
Pairing: Harry and Draco

Rating: R

Summary: It's just another plot to turn Harry into a girl. He's possessive and depressive.

Disclaimer: It's not mine, trust me, I'm telling the truth. It's own by JK Rowling.

Warning: Depressing but not dark, slash

Beta by Werewindle.

Chapter One

The killing of the Dark Lord Voldermort ended the war. Surprising enough, the killing was done by his Death Eaters, with Lucius Malfoy as the leader. The Death Eaters were tired of his incompetent at ruling the world.

After Voldermort regained his body and power in Harry's fourth year, he tried to kill Harry with Avada Kedavra spell, which had again backfired. The Death Eaters were mainly Slytherins, who after witnessing the weakness of the supposed feared Dark Lord, refused to obey the orders of such a powerless wizard. 

The former Death Eaters made an agreement with the forces of Light. They would help get rid of the dark wizard if they were promised freedom.

So, in Harry sixth year, they succeeded in banishing the wizard, who was once feared as the Dark Lord. Since then, the wizarding world was no longer in danger. They lived happily in peace, with the former Death Eaters living their lives the same as before their 'master' had comeback. 

Should lives at Hogwarts go back to being as it used to be? With the Slytherins and Gryffindors bickering, the Ravenclaw taking highest grades and the Hufflepufs spreading warm friendship.

Yes, it should. Especially with nothing to worry about but house points and Potions homework.

And yes, that was what was happening. Except for the Boy Who Live who could no longer be called the Boy Who Live since the dark wizard who had been after him was banished.

Harry Potter. Everybody knew him, but yet nobody really knew what happening to him. Not even noticing the changes.

After the war ended Harry had nothing to worry about. But he was not really the same Harry. He lost too much in the war. Remus Lupin was killed, on a full moon when he didn't have the Wolfsbane Potion to keep him harmless; the scared wizards had killed him. Whilst his godfather, Sirius Black's, location was unknown. He might be dead, or alive and hurt.

At first, the changes went unnoticed by his friends, and the professors. Then it happened; Harry used to be a quiet boy, but now he wouldn't talk. He only talked when it was necessary and only to his close friends, Hermione and the Weasleys.

And he became very possessive. Not only to objects, but also of the attentions of his friends. He wouldn't let others touched his possessions and he wouldn't let his friends talked to other students.

It was ridiculous, but understandable. For the first ten years of his young life, Harry never had things he considered important. He did now. His friends were the only things important in his life. He had to grip them tightly or he feared he would lose those left.

"We have to do something, Ron," Harry was called by the Headmaster, which gave the duet a chance to discuss him freely, "Not that I'm bothered but it's not healthy."

"I know what you mean," Ron looked thoughtful, "I don't hate it, but I have turned down three offers to go to Hogmeade with the Ravenclaws and Huffepuf."

"The school year is almost over, how do you think he'll survive? With those terrible muggles he has as relatives," Hermione sighed, "Even I couldn't stand it."

"My mother won't mind if he stays with us the whole summer, I even think she would force him to stay."

"You think the professors will let him?"


"Now, Harry, you must be wondering why I called you here," The Headmaster smiled at him, gestured him to sit on the only unoccupied chair left, beside the Potions Master, Severus Snape.

Harry only eyed the chair, shrugged his shoulder and took the seat.

"I know you wouldn't like to spend another summer with your relatives, especially since there's no more threat from Voldermort," Harry's eyes were gleaming upon hearing this, hoping that he would be allowed to live with the Weasleys the whole summer, "So, I'm letting you to live with Professor Snape."

For a moment, Harry only look at the Headmaster. Shock written all over his face. His eyes were as big as saucer, his mouth opened slightly and his face became paler.

The two adults took that moment to study him intently. Years of malnutrition left its mark on the young boy. At sixteen Harry could be easily mistake as a twelve-year-old boy, small, thin and unhealthily pale. His eyes were too big for his petite face, so green and revealing nothing, with the ridiculous glasses.

"What?!" Finally there was emotion in that piercing voice, the result of not being used much recently.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not very happy with your Potions grade, and since we don't have summer classes here, Professor Snape has kindly let you stay with him for the summer, so he could help you with your studies."

"But, Hermione can help me, and I promise I will study hard. Please, Professor."

"No, Harry, not if you want to pass your NEWTs and graduate." Professor Dumbledore smiled at him, but left no room for argument.

~Ô Ô Ô Flashback Ô Ô Ô ~

"Are you out of your mind, Albus," Severus Snape, was trying with all his might not to lose his calm.

"I think it's for the best, Severus. He is depressed. He needs help even if he thinks he does not. You know he does."

"But why me, everyone knows clearly how much he despises me. He won't agree and I can't help him."

Smiling, Dumbledore said without doubt, "Of course you can, Severus, he doesn't need people who will only feel sorry for him. He needs you."

~Ô Ô Ô End of Flashback Ô Ô Ô ~

They watched him, as Harry walked out of the room dejectedly. Silently they prayed that they had done the right thing to help him.


20 February 2003, 11:16 am