I apologize if the ending seems rather abrupt but the truth of the matter is summer is not available to me for writing.

During those first few months it seemed that Richard would never get better, get stronger, but it had been happening all the while. When he hit four pounds they switched him to an open aired crib. Then one day, it seemed almost surreal but Bruce would never forget it.

"Why don't you take him for a walk," the doctor suggested unhooking the nasal cannula. "Go for about an hour. We'll check double check his oxygen levels when you get back."

Bruce could hear the others getting ready for their days. He look down at Richard who he held in an ordinary cradle hold like an ordinary baby. He was swaddled and not currently attached to anything but a tiny portable apnea alarm that was tucked under his blankets. "I can just... Go outside with him?"

"He's never seen birds or grass or trees. Go for a walk," encouraged the doctor.

"Not just outside the nursery, outside the house?" confirmed Bruce incredulous.

Nurse Amy giggled at him. "Would you like me to take a picture, Mr. Wayne?"

Bruce nodded with looking rather shell shocked.

"Actually, I've got a better idea," she opened the nursery door. "Jason?" she called happily. "I could use a hand with something. Do you know how to work a camera?"

Jason came and stopped noticing at once that Richard was completely untethered. Despite the fact that Nurse Amy had sounded cheerful Jason went white.

"He's fine," Bruce reassured instantly. Bruce knelt down so Jason could see. Richard was chewing his blankey. He looked up at Jason curious.

"Can I hold him?" Asked Jason at once.

"Nope. I got dibs this time," insisted Bruce with a smile. "We're going to go for a walk. We're going outside. Nurse Amy thought you could take a picture or two."


From that day on the days didn't seem to drag anymore. Time flew. Every family changes with the introduction of a new member.

Terry soon returned to Japan but the leave time he'd spent in Batman's shoes had created bonds with an extended family that he'd barely known before. He never missed the major holidays anymore.

Damian had someone that loved him unconditionally and had been taught from birth not to take his harsh seeming words to heart. He'd flunked out of economics and it hadn't been the end of the world.

"Your switching from business to veterinary medicine?" Bruce asked with raised eyebrows.

Damian nodded stiffly, feeding Richard who was enthusiastically banging his high chair to make his Cheerios jump. "If you had any common sense you would cease vibrating your food onto the floor. Bouncing while you eat results in mashed sweet potato up your nose. It is an unflattering look for you Richard. Open up. I am not doing the airplane. Open your mouth."

Stephanie would look back on her teenage years and know that doing the right thing doesn't always come in an easy package. She'd also know that sometimes doing the right thing had unexpected personal rewards. She had her body back in record time and had woven life long bonds with good people into her life. In the beginning she'd been gifted a family by Tim and Bruce when her life had hit rock bottom and she was 16 pregnant and homeless. She felt more like she'd earned her new family with Spoiler and with Richard.

Richard would hold a special place in her heart her whole life through. Very few people would understand when she said, he's my baby brother. He always will be. When Steph thought of Richard laughing and playing, she could think of her daughter and believe she was alright out there somewhere.

Timothy never did date Steph but they stayed friends. By the time Bruce had things with Richard sorted out Timothy had guaranteed himself an internship in Wayne Enterprises.

"Yeah he's my next in line," Bruce as CEO of Wayne Enterprises admitted casually.

Tim grinned. Actually so did Damian who had not to long ago been convinced that it was his obligation and inescapable duty.

Carrie never fully fit in with the Bat family but having friends that treat you like family is always a good thing. Selena got her involved in one of the woman's shelters downtown. Bruce paid her way through college and she ended up running the woman's shelter. She was always very good at understanding the lies the woman there told. Yes he hits me but he loves me. I'll never go back to him. I'm not afraid of him. Carrie understood lies better than anyone.

Cassie had someone she wasn't afraid to hug who didn't know any better than to climb all over her and give her sloppy kisses and get in her personal space in an absolutely non-threatening way. It was probably quite instrumental in undoing a lot of the damage done to her by her childhood. She still had a few sharp objects secreted away. Go ahead threaten Alfred, Bruce or Dickie, see what happens. Some of the assassin would always be there.

Jason chased Dickie as he crawled down the hall giggling. Dickie loved Jason and didn't know anything about Red Hoodlum or Batman. Eventually he'd find out when he was a lot older. It did wonders for Jason to be valued as an ordinary person. Dickie would probably always be smaller than most but secretly Jason kind of liked that. His world had a lot of bigger stronger people in it. His world had only one tiny bundle of giggles and smiles that thought the sun rose and set around him.

Jason promised himself to never ever hit Richard. Bruce and Jason had talked about it a lot. Jason's birth father had been abusive. Jason needed to know for himself that he could be a better person.

Jason watched in awe when Birdie was feeling particularly grouchy and bit Bruce hard. Bruce told him no firmly then put him down. Dickie Bird cried for half an hour then came and gave Bruce a sloppy baby kiss and hugs.

"What's so amazing?" asked Bruce.

"I kinda remember Dad slugging me for something like that. I kicked him as I 'member and he slugged me. I didn't give no hugs after for sure."

Bruce was kind of like Cassie. Learning to hug again made his life brighter and better.

Being forced away from Batman for a while? Well the Justice League eventually said it made him a stronger hero because suddenly he was forced to look at the world where he couldn't be Batman all the time and forever. Planning for the future not just for himself but for all the heroes was probably his greatest legacy. The dark and angry Bat turned out to be the strongest advocate for empowering youth towards their own futures. The league never really saw eye to eye with Batman on how young some of the children he worked with were but the man inspired unparalleled loyalty. Eventually the League was forced to "Get on board or get out of the way," as someone would eventually say.

Catwoman well thing got better for her slowly. Cats can be very crafty when they set their mind to it. One days she got into the bat disguise kits and Aunt Harriet came to visit Richard. Aunt Harriet had nothing to do with vigilantes or crooks. She was an upstanding citizen. She did like to dote on her nephew and make sure he drank his milk and brushed his teeth and went to bed on time.

Every few weeks Aunt Harriet would come visit for a few days. She was old and none too quick but very determined to see Richard properly raised.

"How is Aunt Harriet related to us?" Richard would ask quiet and curious one day after she left from a nice visit. She really was a sweet older lady. She was very proper.

Bruce would lean over and quietly whisper. "She's from your mother's side."

Alfred and Bruce were the only one's who truly knew Aunt Harriet for who she was. Alfred would sit with her in the garden sharing a formal high tea and talking about birding and charity work. Bruce would squirm. Alfred had spent a few years in the Royal Theatre in his youth. He was delighted by Aunt Harriet.

Richard when he was older would sometimes wonder why every once and a while Bruce seemed to be glaring at the quilt on his bed that Aunt Harriet had made at her quilting club. He would wonder why Bruce went a little red in the face whenever Alfred would give Aunt Harriet a kiss on the cheek when she came to visit. Bruce always seemed a little funny when Aunt Harriet would complain about her hip and need help down the stairs.

Alfred was Alfred. A treasure and a constancy in Wayne manor.

Martian Manhunter's reward? Richard would laugh like it was a delightful magic trick when he changed forms or his eyes glowed. He was never ever frightened of him. That was all the gift J'onn could have asked for.

Wonder Woman had the benefit of seeing a male child grow from innocence, influenced by the world around him into an adult. It was a lesson she wished she could share with the other Amazons; that male children had the potential for good if given proper guidance. Richard was never perfect but nor was he as imperfect as the Amazons presumed all the world of man to be.

What of Richard?

Would the graceful acrobatics other Richard's were famous for still be a part of him? Catwoman was his mother. He might never fly the trapeze but I think the acrobatics are still a fairly safe bet.

Would Jason have fallen to the Joker with the support of extended family?

Unfortunately Gotham is dark and the Joker is evil. Robin was created from tragedy and Richard was always Jason's Dickie Bird.

But Jason always lives again eventually.