Chapter 2

Disclaimer: And here we go folks! As always, I own nothing but what you see here! Now, let's roll on! My first attempt at making my own Scrambled Eggs went better then I thought it would too.

Things were silent in the Bunker after Oliver's loud demanding voice asking to know what was going on. Diggle and Dinah on either side of him. "A reunion of course, don't you recognize one when you see it, Husband?" Nyssa asked with a smirk in place on her lips.

"'HUSBAND!?'" Came the stunned shout from several people.

"Dude! You been married but steppin' out on your wife with Williams!? The Hell is wrong with you!?" Demanded to know an irate Rene.

Oliver glared at the still smirking Nyssa while Sara was struggling not to laugh as Dinah shook her head in disgust. "Yes, thank you, Nyssa. For helpfully throwing me under the bus like that."

"You're quite welcome, as after all, it IS my Wifely duty to help in any way I can."

He pointed a finger at her, struggling to come up with some sort of retort to that but finding himself unable to do so much to his annoyance and several others' amusement. "Its not what some of you think. Let's just say her father wasn't anywhere near the running for father of the year. But enough about that, what the Hell is SHE doing here!? I know I haven't heard anything from Lyla yet about an escape!" Spoke up Diggle suspiciously.

"And some people think I am what one would call a party ruiner." Tsked Nyssa with a shake of the head and a slight pout to her lips.

Which did things to Sara but we aren't gonna go there right now. Diggle just gave her a look of annoyance but she paid it little mind as her Sara (who evidently needed a reminder that she shouldn't be off kissing other girls who weren't her) stepped up to the Vet and Oliver with Laurel close by with a nervous smile on her lips. "Guys, I promise, this is the real deal."

"She's telling the truth, guys. Its really me." Promised Laurel.

The two men looked at one another and then at the two as Diggle crossed his arms and Oliver grew tense as he rubbed his index finger and thumb together. "So you brought a Laurel from the past to the future?" Asked the Vet a bit incredulously.

"What!? No! John, I never actually died!"

"WHAT!?" Came the not too surprising reaction from those not in the know.

"The HELL do you mean by that!? I was in that room with you when you died!" Yelled Oliver angrily.

Laurel shot him a saddened smile and came towards him with the intention of placing a comforting hand on his face. But he only stepped back with a shake of the head. "Sara… She… She saved me, Ollie. Using something called the Spear of Destiny."

Diggle gave her an incredulous look as that was nothing more then a myth related to Jesus himself! Something Sara saw. "I know what you're thinking, Digg, but its real. Or was until I used it and then ensured it could never be used again. Right before we stopped the Legion of Doom for good, the Spear let me see and talk to Laurel in another time and place. And while we had a moment and she was okay with things, I found myself unable to be okay with that. Allowing for inspiration to strike."

Laurel took over next. "Sara used the Spear to change things, allowing for another me from another Earth who was already dying to willingly take my place. Allowing for me a chance to live with a future Wally West's help."

"If that's the case… Then where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Yelled a very unhappy Oliver as the others stared on in silence and shock.

"Aruba. I was brought there to train for an entire year with little to no interruptions." Answered the vigilante Lawyer with a slight wince.

Knowing he probably wouldn't like that at all. "I and the one known as Lady Shiva aided in her training so that she could be a far better fighter. Of course, when you have Lady Shiva herself training you, its a guarantee its bound to happen unless you're a fool who can not learn."

"Lady Shiva? I thought she was just a myth made up by some drunks with too much of an interest in Martial Arts." Digg said in shock.

"No, John, she is quite real as Laurel can attest too."

A grimace flashed across Laurel's face as she could definitely attest to that! "Why never say anything!? We deserved to know!" Asked Oliver unhappily and on the edge of having a meltdown.

"Because, Ollie, we had to ensure Darhk wouldn't find out about me still being alive or I could have been at risk for another target on my back. I'm sorry this was kept from you, Ollie, I really am. But we did what we thought was best." She told him as she approached him and placed a comforting hand on his face with a sad smile.

Having a pretty good idea of what he might do next. Even noticing the obvious swallow he had just done with his throat. "I… I suddenly know how you all felt anytime I did something like that." He muttered brokenly.

"I need some air." Came his next words seconds later and walked off before anything could be said or done.

Leaving the others aside from Mick to watch with saddened looks on their faces. Laurel made to go after him but Nyssa placed a hand on her arm. "Leave him be for now, going after him may likely do more harm then good at the moment." Advised the woman.

Reluctantly, Laurel did as told. It'd take Oliver a few days to deal with her return and the secrecy of the whole thing, Thea would be shocked as Hell and quite tearful over her return while Lance ended up in the hospital due to a heart attack at the sight of her. Thankfully, he would recover from it but was ordered to take things easy for a good long while. Which was easier said then done when Chase was out and about trying to make their lives Hell. Mrs. Lance was beyond elated and finally decided to move back to Star to be with her daughters once she realized how foolish she'd been to keep staying away and only visiting or callling at various times. And despite the events being told to Felicity, the Hacker was very mistrustful of Laurel as she went further down the rabbit hole that is Helix in her quest to bring down Chase for what he did to Billy. A cover story would even be given to the Press about how Laurel had never been the Black Canary, that it was all a cover up to fool Damien Darhk at the time. Thankfully, it seemed like many had boughten the story. But one Evelyn Sharp had her suspicions over it and would even attack the team because of them.

Allowing for Laurel and Dinah to hand her her ass and have a good long talk with her about foolish decisions while a glaring Nyssa sharpened a sword nearby. Their talk and that particular action definitely helped the girl realize what a stupid ass she'd been and resolved to make up for it if Oliver was willing to allow her. But all he would say was to take her out of the area until things were settled much to her dislike but understanding of the situation. Allowing for her to end up meeting Lady Shiva, who was none too impressed with the girl's actions and was possibly harder on her then what she'd been on Laurel! But despite the way things had been handled, Oliver would reveal the fact he was thrilled as Hell over the fact Laurel was back in his life and even quickly asked her out as he didn't want to waste anymore time where she was concerned. An act Laurel herself was thrilled by while Felicity wasn't. Feeling that he was being an idiot and not focusing on the things that should be focused on. Her concerns would be largely ignored however much to her irritation.

Author's Notes: And there we go with the second and final chapter! Hope folks enjoyed! I do intend for a spin off like fic based on the Nyssa/Sara/Ring on a Finger bit however. If there's any interest anyways. R and R!