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Chapter 11

(Told from Horatio's point of view)

I know I'm safe now. I am in a hospital and I know Alexx is my primary doctor. I sleep a lot, but still have moments when I am awake. I just don't know how to make anyone notice that I am awake. My eyelids feel like they weigh a ton and I just don't seem to have the strength to open them. When I try to squeeze the hand of whoever is holding mine, my fingers usually just twitch.

I'm exhausted and drift in and out of sleep all the time. What I do pick up then I am awake is that I have been sedated for a few days to allow my body to recover a little. Probably a good idea since I am a terrible patient and don't like spending time in hospital. I also remember Alexx telling someone that while I was no longer sedated, I would sleep a lot because of the pain killers and the fact that my body had been through quite a rough physical ordeal.

It hurts to hear the worry in Kyle's voice when he is either talking to me or Natalia. I can tell he finds it difficult to see me like this and he is doing his best to hold it together. I want to wake up more so I can tell him that it's okay and that I am proud of him. He saved my life.

I could be mad at him for risking his own life to help me, but just like I would have done, he went in search of me and when he found me; he did what he could to help. He did so well, without him I'd surely be dead now. I remember Eric talking to me about how Kyle had really been the one that made sure Whitmore and I was found. The team was looking for me, but had not been close to finding me before Kyle had sent them a text to track his phone to the warehouse where I had been held.

I remember Calleigh talking about how Whitmore's associates had been arrested one by one and a lot of them were facing trial and ultimately jail time for what they had done. Whitmore was gone though and that was a good thing. He had a criminal empire built up and without him the city would be safer. I couldn't remember shooting him though. We were struggling and we fell. We must have both been holding the gun and as we fell it must have been pointing at him as it went off.

I drifted away as Calleigh mentioned something about Ryan though. I desperately wanted to hear about it, because I didn't know anything other than that he had been working for Whitmore. But, unfortunately I drifted off.

I did get information though at a later time. Walter and Frank were in the room and Walter was updating Frank on how Ryan was doing. Apparently the FBI had made a deal with him for his testimony against Whitmore even though Whitmore was dead. Ryan knew a lot about Whitmore's business and the FBI felt that could be useful.

Ryan was gone though. Nobody knew exactly where he was, probably not even in the country anymore. He would be in witness protection for a long time and we would probably never see him again. I don't know exactly how to feel about Ryan. On the one hand I am glad he is alive and well, that he hadn't been truly evil and actually wanted me dead (I remember hearing Eric talk about this). On the other hand he had put my life at risk several times and not to mention discrediting the lab. We might have several investigations reopened because of him and people, killers, put back on the streets that shouldn't ever be out again. Maybe we could survive that if we only focused on the cases where Ryan had been the only investigator. We rarely work alone on a case, so if we were lucky it might not be that many cases to go through again.

I drifted off again as Frank expressed the same thoughts about Ryan that I had. He was family and a friend, or at least had been and now... I don't know.

It is a new day when I awake again, because I can feel the sun shining through the window on my face. It's a nice feeling and I sigh. As I do this I feel a hand squeeze mine and I try to squeeze back; but can't. I feel silky smooth hair on my face as her lips touch my cheek. I know it's Natalia and she whispers good morning in my ear. I try to show her that I'm awake but can't seem to even make a sound. She runs a hand through my hair and whispers to me that everything is good and that she hopes I wake up soon. I fight to move and my fingers twitch just before I drift off once again. Damn!

Hours must have passed by the time I yet again wake up. This time though Natalia is not alone. It takes me a while to come out of the fog, but when I do I hear that my son is in the room. Kyle sounds better now. I still want to see him though, hold him and make sure he really is okay. Instead I focus on getting my eyes opened and listening to what they're saying.

"It's been a week. Shouldn't he wake up soon?" Kyle asks.

"He will Kyle. Just give him time. His finger twitch because he's trying to move. Alexx thinks he is awake sometimes, but just not able to move or open his eyes." Natalia says.

"I know I just... wish he would wake up." Kyle sighs.

"Me too." Natalia smiles.

I am so glad Natalia and Kyle get along. Thank heaven that they like each other. I know Kyle sees Natalia as sort of a second mother. I wish I could hold them both now. I can feel my eyes lids fluttering now... finally!

"Oh by the way Natalia..." Kyle hesitates, "I know."

"Know about what?" Natalia asks.

"I know about the baby." Kyle says.


"It was just a hunch at first. But then I saw your hand covering your stomach as if protecting it." Kyle says, "And then yesterday I saw you coming out of the maternity ward before going to see dad."

"Well, I uh... uh... yes, I am..." Natalia says, "Are you okay with it?"

"Are you kidding? It's the best thing ever." Kyle smiles, "I'm going to be a big brother!"

Natalia sighs in relief, "Thank you. Do you think Horatio will be mad?"

"Never! I'm guessing it wasn't planned though?"


"Well, he will be over the moon." Kyle smiles.

I am stunned! Pregnant! Natalia is carrying our child. I can't stay like this. I need to wake up! I need to fucking wake up! Is this really happening? Oh god... I'm going to be a dad again! I need to open my fucking eyes! Open them!


Natalia was relieved. She had been fearing that Kyle would be angry or even Horatio would be angry. The baby wasn't planned and it just most likely happened on one of the days when she and Horatio simply forgot to have protection. It happened sometimes that after long cases Natalia forgot to take her pills and then one those days they forgot to wear a condom.

According to the midwife she as only seven weeks along. She hadn't told anyone else yet. She felt Horatio and Kyle needed to know first. She just wasn't sure how to tell Horatio. A small part of her was still afraid that he would be angry with her and she wouldn't be able to handle that right now.

Days had passed and they had all noticed how Horatio had struggled to wake. His fingers would twitch and his eyes move behind his eyelids as he struggled to wake up. But then he would drift off to sleep again and the next time he woke he would struggle again.

"Do you have a picture?" Kyle asked.

"Absolutely. Although, it doesn't show much yet." Natalia said and handed over a picture, "I'm only seven weeks along."

"Dad will be- Dad!" Kyle exclaimed.

Blue eyes were finally open and looked back and forth between Kyle and Natalia. Kyle immediately put a straw between his father's lips and watched as the redhead drank some water. Horatio moaned in pain a little as his body came back to life and then looked at Natalia.

"Good evening love. Oh, we've been waiting for this." Natalia smiled and cried happy tears.

She carefully gave her love a hug and Kyle squeezed his father's hand. Kyle smiled as he felt his father squeeze back. When Natalia pulled back, Horatio cleared his throat.

"Is it true?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Is what true?" Natalia asked.

Horatio reached out his other hand and out it over Natalia's belly. Natalia cried as she nodded and Kyle smiled as he watched his father's eyes get moist.

"I'm going to give you some time alone." He said, "I'll be back dad."

Kyle knew that Natalia and Horatio needed this. He looked back just before leaving and saw both of them crying happy tears and Horatio embracing Natalia in a hug. While the two of them talked, Kyle texted the team to let them know that Horatio was awake and then called Alexx. He knew the good doctor would want to examine Horatio now that he was awake, but he asked her to wait just a few minutes.

When Kyle went back again, he found Horatio and Natalia talking happily. He could see that his father was tired though, but he also knew that Horatio was too excited to sleep again.

"Hi, Alexx is on her way." Kyle said, as he sat down on the chair he had previously occupied.

"Kyle, thank you." Horatio said, his voice still raspy.

"For what?"

"Saving me. Looking after Natalia." Horatio said, "I should probably be angry at you for running off alone and looking for me when you had no protection. But without you I would be dead."

"I couldn't stay away dad." Kyle said, "You would have done the same for me."

"Yes, without hesitation." Horatio smiled and gently ruffled his son's hair, "Does everyone else know about...?"

"No, just the two of you for now." Natalia said, "We'll tell them later when the first trimester is over."

Horatio nodded at that and yawned just as the door opened and Alexx walked in.

"Well, hello there mister." She smiled, "Finally awake and ready for an examination I think."

"If you insist, Alexx." Horatio grinned.

"Just a quick one. Then you will sleep."

"I just woke up." Horatio protested.

"Yes, but I can see how tired you are sweetie." Alexx said, "Don't worry, you will start being more awake from now on."

Horatio nodded and let his friend examine him. Alexx was right of course by the end of the examination Horatio could barely keep his eyes opened.


Horatio could honestly say that he had been scared. He had never been in part of a birth before and all those emotions running through him at the time was a new experience. He had been scared that something would go wrong with Natalia or the baby.

However, things had worked out perfectly and after only five hours Horatio was a proud father of a little boy. Natalia had been a real trooper and Horatio was so proud of her. They had both cried as their baby's cried filled the delivery room. Horatio hands had been shaking as he cut the umbilical cord. But once he got to hold his son it all went away.

Little Theo Kyle Caine had entered the world two weeks early and with a loud scream. He had some red hair on his head and his father's blue eyes. But the rest of his features were all Natalia. He had quieted the moment the nurse had handed him over to his parents. It had taken some time before Natalia and Horatio had stopped crying of joy.

Next to cry was big brother Kyle as he went to congratulate the new parents just a few hours after the birth. It was late in the evening and so the team had decided to give the parents some time alone and visit in the following day. However, new big brother was absolutely a must be visit.

Kyle was instantly filled with a sensation of pride and a feeling he recognized as protectiveness. From now on Theo would always have his brother there to back him up, protect and guide him. And Theo could never ask for better parents to help him through life. Kyle was also happy that this time around his father was allowed to be there from the start.

Kyle and Horatio had talked about all of those missing years that had passed between them. How sorry they both were that they had never know about each other from the start. But, the past was the past and unfortunately they couldn't change that. Kyle was so happy though, to have his father in his life now.

"He is so tiny." Kyle whispered.

"That he is." Horatio smiled.

"I wonder if he gets to keep his red hair as he gets older." Kyle said.

"Uh, I hope not." Horatio said, "I was teased because of it growing up."

"Yeah, but nobody will ever tease Theo because then they will have to answer to me." Kyle grinned, "Seriously, I hope it stays red."

They were whispering because Natalia was sleeping. Horatio and Kyle were sitting on either side of the bed and Theo hadn't cried since being born. Theo actually feel asleep in his brother's arms.

"So when is the next one?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle!" Horatio chuckled lowly, "We just got him. Besides, I think that is mostly up Natalia as she will be the one doing all the work. Being pregnant and then being in labor."

Kyle grinned. He knew there would be more babies to come. He and Natalia had already talked about how Natalia wished to have more in the future. And everybody knew how much Horatio wished for a big family, so Kyle would definitely have more brothers or sister.

Kyle handed baby Theo over to his father and stood up.

"I'll be back tomorrow dad." Kyle smiled, "Tell Natalia I said hi."

"Will do, son." Horatio smiled, "See you tomorrow."

Kyle waved as he left the room. Horatio looked down at his precious newborn and kissed his brow. Right now he couldn't be happier. He was physically healed after Mason and Whitmore's beatings. Whitmore's associates were in jail. Horatio was back at work and had been promoted to Captain a few months ago as the lab was going through some re-organization.

Being a captain was mostly paperwork, but still being in charge of the lab. Basically as a Lieutenant he had been doing all the paperwork a Captain normally would do and finally the higher ups had felt that he lab needed a full-time captain with a Lieutenant still there as a operative leader.

It had been a little heartbreaking to accept the promotion because Horatio would miss the field work; although he was still allowed to do fieldwork when he had the time or there was a high profile case. But, he had felt it was time; especially with baby Theo on the way.

Calleigh was doing a wonderful job as Lieutenant and as Horatio still had his office in the lab he was able to keep a good contact with his team still. They were after all still his family.

There had been a trying time at first when word of Ryan's betrayal had become news, but the lab had managed to avoid re-opening his cases when it turned out he hadn't worked alone on any other cases other than those he had told the FBI about; which were cases that had never been solved in the first place anyway.

Where Ryan was they had no idea. However, the FBI had given Horatio letters addressed to every member of the team where Ryan apologized and hoped that they would forgive him one day. Horatio had already forgiven Ryan and although not every member of the team had done the same yet, he knew that in time they all would.

As Theo stirred and whimpered, Horatio snapped out of trance and gently nudged Natalia. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Late." Horatio chuckled, "I think our little guy is hungry."

Natalia smiled and gently took Theo from Horatio. She moved over to the side of the bed and indicated for Horatio to join her. Silently they watched as Theo fed and then silently observed them and the room; they couldn't be happier.

"I love you." Natalia smiled.

"I love you too."

The End