"Frozen Truths"

Epilogue {Tris' POV}


96, Dauntless Way

Indiana Village


Hotel Due Torri

Verona, Italy



You would not believe the stuff we've been getting up to here in Italy!

We have explored the entirety of the country and it's rich culture, and are now staying in Verona for the next few weeks in the nicest hotel I've ever been in - seriously, the table cloths would probably be the same price as whatever is in my bank account.

This whole experience is life changing, and the fact that I get to spend it with Tobias just makes it all the better.

Speaking of Tobias.. I have a very big announcement, so make sure you're sitting down..

He proposed!

We were eating at this beautiful restaurant in Venice, overlooking the Rialto Bridge where all the boats were floating by, and he just popped the question, right there.

It was kind of embarrassing when everyone began to clap and cheer, and the manager gave us free deserts, but I was too happy to really notice or care.

The ring is so gorgeous, I cannot wait to show you when I get home in a couple months time!

How is everybody? Summer? Bud?

It's amazing here, but I miss you and the diner and my parents.. make sure to drop off some flowers at the grave for me, would you? I visited before we had to catch our flight and Tobias and I left some flowers, but that was a good while ago now.

Also, being away from our little town has given me a lot to think about - about all that you have done for me, mostly.

I know that Tobias has become my heart, my soul, my everything, and I hope it will stay that way. But Tori.. you were my first love, my first home away from home.

You were a parent to me when I had none, you were my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my support system. Without you, everything that makes me so happy to this day, would not be possible.

You taught me to love and to trust again, and to me, you are family, through and through.

You've been patient, kind, caring, generous.. you were the thing that pulled me through my darkest times. You did me favour after favour, never letting me down, always coming through when I needed you most.

I know I am not always the easiest girl to stick with and care for, but somehow you managed it, always on your A game.

It was you who encouraged me to branch out, you advised me through the rough times, and supported me through the good.

And while you have your own family, your own daughter, you have always taken the time out to do me favours, to help me out when I was all alone, with nobody else to guide me.

I've never believed in all the religious or superstitious bullshit, and when people bang on about angels and God, I completely switch off and ignore their words.

But maybe I was wrong to do that - I found an angel, and she was in the form of a diner owner, running a business on her own, on her feet all day every day.

She might not be your classic angel, but she is my guardian angel.

You are my guardian angel, Tori.

And I can't thank you enough.

Ever since Dad passed, ever since Caleb left, ever since Mom got pulled away from me too, I've always felt lost. But you know what I could rely on, when I felt the word was shattering beneath my feet?

You - because you were there, day in day out, unarguably.

This letter is incredibly sappy and serious, but being away with Tobias and experiencing all new things has been a true awakening.

I should draw this thing to a close now, I guess..

Well, I hope all is well back home, and I'll make sure to bring you back something I know you'll love, I just have to find that special something first!

See you soon,

Tris xx

(PS: Tobias and I would just love for you to be the one to give me away, just a thought! Think about it, eh?)

(PPS: Tobias says hey!)

Authors Note:

Omg and that's a wrap guys! I can't believe this story has come to a close; I had so much writing it and hearing your feedback, brightening up my day.

This chapter was sort of odd, and I'm sure you were all expecting something totally different- my original intention was to write a full chapter, but I came up with the idea of a letter and decided to try it out, and I was pretty happy with the outcome; I feel like it represents Tris very well, sloppy and unorthodox and not up to date with modern life (due to her letter writing).

I just wanted to say thank you to every single person who took the time to read my work, review, favourite and follow. Each reader means the absolute world to me, and you encourage me to continue with my writing so thank you!

I already have an idea in store for my next story, and I will begin writing it ASAP, so keep an eye out. It will be based around some pretty emotional topics, and I am excited to explore the topic I will be addressing throughout. I am excited for your opinions!

Until next time,

- GuiltyMind :)