The adrenaline rush from her involvement in the bust of Primmer and the release of the two girls was one Erin was able to ride for over a week. After that, being resigned to staying back at the district and doing menial tasks had begun to take its toll on her. In fact, Ruzek would tease her about how she was nesting because somehow, the world's most unorganized woman had been sorting through files and color-coding them with the label maker she'd found buried in the depths of her desk drawer. It was better than sitting around doing next to nothing, at least.

In the four weeks since that fateful night she'd managed to organize files, clean out her desk, purge the break room of snacks that were, in some cases, years old, and had stayed on top of every single witness they'd let her at. Her belly had grown even more obvious now, though from behind you could barely identify that she was even pregnant.

She had fully embraced the bump now and she and Jay had gone to two maternity stores to get clothing that extenuated her bump instead of hiding it. It was in one of these shirts that she sat in the waiting room of her OBGYN, frantically checking her phone for a sign that Jay was here or at the very least on his way. At nineteen and a half weeks, this was the ultrasound that would tell them their baby's gender and they'd already had to reschedule the appointment twice due to things coming up at work and she was both anxious and eager to find out; but she'd promised she wouldn't do it without Jay. It was this fact that made her stare at her phone screen again and tap another message to her husband, who it wasn't like to not answer.

The doctor was running slightly behind, as usual, so she'd gone to the bathroom to give a sample, had her blood drawn, and been sent back to wait until a room was available. She'd already sent Jay about six text messages and she let out a frustrated sigh seeing that there was still no answer from him. That would prompt her to call him and her phone was at her ear, listening to the other line ring when she heard his voice. Confused because he hadn't picked up her eyes would flicker up to the reception desk where he was standing almost breathless as if he'd just run up the six flights of stairs that would have led him to this floor.

The nurse nodded in her direction and she watched his frantic features soften slightly as he realized he hadn't missed it. She'd feel less inclined to be annoyed at him and the feelings of being put off by his absence had vanished completely when he came and sat next to her, his hands cupping her face to draw her forward and press a kiss to her forehead. Still breathless, he offered an explanation. "Sorry babe, I must've left my phone back at the district. I only realized when I went to call you and I was already running late so I thought it was best to just head here and beg for forgiveness then double back for it."

"No begging necessary," She'd offer him a sympathetic smile. "You're here, that's all that matters." She'd supply gently, her mood was better than usual given the news they were nearly certain to receive today if baby felt like cooperating. She reached over to lace her fingers with his and she offered him the water bottle that had been propped against her side moments before. He took it gratefully and was in the middle of taking a long sip when a nurse clad in lavender scrubs called Erin's name, signaling that there was a room for her.

He'd recap the water bottle as they strolled down the hall, his hand coming to rest on the small of her back briefly before rounding to rest on her belly, he'd tap his fingers lightly against the underside in his own little greeting to the life growing inside of her. The nurse would leave them and he'd help her onto the table and even though it would be a long wait for the tech and the doctor still, he tugged her shirt up gently to look at the bulging belly that served as proof of healthy development. "How are you feeling today?" He asked, his hand settling on newly exposed skin as he cast his eyes up to hers.

She shrugged before answering, "Not too bad, tired. Heartburn. The usual." She was used to it by now and he'd joked that she was singlehandedly keeping TUMS in business these days. "But heartburn means hair is growing or something so, I am pretty sure I'll be giving birth to a yeti at this rate." She'd giggle gently, moving to rest her hand on his. "The app says baby is the size of a bell pepper now." She'd add casually.

"Does that mean I should pick one up to make fajitas for dinner?" He'd joke, because he swore the only thing that came of these food comparisons the app offered were her having cravings for whatever they'd mentioned.

"Hah, hah." She'd roll her eyes. "But no, tonight is special. We find out if we're having a daughter or a son. We should go out, celebrate." She'd shrug.

He would never give up a chance to celebrate if she was up for it so she wasn't surprised to see the slight sparkle that became present in his eyes at her suggestion. "I can get behind that, completely." He'd grin. "You still convinced that it's a boy?" He'd ask, though she'd had a couple dreams lately that had made her slightly less confident, she was still insistent that she knew the baby was a boy.

He was less inclined to trust her blind intuition especially because he'd forced her to try some old wives tale tricks he'd found online and they'd been a 60/40 split that had leaned towards girl. Besides, if he was being honest, he sort of died every time they walked past the little girl clothes sections of stores they'd ventured into. Her voice would interrupt his musings. "Yes, actually. And I look forward to hearing you say I was right all along!" She'd say pointedly, but she leaned up to kiss him.

They'd fall into a soft silence, his fingers tracing pictures on her belly as he whispered adorable things to it, so quiet she couldn't hear them, but she figured that might've been the purpose. The kicks had been less like flutters lately and more definitive, especially when daddy told secrets, which was why she wouldn't be surprised to feel one now, but it would be the biggest one he'd felt and he'd look up from her belly with such a huge, sloppy smile indicating that he'd felt it too and at that, she'd instantly burst into tears thanks to hormones. "You okay?" He'd ask tentatively, because he could never be sure anymore with these things.

She smiled even as she kept crying, "Yeah, hormones. And you're just so fucking cute sometimes." She'd supply, reaching down to grasp his hand with one of her own as the other came to wipe away the tears which she'd managed to get under control after a couple of deep breaths.

The technician's appearance would help her reel it in even more and as she set to work measuring her belly and at Erin's request, she'd be incredibly through in describing what she'd be assessing today as she got the bottle of blue goo to squeeze onto Erin's belly before getting the wand ready.

For someone who used to feel incredibly overwhelmed by these appointments, she'd taken a new approach that knowledge was power and she and Jay had listened to an audiobook version of What to Expect When You're Expecting whenever they had a chance to ride to and from work together, it had sort of brought her peace to be informed. "Are you going to check choroid plexus for cysts?" She'd ask, recalling the information from the chapter she'd listened to on the 18-19 week appointment as she'd ridden over here. Jay's face would sort of contort into a smile because he recalled just a few short weeks ago when she had told him it was his job to be informed about these things and now she was rattling off medical terms like a third year medical student.

The kind woman in yellow scrubs would give her a gentle smile and nod. "Erin," Her dark eyes were somehow still very gentle. "Of course. And depending on how cooperative the little nugget is, we should be able to asses the face for cleft pallet, get a good look at the chambers of the heart, and as we discussed last time, hopefully get some information on baby's gender. Do you two want us to tell you here or were you wanting it in an envelope so you can bring it to a bakery or get a baseball full of powdered chalk; that kind of thing."

"Well my clairvoyant wife claims to know it's a boy so since we're only looking for confirmation on that, I'd say sooner rather than later?" Jay would supply, looking at Erin who would simply smirk at him.

"We'll take the envelope, actually." She'd grin, suddenly fascinated with the idea of having this reveal be something a little more private and special. This was a moment that should be just between them, she decided.

"What?" Jay's reaction could only be described as baffled and the way his eyebrows knit together in confusion would make him even more adorable to her right now. The way she smiled though, with her right dimple more pronounced then the left would melt him instantly and he'd submit to her wishes even without fully understanding them. "Envelope it is." He'd resign, but he wouldn't sigh or seem angry, instead his sly smile would grow and he'd know she was already cooking up some sort of plan in her mind.

The appointment wouldn't be going too long before Dr. Stone had showed up and discussed different things with them. The ultra sound would have them seeing their happy, healthy, very active little baby who would be wiggling and moving quite a bit. They'd still get a good look at the baby's perfectly developing heart, brain, and spine and the tech would turn the screen away to face only her and the doctor to discern the gender which she'd inscribe on a piece of paper and tuck into an envelope for them.

Erin would take the inquiry of "Do you have any questions" to the fullest extent and she'd spend at least fifteen minutes basically grilling the doctor before Jay was placing two reassuring hands on her biceps and pressing a kiss to the hair on the side of her head. The simple act would be enough to cause a cease-fire of her rapid questions and instead of carrying on she'd find her tensed shoulders relaxing and her lips drawing back into a tight smile. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away," She'd lick her lips to regain composure. "I think that's enough questions, if I have anymore, I'll call the on-call line." And Dr. Stone would know that was true because in the last three months, every nurse or doctor who answered that line had become familiar with Erin's voice.

Dr. Stone would rise form the small rolling stool she'd previously been perched upon as she grabbed a towel to clean the goo from Erin's belly. "You don't have to be sorry Erin, you want to be informed. That's normal. But, stop stressing about every little thing and try and enjoy this, a lot of women miss this part when it's over." She'd smile softly and pull the blue fabric of Erin's shirt back down to cover her again. "Don't forget to set up your next appointment with Allie at the desk before you leave. It'll just be a routine check up, in and out." She'd add before slipping out the door to undoubtedly serve another patient. The technician would leave on her heels and Jay would stare at the envelope in his hands and then at his wife.

"So, can we open it now?" He'd grin and his question would cause her to pluck it form his hands before he could grip it enough that she wouldn't have been able to.

"No! Besides, I saw your phone light up three times during the appointment and something tells me it was Voight and that you have somewhere to be."

He'd look down at his phone; it was Alvin who'd called, actually. But he'd stare down at the address he'd been sent by Voight himself after he'd failed to pick up and the instructions he'd been given to get his ass over there as soon as the appointment was done would distract him from his burning desire to find out what word was written on the paper. "You are not allowed to look without me." He'd warn as they headed out of the examination room and through the lobby towards the elevator.

"I would never!" She swore, her eyes finding his earnestly as metal doors banged together and his freckled arm reached out to press the circle containing the number one. "But, it's going to be better than just reading a word on a paper." She'd note, confirming his suspicions about the wheels he'd seen turning in her head at the mention of bakeries and baseballs. If he was being honest, maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if he let her run with it. So, instead of naysaying, he'd offered her a grin and stoop down to close the gap their height difference created to press a loving kiss to her lips.

"It's cruel, you know that right? But, I'll allow it." He'd smile, drawing away from her as the metal doors sprung back to life, opening out to the ground floor. He'd walk her to the parking garage where she'd parked even though he'd found a spot on the street and he'd linger for a few moments pressing kisses to her lips against the driver's side door before his phone was lighting up again with a message that was probably harassing him about still not being at the crime scene and he'd reluctantly leave her once she'd sat down and started the car.

He'd spend the next two hours at the bank that had been robbed by what appeared to be a team of four masked women who had successfully performed a stunt with a similar execution two weeks prior and four hours away in St. Louis. Erin's time behind the desk had found her computer skills improving and by the time the team had filed in she'd not only ordered pizzas for lunch that would have all of them singing her praises, but she'd gotten a hit on the partial plate she'd gotten on a freeze frame they'd sent over from the surveillance tapes at the bank. Almost as soon as they'd come in, they'd gone out again; suiting up in the roll out.

Erin had made sure to be the one to strap him into his vest and she'd snuck a couple kisses to the back of his neck and whispered the obligatory, 'be careful' to him before they'd squeezed hands and he'd gotten into the driver's seat of the Sierra.

These were the times it was most painful to be left behind but she'd gladly sit at her desk for the sake of protecting their baby, so she'd retrieve a bag of carrot sticks and a tub of hummus Jay had been sure to stock the break room with and posted herself at her desk. The sound of footsteps would grow louder than the crunch of her carrot and it would draw her attention to the top of the staircase where Platt would appear, a somewhat stricken look on her face. "Something wrong?" Erin would ask, narrowing her eyes she drew her attention briefly away from the scanner where she was pretending not to be worrying over Jay and the rest of the team.

"No, no." Platt would offer with a simple shrug, "Just thought you could use some company." She'd say casually, dragging the chair from Jay's desk over to the front of Erin's and taking a seat.

She sensed there was more to the story, but she could also feel that it wasn't the right time to press so she'd move the hummus so it was between them and offer Platt the bag of carrots but she'd shake her head in refusal. "Who asked you to babysit me, Hank or Jay?" She'd ask with a grin.

Platt would smile back gently, "No one! I sort of wanted to check on you, see how you were doing. If you need anything."

With that unexpected confession, Erin's smile would falter because she was genuinely stricken with emotion at the maternal sentiment that lined her words. "I… I'm fine. Jay is amazing at all this," She'd sort of motion around her belly with her hands and they'd both grin.

"He's a good man." Platt would acknowledge, in spite of her seemingly constant teasing of Erin's better half, she held him in a high esteem.

"Oh, the best." Erin would affirm, her smile growing. "He's going to be a great dad." Her eyes would become kind of glossy as she spoke the next line, even though she hadn't even meant to share the words she spoke next; "Hopefully I don't screw things up."

"You won't." Platt's words came with such conviction, they would almost have Erin sold but even hearing one of the harshest of critics sing her praise wouldn't be enough to have her believing fully in her own competency. Sensing this, the desk sergeant would continue. "No doubt the odds are against you with your mother and your past. But, you've more than risen above it. I've seen you with the kids you encounter on cases. You'll be amazing." At some point, her hands had reached over to collect Erin's into her own and as she finished she squeezed them gently, gave the brunette a thoughtful look, and was about to clear her throat and end the moment when her counterpart spoke up.

"Yeah little girls who have been through hell and I have an easy time connecting. But, I don't know the first thing about babies and breastfeeding and what cry means what." These concerns had plagued her for weeks but she'd done her best to keep them at bay for what she pretended was Jay's sake but was really her own.

"Most people who have kids are in the same boat! You'll learn as you go. You're a quick study and you're adaptable. You raised yourself and your little brother for years, you got this." She would reach her maximum of sentimentality then and with one final squeeze she'd drop Erin's hands from her own.

Even if she'd say nothing else in that moment to tell Platt how much her words had actually brought her comfort, they had. It had given her a renewed sense of excitement even as she felt rather useless sitting here waiting for the team to get back. "Hey." She began, pursuing her lips together gently. "I have something you can help me with." She'd note, opening her desk drawer to take out the envelope containing the pressing answer she had intentionally put off finding out longer than necessary. "You have any ideas for something special I can do for Jay and I?" She'd realize Platt didn't know what she was referencing yet so she'd add, "I guess some people get the answer baked into a cake, but I don't know. I want something a little more us to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I have some ideas but none that I can properly execute."

Trudy's jaw would drop. "Say no more. Hand me the envelope and come see me at end of shift today." The glitter in her eye would give Erin simultaneous feelings of worry and relief because she'd just requested free reign on this and that wasn't necessarily her intention when she'd brought it up. However, as she scanned over the woman who looked beyond moved to be included, she'd made up her mind to let her take this over. It was with a surprising lack of reluctance that she'd handed over the envelope, shifting the responsibility of this to Trudy officially.

Getting rid of the envelope also took away the nagging feelings of wanting to peak at it while her husband was gone and it would feel like forever had come and gone by the time she'd heard the call of shots fired in what was unmistakably Hank's voice come over the scanner. Even though she'd get further confirmation that none of the unit had been hurt when they'd later called for two ambulances, she'd still be stricken with panic and worry as she waited in the roll out for her boys to pour back in.

The smile playing on his lips would make her jealous. She recognized the adrenaline pumping through him now; consuming him like worry had just done to her. As his eyes met her own, the smile would falter and his pace would quicken. "What's wrong?" His voice was more even than his level of emotions should've allowed but he was great at being strong for her and it kept him together as he set down his long gun on the table.

"Nothing!" She'd reassure but the one word response wasn't enough to quell his worries so she'd be inclined to go with the truth rather than try and come up with a lie to use as an excuse. "A little jealous." She'd admit with a shrug, her features softening at the confession, her hands coming up to the straps of Velcro above his shoulders to help him out of his vest.

He'd appreciate her honesty and he'd lean down to kiss her forehead gently. "Few months, you'll be back out there, kicking ass better than the rest of us."

"Yeah, with leaking boobs, ten extra pounds, and two hours of sleep, I'll be a regular bad ass." Her eyes would roll a little, masking her self doubt with humor.

"I will wake up with the baby at night. And I'll whip that ass into shape in and out of the gym," He'd say with a low growl, his hand grabbing at it through her jeans gratuitously using his whole palm. "Now I have some paperwork to cut corners on and then we're getting out of here and tearing that envelope open." He'd let her undo the last strap of Velcro holding him into the vest before moving it up and over his head to hang back up and follow the team upstairs.

Her fingers would come to the belt loop of his jeans positioned below his spine and she'd tug him back slightly as she trailed slightly behind them on the stairs. "I don't have the envelope." She'd confess in a soft whisper, her words causing him to whirl around.

"Pregnancy brain strike again?" He'd ask gently, recalling how her newfound forgetfulness had sent them on a wild goose chase for her keys two mornings ago only to find them in the fridge, he'd assume that she'd misplaced this item in a similar fashion.

Despite the good-humored nature of his question, she'd still scoff slightly. "No, I've arranged something. So be quick with the paperwork, will you?" She'd say, poking his hips so he'd turn and let her proceed past him and up the stairs.

By the time things were wrapping up, she was basically licking the container of hummus clean. The appetite she'd lost in the first trimester had more than come back now and as baby grew, she found her hunger almost insatiable. As they'd headed down the stairs, Jay had reminded her of their plans for dinner and it would almost distract her from stopping by Platt's desk as they left but the way the older woman cleared her throat would draw her attention away from the appetizer menu at the Italian place they'd agreed on and over to Platt. "Oh, Jay. One more thing," Her hand would find his and she'd tug him towards the desk where Platt stood with a brighter than normal smile playing on her lips. "Okay Sarge, it's end of shift, here we are."

"Ah, yes, here you are in deed. Listen, Erin I hate to let you down but I'm just not ready yet. Is there any way I can convince you to run down to impound and run a quick errand for me while I finish up? If not, I have to do it myself and it'll take twice as long." An apologetic look would wash over Platt's face and even though she was inclined to feel annoyed Erin would force herself to give the woman a tight smile.

"Sure, what can we do for you?" She'd ask trying her best to remain pleasant. Platt's smile would soften her slightly as the other woman slid a pair of keys across to her.

"There's a car parked in slot 36, there are some things in the trunk we need for inventory. You are a doll." She'd smile at Erin, sort of refusing to acknowledge that Jay had anything to do with this even as he strolled behind her as they headed out of the district's front doors and walked the slight distance to the impound lot.

She'd recognize the vehicle parked in slot 36 as soon as they happened upon it and realization would hit her that Platt had sent them there for a reason. "Our old rig." She'd smirk, turning to look at Jay with a warm smile and she'd find his expression was rather annoyed rather than taken, which was probably because he had no idea that Platt had been tasked with executing this little gender reveal. "Remember when I said I arranged something? I think this is it."

"You think this is it?" She'd obviously been using the term arranged rather loosely in this scenario.

"Well, I mean. I guess Platt arranged it. But I arranged Platt arranging it, so I still get credit for… arranging."

They'd both laugh at how many times she'd repeated the same idea in that sentence and he'd lean over and kiss her. "Alright arranger. Show me what's been arranged."

Given that Platt had mentioned needing something from the trunk, she'd guide him around to the back of the car and after clicking open the button on the key remote to open the trunk, they'd pull it up to reveal a medium sized brown card board box with a little yellow note folded in half on top that read 'open me.'

"Go ahead, open it!" She'd grin, urging him forward. He'd look at her, rub her belly tenderly and then move to clasp her hand and take a step forward towards the box.

"You get that flap and I'll take this one and we do it together." He'd suggest, dropping her hand so they could lean in and do just that. They'd both draw in a nervous breath before their hands were peeling back the sides of the box and once they'd freed it from the lid stifling it inside, they'd see a single balloon pop out of the top of the box. Thanks to the tape that kept it fastened to the bottom of the cardboard, it would bob around freely but not float away.

She'd stand there in stark shock for a moment at the confirmation they'd just received but when she noticed the way his shoulders racked with sobs now, she'd be taken slightly off guard at the emotional response. "Babe?" She'd ask with a soft breath, but he'd turn and scoop her into his arms and bury his face into her neck and she'd understand that it wasn't from disappointment or even sadness that those sobs had come as he held her and processed this new piece of information.

Perhaps being right all along had made it less shocking for her than for him but as he whispered, "You were right." Into her ear, she smiled for more than just that reason. A son, a little baby boy, a miniature version of her most favorite, freckled, gentle giant. That realization would dribble her own set of tears from her eyes.

"I hope he is exactly like you." She'd whisper, her lips finding his. And she did, because even with his flaws, Jay was the most wonderful person she'd ever met.

She realized then that maybe it wasn't that she'd actually known it was a boy but that she'd been hoping. Because in her mind, that equated the kid to be more like him than her and if she was being honest, she wasn't sure she was cut out to handle a miniature version of herself. In processing that fact about herself, she'd realize that he shared similar fears about himself and his father and how all of that would affect his relationship with their own son. She wished then, that Jay could see himself the way she did; in the light that he cast to everyone around him. "You are the best man and you are going to be the best father."

"Nah." Jay would say softly, kissing her forehead. "He'll be better than me, no contest, because you're a part of him." He'd mean that genuinely and he knew she wouldn't be convinced even as he continued, but he wanted her to her the words anyway. "I hope he gets your heart; and your immense capacity to care for people who need to be cared about. I hope he has your sense of humor. Your ability to forgive. All the parts of you that helped me become the man and cop I am today." He'd say and she'd finally draw her tear brimmed eyes up to meet him as he finished.

"Well I hope he has your way with words because nothing I can say will be as beautiful or articulate as that but I'll just say that; if he grows up to be even half the man you are then he'll be ten times the man most people are." She'd whisper and her hands would come to rest on his hips as she pulled herself up to kiss him with all the passion she felt for him in that moment. "Now, if I recall correctly, your son and I were promised a nice meal to celebrate how mommy knows best. I can already smell the garlic knots I'm going to tear up when we sit down."

"Our son." He wouldn't be able to contain the smile that tugged at his lips. Despite his own concerns about raising a boy given his relationship with his own father, that could be classified as strained at best, he felt absolutely certain that he loved this baby even more now. "We're having a boy," He'd say the words out loud that neither of them had actually articulated yet. "Holy shit. We're having a son." Amusement would play on her face as she watched him fully realize and process this now.

"Alright buddy I am going to tell you this now, never do anything to stand between your mother and the food she's been promised." He'd smile, patting her stomach gently.

Erin would giggle but she'd have to admit that was solid advice. "That includes marring the experience with constant heartburn my little wooly mammoth!" She'd add, casting her voice down towards her stomach.