Chapter one: Urgent

I need another story,
Something to get off my chest.
My life gets kinda boring,

Need something that I can confess.

Hermione stood at the front gates of Hogwarts at five to noon on a Sunday in mid-June. It had been over a year since the Final Battle and she hadn't come back after. Professor McGonagall, who'd been named Headmistress in the aftermath of the war, had owled her requesting her presence and assistance in an "urgent matter"- but refrained from giving any hints as to what could be so important. Hermione's palms began to sweat as she began picturing the bloodbath that had occurred. She could still hear the screams as fellow classmates and people she loved met their ends, could imagine still the rubble of the blown-out bridge and fallen walls. She took a deep breath in through the nose, happy to smell the sunshine and summer breeze instead of the stench of iron from spilled blood. Her heart rate began to slow back down from the panic being here caused. She saw a figure approaching the gate and smiled warmly at Professor McGonagall.

"Headmistress," she greeted. McGonagall hugged her tight, smelling of cinnamon and warmth.

"Hermione, please, don't you think it's high time you called me Minerva?" She asked teasingly. Then her smile faded and her face became more grave. She began to lead Hermione up to the castle. "I've recently come across something that I think you should see, as it is time. I'm afraid it may come as a bit of a shock, but rest assured that it is very, very true."

"Prof- Minerva," Hermione corrected herself, "please. You're scaring me. What's going on?"

Minerva shook her head and gestured to the castle. "I will tell you over a nice cup of tea."

Once they were settled in Minerva's private sitting room, the Headmistress took a deep breath and set her tea cup down before addressing Hermione with the task at hand.

"I have recently received something- a will and accompanying letters, in which you are the sole benefactor." She took another breath, obviously unsure of how to breach the next topic. "I believe you are aware that you were adopted by your family?"

Hermione's parents had never hidden the fact that she was adopted, they just never talked about it. It had never mattered and though she'd always wondered, any search for her birth parents always ended with nothing.

"Yes," she drawled out slowly, not sure where her old Head of House was going with this. Minerva nodded, having already knowing the answer.

"This will is for your father's estate, with a letter written for you. I'm sorry to say he is perceived as a casualty of the Final Battle." Her voice cracked on the last bit, but Hermione's pulse raced. She gripped her teacup as tight as she dared without breaking it.

"Did I know him?" She whispered, lightheaded. Minerva nodded and added a sad chuckle.

"I suppose as much as anyone knew him. He was a very private person."

Hermione was afraid to ask the question, and Minerva seemed to understand this, so she went on. "Albus has an idea. Another quest of sorts. He wants to send you back in time to save your birth father."

"Wait, what?" Hermione asked in confusion. "The Final Battle was over a year ago. The farthest anyone can go back is- "

"Twelve hours." Minerva finished, nodding her head. "I know. But there are ways of doing it beyond the Time Turner you used. The choice, however, must be yours. But everything has already happened that is about to happen should you choose to accept. You need not fear the way you had to in your third year."

Hermione set her teacup down and ran her hands over her tired face. This was all too much at one time. She'd yet to find out who he was, through her own fault she would be the first to admit, but now she was being sent on a rescue mission. She thought all of that was behind her. Hermione already knew she would do it, as did Minerva apparently. All she wanted to do was go home to Grimmauld Place where she lived with Harry, Remus, and Ron, and forget she'd ever been sent Minerva's "urgent" owl. But, then she'd never know her father. So Hermione lifted her chin, pushed her shoulders back, and looked the professor in the eye.

"I need to know who he is." She said in a surprisingly confident voice. "Who is he, Minerva?"

The Headmistress pushed forward a stack of papers for her that had been waiting for her that had been waiting on the table between them. On the first page read, 'The last will and testament of Severus Tobias Snape.' Hermione felt all the air leave her as she stared at it for a full minute before picking it up to read.

"I, Severus Snape, being of sound mind do hereby leave any and all of my possessions to my only daughter, Miss Hermione Jean Granger. Please also note she has the authority to make any medical decisions in my stead should I find myself otherwise incapable of doing so."

Hermione was so confused. He hated her, didn't he? She knew a great portion was necessary for the cause, but she refused to believe that it could all be an act. Now she was to believe he was her father? She picked up a piece of paper, a letter, that was specifically addressed to her. It was folded thrice with a shimmery gold wax seal of a sort of feline creature. Glancing up at Minerva, who gave her a reassuring smile, Hermione broke the seal.

My Hermione,

That heading is such a relief to pen. Please forgive me for all of the things I've had to do to you. But times were hard still and you were a Gryffindor, best friend of Harry Potter and there was nothing for it. I found out of your existence the summer before your first year, though I already knew you from my youth. I wanted to go to you the moment I found out, but the Dark Lord's return was certain and we each had our roles to play in the upcoming war that I could not interfere with- as they were not together.

You were born of a short tryst with a lovely young woman named Iliana Marquee, as neither of us could have the one we wanted. I have been told she died shortly after your birth, but know that she was a kind and formidable woman and I cared for her deeply. You have often reminded me of her. Do not think for a moment I do not love you, or would not have wanted you had I known I had a daughter. You are everything a father could wish for.

For example, I am writing this after hearing about you breaking into the Ministry and I have never been so proud or so worried. Such an emotion is hard to describe and had I not been told it is a normal sensation for a parent to feel I would think I were ill. I do not expect to live through this one, my dearest Hermione. I love you and I am proud to call you my daughter.

Your father,

Severus T. Snape

At first she wanted to deny he wrote it, but knew too well the handwriting that had scribed the most sardonic comments with such a flourish. So much different from her scrawl, as often her brain went too fast for her hand to keep up. Hermione hadn't realized she was crying until Minerva sat beside her and pulled her into her arms, rocking her back and forth. She hugged the letter to her and missed someone she barely knew.

After the tears stopped, as he was actually alive somewhere, she peeled herself away from the older woman. "What do I need to do?"

"I will be sending you to 1977, the summer before his seventh year. You must look like you belong, so pack accordingly. You will be returning December of 1978. Go home, pack your things. In our time you'll only be gone a few minutes. Meet me in the Headmaster's office tomorrow at noon. I will handle things from there."

Hermione couldn't believe she was doing this. She couldn't believe she was the daughter of Severus Snape. She left Hogwarts in a bit of a daze and apparated to 7 Spinners End- her father's previous residence. Maybe she'd find something that could help her.

When she walked onto the desolate property she felt the cool trickle of blood wards letting her through. She breathed out a sigh of relief and looked around the small living room. It felt a lot cozier than she would have originally thought. The furniture looked perfectly worn and comfortable. There were rings on the coffee table where someone had placed perspiring cups. She traced them with her finger. Someone left a book on the end table they were reading, a pair of reading glasses beside it. Hermione wandered through the house with no real purpose. The potions lab that was set up in the basement was perfectly clean. The bathroom cabinet was fully stocked with Pepper Up, Blood Replenishers, et cetera. The kitchen was spotless, though it seemed to have seen a lot of use. She never thought of him cooking. Her footsteps echoed everywhere and she wished with everything that someone was here with her. When she came across her father's bedroom she hesitated, unsure of what she would find upon entering, but pushed the door open anyway. It was a small room, she guessed it was the one he had as a child and just never moved out of it. To her left was a bed pushed into the corner with the pillows arranged in a nest against the wall. She noted with a strange fondness that she slept in the exact same way, curled in a ball in the center of her den of blankets and pillows, against the wall if possible. Hermione's attention was caught by a box on the bedside table with a note simply reading, 'Hermione'. It was brief, only stating she might find the box helpful for her expedition- and that yes, obviously he knew about her journey and that he was awaiting her return. She grabbed the box and left for Grimmauld Place.

When arriving she found that only Remus was home, which was fine for her as she did not want to deal with the drama that telling Harry and Ron would cause, but Remus might be able to help or provide advice.

"Hey, Remus?" She asked. He was laying on his back on the floor of the library in front of the unlit fireplace with his hands behind his head, a book laying open on his chest, and a faint smile playing at his mouth.

"Hello, Hermione."

"I need to tell you something." He opened his eyes, now alert and listening.

"About your 'urgent' trip to Hogwarts?"

She flinched at the word "urgent", but nodded. Then she couldn't stop everything from pouring out of her mouth as she paced back and forth talking animatedly with her hands. She didn't notice that as she went on, Remus was getting more excited with each word that passed her lips until her story was done and he spun her around in circles- which made her stomach lurch. She'd had a crush on him in her third year- as did most of the female students, though she was never quite sure she'd gotten over hers.

"Yes!" Remus shouted excitedly. "This is amazing. Just wait until you get back!"

She giggled at her friend/crush and asked, "Did you know me then?"

An odd, contemplative look crossed his face and he tilted his head to one side. "Sort of." But before she could ask anything else, he mashed his lips to hers and they danced as if they'd met a thousand times before. Her stomach fluttered wildly and she kissed back. When he pulled away, obviously reluctant to do so, she had to grab onto his arms to keep from succumbing to her weak knees. He was rather good at that- the kissing.

"What did I do to deserve that?" She whispered breathlessly

Remus chuckled and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I have been waiting to do that again for over twenty years. That is so you won't fret your pretty little head over whether or not my feelings have changed."

"What are you- "

"Oh, there's so much to do! I have to go."

Before she could say anything else, he kissed her again and fled- leaving her confused, and slightly dazed. She wanted to go find him and demand answers, but she doubted she would get them and she had things to do before her boys got home. Starting with that box.

She sat on her yellow floral bedspread indian style with the box in front of her. She opened it, a simple latch that popped open at her touch. Inside was an odd assortment of things- the first being a ring that winded around her finger to make what looked like an 'H' with a moonstone. The note with it said: "I saw this in a store front and thought of you. I do believe it will fit comfortably on your left forefinger."

Sure enough, when she slipped the beautiful ring on it was a perfect fit. The next thing she pulled out was a book on the creation of antivenins. Its note said: "I do hope this is self-explanatory, my Know-It-All." She smiled sadly, placing it on the bed. Hermione emptied the box and laid everything in a pile. They all had notes with them. After the book, there was the Half-Blood Prince's personal copy of Hogwarts: A History, complete with his own comments and notations as she noticed he couldn't help himself from adding to everything. Even his essays he graded. Then there was a list of people she may encounter and a list of their secrets, interests, and how to handle them; followed by a variety of labeled potions, and a list of important events. There was a journal of a deep red letter with his name at the bottom of the inside cover in silver. No note, but it was filled with magnificent drawings- its first entry being the summer before her first year. A floral peace sign necklace had a note that only said: "I am so sorry." She liked it.

Last was another letter that said she couldn't open it until she returned. Hermione rolled her eyes and went to pop the seal anyway, only to receive a painful shock to the fingertips. A message showed itself.

"Nice try." And sitting in his armchair miles away, a dark-haired man smirked.

July 17th1991,

Albus 'requested' my presence first thing this morning, before my coffee, and after all these years I still admire his bravery. Nonetheless I entered his office scruffy and bleary-eyed to find a still steaming cup waiting for me, made just the way I like it. That should have been my first clue, my second being the calming draught I could smell in it. I looked up at him in apprehension, but he just raised his eyebrow as if daring me to refuse it. He watched me drink it all before he spoke.

"There will be a student starting this year. I- "

"Lily's son." I said. I thought I knew where this was going. I was wrong. He looked at me with that look that made me feel like a student again and I let him continue.

"Yes," he consented. "But there is another; a girl. You may recognize her as a girl you knew your last year as a student, Ariel Mason."

I was out of my chair in an instant, angry he would bring her up after all this time. The calming draught took its hold of me and I fell back into the seat, falsely placated.

"As I said, I think it's time you knew the truth."

"The truth?" I echoed, suddenly nervous; rightfully so I might add.

"Ariel Mason was not from our time, nor was she Minerva's goddaughter. Though I do not advise trying to tell herthat. They grew rather close." He paused to gather his thoughts, or to build suspense- I am never sure which one. "You see, Miss Mason in 1999 went backin time in hopes of saving the life of someone very important to her."

No. Please no.

"Severus, she went back in time to save your life and set you on the right path." Albus stopped to let me absorb all of that, though even now in the privacy of my rooms I'm still not sure I do. "I wonder, do you remember an Iliana Marquee?"

Hermione held up the old photograph that was tucked in the book of a pretty, young woman with Hermione's curls and hair color. She had the same mouth and eye shape as well. She watched the girl give the camera a wink and a mischievous smile. Hermione's mother.

Of course I remember Iliana. I met her shortly before Ariel's disappearance. I was with her that night. I loved her, not like Lily, but I did. I still think of her from time to time when I see a hummingbird (her Patronus), or a black or white film. She was a classic beauty. Illy had been trying to get over her fiancé who'd left her, and I my unrequited love. That night was the last I saw her. I was driven mad by Ariel's loss, then run ragged by Order missions to distract myself. Then Lily, whose death did not pain me as I'd have expected when compared to Ariel.

"She died shortly after giving birth." He said. I never knew she had any children, but I attended the funeral to pay my most deepest respects. "Iliana had a little girl, born September 19, 1979."

"Wait, but- "

"The child is yours, Severus. The child was known in our time as Ariel Mason."

I think I need a drink. Or several.

"Hang on. You mean to tell me I have a daughter, that I never knew about, and at some point in the future she travels back in time to save me?"

Albus nodded. "She was adopted by a lovely Muggle couple."

I stood abruptly. "I need to find her, she needs me. How could you keep this from me- and don't you dare act like you didn't know, old man!"

"Severus, you mustn't. She can't know."

I stopped and felt like I couldn't breathe. "What are you talking about?"

"Her path must be left alone. She befriends the Potter boy and is indispensable in the war effort. Voldemort willreturn. You knowthat, as do I. Without her, there is no victory for us. Protect her and the boy, but it must be from afar. We need her as we need you- separate. After everything is over you may go to her and I will second any story you give in explanation. Onlyafter it is over."

"'Mione?" Hermione started, glancing at the doorway where Harry was leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. She gave a half smile.

"Hello, Harry. Have a nice time out with Luna?"

After the Final Battle, it was revealed that Harry and Luna Lovegood had been seeing each other in secret during their sixth year. They really made an adorable couple.

"Yeah, she said you guys will have to get lunch sometime. Did you hear Neville and Gabrielle are engaged?"

Gabrielle was Fleur's little sister that Harry saved during the Triwizard Tournament. She moved to Britain to be closer to Fleur and met Neville at an Order meeting. Sparks flew and they were good for each other. Neville needed someone who could stand beside him and believe in him.

"Who do you think helped him pick out the ring?"

Harry came into the room and gestured to the mess on the bed. "What's all this then?"

Hermione took a deep breath. "Sit down, Harry." He did so slowly, giving her an odd look. "I found my birth father."

"That's great, Hermione! Tell me." His face was open and honest in his happiness for her.

"Professor McGonagall owled me about his will, but he's alive. I have to go back to 1977 to help him though."

"Wait, what?"

She huffed out a laugh. "That is literally what I said. But it's all true. This is just things he thought might help."

Harry searched her face for any features that might stick out as someone he knew. "Well? Who's your father?"

She paused, afraid for the next part. Though, he did give one of the testimonies that had gotten her father a post mortus Order of Merlin, First Class. And his temper had nearly dissipated with the end of Voldemort and his currently blossoming relationship with their peculiar friend. "It's- Snape. Snape's my birth father."

His jaw dropped and if she weren't so nervous, she'd have thought it comical. She reached over and pushed it closed. "S-sorry. It-it just surprised me." Then, "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I have his journal he kept through our years at Hogwarts. Here- look. He drew this of me."

"And- is that my mom?" He whispered, running his fingertips over a drawing of Lily Evans laughing. "'Mione, your dad's an artist."

She smiled. "Want to know what else?" He nodded, still staring at the picture. "I think Remus and I were together, in the past."

Harry snorted. "Yeah, that actually explains a lot. The man is completely enamored of you. Everyone has noticed. There's even a bet going around on who makes the first move and when."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course there is. Fred and George?"

He nodded. "And I also noticed you having some feelings for our resident werewolf in return. Right?"

She blushed. "He kissed me so that I wouldn't be afraid his feelings had changed from what they apparently were in 1978 when I came back here."

"That's really excellent." He said enthusiastically. "Even if this does mean that Mrs. Weasley won the pool."

"Get out," she laughed.

September 1st1991

I've yet to see her, afraid I might ruin everything and run off with her- far away from harm. I've been reassured (and threatened) that her adoptive parents dote upon her and that she's happy. Now, faced with seeing her for the first time, I'm nauseous. I recognize her as soon as she enters the Hall; my daughter, and at one time best friend. She has Iliana's hair, poor thing, and my jaw. My nose too before it was broken. She's pointing at the ceiling and talking to another student. I recognize that she's explaining something, having seen that look on Ariel.

Her name is called, "Hermione Granger", and she is placed in Gryffindor. I admit that I watched her most of the night, only recently remembering past conversations of Ariel's most revered Potions professor. I love her, my daughter.

The next day, dressed in boots, a flowy white sundress, brown fringe vest, a flower headband, and about a hundred bracelets- she stood before Minerva with her infamous beaded bag, ready to go. She had packed everything in the box, even the notes, and worn the necklace and ring.

"Now the first thing to do," Minerva said, holding out a vial, "is to take this. Add three hairs and it will deage you three years so you will fit in."

Hermione eyed it apprehensively. "Who made it?"

Minerva sighed wistfully. "Severus brewed it, for just this reason. And I suppose I now owe him a galleon. I thought you would drink it outright, but he said you would be more wary. Something about second year and a bathroom."

Hermione felt her face heat up at the memory of being a half cat. Of course he would know about that. She took the vial and swallowed its vile contents quickly. She felt herself change, but couldn't quite place what had changed. Her hair was longer, but that was about it.

Next, Minerva handed her a letter. "Find me when you get there and give me this. I will understand what to do."

Hermione tucked it into her bag and hugged her mentor. "Thank you."

Minerva smiled at her. "Last thing, but it's important so listen carefully. There is a single Time Turner which can send one back years. Albus created it after experimenting with the mechanics of the original. No one even knows of its existence outside of you, Albus, Severus, and I. I have set it to the right date and on December 21, 1978 it will bring you back whether you are ready or not. You must understand that there are somethings that you cannot change. Sirius Black must go to Azkaban and Lily and James Potter must die on Halloween of 1981. You can do nothing about that, but somethings you have already changed- for the better. Focus on Severus and giving him the tools he needs to survive."

Hermione nodded and took the somewhat familiar device, slipping it around her neck and disappearing with a burst of blinding light.