Thrawn's deep red eyes scanned the area, finding the new additions. They were deep green palms native to Scarif, contrasting with the vibrantly colorful flowers surrounding the palm bushes.

"A very interesting choice, your majesty... The palms provide a very visually appealing contrast to the colorful Naboo wildflowers in the surrounding area..." Thrawn explained... He's always thought of the Emperor's garden design as a work of art in itself. There was always something new and interesting added on every visit.

"Excellent... Those indeed were my intentions with this new flora." The Emperor said calmly, never taking his eyes off the palm. "Now, I'd like to hear of any news involving the Rebellion..."

Thrawn's red eyes stared aimlessly, his face showing no emotion... "The Rebellion is currently on the run, after losing most of its fleet defending against my attack five months ago... My efforts are focused on preventing them from restoring their fleet."

"Are there any reports of possible candidates for Rebel sympathy in major shipbuilders?" Palpatine inquired, turning to face the Admiral.

"The prime candidate is the Mon Calamari. They have committed a mass exodus from their world, and use massive transports with a modular design. This may allow them to convert the transports into powerful capital ships." Thrawn reported.

"Very good... However, I have a secondary task for you to complete during your missions..." Palpatine made himself clear... Walking closer to the Grand Admiral.

"And, what do you require?" Thrawn inquired, not completely sure of his task. He could see that Palpatine's facial body temperature remained normal, not having the glow of an agitated or saddened being.

"The young Jedi Ezra Bridger could make a powerful ally... If encountered, capture him alive... So Lord Vader may 'convince' him to join our cause... Any resources that you require will be provided for."

"Very well... I will bring the boy to you..." The Chiss said, his red eyes showing indifference. He didn't care about what happens to Bridger, but he is determined to complete all of his tasks.

"Then go make peace in the Empire..." Palpatine said... He always said this as a farewell, indicating that the meeting was complete...

Thrawn walked back to the entrance, beginning the long journey back to the Analyst. His new destination: the Seventh Fleet in the repair bays on Kuat.