Fudge was asleep in her bed from the exhausting day and night she had endured. Her dreams we're peaceful knowing that Kit and her other fans we're going to get along. Knowing that Taffyta wouldn't harm her, and knowing Kit felt the same way she did. Just as Fudge fluttered her eye's open a slow and steady knock echoed through her home.

"Come in." Fudge said as she suppressed a yawn. Next she heard small but quick footsteps on her hardwood stairs, she turned around to see Kit. He was nervously holding a ridiculously large bouquet. Of red roses, lilies, gingersnaps, and chrysanthemums. The flowers we're neatly kept together with a silk blanket with a red ribbon tied around it. Fudge blushed deep red and smiled,

"Awww Kit you didn't have too!" Fudge gushed as tears came to her eye's. Kit blushed,

"Of course I did after you saved my life twice I might add! You're the gal I look up to, your my number one racer, your...your my sugar mama! And you deserve to be treated with absolute respect and glory!" Kit said with a bit of shyness in his tone but his enthusiasm never wavering. Fudge smiled as her blush reddened she took the bouquet,

"Hold on for a minute." She said before she ran off into a nearby room and grabbed a vase. Kit watched as Fudge ran down stairs, moments later Fudge came back up with the flowers in the vase. But he noticed that the flowers had a clear coating on it. That shimmered slightly when brought into the light. Kit smiled as Fudge put the vase full of flowers on her side table by her bed,

"I-It's a chemical of my own creation i-it makes it so anything that it's covering stays fresh from year's to come. I-I use on my brownies and other sweets and what's better is that the coating is edible." Fudge said and Kit's smile widened.

"Well it's amazing! Just like you!" Kit said as Fudge handed him the ribbon and blanket back. Fudge then jumped back into her bed and lightly patted her hand on the surface. Kit got the message and he jumped onto Fudge's lap.

"Your so sweet. And that made me think since we love each other and...well...your alive and stuff. Maybe we could-" Fudge said before Kit cut her off by kissing her. Both of their faces we're a burning crimson as they both melted into the kiss. Fudge's fudge cake hat started bubbling as the liquefied fudge began to heat up. Kit's cottontail waged wildly as the heart in his amulet glowed brighter than ever. Fudge's hair wrapped around Kit refusing to let go, finally the two separated.

"I take that's a yes?" Fudge said her voice softer even for her,

"Mmmhumm." Kit said as his ears formed into a heart. Fudge smiled as tiredness washed over her again, she layed back down onto the bed. Kit smiled as he felt fatigued as well as Fudge's hair locks wrapped tighter around him he went to sleep as well. Thing's had turned out okay for everyone.