Important Announcement: Good news! I can read your guys reviews now! There was some glitch with fanfic, but they fixed it! Thanks for the follows, favs, and reviews. You guys keep me going:}

Shout out to you lovely reviewers:} You guys rock!

Missdragongirl, GuardianAngel1234567 mayuralover Nymphaea Cerulea panteabooks Linguine Returns Storylady35 pinksakura271

Disclaimer: Don't own Miraculous Ladybug, Robin Hood, and one of the scenes was inspired by Hunger Games.

Act seven: "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs."

It's been about a month since Marinette been settled at their camp and she couldn't be happier. Marinette had made her first real friend, Alya Cesaire, and she stuck to her like they're Yin and Yang. Alya knew how to boost Marinette's confidence, instead of bringing it down, which Marinette was so accustomed to from those pompous aristocrats.

Alya and her had actual girl talk. Back at the castle, Marinette used to envy the maids who would giggle and laugh with each other, while Marinette felt like an outsider. Now, Marinette had her own little jokes with Alya, and only they could understand the butt of their comical humor.

For the first time, in a very long time, Marinette didn't feel so alone anymore. She had grown close to the other Merry Akumas. Rose she absolutely adored like a little sister, given that Rose was a few years younger than her. Every time she was around Rose, Marinette felt herself with a sense of ease around the blonde's buoyant presence.

Juleka, on the other hand, was a different story. Juleka was so timid and shy, but so kind and gentle towards Marinette. Marinette thought Juleka and Rose personalities clashed well like a color of paint. It didn't even cross Mariette's mind that they were indeed lovers!

Marinette came across the two lovebirds when she couldn't sleep one night. Marinette heard a noise around the dying fire, so Marinette took a sword with her for caution. She heard grunts and moans, so any rational person would think someone was hurt. When Marinette witnessed their blissful faces, she dropped her sword and pointed at them like a little kid. They broke apart instantly and stared at her in apprehension.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude!" Marinette squeaked bashfully. When they didn't say anything, Marinette continued her blabbing.

"I'm not very familiar with the concept of intimacy… but I do know there's no boundless of love…" Marinette finished dumbly, wishing she could have articulate her words better. However, she got her point across, and they're was no longer any awkwardness between them.

After that night, Marinette began to have weird dreams. She began to fantasize about kissing Chat Noir again. When Marinette woke up, her entire face would be flushed, and jittery butterflies swirled in the pit of her stomach. Marinette began to feel guilty because Adrien no longer engrossed her heart. Marinette was falling for the cat, and she didn't know what to do about it. Marinette would admit that she had became much closer with Chat Noir: they bickered like little kids, they were so in muse with each other like a pair of Siamese twins, and there was an emotion that Marinette was not familiar with. Marinette had an idea of what it was, but she was too embarrassed to admit it.

When Marinette was in her younger teens, she cheeked out the answer in her castle's library, due to that she was too timid to ask her parents or even Adrien. To be quite frank, he was the reason for her to seek this information privately. Marinette found her knowledge from a hidden shelf, where it was listed under erotica, and she wished that she had never entered that territory.

Lust and attraction were her answers.

She knew it was quite improper to think of such things, but she couldn't help herself. Which made her decide to distance herself from Chat Noir for awhile. Marinette decided to hang out with Nathaniel, so she could see if she was only having these feelings around the opposite sex. Not based on one person.

Marinette took a deep breath as she walked towards Nathaniel to test her theory. He was very focused about painting on his arm, so he didn't sense her presence. His pale arm was now a dark brown, with a little bit of green, and Marinette found herself completely captivated of his creation.

"What are you doing, it's quite fascinating?" Marinette asked curiously while holding her hand back from touching his arm to examine it further.

"Your highness, I mean, Princess, I mean, Marinette. It's you!" He screeched as he clumsily knocked off some of his paint from a log. Marinette looked at him in concern as she helped him pick up the paint.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just so intrigued of what you was just doing with your arm…" Marinette drawled while she delicately pointed at his said arm.

"Oh, this, I use this to camouflage. Here, let me show you!" Nathaniel ran to a nearby tree before he settled his arm on the branch. Marinette eyes widened at him in amazement. His arm looked like it was part of the tree. Like a body part to a human.

"Oh my giddy heart, that's absolutely tremendous! May you teach me how to do that, pretty please?" Marinette asked eagerly.

"Really, you want me to teach you? I'm not that good," Nathaniel replied with a blush.

"Nonsense, you're very talented, you put the person who paints our family portrait to shame. Please, Nathaniel…" This time, Marinette was begging.

"Alright, your highness," Nathaniel finally answered as he began to show her.

"Nathaniel, you don't have to be so forward with me, you can relax around me. And just call me Marinette…" With that, Nathaniel and her settled themselves in a comfortable atmosphere.

Marinette was glad to finally get to know Nathaniel because he was so shy around her in the beginning. Marinette was so giddy, she made another new friend.

Unknown to them, a very unhappy kitty was very jealous that his princess attention was attentive on his comrade.

Time Skip

Chat Noir wasn't a happy camper. He felt like Marinette kept avoiding him these last couple of days. They used to practice sword fighting together, but she told him that she wanted Nino to practice with her for awhile. Something about handling different opponents or something. Also, she no longer sat with him during dinner, and it bothered him quite a bit. She sat with Nathaniel and Alya instead. And, what really bothered him, she no longer commented on his puns. He made up really annoying puns to aggravate her, but she didn't even bat an eyelash.

What was going on with her? He pondered over as he left his bunk from the tree house.

He couldn't put his thoughts to bed, so he decided to take a walk. Chat frowned when he couldn't think of anything he did to her. Nino said he was just being a spoiled little brat. Chat didn't want to share Marinette, so he was just throwing a possessive, hissy fit. Yes, even Little Nino, made cat puns as well. The thing was, Chat Noir was fine with her paying attention to other people, given to that she still paid attention to him. Now, she basically stayed away from him like the plaque. He was honestly so happy that she adjusted well here. He hadn't seen her this happy, even when he was Adrien so long ago. However, it made him kind of sad that he wasn't part of the cause of her happiness.

Suddenly, a sound of an arrow being thrown snapped him out of his thoughts. He went a little deeper in the forest, where a beacon of light led him to Marinette doing archery. Chat smiled when she was focused on her target. He secretly prowled towards her, she still didn't detect his presence, so he whispered in her ear.

"Your angel is little off, lower it, Ladybug," Marinette squeaked before the arrow was swallowed up into the dark sky.

"Damn you, Chat!" She exclaimed while she glared at him. She was in her Ladybug getup, but this time, without the mask.

"My lady, didn't you tell me cursing is quite naughty?" He asked her like he was scolding her like a child.

"It's different with you because you really push my buttons!" She answered in aggravation.

"I am so honored for your lips to form out curses at me, my lady," Chat expected a retaliation from her, but this time, she ignored him.

Marinette tried to cool her blush as she focused on her target. Suddenly, she felt a presence that loomed behind her like a shadow. Her breath got caught in her throat when Chat put her in a readied position. He touched her hand, while pulling her hand back to add pressure to the arrow, and then he helped her release the arrow. The arrow hit right smack on the target, which was a circular; red painted bark on a sturdy tree.

She tilted her head to thank him before she blushed furiously. Their faces were very close to each other, and Chat's very green eyes lured her closer. Marinette always had a weakness for green eyes, and she damned Chat for having such pretty eyes. Why couldn't he have blue eyes like hers or even brown ones like Alya's? And even vibrant; purple eyes, which Marinette would be fine with.

"Who taught you how to shoot?" Chat asked out of the blue. Marinette pulled back like his question burned her.

"My betrothed, Adrien Agreste did, privately of course," Marinette answered as she began to grab her stuff.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a touchy subject," Chat apologised with a frown. He almost wanted to kick himself for bringing it up.

"It's okay…" Marinette said with a tired sigh as she was about to head out.

"Did you love him?" Chat inquired, which made her falter her strides.

She went up to him and looked him dead in the eye. "He was my first love, not a love I idolized about, but genuine love…" Marinette lingered as she tried to avoid his eyes.

"How do you feel about me? Do you hate me because you've been avoiding me," Chat Noir asked with a hidden emotion.

"I don't hate you, I just hate what you're doing to me! Adrien was supposed to be the only one in my heart forever, then you pop in, and you took my bloody first kiss like a bandit! I'm attracted to you, the other boys I'm not, just you. Why must you confuse me so and make my heart beat like a hummingbird?" With that, Chat pulled her into a feverish kiss.

This kiss was different than the others. Marinette felt hot and dizzy. It felt like she was dancing in fire, and her heart beat like a beating drum. She felt herself lean against something hard, a tree she realized, she was leaning against a tree. Marinette played with Chat's golden curls, which felt so soft like a cat's fur. He began to pepper her with kisses on her neck, then traced words on her now exposed arm, and goosebumps began to appear. Marinette tried to decipher on what he traced on her arm, but she was too far gone. She kissed his cheeks before she gently touched his mask.

"Why do you always wear your mask, I never see you without it?" Marinette asked breathlessly.

Instead of answering, he captured her with another kiss. This one felt differently, more gentle. It was like a candle flame being lit, and the passion in it made her mind go in a tizzy. Something about this kiss was like a promise, a promise sealed for something she had no clue about, but she felt so obliged to receive it. He finally pulled away from her and it felt like she just experienced her first taste of wine all over again. Something sweet and a little daring.

"I'm a selfish man, Princess, and you're the one treasure that I would steal all over again. I know I should reveal, but I am too scared you'll run away from me like a lamb…." Chat drawled before he left her in the woods to articulate his cryptic words.

Yes, they kiss, I loved writing that part. So much fluff, lol. So Chat Noir is too scared to reveal himself. I would love to hear your thoughts and thanks for reading:}