Author's comments: Phew. Finally another chapter out. Hope you enjoy. Remember to leave your comments. I want to know how I am doing with this story.

Chapter 5

Flashback #5 — In which he protects

"Brandish, I don't think this is a good idea."

Brandish rested her dead panned gaze at the younger woman. She was seven whereas Brandish was twelve. "You are a coward."

The shorter blonde flinched and pouted. "No, I'm not."

Brandish smiled softly. "Then sneaking out should be no problem." The green head rested a hand on her hip. "After all, you were the one whom said you wanted to become a ninja," she stated dully.

"I do but papa warned us not to travel the streets at night. Isn't a war brewing?"

Brandish remained unfazed. "We aren't traveling the streets. We are traveling the rooftops." She pointed out.

Lucy puffed her cheeks out even more. "Same thing."

Brandish's features softened. "I am one of your retainers, Lucy. Should something happen I will protect you."

Their eyes met and Lucy couldn't help but to nod her head excitedly. Brandish was the strongest woman she knew. If Brandish said everything would be alright then it would be alright.

Except everything didn't end up being alright.

They had ended up being chased by revolutionary members and even though Brandish had tried her best to ward them off - she really did - they still ended up cornered. Deep cuts were all over her body and much to Lucy's horror the bleeding had worsened. The kunoi knife and shuriken seemed ineffective and Lucy found herself more terrified as Brandish placed her body in front of her. Were they going to die? She held her little chest. She didn't want to die. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes. She didn't want Brandish to die either.

'Someone please help us,' she thought in terror.

"Brandish…" Lucy whimpered.

"It's okay, Hime. I will protect you," Brandish stated.

"They're just kids, we should leave them," one of the men said, cautious and gaze hopping all over the place.

"No. They've seen too much. We've slaughtered the shogun's comrades. We cannot allow anyone to live," another countered.

"But the blonde, isn't she a pretty thing."

Lucy trembled even more and Brandish pushed her back, glaring.

"She'll sell for a pretty penny. Why kill her?"

"Leave her alone," growled the green head and one of the men attacked her, grabbing her by the neck. "Shut yer yap, bitch!"

"Hime, run!"

Lucy felt herself becoming more terrified. Her body was shaking furiously and brown eyes were bulged until they couldn't bulge anymore. What was happening?

"Bra-Brandish! Please let her go mister!"

"Hime, run!"

The men all grinned as they started to approach the small blonde whom took small steps back. "This child is beautiful!" Lucy dodged their hands and ran. But instead of running away, she ran towards the man holding Brandish, grabbing hold of their leg as she squeezed her eyes shut. Shards of memories: over the roof top, watching in horror as blades sliced into flesh as blood sported as brandish tried to block her eyes from the scene" Don't look, hime!"

These men were monsters. Lucy squeezed her eyes harder. "We didn't do you anything! Let my friend go."

Brandish, though touched, growled. "Run, Lucy-sama! Please!"

One of the men pulled the blonde away, holding her by her wrists but Lucy struggled. "Let go of me!"

"Fiery. I think I'll keep this one."

Lucy glared and bit into their hands. In retaliation the man shoved her back but not before smacking her hard across the face. "You bitch."

The blonde hit hard onto the floor.

"Lucy!" screamed Brandish, terrified. The man holding her held her neck tighter, effectively cutting off her air. This was all her fault.

The man turned the blonde over and grinned. "Definitely will be keeping her."

His hand moved to touch the blonde in places no person had ever touched and Brandish tried to scream louder, more terrified as tears started to gather. These people were sick! "Lucy! Let her go!" she screamed.

Lucy couldn't help but to cry. She was frightened. What were they doing? She started to fight. Someone. Someone had to be out there. Someone. Anyone. A few tears slid down her cheek. "Papa!"


The man started to move Lucy's clothes. Some of the other men grinned wolfishly a few others seemed hesitant. "Yo, she's a kid man .Selling her will be better."

"Shut the fuck up."

More tears.

A skip of the heart.

"Papa…daddy….Loke…Natsu! Help us!"

Suddenly one of the eager men in the crowd froze. A sword was thrust into his throat before dragging down effectively splitting him in half and blood sprouted.

Lucy blinked dumbly. So did Brandish. "What the..."

Then just like that a blur appeared. More heads rolled. Arms and other torn flesh dropped to the floor where a river of blood began to gather. The man hovering over Lucy suddenly backed away with a whimper. The remaining other started to run, screaming and yelling in fear.

Wind lashed out. Clouds rolled in faster blocking the gleam of the full moon. And then just like that a man with a weird hair color halted in front of the weeping blonde. This person's chin was lowered.

Brandish watched frozen as the person lowered themselves.

Lucy's eyes widened in fear. It was him. The man in the dungeon. The man whom she unintentionally helped free. Na-natsu… She sniffed. He was okay…

Red eyes appeared deadly and she felt herself unable to breathe.

His voice was rough, cold and low. "They won't hurt you again."


A hand reached out to move the hair away from her black eye and he growled. The man stood. The men that were running didn't get far.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Do-don't…please don't kill anyone."

But it was too late. The running men were slaughtered viciously just as the rain began to fall. A bloodied blade slid into the skull of a man whom was on the floor begging for mercy. The pinkette remained unfazed, glaring coldly and even Brandish felt the cold clasp of death as she stared into their eyes.

Turning, red eyes met a pained brown. Anger:"No one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

"Natsu, don't—" But it was too late for the man was gone and Brandish was left wondering what the heck just happened.

How did Hime know this monster?

(Flashback end)

Lucy abruptly jerked into a sitting position just as lightning and thunder clattered. Her body shook viciously and it seemed nearly impossible to breathe. Another flash of lightning. Thunder soon followed and then the rain began to beat furiously against the window.

Her hand trailed across the soft texture of the futon, before burying beneath the pillow. Lucy breathed a small sigh of relief. The kitchen knife and other minor instruments were still there. Good. And she roughly slammed back into the futon.

This was the third time this week since she had another blurry nightmare of the past. They were occurring more frequently, ever since she took up temporary residence here. She turned a few times. Something was going to happen. The blonde narrowed her eyes. And she needed to be prepared.

Today marked the sixth month since she had taken homage to the lifestyle of these inn keepers. Her sword was beginning to dull at the simplicity of their life yet her heart refused to be swayed. Each night that passed the blonde prayed she would be given a sign, anything to indicate some type of lead to the fairy tail members. She couldn't move forward, not when the past still haunted her. Not when she could still feel the whip of the flames, the bodies being torn a part, the blade sliding into her father's throat; her mother's skull.

Her blade was dulling but the little memories she had wouldn't allow it to dull completely. Luckily, she didn't have to wait much longer for it was whilst she were out in the market with Wendy that someone had intentionally bumped into her. Lucy had almost picked up one of the fresh fish to throw it at the ruffian but paused when she felt something had changed in her clothing. It was her first message, coated in Brandish's hand writing. They were one of Brandish's ninjas…no her ninjas. Their ninja clan had served under the Heartfilias for many centuries but still Brandish was their leader though loyalty had been pledged to her family. She smirked as she read the hastily scribbled words. Brandish had never been elegant at calligraphy.

Finally she had been given a mission. Her target was simple enough: a geisha from the next side of town. Simple enough. Nothing that would arouse too much suspicion amongst the inn keepers. And so another few weeks passed and once again Lucy's sword had regained its life.

Too gain some peace of mind, the blonde found herself outside, enjoying the afternoon sun light. She was propped languidly against a tree, chin lifted eyes closed as the rays of the sun peeked through the leaves to caress the flesh. She had killed six people since receiving her first order from the organization. This meant they had to be close to fairy tail she knew it.

Lucy almost smiled. All she needed to do was be patient.

"No training today."

Immediately, the slight tilt of her lip fell and she glared with one eye at the person blocking her sun. God, did she hate this arrogant prick but she couldn't deny how entertaining he was. "What does it look like?"

Natsu smirked mischievously. "I'd say it looks like the kitten has finally regained their claws."

Lucy closed her eye. He really was an idiot.

Suddenly fingers were grasping her chin and the blonde's eyes flew opened abruptly. "Don't look so alarm." Natsu was stooping over her, gazing at her with intense eyes.

Oddly enough her heart skipped a beat and she growled. "What are you doing?"

"I'd say admiring except I don't think there's anything appealing about you." He grinned and Lucy raised a hand to slap him only to have him grab her wrist. "At least not personally. On the outside you're quite the looker." He tilted her chin to the side. "But I can't figure out why you don't smile."

Lucy's eyes widened slightly. Natsu released her and stood.

"What's there to smile about?" she glared.

Momentarily, the grin on his face fell and his face softened a few seconds afterwards. "You got to meet me, didn't you?" he asked playfully and she scoffed. "I'm flattered, I really am, Natsu."

For some reason the pink hair froze. Lucy glanced up at him when she noticed the unexpected silence only to still. His eyes had turned red again and he gave her an amused smirk. "Don't look so frightened, Lucy. That hurts you know when you look at me like that?"

Closing her parted lips, she glowered. "Why do your eyes change color? Are you not human?"

Natsu chuckled darkly. Lucy found her back being pushed softly to the ground as Natsu hovered above her. Her eyes widened when she realized she hadn't noticed what happened until the pink head was leaning into her so that his mouth hovered closely above her throat.


"I told you, didn't I."

Lucy raised her hands to slap him only to have him capture them as he pinned them to either side of her face. "Get. Of. Off. Me."

"That's a turn on."

"What? So your eyes change color when you lust for blood or the touch of a woman!"

A chuckle. "Not just any woman." Suddenly he was standing; eyes no longer the color of blood but back to an onyx texture. He outstretched a hand. "You've been here for six months and yet you've never smiled." He glanced down at her with a sort of deep in thought look. "It's a turn off ya know. When a woman doesn't smile."

Lucy merely smacked his hand away. "Who could smile in your presence?" she muttered, eyes focused on the grass. If she had looked she would have noticed just for a minute how his face had tightened but softened soon afterwards. "Walk with me, Lucy."

Lucy merely stared up at him. Nothing was wrong with stretching her limbs; not to mention perhaps the forest lead to other places she wasn't aware of. "Lead the way." She tried to push the questions she had about the red head, she tried to push her curiosity but for some reason this closet killer was beginning to appeal and interest her instincts.

"So un-lady like."

Lucy sneered. "What did you say?"

Natsu grinned. "Nothing." He turned and headed into the forest with Lucy following closely behind him.

He was wearing a black kimono today with some type of silver chain around his neck. He didn't have his sword on him today. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence and then eventually Natsu began to explain all the different plants and creatures of the forest to her. There were a few times her eyes seemed trapped in the beauty around them and yes her lips did part a few times. Each time she would catch Natsu considering her much to her annoyance but she couldn't deny the fact that once again his heated looks were causing something to stir within her. If she weren't so broken and if he didn't piss her off so often, maybe she would have slept with him. Better yet, if she were more normal she could see herself settling down with him, which was strange. Lucy mentally shook her head. What the hell was she thinking? She hated this jerk and why the hell was he still staring at her?

Lucy soon got tired of his blatant staring so she spun around to send a murderous glare his way. "What!"

Natsu frowned at her but his eyes glinted with amusement as he tilted his head. "What?"

"This. You've been staring at me for a while now and have not at least tried to hide it. Is there something wrong with my face!?"

Natsu chuckled softly. "You're really stupid, aren't you Luigi?"

Lucy aimed a kick at him and Natsu merely grabbed it. "What's wrong with me looking at you?"

"It's annoying."

Natsu's eyes lowered. "Has no man never looked at you?"

Lucy's face heated and she lowered her gaze.

Natsu tilted his head curiously. "The real you?"

"Men look at me all the time." She huffed as he released her foot. "It's just…" Her nose scrunched and she missed the way he approached her with that predator like instinct.


Lucy struggled to find words. "No one has ever looked at me like that. You know there was no lust in your eyes. It's annoying."

Lucy's eyes widened as she realized how close he was. She flinched when she felt his hands moving strands of hair to behind her ear.

"Natsu, what are you…"

"Why does me looking at you annoy you?"

Lucy glared again. "Natsu, I'm giving you ten seconds to back away from me before I knee you in your most private of areas and trust me you won't enjoy it."

Natsu chuckled again. "You really are funny, Luigi." A pause. "You should smile more…" Then it happened. His eyes darkened and he roughly forced her chin upwards with his knuckles. "Instead of staining your hands in blood."

"What are you talk—"

Natsu appeared angry.

"You think none of us would know what you were doing! Are you stupid, Lucy! What the fuck were you thinking?!"

Lucy stepped back. "What are you talking about?"

Natsu took a step forward. "The killings. Are you being hired again?"

"Natsuuuuuu!" exclaimed an excited voice. Quickly the pinkette pulled away, glowering darkly at her and missing the way she froze up like a deer caught in a trap. "This isn't over," he sneered for her ears only.

A white haired woman suddenly appeared from behind the trees, grabbing hold of the boy and hugging him. "What the…."

Lucy blinked. Huh?

Natsu quickly escaped the hold of the woman and glared. "Mira, what are you?"

The woman grinned. "That's how you greet me after six months."

Natsu glared and Mira merely smiled. "Someone wants to see you."

"Natsu," a voice murmured and the pinkette quickly spun around to see a woman with short white hair and bandages around her eyes standing next to a giant of a man.

His eyes widened slightly. "Lissanna…."

Lucy felt out of the loop. What was going on?

After a hot cup of coffee and provided all the customers no longer required any further servicing, the gang sat within a small room with Lucy leaning against the shoji with her hands crossed.

There was mindless chatter and a lot of pleasantries were exchanged but Lucy could tell something was wrong. It felt tense. As if something was being held back. She sighed. "If you guys want me to leave just say it."

Erza smiled softly. "No. We wanted you here. After all you are now apart of our family."

Lucy couldn't help but to roll her eyes.

"Lissanna, Mira, this is Lucy. We found her a few months ago washed up on the shores of a small river."

Mirajane's eyes sparked mysteriously before they soothed into that of kindness. "Oh my. Are you alright now?"

Lucy nodded stiffly.

"Lucy, this is Lissanna and Mirajane. Friends."

Lucy nodded again but this time her focus was on the bandages. Where did she get those?

"They use to work here. But their brother found work elsewhere. Not to mention they left in order to gain treatment for Lissanna. She got into a terrible accident a few years ago," Erza explained.

Lissanna smiled kindly and when she smiled Lucy felt her chest tightened. There was no malice or suspicion in that smile. Who was this stunning woman?

More chatter followed and when everyone was inside holding a feast for the two white haired women Lucy sat on the porch, eyes glancing coldly up into the sky.

What was this feeling in her chest?

"Why aren't you enjoying the feast, Lucy?"

Lucy sighed annoyed. Great. It was her least favorite person.

"What do you think, Natsu?" she snapped.

He was standing next to her, one hand in his black kimono. A brow arched. "You don't really want me to answer that?"

Lucy's chin dropped. "I'm not hungry and if you don't mind I'd like to be left alone."

He settled besides her instead. "You're always alone."

"Maybe because I like it!"

An innocent tilt of the head. "You don't seem like the kind of person who would."

"And what the hell do you know about me?"

Silence then a whisper "a lot"

Lucy snapped to face him. "What did you say?"

The man blinked slowly, confused then his face softened. "Lissanna was there ten years ago, you know."

Lucy's eyes bulged. "What…"

"The war. She use to teach at a small school. The shogunate's allies thought the school was allied with Fairy Tail. They killed almost every child. Lissanna suffered the blow trying to protect them."

"The shogunate murdered children." She snorted. "Preposterous. If anyone who would have done the murdering it would have had to been fairy tail."

"You seem to hate them?"

"And what if I do?"

Natsu stared at her thoughtfully and then chuckled softly. "That's going to be a problem then."

Suddenly it happened. Natsu's eyes widened slightly. Quickly he lifted the blonde before dashing to the other side just as flaming arrows landed. Next thing Lucy knew flaming arrows from above were raining down on them.
