Disclaimer: The characters used in this story are owned by the people that truly made them, except for the OC's I put in.

Generation of Tamers:

Tamer Arc

6: Preparation for Battle

Sawada High School

After acceptance to the battle request delivered by Ninjamon, Takato has to wait for the location. Midnight is when to fight, that gives time to think over what to do due to it being his and Guilmon's first battle and they're up against a boy with experience thanks to information Tsuna gave, not counting their encounter with Rika and Renamon.

"He said what?!"

When lunch came and Nozomi was told what happened, she certainly didn't take it lightly. All were present on the roof, Meiling included since she may as well know instead of hear it from Bearmon later.

"Maybe it was because you weren't there and would make an easy target to kidnap." Meiling thinks out loud a reason why Nozomi was chosen instead of Makoto since neither are Tamers.

The scowling, athletic girl raised a fist to be eye level. "I'll make that Tategami sing a different tune after I shove my foot up his…"

Fortunately Hayato decided then to interrupt, leaning against the fence. "Let's get back to the matter where the newbie accepted a challenge without knowledge on who he's up against."

Not able to see a problem, Takato shrugs. "How tough can he be?"

Hayato explained rather leave it to Tsuna or Takeshi. "He's been a Tamer longer than you, plus Liollmon is able to reach Champion. That means he's got experience and a strong partner. You haven't been one a full week, your partner hasn't been in a proper fight with you, that obviously means you're not ready."

If his purpose was to get him down, Tsuna did the opposite. "Then how about we get them ready?" It got all eyes on her, some confused while Hayato and Takeshi understood before she continues. "Takato… after school we're going to show you and Guilmon a place that's a big secret not a lot of Tamers know about."

At first they thought it was going help seek out wild Digimon so Takato and Guilmon can gain battle experience, but this was unexpected that made Takeshi speak. "Uh, Tsuna, don't you think it's too soon to take them there?"

"Normally I don't agree with the baseball nut, but I'm going to. It's not out of disrespect, Tenth, but a number of Tamers took time to earn their right to go there."

Confused on what they are on about, one out of three is bound to ask. Meiling is one of those that knew of the lair, being quiet to allow Tsuna's group be the ones to explain fully.

"Since we can't predict when a wild Digimon will appear, an option is to have Guilmon go through some levels in the simulator." Tsuna explains, causing complete confusion for Takato, Makoto and Nozomi.

It was the latter of the trio that spoke to gain a proper answer. "Can someone explain what you're on about clearly, please?"

Since Hayato didn't seem to be in a mood to answer and Tsuna already said enough, Takeshi may as well take over whilst scratching his hair. "There's a place where accepted Tamers can go train, also gain support like food, shelter, transport and medical."

Just one piece of that caught Takato's interest. "Accepted Tamers?"

With a sigh, a defeated Hayato decides to join in. "You already know there are Tamers not on friendly terms with others. Well, same goes for those allowed entry into the lair. Not everyone can get into it unless they prove themselves."

Makoto's head tilts. "How does that work?"

Unfortunately not all information was able to be shared, and Tsuna gave an apologetic smile in his direction. "Sorry, but that's our little secret."

Meiling had an idea that brought a smirk before she went over to Takato to wrap an arm round his shoulder, taking him by surprise. "If you think going to the lair is too soon, Bearmon and I won't mind putting them through non-stop training till they get the hang of it."

This is where Hayato steps in to say. "We're talking about hours of it, not forgetting Matsuki probably hasn't practised swiping a card since he got his Digivice."

A raised brow aimed at him, arm still round Takato, Meiling said. "That's why it's called training. Learn a thing or two while testing your skills, a good way to learn in my book."

Nozomi wasn't fond of the twin tailed girls closeness to her friend, a thought made to bring up a different topic with a frown. "You bring up this 'lair' then change the subject? I'm really interested to see what it looks like." Makoto nods in agreement, intrigued to see it himself.

Scratching a cheek, Tsuna wished her words were taken back, but to late now. "We still got to meet my dad after school, maybe he can help sort this out."

"I know one thing…" Takeshi said to get everyone's attention, now waiting for what could be a serious continuation. "Its lunch time and we're up here without any food." A grin made along with a hand on his stomach.

All blinked at his way of turning a serious conversation into a normal one that can be solved in a simple way. It made Hayato 'kindly' voice while annoyed. "Then go to the cafeteria and get something, you idiot."

Now that it was brought up, Tsuna agreed with her Rain Guardian. "Takeshi has a point, though. We should get food while there's time left."

"Allow me to fetch it for you, boss!" Hayato almost yells, immediately in front of her that the only reaction caused was Tsuna's eyes to widen. Everyone else was surprised at how fast he moved.

Hands held up with a slight nervous expression, she said. "It's okay. I don't want to trouble you, Hayato."

However he wasn't going to allow it. "It's no trouble at all! I'll be right back." He shot off through the doorway, a wonder he remembered to open it first.

All became confused, their eyes on where he exited. Meiling commented with folded arms. "Some times I wonder if that guy needs professional help."

Tsuna giggles at what was said. "He means well."

Meanwhile in a condemned office building scheduled for demolition in a couple weeks that's used as a temporary hideout, a certain Tamer was in a meeting with some members of his gang after Ninjamon returned.

"You idiot!"

Kyoya yelled before the messenger received a strong kick that sent him into a wall. When his eyes opened, the leader already stood in front with a scowl, arms folded and a big chance of being hit again.

"Tell me, you stupid excuse of a ninja, on where you thought it was a good idea to attack Liollmon's prey without my consent. I only told you to deliver the damn message!"

Words could not be formed right to avoid a beating, all he can do is be silent and look at the floor to avoid eye contact. This choice of response made Kyoya bare his teeth, right fist clenched to show frustration, being lucky it didn't end in a punch.

"Your partner, you sort him out before I have Liollmon absorb his data, Lucas." Kyoya spoke to his Tamer, who nervously stood behind at a safe distance, being the 16 year old blonde that didn't want to intervene unless he wanted to share his leader's wrath.

He gulps, not a good idea to disobey either. "R-Right… I'll have a word with him later."

The second teen partnered to the other Ninjamon is also present, said Digimon stood next to him with folded arms whilst his Tamer smirks at his comrade's misfortune, leaning against a wall on the side where he had a good view of what's going on. His mood changed once Kyoya's glare aimed at him.

"Don't think you can just stand there and watch for your own amusement. Get your partner ready to train so we can be ready for tonight."

"But, boss, Liollmon doesn't need practise. He can beat those Digimon easy." He says in attempt to get out of it due to how serious Kyoya can get even in training.

With a toothy grin, the green haired Tamer said while going for his Digivice. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but it's your partner that's getting practise. I'm not going to have the Leone gang be given a bad name because of a loss thanks to weak members."

Coming from the side to be at front, Liollmon emits a low growl while ready. Grin still present as Kyoya declares. "We're going to train until you become a pile of mush."

Hypnos: Yamaki's Office

A report made of last nights incident was read, Yamaki closed the file then tossed it on the desk. With a sigh, he removed his shades to rub both eyes, in time to put them back on before a knock was heard. "Come in."

A woman in her late 20's enters. Short blue hair, gold eyes, attired in a grey suit with skirt, white buttoned shirt, black tie and heels, an ID badge hanging round her neck that reads 'Mina Simington.' and has a day planner in her right hand. "Sir, your next appointment is here."

Aware of what she means, Yamaki nods. "Tell them to wait a few minutes while I get this out of the way. Are the phones still not working?" Today has been problematic for most of the buildings telephones that it was good smartphones exist. However it extended to internet trouble also.

Mina nods. "Yes, Mr Yamaki. I was informed they should be back to normal by tomorrow. It is a mystery to them how it happened, but it will be investigated."

Although Yamaki had a hunch, no indication has been notified that a wild one is involved, same for any type of virus. It shouldn't be possible for one to make its way into Hypnos' network thanks to non-stop system scans that go through everything connected.

Sawada High School: Meeting Room

It is after school and everyone is present except for Nozomi because of club matters she was called in for, and Tsuna who wanted a private chat with her father before the meeting. Takato and Takeshi sat next to each other, the former brought his Tamer deck that was made last night and thought to kill time by having some cards looked at.

"These cards are good." The guardian positively comments at the three said items in one hand. Hayato sat in silence a couple seats away from him, arms folded and eyes closed.

"It's thanks to Tsuna taking me to that shop yesterday. I got some good ones out of it." Takato said.

Makoto sat next to his friend, eyes going to the cards spread out on the table near a black leather deck pouch he did not recognise. "Did you buy a pouch to go with it?"

The memory on how he got it made Takato smile. "Actually Tsuna bought it as a gift for becoming a Tamer. You can get deck pouches customised there, though it isn't free."

Takeshi took hold of it for a close inspection, once done he showed Hayato. "What do you think, Hayato?"

Said person showed little interest after an eye half opened. "Yeah, nice."

Meiling stood behind Takato and Takeshi, a hand on the back rest of the latters chair as she examines what she can see.

All became quiet when the door opened and in walked Iemitsu, followed by Tsuna and Tammy. Now that they've arrived, Takato gathered his cards to put them in the pouch that Takeshi returned. Meiling went to take a seat next to Makoto while Tsuna did the same by Hayato.

Tammy noticed Takato stare in her direction, concentrating it would seem like he's seen her elsewhere. She avoided eye contact, being hopeful he'll be unsuccessful, but changed to relief once Iemitsu began to talk.

"Thank you for coming, I'll try not to keep you long." He starts, taking a seat opposite them, Tammy not doing the same with hands behind her back. "I hope your Digimon enjoyed breakfast." He starts off to lighten things.

Takato nods. "Guilmon was really happy on what got delivered before Ninjamon appeared."

"Yes, Tsuna informed me about that. Also the challenge you accepted and who it is you'll be up against. It seems this week hasn't been kind to you, young man." Iemitsu said, rubbing his chin while in thought.

"Dad!" Tsuna exclaims in a raised voice, having hoped for some kind of support.

Despite what was said, Takato had a positive side to speak of. "I like to think this week brought some good out of it." His eyes went one way to Tsuna and the boys, same for Meiling's way. New friends to his, Makoto's and Nozomi's slowly growing group.

Iemitsu liked his response, an acceptable nod given before he said. "Tsuna explained what she could of the lair, so I will say this… I can't let you have access to it."

It brought surprise to all Tamers that know of it except Hayato, who seemed satisfied. Although that may change after what's to come.

"However I will assist you to gain battle experience for Guilmon." He didn't like this decision, but perhaps this alternative can avoid being yelled at by Tsuna later. Iemitsu reached into his jacket pocket to take out an envelope with an address.

Handing it to Tammy, she walked round the table as Iemitsu explains. "Go to that address in Akihabara, give the man that envelope, the rest will take care of itself."

Curious on where he was going, Takato got a look at said address once given the envelope. "Echizen? I never heard of it."

That name got Hayato's eyes to widen that both Sawada's took notice of. Iemitsu, being serious, slowly shakes his head at him to not say a word. Tsuna on the other hand looked confused, a mental note to ask about it when able to.

"You're partner will be picked up and meet you there. For support, I'll allow two to go along." Iemitsu instructed.

Unfortunately for Makoto other plans were made last night. "I promised my sister I'd spend some time with her after I get home, so I can't go."

Meiling raised a hand. "I'll go. I'm curious what this Echizen place is."

Tsuna did the same without a hand up. "I'll go too."

Obviously Hayato reacted next. "Where boss goes, I'll be there."

However the CEDEF leader had to remind him. "Two people can go, Mr Gokudera, that's what I said. You will be on patrol with the suppression unit."

He was about to say something, but a stern expression from the man made him reconsider, therefore accepted via nod. Since that was done, Iemitsu calls out. "You can come in now!"

The door opened and, to everyone's surprise, Spike enters while scratching the back of his hair.

With a sigh, the new arrival speaks. "Remind me how I got roped into a job that involves the same people from yesterday."

Iemitsu's eyes rolled before said. "Don't complain since it's that bar tab I'm taking care of instead of another payment. It's a wonder you haven't settled it yourself with the money you earn from our jobs."

That said, Spike's vision went everywhere but his, hands pocketed also. "I had other things to pay off that shouldn't be mentioned with kids in the room."

Each 'kid' gave an unpleasant expression at being called that, which Spike also chose to avoid eye contact. It made Iemitsu chuckle and Tammy just stare at each seated teen.

After the amusement wore off, CEDEF's leader got back to business. "Anyway, take Mr Matsuki, Ms Li and my little princess to Echizen in Akihabara and back. That's all."

While Tsuna moans about being called 'little princess', especially in front of friends, Spike blinked after Echizen was mentioned. Speaking up that got everyone's attention, specifically the two adults. "Echizen? You really want me to go where he is."

Knowing who he meant and their history, Iemitsu suggested. "If it'll make you feel better, just drop them off then pick them up when ready. Tammy will take care of transport for their Digimon."

'It may as well count as a bonus for yesterday.' He thought to himself before a sigh of defeat was released. "Fine, I'll do it. I doubt my luck is bad that he so happens to come out as I arrive."

Glad he's on board, Iemitsu finalises their conversation. "Good. Go get that car of yours ready while I finish."

Spike turned to make his leave, though the principal had words of departure to give. "And don't smoke on school grounds."

It wasn't Spike's first time told this, so all he gave was a backwards wave as acknowledgement.

His response made Tammy's head shake as Iemitsu brought things to a close. "Since I don't want you to keep him waiting, we'll end here. Mr Gokudera, later I'll contact you to assist preparing wherever the battle location is going to be."

Despite wanting to be by Tsuna's side, regardless it not going to happen, Hayato nods since it came from a high rank member in the famiglia where disobeying is not an option.

"Spike will meet you at the parking lot. Have a good day."

All seated rose, Takato pocketed the card, envelope and Tamer deck in separate pockets before putting on his backpack like everyone else then made their leave. Tammy had already gone to have a private word with Iemitsu.

"Are you sure it's wise to send the boy to 'him' of all people?" She asks, concerned for whom they will encounter at Echizen.

Understandable why's she's worried, Iemitsu says as assurance. "He and I made a deal when it comes to Tamer business and our line of work. Trust me, Takato and his partner will be fine." It may not have put her fully at ease, but there is one thing to bring up. "Speaking of partner, you have that transport arrangement to take care of."

"I know, sir."

Flicking closed a silver zippo lighter, tempted to light the cigarette in his mouth, Spike waits patiently by the side of his red, four seated convertible with its black top down. Thanks to their different time in departure he didn't have to wait long.

Takato had finished a phone call to his mother about hanging out with friends then later do homework at one of their homes that may lead to a sleepover. It was all he can think of as a reasonable excuse.

"Who does homework before the weekend?" Meiling asks. Although not true, it's still a curious question.

"People that want to get it done to enjoy it." Tsuna chose to answer.

Takato shrugs, not being a total lie. "Well, I do have some stuff on me to be done, so it's not all made up. Makoto, is it okay to stay at your place tonight?"

It made said person think for a bit as they were nearly to Spike. "Considering that fight is at midnight and I don't know how long it'll take or where… I'll have to let you know about what my parents are up to."

"I'm sure we'll think of a backup." Takeshi brought up as a show of support, a thumb up made. "Hayato and I will hang out with Makoto to get to know him since we're one big group of friends now."

Makoto saw a downside that had to be spoken. "I said earlier that I was going to spend time with my sister after I got home."

However Hayato's reason was different after a scoff. "And I refuse to hang around with you unless absolutely necessary."

Takeshi had to think at the top of his head for an excuse. "How about strengthen our bond of friendship?"

"Hah! You'll have to find it to begin with." Hayato responds humorously.

This was where Spike intervened, his still un-lit cigarette removed. "As much as I like to see friends talk, we should go before traffic gets busy."

Since he's the driver they weren't going to complain, so after farewell to those not going Takato and the girls put their backpacks in the vehicles boot before they got in, Takato in the passenger side, Tsuna and Meiling in the back.

As they drove off, Hayato had a frown that didn't go unnoticed. Takeshi was the one to ask since he isn't afraid on what reaction comes. "Is something wrong, Hayato? You know Tsuna will be fine without us."

"That doesn't make me feel better considering who they're going to." He replies, making his leave rather stay any longer.

Not going to stop it there, both teens rushed till they were either side of him, Makoto asking. "Do you know something about this Echizen place?"

Instead of get rid of them, he may as well explain. "There's a guy that runs it, Toshizo Usanagi. Former military that's skilled in weapons, explosives, even interrogation. Put together with what he's been through, you've got a dangerous person."

Takeshi may understand where he got the information from, but a confused Makoto didn't have a clue, it made him ask. "How do you know all that?"

Forgetting he was there, the explosive user of Vongola didn't respond quickly enough by the time Takeshi intervened. "He knows someone with military connections and doesn't mind sharing information as long as it's kept secret."

Now understanding, Makoto points out as a question. "So you pretty much broke your word?"

"Yeah, so don't tell anyone, got it?" Hayato said with a glare to seal it, able to use Takeshi's lie to his advantage.

"Sure, I got no problem with that." Given as a response, both hands raised at front as Makoto took a couple steps back.

Takeshi laughs at the ordeal, patting his fellow guardian on the left shoulder. "You're normally a tough nut to crack to know something, my friend. You must be slipping."

Teeth clenched, Hayato wasn't going to let it go that far. "Don't push your luck, baseball nut."

It became quiet not long after they left, though the girls were able to find a topic to chat about between them. Right now they are waiting for a traffic light to change, the two males unable to find reason to talk to each other. In truth Spike preferred it that way, an arm resting on the door.

Brown eyes moved sideways to see Takato inspect his Digivice, going through some of its functions to pass time. It might not be much, but at least it keeps him occupied rather talk to him. He looked forward to find they were on the move.

"Mr Spiegel."

The voice came from Tsuna, having no choice but to respond. "Yeah?"

"What can you tell us about this Echizen place?" She asks out of curiosity, being a first she's heard of it today.

No harm in giving an explanation. "It's a place where you can buy airsoft stuff. You know, weapons, clothes and other equipment."

"Airsoft?" A confused Meiling asks, head tilted as she continues to take over. "There's a place that sells that stuff in Akihabara?"

That made Spike chuckle. "If you know where to look. However our reason for going there is totally different. You'll see when we get there, though I'm a bit surprised Iemitsu hasn't told you already."

Both girls exchanged eye contact, wondering that themselves. Their sights move to Takato to see if he paid attention, but it seems unlikely by how focused he is on the device.

Leaning close to Tsuna, Meiling whispers. "Have you seen him this focused before?"

"Takato and I don't share any classes, so I don't know." She whispers back.

He wanted to be ready; going over what his Digivice can do is part of it, same for his deck. Wherever they're going is said to build experience so he and Guilmon can be ready. He wasn't when Rika and Renamon turned up for a fight, not even there when Kyoya and his gang appeared and fought the Digimon.

'I'm not going to lose Guilmon.' Takato thought while determined to give it his all in future battles. However he doesn't plan to delete another Tamers partner to keep his alive.

"Hey kid, are you still with us in there?" Spike asks as a means to snap him out of it, which worked.

"Huh? What was that?" The male Tamer asks in confusion.

A head gesture to Tsuna and Meiling, Spike replies, eyes still on the road. "Those two weren't sure whether or not to be worried since you were a bit out of it, so I settled it."

"Oh." Was his only verbal response, looking back to ask. "Did you want something?" Both girls shook their heads, leaving Takato to silently go back to what he was doing. Spike just shrugs it off and kept driving.

It took a while, but after a suitable place to park was found Spike decided to follow them on foot to their destination.

"I thought you weren't coming because of the owner." Meiling states with hands behind her back. Each of them had their school bags since they weren't sure how long they'd be.

Spike shrugs, not sure why he's doing it himself. "Call me muscle in case he tries something dangerous. A call from Sawada about his kid being hurt is not what I want to get."

It took some walking till they made it to Echizen, a two storey building that's a little inward between two taller buildings. The name situated in green lighting above the door, it's colour of choice for walls is dark grey and has a display window on both sides of the door with a couple mannequins dressed in the latest military attire and weapons for airsoft.

"This is the place? I expected a bit more style." Meiling said, almost disbelieved if it weren't for the sign.

After a small puff of his cigarette, Spike responds. "It's supposed to be military themed, so it can't be too colourful and decorative."

Looking round, Takato couldn't see who they were to meet. "I don't see Guilmon or the others."

This time Tsuna spoke. "I'm sure there's a back way in so they can avoid being seen."

As they were about to make their way in, Spike taking the lead, a commotion can be heard inside that got them to stop. About to question what's going on, Spike spotted figures approach thanks to the lengthy window on the door. "Look out."

The guys went one way and the girls went another, just in time as three bodies were tossed out the door. They looked to be three male college students, in a pain by their moans and how they look.

Whatever happened inside wasn't over because of who walked out. A 17 year old girl with two tone hair, orange at the back, yellow at front, green eyes, wearing red jeans, a black t-shirt with torn off sleeves that hugged her chest, black combat boots and a dark green apron with a name tag that reads 'Kei.'

"If you bozo's come back and pull a stupid stunt like that again instead paying full price," She pounds a fist against an opened hand. "I'll make you wish you weren't born men. You got that?!"

Afraid for their lives, the trio quickly nod before running away. All eyes watch them leave, the girl responsible having arms folded and a frown.

"Wimps." She harshly said, about to head back in till she noticed there were other people. "Can I help you with something?"

Since he knows more on where they are, Spike replies. "We're here to see Usanagi. Iemitsu Sawada sent us."

Kei attempted to think back on any visitors said man is expecting, unable to do so. "The old man didn't say anyone was coming."

To help things along, Takato brought out the envelope to hold up. "We were told to give this to Mr Usanagi and the rest will take care of itself."

Eying it with a raised brow, Kei took it for examination, seeing no name or return address. "Come inside and I'll get boss out."

They allowed her in first, eyes following as Takato asks Spike. "Do you know that girl?"

His head shook along with a reply. "Not a clue. If you plan to ask her out later, I'd re-think it."

Although she's cute, that was the last thing on Takato's mind, a reason why he went a little red while making it clear after eyes made contact. "That isn't what I meant."

It got Spike to laugh a little, an arm going round the boy's shoulder. "I'm just messing with you, kid. Come on before she gets impatient." remembering to put out his cigarette.

As they enter, Tsuna and Meiling had a short conversation themselves before they followed, the latter being to start it. "This is going to be interesting."

Although what Spike said was a joke, it didn't help what Tsuna felt emerge. She kept it hidden, a stoic tone of voice used. "Yeah, it sure is."

Inside is like a regular store to buy military gear, standing shelves holding various items in order, mannequins on the right side wall wearing appropriate attire and weapons. More weapons hung at the end wall in view of the display counter that contains handguns, magazines and even pellet refills. A filled magazine rack stood on their right, and there seems to be a low count on customers present.

Kei had to speak up as they do a visual roam of the store. "I'll get the old man. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

She walked through a door behind the counter, leaving customers to do as they please without a watchful eye. It wasn't mentioned until Meiling took notice. "Not exactly employee of the month material to leave the place unattended."

Spike was at the counter, staring at some weapons he wouldn't mind having in future. These are made specifically for sport, but they're modelled after real life guns. "That's the bosses fault for not having an extra pair eyes."

A male voice spoke up as a figure now stood in front of the man. "That's what security camera's are for." Spike looks straight to find a pair intimidating orange eyes that brought no effect. "It's a fancy seeing you here, Spiegel. Your line of work hasn't been doing well so you decided to babysit?"

Not going to give in that easily, said man retaliates. "You know, if I didn't know who owned this dump, the smell would help give you away no problem."

Toshizo Usanagi, an older man than Spike that has brown hair supported by a black headband with a couple bangs sticking out and a goatee, wearing a white buttoned shirt with a couple buttons undone and sleeves rolled up halfway, black trousers and shoes.

A confused Kei stood next to him, brow raised, unclear what's going on with them.

"Still drive that piece of junk?" Usanagi asks as an insult that Spike understood what it was directed at.

"Junk is something from a scrapyard. Swordfish is a work of perfection I had put back together." He spoke proudly of, chest puffed out.

Because of the name, Usanagi stared as if he were stupid. "You still call it that dumbass name?"

Kei stepped away to join the teens that seemed to have been forgotten by the adult males. A thumb pointed back without a need to turn. "Any idea what their deal is?"

Each gave a gesture of an answer they could not give, Tsuna being one to vocal. "No clue."

Since they're going to be there a while, Takato decided introductions may as well be given, a hand held out. "I'm Takato, and these are my friends, Tsuna and Meiling." Both waved after their names were mentioned.

Kei eyed it at first, eventually accepting it with a smile. "The name's Kei. So, you guys new to airsoft?" In assumption to why they're here since all she was told involved the envelope her boss had in hand.

Unsure what to say, the trio exchanged questionable looks, hoping someone has an explanation in mind. Luckily they were saved by Spike. "Come on, kids, time for business."

While relieved, they walked towards the men that seemed to have finished their conversation.

Usanagi stares at Takato, not much to look at, though he learnt to never judge a book by its cover, and it's a different matter for Tamers. "The boy follows me, you girls can come as long as you don't get in the way. You I don't particularly care." The last part was towards Spike, who glared.

For that he dug into his trouser pocket, a business card taken out that was handed to Tsuna. "Fine, I'll go for a drive. Ring that number when you're ready to leave, or if something goes wrong."

Her eyes and Meiling's read what was on the card. Like others it had a name, number and a cell phone number. "Bebop Odd Jobs?"

Usanagi's brow arched as he escorts Takato through the door behind the counter. "You're still doing that crummy business of yours?"

The blue attired man already made his leave, a wave done whilst said. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Whatever you have for the kid, make sure he comes out in one piece."

A little nervous at what is in store for himself and Guilmon, it's doubtful they can get out of it now. Tsuna and Meiling followed, about to be joined by the owner till he remembered Kei.

"Watch the store. If someone needs me, tell them I'm busy for a while." He also remembered one important thing worth to say. "And try not to beat up any customers like you did those brats earlier."

Sheepishly rubbing the back of her head, Kei kind of forgot about the two security camera's placed at good viewpoints of the store. "You can't blame all that on me. Those idiots tried to get a discount by flirting with me."

Not caring about it, Usanagi said. "As long as it gets us money, you may as well accept a date in exchange for discounts."

"I wouldn't stoop that low to have an idiot buy something!" She responds in a raised voice as her boss closes the door.

In front stood a stair case, on the right is a couple doors, but it was the wall under the stairs he led them to that brought confusion. Usanagi didn't explain since seeing is more believable, placing his right hand on it to emit a blue light before a doorway appeared by sliding left.

A big surprise to see at an unexpected place, the owner didn't urge them onward as he did so himself into an elevator. It didn't take them long to follow, allowing the door to close and the lift to descend.

Although not much, they admired its design, like from a sci-fi or spy movie. It didn't take long to wait, opening up while Meiling asked the man. "Does Kei know about this?"

"No. She thinks we're upstairs using a training course I developed for first time airsoft players." He explained, eying what is absent, a certain vehicle that he was told about.

The room was large enough to hold a couple tanks, though a lack of an accurate door size for it on their left, metal double doors were opposite with a small console next to it.

Takato and the girls looked round while Usanagi took out his smartphone to check the time, it has a military camouflaged cover. As he puts it away, the left door raised at the same time bricks parted wide enough to allow a black van in.

Once parked and turned off, Tammy came out of the driver side, a flick of her hair done. "Sorry if I took long. My route had roadwork going on, then some traffic on the alternate."

Knowing who was in back, the teens followed Tammy as she went to open up, adding in one thing while doing so. "Also your partners…" The moment a door barely opened a certain mini-dinosaur shot out, surprising the trio that stood behind her.


Unfortunately for Takato it had his name on it in the form of Guilmon, who tackled him to the floor, happily nuzzling his snout against his face.

Tammy also became unfortunate because Guilmon's action knocked her down, a painful moan released, being lucky she didn't get slammed in the face. "I didn't see that coming…"

"Sorry about that." An apologetic Coronamon said after he hopped out, a bow made to the woman.

Bearmon now stood next to him, adding. "We told him to be calm, but I guess he got to excited to see his Tamer."

Usanagi remained where he stood, same reaction as them when Guilmon burst out. The sight of Digimon was unreactive though, being like Spike in having to deal with his own share from time to time.

"Are you okay, Tammy?" A concerned Tsuna asks, helping said woman up with Meiling's help.

She replies while dusting off. "No harm done."

After being allowed up, Takato frowns at his partner and folds his arms. "Guilmon, apologise for what you did."

Knowing that he is in trouble, the Rookie Digimon's wing-like ears lowered. "I'm sorry, Tammymon."

Although he should be corrected on her name, Tammy let it slide after one look at his current expression. "It's okay. Just make sure the door is fully opened before doing that again."

Enough to put a smile on most of their faces, Meiling noticed a few empty objects in the van. "Why are there pizza boxes in here?"

The other two took a look to find three pizza boxes empty, one of them had a corner chewed on. Coronamon became the one to explain, scratching the side of his head. "We got a little hungry, so Tammy was nice to buy a few jumbo sizes."

A first timer for pizza, Guilmon happily states. "It was really good, Takatomon. Guilmon wanted to try the box, but they stopped me." a single claw pointing at his Digimon friends that were with him at the time.

It made the boy chuckle, stroking his snout while supportive for the two. "That was a wise choice on their part. Boxes aren't meant to be eaten… Saying that, it's a wonder you didn't take a bite out of the one used to sneak you into my bedroom."

Tsuna smiles at the only female adult present, whose arms folded as the conversation goes on. "Thank you for feeding them, Tammy. My dad will pay you back for the pizzas."

Hearing that, Takato didn't want it to be left alone. "I'll pay for Guilmon's."

"Same here for Bearmon." Meiling joins, not going to be singled out.

The woman denied the duo's generous offer, a hand raised whilst said. "Mr Sawada won't mind paying back all three, so you two don't have to pitch in."

Believed their conversation took up enough time, Usanagi's throat loudly clears to get everyone's attention. "Can we get on with this while there's still daylight?"

While the teens and Digimon were unsure what's to happen onward, Tammy steps forward since she has been more informed. "Thank you for allowing the use of your simulator."

He simply waves it off, though did have one thing to ask now it was mentioned. "Is that why you sent that guy to give it a check up?"

A nod came from the woman. "It has been some time since it was used last, and I assumed it didn't get maintenance a while."

Usanagi shrugs, walking to the double doors console. "It may have slipped my mind. I was tempted to use all this space for storage or convert it into a second airsoft training room."

"You're dedicated to your work, aren't you?" Meiling asks, a little un-believed a man with his appearance would choose that line of weapon related work.

Pressing in a code, he replies. "I wouldn't say that, kid. It's just ideas to help business."

Code not being enough, a computerised voice was heard. "Please speak for voice recognition."

"This is Toshizo Usanagi."

Confirmation beeps were heard before the doors opens, a male voice spoke from behind as it got halfway. "Hey there, you're timing is perfect."

Tsuna and Coronamon became surprised at who stood in the room, both called out in unison. "Spanner?"

A man from a past adventure the duo went on, who looked to be in his twenties with wild blonde hair, green eyes and wearing green cargo pants, same coloured body warmer with numerous front pockets, white t-shirt underneath, brown boots and same coloured tool belt. Lollipop in mouth, he gives a wave and smile. "Good to see you."

Next to him stood a robot that reached his waist, making Tsuna smile happily. "Mini Moska!" It had two shades of green paintwork instead of grey from what Tsuna remembers, but it was said robot nonetheless.

As it waved both arms as a form of happiness to see familiar faces, Coronamon ran in and caught hold of Mini Moska's hands. "How've you been, mechanical pal?" despite unable to speak, it didn't hurt to ask.

"Doing good."

Although a standard robotic voice without emotion, it came from Mini Moska. It gave the Tenth boss and her partner reason to be stunned, though it didn't last thanks to Coronamon's cheer. "Hey, you finally got a voice!"

The group walked into the large room as the one named Spanner explained. "Some people at work kept bothering me about understanding it, so I made a voice module to shut them up."

Not exactly words she'd use to finish a sentence about others, but Tsuna accepted. "How does it feel to speak, Mini Moska?"

"It is good to process words verbally."

Despite being a positive thing, Meiling asked Spanner while staring at it. "Couldn't you have made it sound human instead of a machine?"

Rubbing the back of his head while eyes are upwards, the blonde replied. "It's on my to-do list. I'm a bit swamped on projects since I've been helping Tamers and Vong..."

Tammy knew what came next and had to interrupt immediately. "Sorry, but can this conversation continue another time? Mr Matsuki's cannot be wasted as it already has been."

A good point, Spanner nods before he turns halfway. The teens and Digimon finally took notice of the room, it actually being a control room closed off from another room that's a lot more spacious to move around in. On the left wall is a big flat screen that seemed to have been quickly setup due to some cable conditions leading into a stretched console's side.

They looked through a large window to see a mechanical, reclined seat next to a metal bed, both with a hooked up helmet and placed in the middle.

Confused on what they're for, Tsuna asks. "Spanner, what are those?"

Said man explains without a need to look. "Just a project I've been working on to help train Digimon. Tamers weren't happy they can't let out full potentials, so your father told me to create something for the Lair."

It didn't take long for Meiling to ask after it was thought out. "You mean that's the first and Takato's going to be your guinea pig along with Guilmon?"

"That's correct." A simple, honest answer he didn't hold back on.

Knowing how Spanner is when it comes to inventions thanks to past experience, be they harmless or deadly, Tsuna became a little nervous. "I don't think they should go through with this."

"They need to prepare for battle, Miss Sawada." Tammy states. "Besides, there is no time to arrange for a pick up, and every second counts from here on."

Usanagi had his back to the closed door, arms folded, able to think of a way to settle this. "Let the boy decide then. It's his partner that's going to go through it."

All eyes went to Takato, Digimon and humans, some wondering what decision he'll make.

After their grandmother came home, Rika decided to go out for fresh air, as well as avoid spending more time with Ruby. The girl is nice, fun to hangout with, but it's not Rika's thing even before Renamon came into her life.

Hands in pockets, she silently walked by an alley where a female voice spoke at the entrance that made the redhead stop. "Not busy?"

"What's it to you?"

A nimble looking girl that's a year younger, a bit shorter than Rika, leaning against a wall in a black hoodie with hands in its front pocket, hood raised to cover curly golden-brown hair. Also worn are blue jeans, black boots and a dark green backpack. Although an unhappy tone used, she gave a small smile, brown eyes on the redheaded Tamer that didn't bother to make eye contact. "I thought you'd be interested in some free information for once."

It's not Rika's first encounter with the girl, who is an information dealer involving Tamers and Digimon for a price, and it's not everyday she gives stuff freely. It got Rika to slightly turn, being suspicious with a raised brow. "Free information? It can't be worth much if you're doing that."

The girl shrugs. "I wouldn't call it much exactly. It involves the leader of the Leone gang issuing a challenge to a new Tamer."

Rika snorts, in agreement towards the first bit. "You're right, it isn't much." about to leave until she froze after what came next.

"Oh, and the challenge is to that Matsuki guy you encountered yesterday." Pretending to be forgetful, an amused expression at the reaction caused.

It wasn't a question on how she found out, Rika knew some time ago, its details on the challenge she wanted to know. "Where and when will it happen, Argo?"


After agreement to go through with it, Takato and Guilmon were ready to enter a virtual environment for the very first time. Takato sat in the chair and Guilmon lay sideways on the bed, both with a helmet on. Since he had his deck, Takato was instructed to insert it into a deck holder installed in the right arm rest, same for his Digivice on the left that had a sizeable slot. Once done it didn't take long to become active.

Watching from the control room, eyes were on the big screen except for Spanner, who sat at the console to make sure all is good. As he read results from a screen, Tsuna asked out of curiosity. "What did you put in to have Guilmon fight against?"

Silence was received, for some reason Tsuna didn't like it the longer it went on. She was about to ask again when Meiling said. "It looks realistic." What they saw is an aerial view of a completely ruined Tokyo with fauna covering most of what remains.

"Wonders of virtual reality can do that." Spanner said.

A confused Bearmon asks. "Why does it look like that, though?"

"I thought it would provide more options to hide and plan a strategy." Spanner replied, now typing in a command.

Whatever's producing the footage moved fast until a half destroyed Tokyo Tower was in sight. It came to a complete stop at the sight of an awestruck Guilmon and Takato.

"It's like being in one of those science fiction movies, Guilmon." The teen said, proving audio was doing great, not knowing they were being watched and heard.

"What's a science fiction movie?" The saurian asks more out of curiosity than confusion.

For this Takato made a mental note to have Guilmon watch a few to understand aside from an explanation. "I'll explain some other time, boy. I wonder what Spanner has in store for us."

After appearing in the virtual world of ruined Tokyo, Takato discovered a belt that held his Tamer deck and Digivice, not worth to complain since he has them for whatever's to come.

Guilmon let out a small laugh. "His name sounds funny."

Hands in his blazer pockets, an amused Takato didn't think it was nice to laugh at. "He's named after a tool, and not nice to laugh at, okay?"

As Guilmon apologised, seems Coronamon and Bearmon thought it was funny also, their hands used to cover their mouths in attempt to conceal their laughter. Meiling had to silence them with a quiet scolding while some eyes went to the man that didn't give any form of reaction, perhaps focused on work, used to it or doesn't care.

Patient as possible for whatever is to appear, Takato looked round some more till a rumbling occurred, putting them on alert. At the same time it stopped, an explosion happened from a weakened building up the road from them.

All they can see is a cloud mixture of dust and fauna until a shadowy figure was added, slowly emerging that made Tsuna and Coronamon shocked.

"Spanner, of all things you could've picked, why did it have to be that?!" The latter exclaimed after his voice was found. Their reaction brought confusion to those that didn't know, except Tammy who was informed on all adventures Tsuna had been on.

All preparations complete, the blonde man rotated the chair to have a better view, arms folded and a leg over the other. "Mr Sawada gave permission to have a tough challenge ready for whoever wants to train. My Virtual Moska can be more than enough after an update to its program."

Not wanting them to go against it due to past experience, Tsuna said. "You have to change it. Going against that might be a bit much for Guilmon even with cards at Takato's disposal."

Instead of Spanner, Usanagi was the one to respond from behind everyone. "Let them handle it. In time they'll go up against strong opponents, so there's no time like the present."

Words that didn't calm the Tenth bosses worry, same for her partner. All they can do is watch like everyone. Since its virtual reality there shouldn't be any real danger or feel of pain, but you can never tell when it's a creation of Spanner's.

Digimon or not, since it's the only thing around that looks to be a combatant, Takato unclips the Digivice with one hand, the other near his deck pouch. "Are you ready, Guilmon?"

Instincts took over where said saurian stepped forward, his child like expression replaced with seriousness unlike his feral state. "Let's go, Takatomon."

Later at the temporary hideout of the Leone gang, where night not long came, the occupants within are exhausted after non-stop training, thankful to have someone take their place so breaks can be taken. Not all are Tamers, those that joined were either found by Kyoya or vice versa, having to prove their worth before allowed part of the gang.

Said leader leaned against a cracked support column situated near a massive hole, an empty water bottle in hand as he gazes up at the night sky. Next to him Liollmon laid curled up with little injuries from training.

Those that got involved were resting, especially the two going with Kyoya. Some non-Tamers helped treat Digimon that were hurt more than they should from what was supposed to be training. That can be a downside whenever their leader is involved, either part of it or not.

Eyes did not remain upward for long because Kyoya went into his jeans pocket to take out a photograph of Takato with a red circle. Like Nozomi he had Takato and Makoto watched, with no clue on Guilmon's partner he gave Ninjamon instructions on how to play things out. Although confirmation was made, what wasn't supposed to happen was the attack.

Glaring at the picture, he crushes his empty water bottle. "Lucas, I have a job for that ninja of yours!"

Both Tamer and Digimon jumped at his voice, Lucas boldly reminding in a nervous tone. "B-Boss, Ninjamon needs to r-rest after what he's been through if we're part of that battle later."

Kyoya frowns. A girl is then spotted not far with a Biyomon. "Okay, you then." Takato's picture was held up to be seen. "Take this to Argo, ought to be at one of her usual spots. Have her find this guy so I can send a message on where the battle is going to take place. Tell her we'll sort out a fee later."

"And if Biyomon can't find her?" The female Tamer asks, able to swallow her nervousness for now.

"I don't give a damn if that bird's wings fall off going around the entire city to find either one. Don't come back until it's done."

Nobody knows why he's like this because of one battle, being told about yesterday so nobody was out of the loop. Perhaps it was the unknown Digimon they encountered, or they retreated because Sawada's arrival slightly increased odds against them. Either way it's not best to question their leader when like this.

"Okay, I'll pack some snacks in case. Where's your battle going to be held?" She responds with a sigh.

As Kyoya grins, Liollmon cracked an eye open for a moment, going back to sleep after a yawn.

End of Chapter 6!

A new chapter that has brought in 7 new characters. Those that are wondering what anime they're from, here's the list.

Character List:

Dirty Pair Flash: Kei.

Sword Art Online: Argo.

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Mina Simington.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Spanner, Mini Moska (With new paint work and voice), Virtual Moska.

Aoharu x Machinegun: Toshizo Usanagi.