I still do not own Pokemon, blah, blah...



Daniel never thought his pokemon would be such a problem. Never did it occur to him that, just maybe, there were pokemon that did not follow the preconceived rules of nature. Why would he? It wasn't like HE would be the one with a pokemon so intent on mating him it bordered on obsessive.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. History had shown that there have been pokemon who choose their trainers over their own species as mating partners, and vice versa for the trainer. There was always the chance that a pokemon would start loving him in an impure way.

He thought he was prepared to handle this very situation.

Never did he think he would have to deal with TWO pokemon. Not just any two pokemon, either, but two MALE pokemon!

Daniel attempted to convince himself what the fortune-teller told him earlier that day was nothing more than a fake prophecy. It wasn't possible and damn anybody that tried to convince him otherwise! In the back of his young mind, however, was a nibbling little mass of doubt.

How else could he explain the absolutely provocative looks his two pokemon had been giving him as of late, or their attempts to undress him while he slept during the night. He lived alone, and the only ones who could have left in nothing but his shorts were probably the same ones who made sure to have their scrumptious backsides pointed right in his visible spectrum whenever they stretched.

'What am I going to do? What SHOULD I do? Why are their antics only just now affecting me?'

Daniel rubbed his forehead tenderly as he approached the Panola Ranch, the daycare only a few dozen yards away...

...and the most disturbing dilemma he had ever been put into.

Deep, lust-filled moans filled the occupied shed of the Panola Ranch.

Inside the shed a Flareon was diligently slurping on the tender meat of his Espeon partner. It was a forbidden pleasure, two pokemon of the same gender pleasuring each other in such a way. To an outsider, the sinful cries were quite arousing.

Another searing lashing of Flareons' scorching tongue along the sensitive tapered tip of Espeons meat was all it took to bring the Sun Pokemon to an explosive eruption. The succulentely sweet taste of Espeons dick-milk was just one of the many things Flareon adored about the lithe Psychic-type writhing in front of him.

Espeon, the younger of the two Eeveelutions, was panting hotly as his twitching shaft was milked for all its worth by Flareon and his molten mouth. No pleasure sleeve could ever hope to match the intensity of Flareons maw, a fact he hoped his master would savor as much as he did.

A few succulent slurps later Flareon withdrew Espeons deflating shaft from his mouth and licked his lips soothingly.

"Delicious as always, Lavy."

Espeon blushed deeply at the pet-name Flareon had been keen on calling him as of late.

"Your mouth should be illegal or something, Crimson. I swear it feels like my dick is gonna melt in there."

Flareon merely smiled at the flustered Eeveelution before nuzzling the Sun Pokemon affectionately under his neck. "We compliment each other quite well, Lavy. I hope it holds true when we finally get through to our master."

Espeon returned the nuzzle with one of his own. The comforting heat that radiated off of Flareon did wonders for him as he tended to be rather high-strung.

Flareons ears suddenly perked up upon hearing the footsteps of the elderly man with whom the two of them were left. The man, while somewhat ornery and nearsighted, would let him and Espeon play with virtually no interruptions. Espeon, though he never mentioned it, was surely grateful for the privacy as it had allowed the two of them to bond in a way they never would have otherwise.

"I think our master has returned for us, Lavy."

Espeons' purple eyes went wide as saucers hearing the news from his partner. As the elderly man drew closer to their hiding spot the excitement that had been under wraps began to surface. He had always been infatuated with his master from the day he met him as an Eevee. For him it had been love at first sight and, in spite of never actually hearing it from Daniel, suspected he was, in the very least, attracted to both him and Flareon. Of course Espeon had taken measures to quicken the seduction process, some more intense than others.

The time he used his psychic powers to sneak a bottle of artificial hormones into his masters pocket while he was at the drug store was one of the many guilty pleasures he had indulged in to make his body as feminine as possible so that he might attract his master.

"Alright, you two, your trainer is here to pick you up. Come, come. Let's go now!"

Flareon had just finished cleaning up whatever was left of Espeons ejaculate when the shed door opened to reveal a balding man in his late sixties. Next to him was a much younger girl with blonde ponytails sticking out from under the side of a large brown hat.

The girl looked to be in her late mid-to-late twenties and, despite having never learned her name, Flareon assumed she was the elderly mans' daughter. The girl, much like her father, tended to be temperamental. The difference with her was she did not share her fathers' lax attitude towards the bonding sessions Flareon shared with Espeon.

There had been several occasions when they were caught in the act by the girl and taken to separate sections of the ranch. To remedy the likelihood of them being caught in the future both had agreed they would not engage in coitus during their time at the ranch. While this eliminated some of the more pleasurable experiences they could have had, the main goal was to stay within each others' company. It was never a given how long their master would be gone for, so not being separated from the other was vital.

Espeon voiced his displeasure at seeing the elderly mans daughter with a growl of intimidation as testament. The girl, to her credit, responded to the rude welcome with a pearly-white smile and friendly eyes. Espeon knew it was all for show, however, since the evidence of their earlier deeds had been soundly cleaned up by Flareon. As a result of this the girl had assumed the two of them were completely platonic with each other the whole time, something Espeon took great joy in.

A third figure appeared in the distance, their identity not needing any second-guessing, at least not for the two eeveelutions. Espeon managed to get the jump-start on who could reach their trainer the fastest, a testament to his much more lithe body.

Their time at the ranch had not merely been spent giving into each other's desires. Both of them had also been doing sprints to build up not just their stamina but, primarily, their sex appeal. Espeon, having the advantage with his ability to read the minds of others, knew just what his master wanted in a potential mate.

Daniel braced himself for the impending collision of fur and tongues. Lavender and Crimson always loved tackling him when he came to pick them up so he was already digging his heels into the soft grass in preparation. What happened next surprised him, however.

Both eeveelutions were circling around him and yipping in their traditional fashion of "Es!" and "Flare!" There was no weight pressed against his chest and no sensation of gravity pushing him towards the ground.

The two pokemon were actually behaving.

'I...was not expecting this reaction. I hope I didn't do something wrong to upset them.'

His thoughts, though private to him, were readily picked up by Espeon who began nuzzling his legs affectionately. Not wanting to leave Flareon out of the happy reunion, Daniel reached out with his left hand and began rubbing the mass of fur along the pokemons forehead. The gesture was immediately met with licks to his arm and pleased moans leaving Flareons mouth.

"You have very energetic pokemon, Daniel! Is there anything else we can do for you today?"

Daniel turned to look at the girl, the slightest tinge of reddish-pink appearing along his face, as he fumbled with his wallet to pull out the 1000p fee as payment. "N-No, I believe I'm a-all set! Thank you very much!"

The girl giggled loudly and took the payment, doing a quick count to make sure it was all there, before heading back to the entrance with her father. It was very subtle but Daniel could have sworn he saw her wink at him as she passed him by.

There would be time to consider this development later, so he thought. With a relieved sigh, as well as two happy pokemon licking at his covered legs, Daniel took out two poke balls and beamed the two eeveelutions back inside before pulling out his phone to check the time.

'Seven o-clock...I'm not quite hungry yet so maybe I'll head home and catch a few winks before making dinner.'

With his evening set Daniel pulled out his Pokemon Pager and called for Charizard to take him to the Hano Grand Resort, and the hotel where he was staying.